Monday, April 18, 2005

To: Class of RVHS 4E'2000

Dear brothers and sisters of RV4E'2000

~5 yrs ago we left RVHS to purse our dreamz. We left behind the unforgetable memories of our presence, the fun and happiness of our spirit. We left behind our notoriously unique images, and probably echoes of our glorious achievements. We left behind teachers, who once either dragged their legs to our classroom or too eager to teach this class of warmth and humour. Among them was the our beloved Sec 4 form teacher, Ms Tay Kim Noi.

Ms Tay(likely Mdm Tay by now) has probably been the forgotten figure in this 5 yrs of our continued friendship. She probably had a great time teaching such a fun loving class like us, and terrible days shouldering all the nonsence we created in our school days. Her affections to 4E'2000 was heart felt. Though she may not be the best at creating good results, she was a teacher close to the hearts and mind of students like us. She was like an elder sis to us at times. I myself appreciate her teachings and sharings.

Around 2001, she left RVHS. The last I heard of her was that she went to Australia for further studies. Recently, some of us drifted to her when talking cock. We heard that she missed us. Heard that her health, and career was not that good as well.

For 5 yrs or so probably no one seen Ms Tay. I thought of gathering a group of interested 4E classmates, to visit her one of these days. I hereby ask the classmates whom I've know for so long, anybody coming along?

Due to an acute shortage of information, the plan will be rather troublesome to execute. All I know is that she stays in Tampinese, and practically nothing else. Hence probably a trip to RVHS has to be made, to search for data base etc.

The reason I name this mail Cao Ji Ren Wu is because HH and I planned to record the whole process of our search. With the help of a little narration an photos, we hpe to complie an epic of the search to visiting her, and post it on blog or record in a disc. What we want to achieve is another memorable event to our memories of 4E'2000. To do that, we're hoping that someone can lend us, or even rent us a video camera if possible. And of course, we welcome any form of help rendered to us.

Thank You



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