Saturday, March 18, 2006

Responsible Parents

Ok, this is my first move to revive this dying blog....

i know due to the busy schedules and mainly laziness of all frequent writers and of course there is veyr sina school life, no one has been updating this blog and no one even cared when i got 誹謗 by some other hackers.... haha, never mind, from now on i shall try to diligently write something on this site again!!! YEAH!!!!

So this will be a short entry...

Yesterday night, after eating Haagen Daz at Holland V, i took this bus 61 then change 174 to go home. When i got off the bus, and walk back home, i needa cross traffic light across Boon Lay Avenue. This traffic light is a total bastard ok, on average the Red-Man will stay for 2+min and the green man will stay+flash for 10 sec. So normally pple will juts jay-walk....

Then I saw this indian couple returning home with their 2 kids, around 8 and 6 years old respectively. While everyone was jay-walking, they were actually holding the hands of their kids and waiting the red man to turn green. Then i thought ti myself, what a great parent.

Haha, if i were in such a situtation, i sure hold the hand of my kid and bring him jay-walk one!!!! Then after the act i'll tell him, " HEY BOY BOY, dun try this when PAPA not around, it's dangerous!!!!"

But the boy will sure think since my father did it why can't I? So i give my utmost respect to that Indian couple for being a responsible parents and setting the right example for their kids...

Am I very 感性 to write such things. HAHAHAHA


Blogger jo-hor-se said...

The assault on the 2ic post has begun. Be prepared to hold your ground Seow.

8:27 AM  

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