Friday, April 29, 2005

Jus writing

Today's the 29th April, a Friday and Hok Him's birthday. Weather is hot as usual, how I hope S'pore can snow... its so beautiful. Has been a busy week for me, running around different parts of S'pore since Monday. Probably thats why I'm down with flu now... stress and lack of rest.

Why I chose to write now, even though I have nothing really fantastic in mind to say? I think must be out of pure boredom. Getting ill is really a waste of time. For the whole day I slept ~16 hrs, as I'm too ill to do anything. Pain arises whenever I get out of bed and food was tasteless. Feeling better now after taking Panadol. Its just 1 day and I cannot take it, feeling so disheartened. Can't help feeling sad for pple suffering from long term diseases or under constant medication.Guys, do take care of your healths.

Next, I noticed that the blog was rather empty and dry recently. There were few entries lately, and mostly were informations like those we would paste on Friendster's bullettin board. Maybe the last few weeks were really uneventful, hence I thought of writing this post without anything juicy.

Well, maybe I can say abit about what I do recently. Now I'm waiting for ORD, which falls on 3rd of June. Currently found a job as tuition co-ordinator, whereby I match students to a most suitable tutor. So any of your relatives looking for tuition can look me up.

Monday went back camp for Medical FFI( a kind of check up b4 ORD). During the blood test for HIV, I noticed that I fear injection. Strangely enough, I braved pains of sliding across sand and even fell from ~4m b4. I should be immuned to the minor pain from drawing blood, yet I trembled on sight of the needle and syringe. After the FFI I went to Bugis, visited the Guan Yin Miao with 3 other friends. I'm non-religious, but somehow I still get involved in many of S'pore's customs and traditions. We had a vegetarian lunch, the 1st time ever for me. Quite nice actually.

Tuesday and Wendesday I spent most time at Bukit Batok driving center, doing last minute revision for my driving test on Wed. After 2 months not driving, I still can drive but can feel the cranking in movements and coordinations. By Wed, I was almost flawless at driving again. It was fantastic during my vehicle testing, without any mistakes. However, when it comes to the real test, a sense of nervousness sets in and I made several stupid mistakes, some which I never commit b4. Haiz... I scored 28. The next test will be on 21st June, on my Bus Add Orientation. No choice, got to book on the 27th June, 2 months away. Hope to pass by then.

Thursday was another busy day, went to extend passport at CMPB... by the way, I'll be going for a treak on 20th-21st MAy, In Malaysia. Then went to a law firm sign some stupid doucments. By evening bought a lap top. Packed my room at night. Hey I found a 4E and a 3E class list in my cupboard, kept over 5 yrs without knowing.

Haiz... dunno what I'm trying to get across. Good luck to those in Exams.


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