Saturday, July 02, 2005


Haha, today's friday and as usual my mother always go to church on Friday night, so i gotta settle dinner myself!!! Recently very nua, too lazy to go out, had been staying at home for 2 days in a row liao.... Not even a step out.

So at around 1800+, went to Jurong Point to find things to eat. While waiting bus at the bus stop, haha, saw a guy kenna hit by bird-shit. Damn funny lor!!! He got those very funky spiky hairstyle, then the warm warm pile of shit just landed on one of the spike!!! them saw him using his hand to touch the mess and gave the disgusted look, damn funny!!!

Anyway when i reach jurong point, dunno why lazy to take escalator, then went to the lift. Then also dunno why during that peak hour jurong point damn freaking packed with people, but the lift that just arrived only got a girl inside. then i just went in the lift!!!

The girl was quite chio, look like 16 or 17 like that. really quite chio type.... Then only me and her in the lift, ALONE!!!! Then of course must seize the chance and i just go ahead and molested her!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! 我就是传说中的电梯之狼!!!! 女生们,搭电梯时要小心咯!!!!!

Ok, the paragraph above is total bullshit!!!! Whatever in blue and red is completely false!!! Only the part that the girl is chio and that we're alone in the lift was true!!! Then the main point is that once i stepped into the lift, 我闻到一阵浓浓的屁味!!!! Wah kao, there's only me and her in the lift lor, obviously i know i didn't freaking fart, then it's her la!!!! 那位漂亮的小姐竟然乘没有人在电梯时, 偷偷的, 痛快地放了一个大臭屁!!!!!

Then i very good hearted, also dun wanna embarrassed her, so i didn't gave her the dishusting stare!!!! I just hold my breath!!! Anyway i can hold my breath for 1min 30sec cos i always very scared that i would get drown when i was thrown into water, so i keep practising holding breathe when i'm free, so i can hold my breathe for 1min 30sec, not bad right??? HAHA

Wah, encountering someone farting in the lift isn't suay enough lor!!! The more suay part is that when the lift reached 2nd floor, an aunty and her 2 kids enter the lift and the fart smell was still around!!!! As the smell was really pretty strong, the 3 of them could smell it straight away!!!

Without 2nd thought the aunty gave me a funny look man!!! Then i knew it!!! wah shit, she suspecting that the fart belonged to me!!! Wat the F***?? I know that girl is chio and i am ugly!!!! I know i looked damn sloppy as i just got out of my bed to go JP to buy dinner. But how can she judge a man by his look???? 正所谓, 人不可貌相, 海水不可斗量!!!

Not only that lor, then i saw the aunty slightly squeezing the hands of her kids, then wink her eye at me, trying to hint to her kids that the kor-kor over there farted!!! Then the 2 kids also looked at me and giggled!!! WAH BISH!!! I CANT STAND IT MAN!!!!! 长得不帅有错吗??? 美女就不会放屁, 屁就一定是长得比较丑的人放的是吗??? Damn dulan!!!!

It's so bloody 冤枉!!!!

Song of the Day : Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson


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