Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Before I leave....

I am so excited, tmr i am going to Turkey. I think it's the furthest trip i ever been. that's so exciting right??? Exotic place hor!! good choice of location for a holiday right? Yeah, turkey, Istanbul here I come...

But the main thing is that i wanna tell you all that MR LO HOK HIM and MR SEOW ZHIXIANG had conquered the distance and broke the mental barrier, depending on well-built muscle, extraordinary stamina, sheer determination and mind power out of this world, we've completed the 42.195km Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2005 on 4th Dec 2005, Sunday.

For your info anyway, the distance of 42.195km is the length of singapore. From Tuas to Changi...

I am not trying to xiao zhang or hao lian here, but seriously i think completing the 42.195km is really a feat, a great achievement. Walking 42km by itself isn't easy already how about running it? i know some cock or sour grapes or spoilers will just say that it is easy cos we walked when we were too tired to run during the 42km. Yes, we did walk, walk a lot. but then those idiots can just shut their mouth because 1st-ly they dun have the guts the sign up, 2nd-ly they didn't complete it themselves so they dunno the difficulties, 3rd-ly these bunch are just losers who wanna take away the joy from other people, so i dun give a damn about them.

So anyway enough of suckers. Just wanna share with you all how running a marathon is like. The flag off is at 0600 sharp by Teo Chee Hean, The organiser veyr hippie one, they played the song Final Countdown b4 flaggin off. It's damn high and stress waiting for the pistol go. I really thought that i would die from running the marathon.

Ok, so i ran and ran. at a veyr good and steady pace. i estimate i finished the 1st 10km within 50min, then continue running without water break or stop till 15km. then i think it's time to stop for some water. Just too bad, once i stopped, when i wanna picked up pace again, My right leg calf muscle cramped badly...

At that time i really regret not going for physiotherapy after my knee operation last year. The doctor said that my knee is already severely weakened, so i needa build up the muscle surrounding the knees. However i heck care about the physio and thus resulting in a weird walking and running style that stressed too much on the calf and hamstring, thus causing the severe cramp.

Another thing i regret is that i didn't take this marathon seriously. I didn't train for 3 months before the marathon. And expecting i can last through it. Actually it's a veyr bad attitude, IT's A BLATANT DISRESPECT TO THE DISTANCE!!!!!!! haha, i am lame!

Then i walked, but then the cramp just wont subside. At times i started jogging but then i will cramp severely again. It's like no cure for it at that moment. Any amount of stretching dosn't help... So i walked from 15km to around 21km and by that time seow caught up. And we walked together. HAHA!!! But again, dun think we are pussies, try walking when u are cramping. Not easy...

We walked till 30km point then... By then we decided to jog 1 km walk 1 km. But once we started, I cramp like hell again. But zhixiang's strong muscle carried him through... So he went ahead, and i never see him again. HHA.

So for me i just keep walking. so basically i jogged 15km, walked 27km. happy everybody? some might think i weak, bu zi liang li, wateva, but then i dun think that way. I think i am good cos i still finsihes the race. With a timing of 6hr 23min. It's definitely not a good timing. Quite bad actually, but then i would really say it's the best i can do on that day....

Oh ya, just to illustrate that it's not stamina nor muscle that counts for marathon, it's really determinationa nd mental power... Cos i saw a few of my OCS friends there. A guy who ran 2.4km in 7min+ finished the marathon in 6hr, i ran 2.4 in 8min+ finished it 6hr 23min, yet another guy who is form obese company, running 2.4 at 12min30sec, he finished the marathon in 5hr 22 min. One whole hour ahead of me.... anywya seow completed in 6 hours 01 minutes.

The moment i passed the finishing line, actually i really wanna cry. haha. but then so many pple seeing, then cannot drop tears also. but really, that feeling is hard to describe... I urged the rest of the 4E guys to sign up for it nxt year man. It's a really good experience. must at least try it once in a lifetime....

When I was running/walking the 42km, i was thinking, why i wanna torture myself this way. I got better things to do... but that night (when i was still suffering badly form the muscle pain from neck to shoulder to lower back to everypart of the leg, anyway these pain caused me to walk awkwardly on sunday and Monday, luckily i recovered in time for my trip YEA!!!) i dunno why i told myself i will be back running the marathon again next year. So just too bad, nxt year around this time, you all gotta read me writing that i complete another marathon again. HAHA

Last but not least normally i dun like to take photo one, and i would nvr post my own photo under any other cirucmstances. but then i will post it this time. HAHA. Below is me and seow after the marathon. As seow said, 每一步, 是血, 是汗, 是男子气概!!!

Sorry for disgusting you all with my face sia. HAHA just bear with it.... YEAH GOING TO TURKEY LOR.


Blogger Guest said...

turkey's cool!!!

wonder if u'll see any turkeys there? =P

have fun!

3:03 AM  

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