Saturday, June 10, 2006


Was watching Singapore Idol the other day then i thought this girl Jasmine Tye is qiute cute.

But apparently seow dun think so. When i point to the tv telling him that i think this girl is quite cute, then he gave me the WTF look, but he always had that look on his face la, comparing her to some really fugly girl around.

So that night i went home and watched the result show and then i ask my mum whether she think jasmine is cute or not, then my mum say yes. So ok la, seow taste is different. Anyway she's into the final 12, so can get to see more of her. HAHA, she's a Christian also.

Anyway that's the the main point for this blog is that i was really quite traumatised by my inability to distinguish whether a person is a transvestite or not. I mean if i identified a person as a bak po, then normally it's not wrong, but i think i've missed alot more out there roaming in the town.

The thing is that normally i like girls who looks mature/older and have a deeper voice. Just can't stand those type act cute and have the very erxin sa jiao type of voice.


Then i think nowadays this Taiwanese female host is quite popular, her name is Li Jing. Oh ya anyway since we changed the skin, it doens't support chinese character anymore, so just use hanyu pinying.

This char bor is 42 years old and then she had those very deep and coarse. i dunnop if i used the right word but i think u shld be able to imagine how she sound or those who watched her show b4 shld know la.

Anywya she is those shopping channel host in taiwan since 2000. Those shopping channel is just a host telling pple to call in and buy wat wat wat bla bla bla and so on, very boliao one. Then this woman very lihai, she sold 700+ laptops in 85 min, 380 1-carat diamond in 80 min and 265 SUV in 65 min. Damn lihai right.

The because of her unique voice and her sales ability, then she became quite popular and went to host those entertainment show. Recently channel 52 was airing one of her show the Hong Se Feng Bao on weekdays 2300. The i went to watch, quite interesting.

Then my sister came out and saw me watching then she ask me nice or not, then i say not bad. Then she said that the Li Jing was a transvetite. WAH SIAN HALF..... I like a transvestite man, simi lan jiao.....

Then still in disbelief, i went online and check and realised that she was really a bak po. Haiz... No wonder he voice deep deep and rough rough one.... I think one of the day if a fucking bak po come to be and cheat me and i cant identify "it", i will get cheated... BAK PO leh, that woman got a fucking penis b4 lor... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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