Sunday, April 30, 2006

Kim in post exam mood

当你看到一位七十岁的老人为了他的政治理想在炎热的太阳下张贴政党的海报时,你不禁为他感到一阵的心酸.”…and that’s the longest Chinese sentence that I have written/typed over the past year… impressed rite…haha…well goes to show my superior command of the Chinese language and English language…haiz….真不愧是谭德明校长为以自豪的立化双语人才啊! Haha…..okok…shall stop being so erxin liao…

Actually, I was trying to improve the interface of the blog template but then when I try to do some changes to the skin rite, some of the words like become smaller some become bigger, the tagboard also like disappear lidat…haiz, still figuring out how to do it, anyone got any idea….i think this site is not bad, got quite a lot of hippy blog skins… ( alternatively, just joking, dun click hor, if u got connected to some porn sites, dun blame me huh…although I think some of you will click it because it’s a porn site lah..haha…paiseh…in a crazy mood rite now)

Ok, anyway I just finish my exams last Friday. I think most of the guys have finished their paper liao, save for the NUS ultra-uber, cool, hip (ah whatever) lawyers. Ok, so what am I going to talk about for this post, hmm…actually I also don’t know lah, let me think…hmmm…ok, shall talk about hh’s birthday celebration yesterday…hehe….ok, so yesterday I was swimming in nus when I was asked at 2:33pm asking me if I want to go his house anot, so I say ok loh, then at 6:10pm I reach his house even though the agreed time was 6:45pm, aiyah cos I go buy some weights training kit, then I dun want to lug it ard jurong point you see, you think so easy meh… its like carrying a pack of 10kg Golden Phoneix rice walking around loh, very heavy ok… so I went early lah, and hh let me see his PSG team which is full of players with really good stats, but I think his strikers can score so many goals is because French league lower standard lah…haha…..just kidding…okok, anyway his mother and his sister is at home then his mother is frying some round chicken nuggets which is really nice …haha….eh by then u must be wondering chicken nuggets and round, got link meh, eh dun be cuckold can, u think all nuggets are those mac type one meh, u go ntuc and see lah, they got nuggets in all kind of shapes one loh, ok,anyway, hf arrive and then seow and then wt and we see the first part of the jacky wu show where they use a 10000kg prop to hit someone on the head…haha….damn funny then we saw the man u match, yeah rooney breaks his leg liao, there goes England chance of winning world cup….stupid beckham and co, you will retire w/o winning world cup…haha…. Ok after that wt go eric house to lao (aka play mahjong) while the rest of us stayed over to have a session of 谈心…haha…..dun cringe leh, we all very hip one leh, one bunch of guys having a heart to heart men talk loh, not very often you see that rite…haha…so what are we, a bunch of gays? No loh, we are THE self-proclaimed new age snazzy bachelors…haha…dun puke lah, give face can….okok…anyway we really stayed over to talk cock lah…then at 12:01am, hh received a sms wishing him happy birthday from a girl…haha…curious to know? hmm….dun tell you…if hh wan to say then he say himself loh….haha….then his mum and sis brought out a football shaped birthday cake with one candle on it…then we sing birthday song and he make birthday wish and we eat the cake lah…haha….hh dun be embarrassed lah…hehe…ok, so after that we continue our talk cock session about topics such as the best street soccer tactics for 4e to my own limit theory till 6am where I reach home at 7am read some newspapers and then go to sleep..haha..ok this post quite boliao but nvm a small step towards reviving the blog is better than none…haha…

P.S: seow, gd luck on wed (haha…curious to know y I wish him gd luck, hmm…ok, you go screw yourrself first then I tell you ok?)

Visit , great site for music lovers…

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

i think sth is wrong with me

2 more papers to go before end of year 1…basically I think I screwed up the papers…not that it very difficult, just that I screwed it up by reading question wrongly, and making careless mistakes…FUCK MAN…why must lidat…but I think I should be able to get a higher grade than last semester, which isn’t very difficult cos my last semester result sux big time… but FUCK YOU if you think I should be happy about it cos I am not satisfied with being a mediocre student or getting a 0.0001% improvement in grade every sem…

Ok, enough of the ranting… basically, just now while I was solving some triple integrals problems, I thought of something weird… wat happens when you die… I know most people will just say, oh well you die, then you kanna buried loh, decompose into the soil and tts it, but what really happens after you die, what really go through ur mind at the last moment before you die, wats the feeling like when u have inhaled ur last breath, will you be able to prolong ur life if u hold tt last breath…. Do you experience anything when u are lying down awaiting your last moment…. Issit sth like slping so soundly tt you have no idea wat is going on around you, just that this time you are slping forever…. hmm…so wat is dying really all about… HAIZ, I think I am going crazy liao… still got a rather long life ahead but toking about dying liao…actually, come to think about it, the world has seen so many changes, but not everything is known. Wat does it feel like to live a few thousands years back. How did the people then live their life. These are things that you never know but did in fact happen. Hmm… Maybe the seat you are sitting on now may contain some atoms from the decomposed body of some china emperor a few thousands years back but then you did not know.

Ok…back to studying maths liao…

P.S: Jewel in the Palace is a very nice show

P.P.S: Arsenal going to be king of Europe this season

Monday, April 17, 2006

hai... my next and last paper is next wed. so sian. no momentum to study now... no mood oso. only at chapter 5 of the Fabozzi textbook. anw, Fabozzi is damn screwed. his english so lousy and try and act pro. zzzz... then so many typo... zzzz.... wat an ass. he shld hire someone to proofread his books before selling to us for exam use lor. if exam i write wrong formula... all his fault. i only got one exam this sem... and Fabozzi have to screw it up. Curse u Fabozzi. *niam niam niam*

i hope Joseph kang will be lazy and set the same questions. for the past 5 semesters.. the questions he set ALL the same. only change name and number. got so lazy or not... i hope he will not do the same thing as LoHokHim's computing prof and set a very hard one this yr...

i got no job yet. sian.....................................................................................................................................

the only happy thing i can look forward to now is my grad trip to Taiwan in May. quite happy cos i've wanted to go there for darn long... then is damn cheap. only ard 450 for 2-way tics, airport tax and hotel for a week. i have a grad trip sponsored by the govt... HAHAHAHHAHHAHAA i am so looking forward to my 800 bucks too. so shiok to be 21. finally can get some money... last few yrs can only see other ple happy.

i was watching the fei chang super band on channel u. the two teams with the highest score are the two teams made up of malays. the team with the second highest score all malays lor.. and they sang jay chou's fa ru xue. how cool is that. the second team only got one chinese and they did jay chou too.... the ninja song, with a turntable. SUPERCOOL. i think channel u will become suria soon. the other chinese bands all cmi. later 1130 got result show...

wah... already 1030... i shld go and read chapter 5 of Fabozzi. Factors affecting Bond Yields and the term structure of interest rates... zzzzzzzzzzz.....

Thursday, April 13, 2006

It's Good Friday

I remember last year's Good Friday I wrote an entry on the 7 last words of Jesus before he died. This year I think i just shared about some of the small stories of the few more famous apostles of Jesus for Good Friday.

But before i begin, i feel very puzzled as in why people always treat christmas much more importantly than Good Friday and Easter. I dunno why as in I went to church earlier todya and realized the number of people attending is very small. Wont they feel guilty for not commemorating the crucification of Chirst and his resurrection? Never mind, shldn't scold pple.

Ok, let's start with the most famous apostles. I think everyone shld know who Peter is. Roman Catholic claimed that he's the first Pope. And you all shld know that it's a rule that anyone holding any post in the Roman Catholic Church system cannot marry. Which means Fathers, Bishop, Priests, Cardinals and POPE cannot marry. And you all know that both the Christians and Catholic read the Bible, just that the Christian's Bible got 66 books, 27 in new testament and 39 in old testaments and then the Catholic's Bible got 13 more books on top of the Christian one.

So now, let me type smth from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 9, verse 14-15. "And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever. And he touched her hand, and the fever left her; and she arose, and ministered unto them."

Ok, you all read the part in blue? Peter, claimed by the Catholics as the first Pope got a wife. And then Catholic said Pope shldn't marry. So the Bible is to be trusted or rules made by ancient church administrator to be followed??? Whereas for Christian no such problem.

I think the discrepancy that mentioned above is very interesting. I found it out myself one. HAHA

As for how Peter died. He, just like many of the apostles was martyred. He was also crucified by the Romans. But what was so special about him is that he felt that he was unworthy to die as the same way as Jesus Christ, so he requested to be crucified upside down.

So much for Peter, next is John, the apostle that Jesus loved. This is how he address himself in the Gospel of John. He's the youngest of the apostles. When Jesus was being captured after the Last Supper in the garden of Gethsemane, he was eventually trialed and tortured by Pilate. You all shld know that during this time, Peter denied Jesus 3 times. The bible didn't mentioned where were the other Apostles. Only John. He followed Jesus all the way till Gogotha where Jesus was crucified. When Jesus was on the cross, he told John to take care of Mary (mother of Jesus), to treat her as his own mother.

John was the only apostle who was not martyred. When he was a very old man, he was banished to the island of Patmos by Emperor Domitian. And it was at Patmos that he wrote the book of Revelation. The book that contains all the end of world and armaggedon stuff. It was said that he passed away in Ephesus (located in Turkey today).

In my own opinion, it was because he followed Jesus all the way. Following hardest route of all when Jesus was crucified, others left, but John followed. Tt's y he wasn't martyred. Just my own thoughts.

James, together with Peter and John( younger brother of James), was the so called big 3 of the apostles. They were present in those very special moments in Jesus time. They were the 3 tt witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus and together with Jesus in his prayer in Gethsemane. Not much story on him because he was the first to be martyred. And the only one to be recorded int he Bible.

Then it's Andrew, he's the brother of Peter. He was said to be the patron of Scotland. Have you all realised the logo of SAJC is blue background with a white cross? same as the Scotland flag. Any idea why Andrew is associated with blue and white cross? For blue colour i dunno. But for the white cross, it's because he was also martyred. Persecuted by crucification also. And the cross they used on him is a X-shap cross. So andrew is linked is X.

Ok, so much for this. Hopefully I've told you all something that you all never noticed before la...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I feel like crying

Normally why a person will cry, not talking about those happy then cry tt type la. I think it's because he think that he's very kelian, no other people understand how bad he's feeling, no one sympathise him, therefore he feels very 委屈 and thus he cries.

For example, when you are young, when you fall, you think about it, issit because you feel damn painful that's y you cry? No!!! It's because you think you fall and no one know how pain you feel and in turns no one come and comfort you, therefore you think you very kelian and you cry.

When you close one pass away why u cry? Because u know you wont be seeing that person anymore, therefore you feel that you are very kelian therefore you cry.

Therefore when other people comforts you, normally in a way that showing they understand how you feel, you will stop crying.

Basically human are selfish lots. They will only cry for themselves.

Anyway i dunno why i talking all these rubbish. What i wanna write today is that I really feel like crying today. Cos i think no one will understand how bad i'm feeling. And i feel damn sad and 委屈 right now. KNN...

Ok for this semester, i was damn lazy. Out of the 5 modules, i only took 2 seriously, which is econs and computing. Basically i heck care electrical engineering, physics and maths. What i mean by taking seriously means i attending all the lectures and tutorials.

For computing i do even more. I would attempt to write numerous programs and so on. Becos i tot programming is damn fun. Today is the practical exam for programming. In the past weeks i actually tried all the past 2 sems practical exam question which is around 8-10, i cant remember. They were like so easy and i can on average complete 1 in around 1hour 15min when the time given is around 1hr 45 min. But for today, the question for the practical is damn fucked up. The instructions are so unclear and nobody knows what they're talking about.

I think i didn't do well for the prac. I feel damn demoralised. Why past year qns so simple thn this year so diff? Some might say if i suffered all suffered. But then computing prac is not all attempt the same qns. There're 4 shifts, who knows whether i can do the qns in other shifts or not. I think it's a damn screwed up system to test programming cos your life depends on 1 qns alone. Do or die. Actually i dunno what i am typing about, but then i was damn demoralised and sad. I was actually hoping computing can get A so can pull my physics grades which i expect to flunk like shit. Now seems like i need other subject to pull up my phy as well as comp also. But my other sub also 自生難保.

Then i think i was already damn suay for doing badly for computing when i was actually quite confident. Then on my way home when i just boarded 99, walking up to the 2nd floor, the fucker bus-driver suddenly jerked his cheebye bus so suddenly cos he not slowing down at the hump. KNN.

My left leg was supposed to take the nxt step up, instead it dropped 3 steps down cos of the jerk and my right leg also sahked out of position, causing my right shin to hit the edge of the steps. Now there's a baluku as big as a strawberry. KNN. Then the side of both my big toes was scratched badly, got moderately deep cuts, bleeding. Then as those who played soccer will know, we sometimes have black toenail cos there's blodd clog in btw the nails and the toes. Then my left toe is this condition, and it was hit dunno where la, then blood was gushing out fomr btw the nails.

Oh ya, and that fucker bus-driver didn't bother to stop and keep on driving his cheebye bus.

I slowly picked up myself and walked up, find a seat. Then starting to wiped away the blood from 3 wounds(both cuts from side of toes, in btw nails of left toe). As i was wiping the blood, looking at the baluku grow in size, feeling the pain, thinking back of the screwed up comp prac today. I really feel that i was damn 可憐 today. Damn 委屈. Really feeling like crying.

Haiz.... but of course i didn't cry la. If not the pple on the bus will think that i was crying because i fall down. damn xia suay one lor... but really feel liek crying.... damn sad....

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Stupid people, F*** off

For those who think ACS, Catholic, SJI, MGS, SCGS, St nick, or whatever school is better than River Valley, HERE IS A BIG FUCK OFF TO YOU!!!!


As for those people from River Valley who secretly feel inferior to those school people and look up to them, shame on you. Here is a BIG FUCK OFF FOR YOU AS WELL!!!!!


And for those who feel that ACJC is one of the elite JC, HERE IS ANOTHER BIG FUCK OFF TO YOU!!!! My ranking for JC is Hwachong/Raffles, Victoria, National, Temasek, Anderson, St Andrew then you lowly ACJC.... ya FUCK OFF!!!


Monday, April 03, 2006

What job is suitable for me??

Career Inventory Test Results

Extroversion |||||||||||| 36%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 56%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Altruism ||||||||| 30%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||| 53%

You are a Planner, possible professions include - management consultant, economist, scientist, computer programmer, environmental planner, new business developer, curriculum designer, administrator, mathematician, psychologist, neurologist, biomedical researcher, strategic planner, civil engineer, intellectual properties attorney, designer, editor/art director, inventor, informational-graphics designer, financial planner, judge.
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