Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Life is juz so 奇妙... Why would I meet & befriend u all when there are actually millions/billions of human beings living in this earth, or specifically in Singapore?

Upon 1st meeting, my attention falls on some strangers (not necessarily because they're better looking)... Many a time, I feel as if I've seen them somewhere before. There's this sense of familiarity somehow. Subsequently, dunno why, I'll tend to see a few of them more often, perhaps on the same buses. I wonder if this is pure coincidence but in time to come, I'll become acquainted with them coz most of them'll ultimately become my class/grp mates. This happened to me quite a number of times already. Do u guys experience similar feelings?

Recent Example:
Starting from yesterday, another gal whom I've met repeatedly on the buses to sch and been in the same seminar grp for 1 module last sem (but we exchanged no contacts b4) is now in the same work unit as me in the company... It's just so 巧. This is only a slim 1/49 chance yet now, we gotta 同甘共苦 and will surely know each other better for the next 10 wks...haha.

This is how most of my friendships grow. Life is indeed 玄 huh? *lol*


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