Wednesday, November 30, 2005

just a lil' note

pple who have nothing better to do on 8/12/05 can consider coming down for gd food!

place: Costa Sands Resort (Pasir Ris)159M, Jalan Loyang Besar, Pasir Ris Park
time: 7pm till late

hmm can't seem to add pics but i guess you will know where it is as most of us went for lijun's party :) i think it shld be the last destination of the shuttle bus from pasir ris taxi stand....costa sands downtown -> aloha loyang -> costa sands pasir ris
as for the chalet no..i can't get it till 2 days before ;( so will post here again

whoever sees this is invited! =)

btw i've made a pact with's going to sponsor free drinks on my bdae!!
don't doubt this it's real

"Starbucks Christmas Open House 2005 Come to any Starbucks Coffee on 8 December 2005 (Thursday), from 5pm - 7pm, and enjoy your favourite Starbucks beverage* on us! Yes, it's on the house!"

ok fine not for me but for xmas..

so if u r heading down go get a frappucino first! haha

those who will b coming do let me know, either a msg here or sms or email will do
cos i need to est no. of pple...otherwise there wun be enuf FOOD!

k everyone enjoy your hols!!! (assuming no NUS science pple reading this..;p they r so poor thing exams till dec..)
happy backpacking
merry xmas
happy new yr
and bangzhi gd luck! it's time to bribe us!..(btw i watched the female 1st rd last nite...haiz so cruel..)

Monday, November 21, 2005

What people do when driving...

In the middle of exam. I think university life pretty much sux man... it was damn sian and i would prefer NS life much more... At least the Mindef will put money into your bank account every month....

ok, so today after my paper i was going home... Then i jay walk after getting off the bus instead of using th overhead bridge.. Stucked at the middle of the road and waiting for the traffic to clear in order to corse the other half...

As i was waiting, i peeped into cars passing by and see what people doing when they driving. Then stunningly, all the drivers of the 6 cars that passed by did the same thing besides driving. guess what??

YES, THEY ARE ALL DIGGING THEIR NOSE.... OR PI SAI.... 挖鼻屎.... WHAT THE.... it's such a disturbing trend.... Imagine they just had an accident rammed into a tree, then the air-bag activated and then as u know the force exerted by the air-bag on you is like a Mike Tyson's upper-cut... it will punch their bloody finger all the way onto their bloody nostril... yucks... So it's dangerous to dig your nose while driving...

Ok, i am damn sian now and i happened to scroll down the blog for no reason, then i see this photo... I think it's taken when we were in sec 3 or 4...

Didn't you all notice that something is very wrong with the picture??? Something is just not right but i cannot tell what...

After close examination, I realised where is the funny part liao....

You all see it? How can Tan Mingke be as tall as the rest??? She actually stood at one step higher... So funny....

Ok, enough of craps.... i think i go back to study liao... damn sian....

ya, one more thing, i think you all better treat me and seow to something good these 2 weeks. Cos you all might not be able to see us anymore after 04 dec 2005....

Saturday, November 19, 2005

disgusting oliver twist

have anyone seen the oliver twist show? Not the storybook one... but the cooking show starring this oliver person.... then they just call it oliver twist. I dunno y but i always see it being shown on TV mobile whenever I take 199.... it is super disgusting, the way he cook.... got ple wan to eat meh???? then all his guests eat until like very nice like that. i think if they see the way he prepare the food ah... they surely puke lor...

this is what i learned on the show:

1. All veggie must be from potted plants

All around his kitchen where there is space and on the window sills... and around the cutting board always have these little pots of plants. Look super fake those kind... then grow until very 茂盛...

whenever he needs some garnish or make his steak look greenish then he will pluck some. either to chop up then smear all over the steak or poke them into the steak. yes, poke into the steak, so the steak have funny leafy stuff on one side then the stalk stick out on the other.....

of course before he poke the plant into the steak, he washes them. so that can wash away the dust ma... since on his window sill for so long. know how he wash one? he hold the stalk hor... then put the leafy part into the potato that he is boiling in a pot then he *la* the water. then poke into the steak.

2. All butter used must contain dirt between fingers

First he will pluck some plant from the pots... chop them... (those chop one no need wash, i think cos he forgot to boil potato.) then pound them in the pounder. <- you know those very heavy stony things? my mummy use to pound chilli one... i think is call pounder la.. watever. then comes the butter.

He will take a whole piece... those rectangular shape kind ple use to make cake. then he will hold it in his hands, then squeeze the butter so that it runs through in between his fingers. can imagine? then he will squeeze and squeeze until the butter *nua* then he throw it into the pounder with the plants. then he use his fingers and massage the butter. then scope up the butter with little green bits of plants stuck to them and put back into the butter wrapping and into the fridge so that it hardens again with the dirt between his fingers and his dusty plants.

3. Don't use toaster to toast bread. Burn them over the stove.

To toast the bread, must put it on a grill over the stove on top of the fire so that the bread always catch fire then become *chao ta*, same goes for tomatoes. must burn until the red skin becomes all shrivelled and become black then can take out.

after that... he will tear the chao ta bread apart, throw into a bowl. then the tomatoes leh... have to squeeze out all the tomato *za-up* they are all flat flat and nua nua. then throw in together with the chao ta bread and make the mixture into a pulp.

4. Don't have to wash hands when performing 1,2 and 3

throughout the whole show hor.. he didn't wash his hands. i was watching very carefully lor. i see the amount of food on his hands keep building up as he cook more things. so at the end right, he got tomato za-up, butter and little green bits stuck to his hands.


after i watch the show, i always feel like puking.. but maybe also because of the bus ride la... ntu got a lot of humps... then the bus always bounce ard. maybe i was concentrating too much on the show. it's not like i 故意 wan to remember how he cook lor... it's cos i watch the same episode 3 times. on 3 different occassions. they shld really get the show off tv mobile and stop playing the same episode. at least crime watch more exciting .. got once i saw this episode of crimewatch abt the evil taxi uncle one. that one really very exciting.

anyways... if anyone happen to see oliver twist on tv mobile..... just turn away la... the view outside the window surely better.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I come from Hong Kong 13 years ago....

Ya the title suggest, i've been in Singapore for 13 years.

okok, today is 14th november, and tmr is 15th november. On the 15th november 1992, my family took a certain UA flight, departed Hong Kong's Kai Tak International Airport and arrived at Singapore Changi International Airport. In these 13 years alot of things have changed. To name a few, Kai Tak is no more, now is Chek Lap kok international airport. HK no more under british rule also, now is HK SAR, under china.... UA, on the verge of bankrupt and so on so on.

So in this entry, i just list a few things that being a Hong-Konger in Singapore that I dislike. Actually if i dun tell people that my name is Lo Hok Him and Lu XueQian in chinese, pple generally dunno that i'm from HK....

First, all the people after knowing tt i'm from hk, they'll ask me hk and s'pore, which one better? This question is a completely 阴险 one. How you supposed me to answer??? You expect me to say hk better so u will be pissed or wan me to betray my motherland by saying s'pore better? Siao... and obviously each has her own merits and so on, you expect me to tell you one by one? and when i say hk is better then these pple will start saying not really, bla bla bla.... stupid ass...

Second, this is another annoying question... " Where do you stay in HK? " Wah biang eh, as if you know the places in hk. even i tell you i stay in 香港島 - 鰂魚涌 you knwo where meh? huh u know where meh? Ask for the sake of asking. this typical fools thought that they know places like 旺角 and 尖沙咀 then they know every places in Hk... boliao...

Thrid, pple will start saying wah, u from hong kong ah, then ur mahjong shld be very good... Then i will just tell them i dun play, then they will give me the- I'm so SUPPLIES look, saying oh hk pple dunno how to play mahjong, thought every hk guy shld play veyr lihai, tv always show. Hey brother, why dun nxt time u see Japanese then u go and ask them their sex life very exciting cos AV and Hentai always show jap pple generally do nothing except having sex... Siao...

Forth, people will say, oh you from hong kong ah?? Teach me cantonese leh.... Hey brother, how to teach you? you paying me? do i look like a professonal cantonese tcher?? u wan me to speak cantonese to you in front of other pple. tt's so weird. Pls stop making ridiculous and brainless request la.... even i speak cantonese to you, you wont be able to learn.

Fifth, I hate pple who spell my name wrongly. For your info, my name is Lo Hok Him. It's a cantonese translation from the chinese word 盧學謙. Everytime i go do wateva thing like applying library card, counter staff helping me filling in forms and bla bla, even i present my IC, they'll just happily spell my name wrongly. There are a lot of variations, Low Hok Him, Loh Hok Kim, Lo Hock Ghim bla bla bla bla, permutate all these yourselves la... Can you pls get the stupid hokkien mentality out of ur peanut brain or not? not everyone in s'pore is hokkien lang, and especially when i present u my IC, just copy from it la. I just suffer silently about pple mis-spelling my name. But in army, i screw the clerks upside down for mis-spelling it man!!!

Sixth, pple thought that i am 1 or 2 year older than pple of my same batch.... They always said pple migrate from hongkong always need to retain 1 or 2 years cos they cannot speak english!!! Let me tell you this, i born in 1984, i did not retain like other hk pple. the reason is, listen carefully. BECAUSE I AM SMART. though i cannot speak english very well, i can write better than most.... with tonnes of gramatical errors and limited vocabs though.

Seventh, oh u not born in s'pore, why u need to do NS?? Stupid question... Go and read your own country's law and constitution or wateva related stuff la. All male PR also required to do NS, only 1st generation immigrant being exempted. I am considered 2nd....

Eighth, why dun you stay in hk? Hey like i have a choice. I was 8 when my father decided on migration. I can choose?? yo expect my family in s'pore and an 8 yo boy staying alone in hk? think b4 you ask.

Ninth, stop calling me honkie, if not i will call u singf**k. But i dun mind you all calling me honkytonk, it sound so cute rite?

Last, oh, u are from hk, u saw all the superstar??? Another no-brainer. You stay in s'pore, so u must have seen stefanie sun, JJ Lin, A-du, Moses Lim and annabel Chong la.... Once last time, i saw Tony Leung Chiu wai b4. once. ok?? happy?

Actually i think i am more of a singaporean than a hong kong guy... afterall i spent only 8 years in hk and 2 of them as a baby knowing nothing. but my growing up and all my friends are in s'pore.... But of course i am proud of my origin also la....

Song of the Day : 東方之珠 by 羅大佑

For those who dunno, dong fang zhi zhu is hong kong...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

More photos!

I'm still fully conscious so decided to upload these pics now b4 I get busier... Too bad lijun wasn't ard...otherwise full attendance of 4 cancerians...haha
Guess next time, juz like what Geri suggested, we can have a drinking/ chilling session.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Just crapping

Ok, last Sunday marks the end of the daylight saving time... Therefore all EPL matches will kick off at 2300 this saturday all the way till the last sunday of nxt March...

Is that of any importance to you all no right, cos quite a few of you don't have SCV and wont be watching soccer anyway, so BLEAH, like I care....

haha, i think i am damn boliao. just tell you all about an even more boliao incident. today when i was going home, i always needa walk this little path when it's both side are grass la.... Then I saw at the center of the grass patch, there're around 20+ orh jiao, those black ugly birds with black and not yellor beaks, gathering, making some erxin noise. i think they are call 烏鴉.

As you all know i very ba gua one, so i went closer to take a look at wat's happening and the group of ugly birds is surround and making a fuss out of what thing.

wha biang eh, 夭壽 man. damn erxin sight. I saw a dead cat lying on the grass. Apparently it's dead not for long since it's not decomposed yet and i didn't smell any 臭味. oh, some might think the smell released from dead bodies are nothing. But you all are damn wrong man. It's really the worst smell that u can get, much worse than smell of shit or some 510kg people farting right in front of your face. I can verify that cos last time when i was in Taiwan training trip in OCS, we smelt a very strong 臭味, then after walking for 10+ min, the smell grew stronger and stronger, it really so smelly that it can suffocate you. Then we saw a carcass of a dog. YUCKS..... We've taking in breath of the the air carrying the molecules released by the fucking dead decomposed dog for almost 20min. KNN. But the point to show is that a carcass can released smell up to 10+min walking distance....

Ok back to that cat, it's not dead for long yet it already attracted those ugly bird. and the sight of a dead cat isn't the worst, not as if i never see any dead cat b4. Remembered last time in rV, the 176 tt i took rolled over the head of a cat and the head is just crushed and bla bla. YUCKS. all the erxin memories... The most erxin part this time is that the ugly birds are all scavengers man. They torn open the belly of the cat and eating its organs. WAH LAO EH.... I wanna puke liao... the intestines and all the other organs of the cat were flowing out from its stomach...

Dunno why i am talking about this. it's so damn disgusting. Ok, enought crapping....

For those who dunno that bangzhi is in the last 16 of the channel U latest competition << 超级主持人>>, I am helping him to advertise now.... Please vote for him when competition starts ok!!! Then our class will have a 明星.

Last but not least, visit this website if you have not heard of it. It's damn funny...


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Group Photos...

...and more to come this Sat...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

birthday photos

hmm... thanks to all those who came. esp xj and bz who came so early ahhahaha... i haven even reach lor... when xj came. thank you doreen for the bag... ahah... and hmm... hh thank you ah.. so kind go and buy the voucher and making an effort to tell me y it's only 100 bucks.

i think the happiest bunch of ple that night have to be the guys lor. HUGE projector tv showing the arsenal match. <- arsenal? i not very sure oso... but i noe after that got a man-u match... 4-0... goodness. wat happen to man u lor... ok... i am not going to talk soccer cos it's the guys' forte.

This is the gals and hmm... some of the guys.. cos the half-time end liao.. and yes... u all noe where u went. so rude. the photo a bit blur.. i dunno y... anyone with a clear one pls send me. thanks.

This is the girls' photo.... dunno y cannot see ailing very well...

i lazy to post anymore la.. veyr hard to rearrange the photos leh. so irritating... the individual ones taken i send u all by msn... haha.

i love my new camera!!! WHEEEEE.... thank you ah xiang, ah dong, ah yap, neighbour, iris, yingshen, eugene, leonard, ziwei, shiny, becks, zhiyun, shawn, paul, dan, perl, johnson, kk, baocun... so nice of u all to chip in for it... MUAH AHHAHA...

kz.. i need to go and mug liao.. so sian. south spine so far. hai...

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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