Monday, June 06, 2005

Yeah, Mum's Back!!!!!

After some secret planning with my sis earlier in the year, we decided to sent our mother back to Hong Kong alone as we see no point in going back at this time of the year!!!! So we sent her off on the 1st June, which was last wednesday.

So today she was supposed to come backt o Singapore and my sis and I were supposed to fetch her home la!!! HAHA. Her flight was schelduled to touch-down at 1225. But then 我們兩個不孝子 sleep until 11+ then woke up. Then we anyhow washed-up a bit and then rushed out to the airport by MRT la. Cab too ex liao.

HAHA, then suay suay her flight reached Singapore early. Touch down at 1155. When she was out at the arrival hall, of course we were still on our way la!!!! Then as those who know my mum would know that she was the blur blur type. So she sat at the arrival hall waiting for her 阿女 & 細佬 (the way my mum call my sis and me). Waited for almost 1/2 an hour liao then she went to call us!!! Then at that time we were only still at Bedok haha, so she waited for another 15+min.

我們真是沒誠意, 接飛機還要下飛機的人等.... Anyway we reached the Terminal 1 Arrival Hall that time my mum saw us then she cried liao!!! She said very long time didn't see us then see us again very 感動.... Ah bish.....

Then we had lunch at the airport there, then she told us about her trip la!! And our relatives from HK bought a lot of stuff for us, but majority are for my sis. haiz.... me and my sis really quite asshole, our relatives quite 疼 us one. but we think it's to troublesome to go back and entertain them so we decided not to go back. hmm..... HAHA, got the <<大長今>> DVD also. So happy. Yaohui i can lend you after i finish watching. Damn a lot of things to eat!!!

Another thing is that my uncle (my father's younger brother), compiled quite a lot of our photos, those taken more than 10+ years back with all our cousins in Hong Kong, all our childhood photos made into a DVD and add in some very 感人 songs. WAH seh, reached home already watched that till damn 感人, 一把眼淚一把鼻涕...

Ya, but the best part is that my mum is back!!! SO happy!!!! So the household-chore wont be piled up and bla bla bla bla!! These few days our house was really in a bloody mess man!!!! 媽媽終於回來了. Ok la, so to end this, just post a photo of my mother's blur blur look on the blog. HAHA!!! I think she looks damn cute leh!!! hair so messy. HAHA

Song for Today : 童年 by 羅大佑

Current Mood : Damn Happy cos Mum is back!!!!


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