Friday, June 17, 2005

Parents, dun bring your STUPID kids out!!!!

Recently been staying at home the whole day, watching the Korean drama <<大長今>> from morning till night, more than 10+ hours a day. So didn't do any other things besides watching the dvds. Finally finished watching the whole series of 70 episodes yesterday. Those with SCV channel 55 must watch this man, it's showing in July if i'm not wrong!! damn good show.

And ya, for the guys, dun think the Confederation Cup is a very lousy and sub-standard tournament. Actually the matches are quite competitive and can see the skills of Ronaldhino leh, surely must watch right???

Anyway let's start on today's topic. Before I begin, actually i like little kids, but only those cute one la!!! super dulan those fat and ugly and keep yelling and jumping around in the train and still think they very cute. TO HELL YOU GO!!!!!

a few days back, me and seow was taking train home at around 2130. At Raffles Place, 2 women, a teenage girl, 2 boys around 10yo and a girl a couple of years younger board the train. As Raffles Place is an interchange, quite a lot of people alighted and there were a few empty seats available. Then the 2 little boys dashed to the seats and started to behave like F**KING cookoo bird. They shouted at the top of their voice:


Keep shouting and shouting non-stop, really fucking irritating. Keep asking their 表姐 who is the teenage girl to take up the seat!!! Wanted to go and slap them already, but then their 表姐 came and get seated, saw that she was actually quite chio, then decided 算了...

Anyway the 2 boys, 1 is damn fat, the other is damn skinny la. ok, as the train started to move, the fat started to strip in the train. At first i didn't see anything but i saw seow's horrified look, then i turned my head and saw the fattie taking off his top, can see one of his nipples and the big fat rounded belly. DAMN OBSCENE. then realised that he actually wore a pokemon singlet inside, just that he was too stupid or he too fat la, when he taking the outer t-shirt off, he pulled his singlet off as well.

真是個笨孩子!!!! 難道他是個遲鈍兒??? 還是一個低能兒??? 不是, 我看一定是個自閉仔!!!!

Then the 2 boys started the normal nonsense on train. Running around, climbing the poles, jumping to grip the handle and so on..... Throughout the play, the fattie keep shouting at the MAX!!!! He kept saying he will show the skinny one how to do pull-up. When he jumped to grip the handle, he showed off his ugly belly to the public ONCE MORE!!!!! 罪過罪過!!!!

As he had a damn bloody fat ass, he could barely hang there for long. Then it was the skinny one 's turn to try. HAHA, guess what the fattie was doing???




Both seow and I totally stunned!!!!!

Then the kids carry on doing whatever they're doing on the train. And soon, the fattie came out with another surprise AGAIN by scratching his bloody COCK!!!

Wah, very erxin man!!!!

Then through the journey, he actually repeatedly keep scratching both his asshole and cock while playing. I guess he must be very uncomfortable and itchy, really feel like going up and tell him :

"嘿, 小朋友!!! 讓哥哥來教你, 隔著褲子抓癢一點都不止癢, 是嗎?? 不如脫了褲子抓吧, 总比隔着两层布来得舒服!!!!"

Hate erxin and non-cute kids man!!!! After a while, the fattie is too fat and feeling tired, stopping all his playing on train and started to disturb the little girl. And he used the very same hand he used to scratch his watever places to pull and play-around with the little girl's hair. 可怜的小女孩...

At Jurong East, Seow got off the train and i gotta to take to Boon Lay, so the seat besides me becaem empty. Wah at that time damn scared that the fattie will come and sit besides me. 真的非常害怕!!!! Lucky he didn't...

Sometimes I really don't understand why parents don't discipline their kids in a proper manner. They simply didn't teach them that it'll be irritating to run around in train, they didn't teach them that it's undesirable to scratch certain parts in public and so on. When your kids are making a fool out of themselves in the public, i think it'll bring ultra disgrace to you also.

So parents, PLEASE dun bring your kids out if you cant control them properly or worse you dun even intent to care about what they do outsides...


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