Sunday, October 23, 2005

Is it Worth?

I came across this news documentary show on Phoenix Channel and it is really sad case.. ( by the way, wateva I'm going to write is based on true story )

There was this guy in China and one day in Feb/Mar this yr, he actualli witnessed an accident of a bus ( i tink it's bus la, otherwise how come can hold 19 pple ) crashing into a frozen lake...

Without much consideration, he dived into the lake to save the pple trapped, to and fro, one by one. If you think Hao Xin You Hao Bao, then you are absolutely WRONG!!..

This guy, becuz of this episode, contracted some lung problems, and so he was admitted to hospital. Leading a humble life, he and his wife used up all their savings and tried all avenue for loans until all possible financial assistance had been used up...

He later wrote in to their provindence council to seek help, stating that " I saved 19 lives, can Govt save his? "

SO SAD!!~~~

But then the council didn't reply and then after he had no choice but to be discharged from hospital..

After some local media report, the council finally agreed that this guy will receive free treatment, with the govt footing the bill...

BUT, he died one day after this agreement and 1 day before his re-admittance to hospital...


If you are going to risk your life helping strangers, spare some thoughts for your family & yourself. This way, you will make a wiser choice...


Friday, October 21, 2005

OSK walking down memory lane

Hihi…haven been blogging for quite some time liao…ok…as always, before I talk about anything else, I shall start by talking about soccer…For those who already know, I have been an Arsenal fan since the Overmars, Berkamp, Ian Wright, Seaman and Tony Adams era, so after watching King Henry notched his record breaking goal in the match against Sparta Prague, I am convinced that a new Arsenal era is about to begin at Ashburton grove next season. For people who dun know who Henry is, let me give a brief description of him, so hear carefully. Henry is a soccer player. He is tall but doesn’t use his head (no pun intended) to score. He is ultra fast, in fact so fast that he could take the ball on one side of the pitch and score at the other side by the time u reached the full-stop at the end of this sentence…Amazing rite…haha…he is French though he don’t look romantic. He has been at Arsenal for 7 seasons liao, and he is 28 yrs old….so what else, oh yah, he scored really beautiful goals and I have compiled a list of my top ten Henry’s goals…haha..but I shall announce them another time…so the above is sort of a tribute to Henry, and IF Henry happens to come across this blog and read this post, I just want to tell him that an ardent Arsenal fan called OSK is hoping that you will go on to break even more records and lead Arsenal to greater heights…haha…ok so now I’m going to talk about something related….yah, you see, me, OSK is 21 years old liao….the so called legal age….come to think about it, for the past 21 years of my life, many things have happened, some bad some good…and since I am not any famous footballer who has got someone remembering his top ten goals, I shall list down my top 21 memories of my life beginning from 3 yrs old onwards, cos I could not remember anything before 3 yrs old….hmmm….think I shall list them down in the order of when the events took place at various stages of my life, namely the pre-sch days, the pri – sch days, the sec-sch days and the j-c ,army days….see so systemic rite…haha….engineer mah….Since I’m writing 21 different memories, I shall write briefly. So here does:

Memory No.1: I got my first scar
What happened: I fell. I saw a non-chinese female doc. She screwed up the treatment. I got scar on right knee. Mum pissed off. I think scar quite cool. End of story.

Memory No 2: I got my first report card
What happened: Got B for English, A for mother tongue, A for arts, (unbelievable rite) and D for Conduct. Teacher’s comments were: OSK was a mischievous boy who need close supervision. Need to talk less in class.

Memory No. 3: My first punishment
What happened: Snatched someone toys to play and refused to return it back. Got dragged to the office and make to stand at the door, pulling my ears till my mum came to pick me up to go home. Received a beating when I got home…

Memory No 4: I wore my first graduation robes
What happened: “Graduate” from kindergarten and they make you wear this fake graduation robes to take photos…din really now why, but I think it’s because they hope that you will get into university when you grow up...quite crap actually…haha…

(End of pri-sch days, start of pri-sch days)

Memory No 5: I got into boon lay garden pri sch
What happened: hmm….isn’t the heading explicit enough…still need to read this section meh…haiz...ok lah, I repeat one more time lah, since you are still reading the line: I GOT INTO BOON LAY GARDEN PRI SCH!!

Memory No 6: I received my most serious caning from my dad
What happened: Played void deck catching with my frens. Fell down quite badly. Dad super pissed off. Locked me inside room. Canned me with belt. Mum heart pain. I received royal treatment for many wks. I become more guai.

Memory No 7: I had my first crush
What happened: ok…boy and girl neighbors. same pri sch. same class. walked home together, Played together, have tuition together for 6 years. Boy like girl secretly for 6 years. Boy and girl sometimes quarrel but always become frens again…. Girl was pretty…like lee2 jing3 mei2… boy loses contact after shifting home. Boy sad…End of story.

Memory No 8: My first tuition teacher
What happened: Had my first tuition teacher at pri 2…first time I am make to sit down and do sch work…haiz…wat was more memorable was that I had the same tuition teacher for 6 years, so its like I sort of grow up with her cos she took me and my neighbor as students when she was in nus studying and by the time we finished PSLE, she was already a full-fledged sec sch teacher…haiz, very nan de loh..

Memory No 9: My first swimming cert.
What happened: Got my first swimming cert, a sliver…haha…still remember I drink a lot or water during the test…reason was I could not lift my head up to breathe. Mum says my head too big, too heavy to lift out of water, and I was like wtf…haha…of course I never say wtf tt time lah, I actually believe her loh, can you believe it…haha….

Memory No 10: I broke my teeth
What happened: Went to sentosa for outing. Run ard a circle chasing my frens. However floor slippery, not enough static friction to keep me in circular motion, fell down and broke part of my front teeth…very painful….make a crown to cover up the gap, and it is still there, a whopping 9++ years liao…haha….

Memory No 11: I received 255 for my PSLE and ranked fifth in the whole sch.
What happened: Got 255 pts…really happy….

Memory No 12: My first day in RV
What happened: Mum took me to sch. First time see sch so big….not really awed by the upper sec people cos my pri sch got pri 7 and pri 8 people…first time see canteen sell so many food…and first time see the classrooms so new..haha…eh I mountain turtle leh…

Memory No 13: My first Fight
What happened: Got into a fight with sir liang…cost t time din really know him but I was like always arguing with him lah, so one day I was like kicking him the ass for fu lah, but then he got pissed off and chased me, of course he could not catch me lah…haha….but she damn pissed lah..Hmmm…but after tt dun know why I and he become best frens...haha….strange rite…really is bu ta bu xiang shi

Memory No 14: Got SYF Bronze for drama…mai siao siao….
What happened: got bronze medal during the Singapore youth festival…was really surprised cos can you imagined, me osk having a drama bronze to my name. I mean how strange is tt…osk the drama king…haha….so erxin…

Memory No 15: First time saw teachers cry
What happened: ok…was feeling damned bad after seeing teacher cry for the first time…haiz…

Memory No 16: Got 7 pts for O’level…very happy…
What happened: 21 pts during mid-yr, 10 pts during prelim, think sure die liao….but in the end got 7 pts for O’level…wao…damn happy…


Monday, October 17, 2005

OSK is 21 yo

yeah man, just to expand a little bit on seow's entry!!!! Actually, the guys in NUS, namely osk, seow, horse, weiming, cheeyaohui, osk and ME went out to eat and relax ourselves every friday. We will just whack some good food or just spend $$ on friday after 1 whole boring week of school!!! I think this is the best way to release stress man, though school isn't exactly very stressful la....

so last friday we have our usual friday night outing. And becos it's 1 day before our class chairperson, MR OSK's ,aka crystal, bday, we decided to spend even more money on food man!!! Anyway thanks bixian for lending us the car on that day. haha, so we drove to clarke quay to find things to eat. Immediately the two 兵馬俑 at the gate of the Forbidden City by IndoChine attracted our attention. After walking the whole stretch of clarke quay, we decided to ignore the price and go in there.

As zhixiang described, the place is damn shuai!!! Everywhere you can see 兵馬俑, so cool hor.... I dun see the link between 兵馬俑 and 紫禁城 (forbidden city), cos the former was something in the 秦朝 while the latter was only used since 明朝. OH anyway i saw the link liao!!! Both got CheeYaohui involved. He was 蒙將軍 in Qin dynasty and he's the emperor in Ming Dynasty. Sorry no link, not funny.....

The table and chair was like 精心製造, carved out from expensive wood that type!!! Damn beautiful. The lighting is dimmed yellow, just nice for you know what.... Yes, of course eating!!! Then we were given the menu, on every page of the menu, there's a portray of 乾隆. Dunno for wat!!! Anyway we've decided that the 6 of us, each order a main dish and then a soup and a dessert...

Oh 1 more thing. B4 they 上菜, the waitress helped us to put the napkin or wateva it's called on our laps. Then me and OSK were served by this quite cute waitress. When she smiled, got the 酒窩 and 梨窩, that's so damn cute!!! haha, the other 4 were served by an ugly malay waitress (Not being racist here, there ae beautiful Malay also. lots of them!!! but this one just happened to be ugly, so anyone come upon this dun sue or report me, i am not making any racist remarks!!! All my friends can justify that i am no racist!!!)

So we happily enjoyed our meal and we asked for the bill. Weiming joked that will it sum up to 300+, then we laughed it off and regarded it as ridiculous. BUT THEN, THE BILL WAS A FUCKING $357.23.

SINGAPORE DOLLAR THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SEVEN CENT TWENTY THREE ONLY!!!! It average out to be about $60 per person.... Woah, expensive sia... so let's review why we ate so much!!!

First - Tonic of Three Deities

It was named Tonic of 3 Deities and it actually just a soup. What a high class name right? It was the 1st to be served, everyone got 一盅湯. The 1st sip make you drop tears man!!! 那味道簡直讓你感動到眼淚和鼻涕直流. When i asked seow how long had he not tasted such nice soup, his reply was 21 years.... It just showed how great the soup is!!! 湯的材料有, 鮑魚, 海參, 花旗參, 冬菇, 百合, 杞子, 瘦肉, dunno i got missed out anything or not... And this is the same thing that let us drop tears when we saw the bill. It was $18 per soup, so 6 of it cost $108.

Second - Hoi An Sizzling Tofu

Ordered by CheeYaohui... This tofu was served on a hot-plate. The tofu is those typical type where outside is rough but inside damn smooth that kind. There's brocoli, scallop and squid cooked together. The 調味料 was some 菜脯... it is $22.

Third - Double Element Chicken

Ordered by OSK. This is named the double element chicken cos the sauce or gravy on the chicken is prepared by two very distinct spice but i cant remember what that is liao. The chicken itself was light fried, a bit like the way lemon chicken was prepared, but the standard is 天淵之別. Cost $24.

Forth - Tenderloin of Pork

Ordered by me. By the name you know this dish is 豬的嫩肉. It was barbequed and of course 淋上美味的 barbeque sauce. It's served with Japanese Ginger too. Cost $22.

Fifth - Stir Fried KaiLan

炒芥蘭, it's supposed to be a simple dish. But then on top of the kailan, there's 猴头菇 and other type of mushrooms. So shiok right? Just $14.

Sixth - Fragrant Jasmine Rice

See, hight class restaurant is high class restaurant man. Even white rice can come out with such a name!!! We ate it with the 4 above dish!! One scoop of rice each. The value for them coming up with such a pleasant name is that the one scoop of rice cost $3 each!! for 6 scoops is $18, equivalent to 9 plates of chicken rice.

Seventh - King Prawns with Lychee

It's alwasy exotic to mixed fruit with your wateva meat. Of course lemon chicken is another thing la.... But then this Lychee with King prawns is such a perfect combination. The lychee when eaten hot is 另一番滋味. The prawns itself is just heaven. It was so FAT and MEATY that it just seems like a mini lobster. Ordered by seow and cost $32.

then the desserts, some order tiramisu and some chocolate cake, nothing much to shout about!!! each dessert is $12.

So that's basically how we spent $360 on that night... but the birthday boy sponsored $100 la and the rest we splitted ourselves, still quite ex. But then the food is really damn good, never eaten anything close to it. So those of you feeling in a mood to throw money can go there and eat. Or you feel like eating good stuff and dun ind the cost. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OSK!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

my wishlist

If anyone wanna get me something from the (short) list... post a comment? cos i dun wanna get the same stuff twice or smt like that... thanks man.


29th oct , sat is my birthday party at chevrons... can reach the place at 6.30-7pm.....

the guest list is almost done... except for a few ple who refuse to reply my sms or go online on msn... <- geraldine, bangzhi, yuankai... oh and eric, i dun have ur number or msn.. haha... i was thinking of inviting u when i see u in sch but then whenever i see u.. i either need to go for class or need to go toilet urgently. anyway... i decided to come up with a wishlist for my birthday cos... some ple asked... some ple didn't ask. so maybe they dun intend to get me something, or they think they know me so well... i'll like watever they buy for me... or... they already know... anyhow... there's some stuff that i would like to have la... firstly.. the much desired ipod nano. muah ahhaha... and i wan the black one pls. if anyone happen to zhong ma piao and wan to share your joy with me that is... oh btw hor.. my birthday always open in ma piao one leh...not kidding, my nbs mate can testify and this

i saw it on the diesel homepage... isnt it like so nice????
i cant find it at the diesel boutique at paragon... neither can i find it at the heeren citychain and taka dept...
so kudos to u if u can find it, u must be so absolutely, extremely li hai.

oh and i so very much would like to own a pair of levi's square cut jeans and the new princess fit. so... levi's vouchers?? cos i only tried on the boot cut one..and not the other two cuts... plus its quite hard for ple to buy clothes for me... without me trying it...

i cant think of anything else i wan other than clothes, shoes, and more shoes. i am a sucker for shoes... and there's this diesel jacket that is so nice too... but damn bloody expensive.
oh ya... and i saw this really nice bag at esprit that day... it's this turquoise leather hand bag... its a bit smaller than A4, and has a charm on the zip. so cute... cost like 79.90... not something i would buy for myself... unless i'm feeling super generous and rich.

wat else... nothing much actually...

oh ya.. to get to chevrons.

by bus:
from Jurong East Bus Interchange 105
from Boon Lay Bus Interchange 502 ( Express Service )
from Clementi Bus Interchange 99
from Clementi MRT Station 105
from Choa Chu Kang Bus Interchange 188

by mass rapid transit:
nearest MRT Station
Jurong East (within walking distance, approx. 10 mins)

Shuttle service between Jurong East MRT and THE CHEVRONS is also available during the weekend (Fri - Sun), from 1100 to 2359 hrs at every 20-min interval.

by car / taxi:
easily accessible by major highways, PIE & AYE

okay... this is the map...

and hmm... see ya all there then.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

No one's fat on Fridays

I actually contemplated doing an entry on the relative desirability of bus seats on TIBS normal and bendy buses. But I think I shall write about something happier and more mundane.

To lower expectations I shall first describe our last Friday evening at Cineleisure. We ate at the bistro that occupies the spot that interdicts traffic on the second floor. Without exaggeration it must have been the single worst dining experience of my life.

Stringy, rubbery, dry, MSGed spaghetti. Asked three different waiters to serve the fucking single scoop ice cream, to no avail. Squeezy seats. Bill was served promptly when asked, though. Before we finished the ice cream and after we paid, we were asked whether we paid for our meal. When exiting, waiter at door and manager stared blankly at us and never said a word of thanks or invited us to come again. I think it was no coincidence that the manger was yalamic.

Which was just as well. We are not going back. If you still decide to go there after reading this you deserve everything that will be inflicted on you.

Well, the Clark Quay Indochine was a completely different story. In fact it was a completely different book in a different language from a different country. Classy and expensive looking entrance. Chic cards. Pub and restaurant properly segregated, each section tastefully and appropriately decorated. Staff was helpful, but not obtrusive. Special mention for cutely dimpled waitress. Food was excellent. Generally mainstream dishes, but thoughtfully prepared and presented. Very nice ambience, very classy. It is good for dates and general posh dinners, caters wines and various tobacco based substances if you are into that kind of thing. Bill was dear but well worth it.

Well done us!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I am a depressed person....


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by

Saturday, October 08, 2005

IES soccer tournament

hmm.... Maybe mingke is correct, school is so freaking sian that recently, there is a severe shortage on blog entry!!! In order to keep this blog going on and prevent it from dying, let me start 2 entries. the first one, which is this one is just to tell you what had happened today. And the second one, which i will post later, i hope to gather reponses from you guys. Especially those very inactive one like BZ, WJ, JW, JY n bla bla bla bla.... (eric also, nvr post anything b4). haha.

ok, so let's start!! In order to have more fun in school life. We decided to participate in some of the activities organised by various clubs n so on. The 1st one that we joined is the IES soccer tournament which was held today! It was a 6 a side match with dunno how many teams taking part la....

Since it was held by IES (smth engineer society), the team can only have 2 non-enginnering students. So our team comprise of OSK, me, 蒙毅 aka chee yaohui, ma hanfeng, aaron and 3 of his friends.

We reached NUS at around 9. And wow, it was really quite a pro-tournament. Which is the most multi-national fac in NUS? i think it's engine man! We saw 3 teams of ang mohs, 2 or 3 teams of indians/Pakis, 1 burma team, 1 viet-cong team and an exotic team of Mauritius united( what the fuck right?). Then the other teams are basically pure JC teams. We saw the legendary Team NJC which had yongda, weijian and bla bla, lucky junhao didn't play. Then there's also NYJC, RJC and Hwachong team around. i think only we are the jum-ba-lan team....

Anyway let's skip the match details. The results was that we drew 2 matches and lost 2 and we didn't proceed to the knock-out phase nxt week. I think the main reason of the defeats are that thre isn't any chemistry within our team. We lack a leadership character. First of all , since not all of us know each other, and this is the 1st time we played together, the team-work is definitely not there. Since aaron is the only one who seems to know everyone in the team and the team captain, I think we had to really had the discipline to listen to him and let him organised the team!! Since he's the one who took all the troule in getting all of us registered for this competition and doing all the administration and co-ordination stuff for us, i think he deserved that credit and so on la.... However the problem is that i think we(of course me included) didn't really give him the due respect and the team just played as 一盘散沙. Of course, i admit that the opponents are really techncally notches above us, but our performance is really not commendable....

Besides that, i think we had a lot of different football mentalities/philosophies... there is a need that we came to a compromise and then no matter how much you agree, we gotta stick to that system. Cos i believe that any system will work. The different is just that whether certain player can accustom to that style or not... for example, a slow striker wont be suited to play the 4-5-1 formation la.... However if every player got the tactical discipline to stick to a certain gameplan decided by the captain in our case, i think our peformance will be much better... 知己知彼,百战百胜. We needa know our own abilities 1st, that's the most important, then we start to worry about the enemy. If we don't even understand ourselves, how can we go into a match with other people? Then we derived a game-plan that suit ourselves the most, and of course willing to change it when it's not achieving the desirable results, cos there isn't any 1 supered solution that solved all problems.

Lastly i think that even people with different mentalities can work together... the debate of different school of thoughts is basically a process to come to a best solution, a process that help us improve. There will not be any love lost. So there is no need to say certain 狠话 that since we have different mentalities, then nxt time u all go and play and i wont play anymore. Cos this is the 1st time we play together and sort of 1st time we joined a tournament, we of course didn't expect to win it. We've dreamt to qualify but i think 2 draw and 2 loss against teams with such calibres isn't exactly very bad results. The more we join such thing the better we'll become... So why dont give yourselves and others a chance??

I hope that we will still join future soccer tournaments organised by whatever clubs in NUS. Cos i really think soccer is the only thing that all of us enjoyed. No point gives up on it because of different thoughts... YEAH!!!

Qns of the day : Can people of different mentalities work as a team?

Ans : Yes, according to Donald Trump. But how credible is Donald Trump is? Up to you to decide...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

"Hello.. Echo: hello hellooo hellooooooooo"

Omg the blog is getting so quiet there is echo le.. -_- Anyway.. I'm sick of studying for my tax planning midterm which is held TMR... Just 15 hours away.. So decided to post some photos that I have stored in my laptop.. A photo from 5 years ago!! haha~

Talentime 2000

Alright too lazy to post more photos, will do so soon.. hopefully...

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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