Sunday, July 10, 2005

NUS orientations

What crazy weeks I've been thru, shag man. 13-19th Jun, Melbourne. 20-23 Jun, BIZ Add orientation. 24 Jun, driving lessons. Rest from 25-26 Jun. 27 Jun, driving test & I passd with a mere 10 pts. 27 Jun -2 Jul, sportscamp. 2-3 Jul, ZN, XJ, JT & WL birthday parties. 4 Jul rest, but I went out too. 5-9 Jul, NUSSU camp. 9 & 10 Jul, G, YK & LK birthday parties. Now's the time I rest a few days, b4 my 2I chalet starts next Friday, and to spend some time going for OG outings.

Actually when you come to think of it, most orientations are pretty much the same. For all 3 camps, our accomodation are the halls which are empty during this holiday. (the"hall" is some sort of hostel, not the assembly area some pple asked me about...) Food was prepared by SFI for all 3 I guess, cos they really resembles army food but dunno why taste much better. The games we played were similiar, yet its so fun. All 3 camps have 1 day at Sentosa, and all 3 plays fright nite. It was cool man, I din know NUS pple so good at acting and make ups. Something very conicidental... all my 3 orientation group colours were yellow.

Activities are just part of the camp. I feel that getting to know pple is a more impt aspect of the camp. Human relations are ultimately determinents for survival in this diverse society. Other than that, everyone's got to find a partner for themselves. 2 of my 3 camps play the game of secret pal, a game to get guys to know another gal. Some of the games we played were rather kinky, and all 3 camps has a chiong nite, mainly to build up friendship within the orientation groups. Here's a brief account of the camps:

Camp 1: Biz Add Camp
Kent Ridge Hall
This is the 1st camp I attended, and starts just 10hrs after I touch down in Changi Airport, din attend briefings or whatsoever, so basically rather unsure of what to do initially. The other guys went for pre-orientation activities, so they know each other already, while I'm like new around. Luckily the group is small and we quickly know each other. However, my group OGL damn slack, and even ask us to slack, so the whole camp really slack thru.....Most of the games are played in pairs, guy and gal of cos. Alot of contacts involved. The camp com seems to have not enough good ideas, causing our games to have lots of blind folding. 2 seniors actually faked as freshies, joined us for activites and then stunned us on the 2nd day, damn funny. Fright nite nothing much, cos I dun even know the way, and the gal beside me wasn't scared & screaming. The SP game was lousy for me. My SP was someone from RV, our batch... so sian, thought can know someone new. And I din buy any present for her cos I just landed last nite. Food was terrible, but kent ridge hall was fantastic, very big & new. A great chiong nite we had, can really dance our hearts out. I also a bit siao that day, I dance with a gal with both hands on her waist.

Camp 2: Sports Camp-Sportgasm
Raffles Hall
The longest and most shag camp of the 3. Its really quite physicall demanding, and alot of time under the sun. Like a survival camp, pple keep falling out, from ~16 on 1st day to 8 on the last day. Raffles Hall is kinda old, with delapidated facilities. Further more, we've got to squeeze into rooms, usually 4 guys to a double room. Simple dishes makes the packed food rather nice. The pple who joined the camp are mainly those sporty type. Got a babe in my OG, and all the concellors are active & good looking... wooo! The whole camp is really alot on sports, and as activities are much more diversed than other camps. During the 5 days, we were given the chance to try or at least shown all sports available in NUS. Some of the interesting ones include: windsurf, wake board, archery, floor ball, touch rugby etc... At 1st pple thought I'm a nerd cos I agree I look abit like William Hung. Quickly I became a significant force in the group, with some impressive moves. Eg: I ran 1/2 a field with great ferocity & made the only touch down, stunning many.

On the 3 rd day, we had a bbq at S'pore Sea Sports Club along East Coast Park, after a day of canoeing, wind surfing which caused terrible sun burn. On 4th day we went Sentosa in the morning for beach games. By evening, we headed for Pulau Ubin where we camped thru the nite. We had the OG performance on Pulau Ubin. It was damn RA... most groups had very gross and perverted performance. Sex has became the theme of the OG performance. At nite, we played the scariest fright nite, along a dark, creepy, quiet road on Pulau Ubin. For the 1st time, I was afraid, frightened not by the fake ghosts but the creep of Pulau Ubin at nite. The chiong nite was a failure, cos everybody left the club after the pageant contest. I went for KTV, while many went China Black. Throughout the camp, I've experienced many disgusting cheers, whereby even dig nose can become cheer... lame man. No SP game, cos simply no time. I like the camp, even despite the exhaustion.

Camp 3: NUS Student Union Camp
Eusoff Hall
Probably the camp that I like the most, no doubt may not be the most exciting. The only camp that I was early and din miss out on anything. The camp that I knew the most pple even b4 going. I already knew 3 guys b4 hand in my OG alone. The largest OG of all, with around 25 freshies & 8 seniors for each OG. With so many pple, its really hard to remember all, and I still mix up some gals by today. I shared a double room with 3 other guys. The room was spacious so wasn't that bad. My group name was PIYO, cute and cuddy. Even the cheers were unoffensive. Some cool guys in my OG, I did learned something from them. One guy even helped me styled my hair for the SP evening, cos I was a lousy stylist. Most of the gals were pretty on and sporty. Our OGL was a bit beng, but he's good. In short, we were a great OG which easily dominated the games though we tend to be cute than competitive......ha ha. The games were rather simple and not many are played in pairs. Some can be rather funny, like play captain's ball with bananas, volley ball with hands tied up, water bombing of mascot etc. There was alliance between teams too.

A very significant part of the camp was the freshie performance. We've seen the awful senior performance on the 1st nite, with 7 out of 10 OGs having drag as the main theme. Hence we tried puttting up a great dance. 5 pieces of music were used, with 4 dances and a cheer leading as the finale. The rehearsal caused us to sleep only ~ 3 hrs a day.I was part of the cheer leading, making the base for a back fall and arms locked somersault. Shiok sia! We've won 1st for that fantastic performance. SP nite was good. My SP is charming. Someone from VJ, studing Physics, a band player, single but unavailable. I had a great time chatting with her, but as usual this SP game does not last over the chiong nite, after which everybody goes back to their own OGs. The pageant was nice, and happens that 2 of the winners are pple I know. At nite, we play true or dare, and the seniors really ask damn private Qns lor. I kena once, my Qn was which gal I like most in my OG... wa lau. On price presentation, my OG won the most prices, including the best OG award... the feeling was hard to explain, I'd never been anywhere 1st b4.

The camps were unforgettable experiences. New friends made, tried many activities, experienced the halls, understood more of NUS and I learnt more about myself. I know many of you out there are against orientation camps... I say: its not a waste of $, its not to get tekan by seniors, its not an event for posers etc. Its a part of U life.


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