Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This blog needs a refurbishment!

I agree with Xj that this blog skin looks sad. Haiz~ Having a change is good but this template really cmi... haha~ The html code should at least be edited, instead of just copy & paste wholesale & then leave it alone. Now our blog members/ readers won't be able to know which entry is posted by who, won't be able to comment, won't be able to tag... As a result, this blog sorta loses its purpose as a communication platform. I still prefer the original skin! Moderators - Please bring it back or change a better one~

Monday, May 22, 2006

"I've always believed in numbers and the equations and logics that lead to reason. But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask, 'What truly is logic? Who decides reason?' My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you. You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons."

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Some highlights of my HK & Macau trip:

A Symphony of Lights
The Peak
HK Disneyland
Disney in the Stars
Macau (议事亭前地 & 义顺炖奶)

Must-try! 木桶豆腐花 from 糖朝

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The "TEAM" enlightened me...

okok, this is my second day in hong kong. Wah, i think i really quite lose touch with my cousins and so on, find it very hard to mix around with them. Played some card games with them last night, actually wanna come online for a GOOD CHAT one, but then t'll be damn odd to come online alone when the rest are having family feast in the living room. By the time I'm able to make it online, it's already 3, so i didn't come online after all.

Anyway, i just woke up and went to those few same website, ie soccernet bla bla, check some email and so on. Then i went to purplebliss. HAHA THE TEAM REALLY MAKE MY DAY MAN!!!!


When i was still in s'pore, i already waiting for the tioman post everyday. Then when i left on the 10th, and realised that the team still had not had anything up, really disappointed.

Anyway for you all in s'pore, ya, please org the 17th May ECC final gathering at BZ place. Me 'll buy some hard liquor back man!!!


Monday, May 08, 2006

I write blok

Kanninar, linpae long time never write long essay to kao-bei-kao-bu liao, today got time must write one times sibei kaobei blog to release frustration. Kanna sai, nowadays linpae write essay to kaobei the textbook/judge/professor also must add ‘with respect’. Not say linpae don’t respect these auntie uncle, but linpae tell you, respect is not say with mouth one. Respect is carry in heart one.

Speaking of respect, people nowadays sibei no respect. Like these fucking neighbourhood school kid. Not say I very elitist, but fucking hell if your PSLE get 233 you don’t fucking come and criticise my school, just like my hand sibei nua I don’t say people lazy never train. I study law got learn one term – it is called ‘standing’ or if you more atas is called ‘locus standi’. Means that if you want to do something must be eligible, or else you fuck off one side and STFU. KNN. Everytime I see people bo dua bo sway try to kaobei their elders and betters I sibei toolan. Kanna sai. Not say you like very close friends with the people you criticise liddat. Linpae support give face to friends and cutting some slack for them. Friend is different. Friend kaobei a bit, even a lot, is ok one. Coz only friend lend you money without interest. But kanninar, if some fucking lousy stranger come and kaopei this kaopei that abt linpae, linpae will be sibei toolan and dream of blocking the stranger anus with cement so that he/she can really experience what is shit come out of mouth.

Not only people nowadays no respect for other people, also no respect for themselves. Kanna sai, some people ownself is ex-sportsman, don’t know what is fucking sportsmanship, go around ya-ya play two-on-one and buay paiseh. Kanninar tell fortune also sibei buay zhun, dragging the good name of respectable fortune tellers in the mud. And lose already don’t know what is concede gracefully, try to malinger again. And somemore try to compare down to other countries. (Wife so ugly also) Linpae tell you, if this country stands for anything, it stands for not accepting number 2. Give me number one, or no talk. So better don’t come and compare down. I see orredi buay song. People also. As Rockson says:

"You can chase away their Tang Liang Hong. You can swallow their Cheng San put inside Ang Mo Kio. But you cannot take away the toolan in their heart. This 33% is their present to you. This 33% is Cheng San middle finger give to PAP."

Kanna sai. Actually linpae got many other toolan thing, but just can’t remember, and also running out of time coz later going midnight hike with HH HF WM WT the Elders and Pillars of the AFH coz we are sibei in and yandao and also very fit and strapping lads. Till the next blog, TATAZ!!!

Is AFH disbanded??

Nope, it isn't....haha...okok...anyway just an update..the guys namely seow, hf, hh,weiting and weiming will be going on a night walk to the esplanade in a few hours time... after that we will have a dinner at the Petals to wish hh bon voyage for his hk trip..haha...ok tts about all...

P.S: Spurs belong to the Uefa Cup and not the Champs league. Well done Arsenal...haha...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I am not sleeping coz I'm afraid I'll oversleep and miss my 8am flight to HK, just like how I had missed the sec 3 OBS a couple of years back coz I was late... haha. It was so stupid... Having learnt fr that lesson, I shall idle now and sleep during the flight.

I was watching the polling results just now. As expected, the PAP is in power again as majority votes for security. I think the rallies were interesting... too bad I didn't have time to attend any. Frankly, I feel that one should vote based on the candidate(s)' ability and not vote for opposition just for the sake of wanting opposition in the parliament... Anyway, I shan't dwell much into this issue.

I also watched 悲伤恋歌 on scv earlier. How apt for the title to be simply called "Sad Love Story" - totally depicts the plot~ haha. Then, in the middle of the drama, there was this song which was the Korean version of 杜德伟's “把你宠坏”. Listening to the same tune reminds me of the sec 3 camp class dance in which we danced to this song. These are part of the memories of our, if not my, sch life. Being able to recollect memories is bliss but what's past is past so perhaps it's now time to move on. haha.

So enjoy while you can coz it's VACATION TIME!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The week after exam

It's been a week since end of exam, it's much better then school semester. so just briefly say what i did for this week.

On 30th April, went to esplanade to catch the finale show of Westside Story. I think watching musical is really very enjoyable. It's just a combination of play, dance, choral and orchestral. Then seeing them switching the backdrop also very stylo. Anyway Westside Story is about some gangfight in New York between the american's teenage bastards and Puerto Rico immigrants. Then as usual for musical simple plot, guy and girl form diff gang fall in love, but guy kills girl's bro, then girl forgive guy, but anothe guy kills the guy, girl very sad, end!!!! But then when u watched musical it's not about the plot, it's about the process and so on. I wouldn't say it's better than Sound of Music or 雪狼湖, but then it's still very good. I just always enjoy the part which i consider the highlight of a musical. It is when all the cast involved will be singing their own lyrics, overlapping one another in the same melody. It's really damn shiok. For those who went musical b4 will knwo wat i talking about, for those who hasn't, shld really go, it's really nice.

Then mon n tue basically stay home re-charge batt. And on wednesday, it's really a hippie night man. I, osk and horse went for overnight route-march. We had dinner at west mall after that gather at hanfeng's house there. Then after watching election news, we left his place at 12 midnight and we walked to the ford factory there, after that we took a U turn and heads towards Bt timah. Keep walking n walking and then when we reached Sixth Avenue, just turn right, walk through it and hit Holland road, keep walking till we reached Orchard road.

Then by that time, which is around 3+ in the morning, we've already taken two 10 min break, one at somewhere along holland road, another in front of Ngee Ann City. OSK took his pee break during the 1st break, but me and horse didn't. then by the time we in orchard road, we damn urgent. And we go and peed at the place behind the UOB building opp Heeren there. Then the funny part is that it is a slope and i was at the upper slope and hore at the lower slope. we peed at the grass thinking tt it would absorb our pee and 快高長大, but then dunn why i didn't absorbed and then it overflow and went to the tar road and as it is a slope, my pee very soon flow to hanfeng's shoe there HAHAHA. damn shiok.

Then we continue out journey and reached Esplanade by 0430, then we sat by the sea, enjoying the breeze. Anywya our attire is army pants and boots, then me and osk brought berms n slippers to change. but then no toilet for us to change, so we decided to change in front of Esplanade, DAMN SHIOK again.

After resting, we took a bus to Bt timah hawker center to have breakfast. The breakfast after one whole night of work-out is the most delicious. YEAH!!!

Then went home sleep all the way till 4+ and went to Ang Mo Kio's Workers Party's Rally.

Just take a look at how many pple attended it. The speech made by all the speakers are quite good and so on. I'm not going to comment on the political issue of the rally but i would say that something quite funny happened.

We didn't reach the place early, and we were like 20m away from the 1st row, the 1st 10m of pple from the barrier are sitting and watching the rally, then after that all are standing and tip-toe-ing to try to peep here peep there. Then we also stood for around 1hour15min, after one whole night man-ly work-out, we finally realised wat is called tireness. HAHAHAHA. ANYWAY WE ARE JUST DAMN TIRED. but then if we sit down we'll not be able to see shit.

Then suddenly got this central-left parting ah-pek in his late forties, wearing an ah pek specs, ah pek shirts, ah pek berms and ah pek slippers. Then he keep squeezing past us at 1st, then i am FUCKING DULAN.

But then once he reached a relatively good spot, this particular ah pek start to display hie true leadership quality. He started off by sitting down and asking the pple in front of him to sit down. Then he already got a very good view of the stage and wat's happening up there. But he dind't stop there. He fight the welfare for all the pple attending the rally. HE started to asked pple both left n right of him to sit and then pple behind him also. It's really a better idea to sit down and watch a rally. u'll get a much better view. Just recall last time in RV when we are in audi all sitting down, we can see Tham's face clearly. But when we in carpark all standing and Tham decided to talk, we cant see his inverted trapezium face at all. So it's always better to sit down. How can we stand throughout a 3-hour rally?

By the time this ah pek stop his work, i estimated 500+ pple who are originally standing were nicely seated. TRUE LEADERSHIP!!!! SALUTE!!!!!

As for today, went for dinner with WT, TYS, BX, SZX, OSK n WM at some restaurant in Millenia Walk. Originally wanted to go Balaclava after dinner. But then i was late cos giving tuition b4 that, then by the time reached suntec balaclava is alreayd full-house. Too bad, so went to Jazz@Southbridge(<---- and i dunno how to get rid of the blue colour and the quick link shit) in boat quay instead. Then just stay there drink abit talk cock and go home.

YEAH TMR IS ELECTION DAY. Hope Workers Party can win more than Hougang. It's time for the all-whites to wake up their ideas. Too bully n arrogant liao.

And maybe Goh Chin Teck can be some 算命的 if he likes to predict so much.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

How much i dun wanna go back to Hong Kong...

I know you all never experienced this before cos you all were borned and raised up in singapore. But then I am different, I was borned in Hong Kong, migrated to Singapore and then sort of spent most of my life here. Ok i think those with relatives in Malaysisa would know this. I dunno what are the problems with the relatives, they sort of expect you to go back to visit them once a year or even worse, every holiday.

Though it's not like i hate them, but then i think that we are so far apart and bla bla, then when we meet up they are like complete strangers to me, yet i have to entertain them and act as if we all very close with each other. Wah lao eh... WTF??? And then when i'm back, then the spot light will be always on me then ask me this ask me that, it's hard to keep a low profile when back. I hate to entertain them....

Cos my relatives are pretty rich in HK la, then they thought that going back is very easy or bla bla. Please la, aunties uncles, even the cheapest airfare to Hongkong cost around $400 in the off-peak season without tax lor. you really think i so rich meh. Everytime ask me to come back make me no money to go to further and more exciting places. All i can see in Hong Kong is their face. WTF!!!!!

Then nxt, when i am in hong kong they will keep saying things that totally pissed me off. After going through NS, i wouldn't say i damn love it or damn proud of it. But then it had become a part of my life liao cos i indeed went through 2.5 years of NS, so i think those guys who didn't went thru NS are NuaJi, chicken, ah gua, dick tt's only 1.231753 inch ( fully erected 2 inch ). And I hate those that say NS is nothing and bla bla cos they didn't went through it they dunno. How about having some sewage water rushing towards you and you gotta siam it, or have to march every hour for 1.5 km with around 20kg load from 6am-10pm for consecutive 21 days and taking abuse form cheebye uncles and bla bla... But i am not complaining about NS and so on but i just trying to say dun say NS isn't tough or it's useless (even though it might be), cos it's really damn sad to know that the shit you went through is entirely uselss.

Ok, anyway this post is not abt NS, but then i hate those HK pussies. Cos they'll start asking me what i did in NS and so on and so on. Then i'll tell them i am infantry, then the army split into 7 arms, commando, guards, armour, infantry, arti, combat E, signals. Then those fuckers will keep one saying nowaday fight TECHNO WARS, dunnid pple. press computer then whole city collapse, bla bla bla bla....


What those fuckers knows about military. Then keep saying the army will be marginalised and eventually wont be existing. Keep criticising that s'pore having NS is useless. FUCK OFF LA. Then they also like to say LKY very dictatorship, talk bad about our poitical system. But assholes, HK is like a fucking anarchy now, the government is a puppet to the CCP, i wouldn't want a govt like tt man. And get it straight, for LAO LEE and PAP, only we can talk bad about them, they're purely singapore properties, other pple cannot talk bad or touch them one....

I really dun wanna go back. Go back really everyday eat only lor. Then come back must lose weight again, damn sian... anyway i'll be back form 10th-16th may. SIAN

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Kim, An Office Lady and a Korean Girl

Ok, 2nd post in less than a week…hmm…shall talk about what I did today…woke up at 10am today, went downstairs to buy newspaper… nothing interesting in the papers today, all pap election news…after that I went jurong east recruit express to look for a job, after filling in some forms, I was ushered into a room and a typical office lady ask me some questions about my job expectations and expected pay blah blah… she then told me she currently got a vacancy as a human resource coordinator at recruit express, she say basically just interview people, do some admin work…actually the offer was quite attractive cos it sounds slack and the office got quite a lot of office ladies…basically it’s a female working environment…but then the pay is miserable loh, like 6 bucks per hour, 5 days work week, 9am to 5.30pm job, but then between girls and money rite, I will choose money loh, so yah I din accept the offer and ask her to look out for another job for me, pay must min 8 bucks per hour….after that I went to nus planning to swim at the src pool but then the pool is closed loh, wah lau never even inform pool closed, make me go there waste my time, well what to do…no choice loh, got to activate plan B liao, so from seeing pretty office ladies in the morning, I went west mall to see some Korean girl…haha…aiyah basically I went to see the movie Ai Wu Qian starring Jeon Ji Hyun(the female lead in My Sassy Girl), ok digress a bit, she is on the cover of this week I’weekly together with Lee Young Ae….haha…anyway, you must be wondering why I never use the English name for the movie, in case you are wondering, its called daisy, ok frankly speaking don’t you think the English title make the movie sounds stupid, I mean yah the movie got sth to do with daisy, but then you dun see the Chinese title is the Chinese translation for the flower rite, because it sounds stupid, haiz, can the movie people have a nicer English translation for Chinese movies, its always lidat one loh, if you dun believe me, go and flip the newspaper and see the English title for Chinese movie and you will get what I mean….ok now, if you are planning to see the movie, then dun see the next paragraph, but if you want to know whether the movie is worth your money, read the next 2 lines of the next paragraph…

Haha…ok, the movie is worth your seven dollars but dun think its worth ten dollars lah, so just watch on weekday loh….ok…now for the story part…haha…ok…Jeon is a painter and everyday at 4:15pm, someone will send her a pot of daisy but then she never get to see that guy’s face. One day, a guy came up to her and ask her to draw a portrait of him… This guy happens to be a police officer who happens to be in the area cos he was checking up on some drug case… Jeon notice that the guy has a pot of daisy wif him and assume that maybe he is the secret admirer…the police guy saw that Jeon like got some feeling for him and so was very happy lah…so yah everything went fine until the real secret admirer was contracted to kill the police officer, well you see the secret admirer is a professional killer mah, in the end the police officer got killed not by him but by someone else and then Jeon who was now a mute cos she got injured earlier found out about the true identity of her admirer…unfortunately, something happen and Jeon was killed…this part very sad and this scene alone is worth your 7 bucks liao…yah, so the professional killer went on a rampage and killed his former boss because Jeon death was caused by him…so yah, after that the story end liao…haha…now for the million dollar question, did I cry at the sad part…hmm…I did…… aiyah shall tell you in my next entry, now must go see Da Chang Jin, today episode also very sad, Lady Han going to die on Chang Jin back loh…so sad…

Monday, May 01, 2006

WP Rally at Hougang. Need more be said?

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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