Thursday, July 14, 2005

This time I cried...

I forgot when I last cried but today my tear glands regain their functions coz 我真得好舍不得.

My internship at KPMG is going to end tomorrow. I'm feeling upset...Yes... I'm really sad. I haven’t been in low moods for as long as I can remember. From my previous entry, you all know that my other NTU intern fren cried (not once but a couple of times) during work and was ever since termed as ‘emotionally unstable’ by the staff in my unit. My senior even joked that “because Zining never cries” can be put under “remarks for intern’s suitability for permanent employment in future” in my appraisal form. Haha. I thought I wouldn't cry in front of my colleagues but at the moment when I was about to leave the client's office, I couldn't control my tears coz I won't be able to bid farewell to them personally tmr at the KPMG office. I lost my cool and guess I’d influenced them since their eyes turned red too.

I’m luckier than my other NTU intern friend. One GA even commented that if she were my other NTU intern friend, she would be damn ‘du lan’ with me coz I’ve such nice team members for both of my jobs. I’ve had such a great time with them since my 1st job. They asked me once when my birthday is when I started working with them and they are thoughtful enough to remember (which touched me): gave me pay-leave on my birthday and also a treat. Throughout the wks, I often had free drinks or snacks. We worked together; we gossiped together; we ‘lo boh’ (= slacked) together; we had so much fun together! They even treated me to a farewell lunch today.

Frankly, what makes my internship enjoyable isn’t the scope of the work (afterall not much since it’s off-peak period now) but rather the people in the unit. Indeed, I’m grateful to have met the right people :)

A shot with Jocelyn who is pretty and cute!

My other interesting colleagues: Lina, Yee Khoon, Ling Ling & Jaclyn :)


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