Sunday, April 30, 2006

Kim in post exam mood

当你看到一位七十岁的老人为了他的政治理想在炎热的太阳下张贴政党的海报时,你不禁为他感到一阵的心酸.”…and that’s the longest Chinese sentence that I have written/typed over the past year… impressed rite…haha…well goes to show my superior command of the Chinese language and English language…haiz….真不愧是谭德明校长为以自豪的立化双语人才啊! Haha…..okok…shall stop being so erxin liao…

Actually, I was trying to improve the interface of the blog template but then when I try to do some changes to the skin rite, some of the words like become smaller some become bigger, the tagboard also like disappear lidat…haiz, still figuring out how to do it, anyone got any idea….i think this site is not bad, got quite a lot of hippy blog skins… ( alternatively, just joking, dun click hor, if u got connected to some porn sites, dun blame me huh…although I think some of you will click it because it’s a porn site lah..haha…paiseh…in a crazy mood rite now)

Ok, anyway I just finish my exams last Friday. I think most of the guys have finished their paper liao, save for the NUS ultra-uber, cool, hip (ah whatever) lawyers. Ok, so what am I going to talk about for this post, hmm…actually I also don’t know lah, let me think…hmmm…ok, shall talk about hh’s birthday celebration yesterday…hehe….ok, so yesterday I was swimming in nus when I was asked at 2:33pm asking me if I want to go his house anot, so I say ok loh, then at 6:10pm I reach his house even though the agreed time was 6:45pm, aiyah cos I go buy some weights training kit, then I dun want to lug it ard jurong point you see, you think so easy meh… its like carrying a pack of 10kg Golden Phoneix rice walking around loh, very heavy ok… so I went early lah, and hh let me see his PSG team which is full of players with really good stats, but I think his strikers can score so many goals is because French league lower standard lah…haha…..just kidding…okok, anyway his mother and his sister is at home then his mother is frying some round chicken nuggets which is really nice …haha….eh by then u must be wondering chicken nuggets and round, got link meh, eh dun be cuckold can, u think all nuggets are those mac type one meh, u go ntuc and see lah, they got nuggets in all kind of shapes one loh, ok,anyway, hf arrive and then seow and then wt and we see the first part of the jacky wu show where they use a 10000kg prop to hit someone on the head…haha….damn funny then we saw the man u match, yeah rooney breaks his leg liao, there goes England chance of winning world cup….stupid beckham and co, you will retire w/o winning world cup…haha…. Ok after that wt go eric house to lao (aka play mahjong) while the rest of us stayed over to have a session of 谈心…haha…..dun cringe leh, we all very hip one leh, one bunch of guys having a heart to heart men talk loh, not very often you see that rite…haha…so what are we, a bunch of gays? No loh, we are THE self-proclaimed new age snazzy bachelors…haha…dun puke lah, give face can….okok…anyway we really stayed over to talk cock lah…then at 12:01am, hh received a sms wishing him happy birthday from a girl…haha…curious to know? hmm….dun tell you…if hh wan to say then he say himself loh….haha….then his mum and sis brought out a football shaped birthday cake with one candle on it…then we sing birthday song and he make birthday wish and we eat the cake lah…haha….hh dun be embarrassed lah…hehe…ok, so after that we continue our talk cock session about topics such as the best street soccer tactics for 4e to my own limit theory till 6am where I reach home at 7am read some newspapers and then go to sleep..haha..ok this post quite boliao but nvm a small step towards reviving the blog is better than none…haha…

P.S: seow, gd luck on wed (haha…curious to know y I wish him gd luck, hmm…ok, you go screw yourrself first then I tell you ok?)

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