Saturday, February 26, 2005


09/03/1984... In the infamous KK hospital of Singapore... I was born.
Blessed with a loving family and kind environment, I grew up. Strived for good schools and aimed for high grades, I fought up. Walked the streets and toured thy lands, I wise up. Worked the society and served the army, I rose up. Met new people and made countless friends, I live up... ...up to the guy who wrote this up passage, deep in thoughts up the mind, yet full of crap up the screen. I'm not trying to up anybody here but friends who read this must be quite up.

OK... OK... no need for thumbs up or middle finger up. The reasons for starting with an "up" paragraph, with my limited linguistic ability, is largely to focus on the fact that I've grown up. In a matter of days I'll be 21, the age of legal recognition in all aspects. The age which so call:"get the golden key". When I'll be known as adult everywhere, able to vote for paliament, invest shares, watch RA films and register for flat, car & marraige. The age which rings a bell in me, telling me I've lived >25% of my entire life. (Based on assumption that I live to 76, the average life expectancy of Singaporean man. Average life expectancy of Singaporean women:80yrs) An alarm pestering me that I need to buck up, at the time when I'm most energetic and vibrant, b4 all runs out. These rumbbling thoughts also spurred me into writing something. Something to share with friends out there, friends who will join the adult population in months to come as well as those who were already there. Hopefully something inspirational.

Reflecting on the past 20+ yrs, I've got to question myself what have I done and what was I doing. Seriously speaking, I don't find much achievements worth mentioning. For most of the time I had been studying to score in examinations, play soccer at weekend, computer and video games, card games, mahjong or simply sit & rot away. I do not say all these activities are no good, but I do find that many a times we're aimless when engrossed in them. I had little problems with study all the way up till Sec 4, most probably because an appetite for wisdom allowed me to enjoy the education process and absorb all the knowledge in an instant. Up till today, I still remember some Sec Sch stuffs. In JC, I studied S3 because of peer and family pressure. I find engineering damn sian & seriously dislike F-Math from the start, but force myself to work on it. In the end it became a useless subject to my University course. Time could had been better spent. Next, I feel that playing soccer every weekend is becoming meaningless. Soccer is a fabulous sport that should be encouraged, but most of the time we just kick the ball round the court. People have varied interests and personalities but I find it important to get more exposure, including other sports. Gaming is fun and relaxing, but I tend to get hooked easily and spend unneccesary time on it. It can be costly too. Lastly, something I wanted to say on V Day, but no time... I find myself a loser at relations for the past years. The recent CNY was a deep impact in my heart, when relatives ask about my girl-friend. It feels really lousy to say I never had a stead, for 3 years since they start to ask such Qns. when I was 18. Hey man... buck up.

There are bound to be many regrets for anybody's life, but there are also treasured memories which inspire happiness in us, tell us that at times we do take the right track & hope for a better future is always there. I'm an extrovert with mixed characteristics many personality tests can hardly classify. I enjoy being with people and like to see the world. Though life in school , military and work had been full of nonsence and complains, I enjoy the company of friends known form all different areas. Keeping contacts with several groups of friends is toublesome & difficult, but I just like the massive interaction and tight schedue of activities/events. Different groups of friends have different interest, allowing limitless exposure to the world and I can have a little of everything in mind to communicate with others. Dealing with large groups of friends also trained my composure and diplomatic abilities. I'm also rather fortunate to get many chances to travel, in Singapore & other countries. Its an enjoyment to be on the move, I believe that the distance covered always turns out to be useful experience. Even more fortunate, I've been thru so many more "red" events as compared to "white" events. I'm very lucky to have a very complete extended family and in close ties with all. Then of cos all the unforgettable moments in life so far... ...class outings of Pr Sch to JC classmates, annual chalets, trips, working for $, chiong sua with a band of brothers, family functions, friends gatherings etc... ...

Life is full of UPs and DOWNs. Keep the UPs and drop the DOWNs.
to everybody born in 1984 and read the blog: May your Dreamz come true

It's that Close to ORD!!

It's that Close to ORD!!!
March is just round the corner..... It has been quite a wait for this month to arrive....


After 1 yr and 5 mths stint in my unit, yesterday is my last work day. Happy of course, and strangely, without feeling any bit of nostalgia.
I believe the 2 1/2 yrs' break from school life has benefitted me.... I would like to say something about our service to the nation, with positive or negative impact on SAF, starting from no.18:

Mr Bai, Percussionist in Military Band ( +ve )
Saw him once during my Sispec POP, playing drum. Had always been good with holding sumthing in hand and hitting it..... "Oops"... He did his band proud by not collapsing on POP, especially with those gu niang OCT fainting on the actual Parade in front of the President... 3 cheers for the cadets!!!.... And Well-Done Jia Min

Mr Chee YH, Primus Gunner aka Arty Man ( +ve )
Honoured as the 1st batch of 'A' lvl mono intake in Arty, Chee has been labourious. In addition to his training in army, he got himself a PS2 for firing simulation to perfect his accurancy and playing WarCraft to develop more strategy.... This type of self motivated man where to find.....

Mr Chee ZH, Tech Spec In Jurong ( NA )
Sorry to say that I'm not really sure what's ZH's job. Juz know that he pass out from OETI, so I suppose he is a Technician Sergeant lor.... Rather than commenting on his contribution to SAF, I would say that the only tech spec in our class should thank the army for acquiring another skill.

Mr Chen, Medic ( -ve )
Initially posted to NDU, then fall out and post to Sch of Medic to learn how to poke people... During his army day, gotten to know about MLM and embark in this field. Maybe you have saved lives lah, but then where got boss let their staffs moonlight 1....

Mr Loh HH , injured officer ( -ve )
This officer rightfully should be confined on the Island of Recruit, but then heng heng becum the range conducting officer, only know how to command pple to fire. At a turn of the tide, he broke his leg, slack at home and still receive officer pay.... Though he made amends by splurging on useless items and taxi fare to boost SG's economy, he's still guilty of wasting taxpayer money...

Mr Lin, ITI Comd PA ( +ve )
I tot Comd PA should be indian or malay, cuz it's the trend in my unit.... Maybe WT is dark enuff.... Don't really understand PA's duty, but then it's not a simple job... With a straight A's student becuming your PA, any boss would have little to complain about lor.....

Mr Ma, Downgraded Clerk in Engr ( -ve )
Originally a fit kia, but then he chose to be downgraded.... And with this, he miss out on the lucrative risk pay that he had been drooling for.... Clerical work should be a small case for our admin lawyer, but the big picture is that SAF loses out as more fit kia opts for downgrade...

Mr Ong SK, BCTC Officer ( +ve )
Crossing over from SISpec to OCS is not easy sia, but SK had always been motivated in becuming and officer, so that he can sign on.... I could sense that money is the key word here, however, his decision can be a win-win situation for many of us, including SAF..... Mr Ong, pls work hard if you sign on, so that you can be promoted to LTC or COL be4 our kids go to army....

Mr Seow, Serving in ADA ( NA )
High Tech..... Not sure what he does, most probably like doing COS doing shift work in taking care of the system bah...

Mr Tay, Arty Spec ( +ve )
Instructor bah, no really sure whether it's xiong anot, but then I'm sure that he will fulfil his role... Maybe Wei Ming has more opinion to share since they are of the same unit...

Mr Teo, Admin Spec in NSmen Camp ( very + ve ) "Haha"
Absurdly, I had 2 letters of commendation, with a 3rd before I get my IC....
Haha, don't ask me why, I just do slightly more than my job scope. Maybe my bosses are appreciative of my work. My philosophy has always been " I'm only in charge of beautifying the surface, even if the inside is rotting".

Mr Ye Wei Ming, Arty Man ( -ve )
A guy who should be good in written English, but then hor only speak Chinese. Mr Wei Ming downgraded to siam IPPT. Corny as always, he's in the midst of getting a driving license... Like I said previously, Wei Ming, wo men kao ni kai che de hor....

Mr Eric, Ammo IC in PLAD ( +ve )
Big size Eric has shrunk significantly in NS.... I always feel that pple in Ammo Depot are suay kia sia, especially got units like mine whom always change initial intend just to cut down return.... I would like to extend my apology...

Mr Yeo JW, OCT bah... (NA)
Not really sure if he's an OCT or Spec trainee... Too bad he still had a long way to go in army, but then this is life lor. The bright side is he got a gf to phone to at nite lor.... Whilst most of us here dun have.... Haizzz....

Mr Zeng, Armour Spec in a damn isolated camp.... ( +ve )
Had told us how unjust he was treated, this guy sure had learnt more about the different sides in life. Gaining the hippy side by going to club, getting fitter by climbing up and down staircase and kana unreasonably confined by under-achiever whom you had to greet him just becuz you are in army....

Finally can conclude liao, after spending 1+ hr typing this mail, would like appeal to those who are clearing leave now that we should be organising more activities during this period, especially wkdays, in celebration of our returning freedom.....

Friday, February 25, 2005

Get Hippy with Japanese Name!!!!

Hmm.... This is just a temporary come back!!! I was quite stressed nowadays so together with OSK, we've applied 2 weeks break from the blog!! I'm half-way-through my break, but then now i am listening to some radio programme, so cannot sleep yet!!! So, i'll type something here man!!!

Recently I like to act cool!!! So get a Japanese name from some name generator!!!

Hey guys, so my Japanese Name will be

松尾.駿 ( Matsuo Shun )

HAHA. it's so funny!!!! Argh.... I am damn boliao......

ok, show ended liao!!! I am going to sleep lor!!! 1 more week of break and Lo Hok Him will be back on 2nd March 2005!!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Kim on Love Tactics 1,2,3 ( A V-day Special)

Heylo guys, Kim’s weekly column is here again. For those readers who are waiting anxiously for their weekly diet of Kimilogy, sorry to keep you all waiting for so long…. For the past week, Kim is celebrating CNY and is also using the opportunity to take a long overdue rest to recharge his batteries… haha…so here I am again, fully recharged and properly rested…. Ok, today being Valentine’s Day, I shall talk about something regarding love which I’m sure many of the 4e bachelors (me included) will want to know more about, esp after reading lhh post about all the eligible bachelors out there. So guys, do not worry because Kim has hear your pleas and answer your prayers. KIM THE LOVE GURU shall enlighten and hopefully sought to break the curse of 4e…HAHA!!!

Before I go on to the main topic, let us discuss about what is Valentine’s Day. Below is THE GURU’s definition: Valentine’s Day is a day where firstly new relationships are made and old relationships are broken, secondly, where loving couples get together and exchange expensive gifts among themselves, and finally perhaps the most important part is being guys blowing a huge hole in their pockets and their female counterparts getting laid in the end (sorry 4 female readers out there, but tts the cold hard truth. Hope you wun be offended). And folks, that is the whole essence of Valentine’s Day and whether you like it or not, this is the truth and nothing but the truth so for god sake lovers out there just accept it and dun try to make me believe that today is a god damn romantic day where in actual fact, if you are truly in love, everyday shld be a Valentine Day to you….make sense?

Ok, now to the main crust of the whole thing… the tactics that you shld employed if you wan to hitch a girl or find a female companion to spend the rest of your lives with… I stress that the tactics listed below are not exhaustive nor are they 100% gurateened to get you a girl, but if you follow and employ the tactics accordingly and smartly, there are a 99.99% chance of you finding your special someone in the next 5 years…

TACTICS 1: Be the girl best male fren

Ok basically, this tactic is for anyone chasing someone who is already attached liao… it requires u to become the girl best male fren and you must make yourself so important and indispensable such that you only rank behind her boyfriend and her father… so now the question is “ Yah so?” I believe that those who has been in the playing field long enough will not need me to explain further, but for the green horns, read on… After you have broken into that exclusive circle of male companions, the next best thing you can do is to be her soul mate, her buddy, her special shoulders to cry on whenever she quarreled with her boyfriend….Do not expect her to be yours after one such occasion, a relationship got its ups and downs, so most probably, she will patch up and break up many times over the course of the whole relationship until the whole thing is over….When this happens, grab the chance and her with both hands and both legs and be her next special someone…A word of caution though, this tactic is only suitable for guys who dun mind being the second, third, fourth or even fifth bf of tt girl…

TACTICS 2: Have a War Chest

In the real world today, do not expect girls to be happy eating out with you at hot sweaty food courts all the time w/o the occasional dining in at a decent restraturant or to feel romantic just by u looking at her and she looking at you without doing anything else or not going to the movies but instead rent cheap VCDs to watch at home… what I’m saying here is that there is no need for u to spend millions on her but pls provide for basic stuff. Dun expect anything if you cant even bring her for a romantic candlelight dinner or a present for her bthdae…. In order to have all these, you will need money and the more you got, the more things or “stunts” you can do to please the girl… A word of caution: Money cant buy love so dun bother spending your money on improbable targets…

TACTICS 3: True Love

This is the last and the most important tactic among the three… For the above two tactics to work or any other tactics to work, you must truly love the girl, whole heartedly, and w/o complaint… you will love her for her beauty and her flaws and gave her unconditional love whenever you are together with her…. You will think of her all the time, when u eat you think of her, when you play you think of her, when you walk along orchard rd, she is the most beautiful in your eyes, and finally when you slp, you also dream of her….ok a bit extreme…but the meaning I trying to get across is total and committed love to your special someone… If you are not, then dun bother using the above two tactics because at the end of the day, your bachelor membership will still be there…

Haha…so there you are… the 3 tactics that are dished out by KIM, THE LOVE GURU himself… hope it is useful to bachelors out there who are reading this on this Valentine Day. To end off, below is a poem dedicated to all lovers out there and to a special someone whom I hope will read and understand the poem….

Love's Philosophy

The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle—
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdain'd its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea—
What are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?

Current Song: Love Song for No One by John Mayer

Current Mood: Thinking of Someone

V-day Special : 南海十三少!!!

Hmm..... I think i am bloody old!!! I can still remember in 1991 when I was a primary 1 kid in Hong Kong. At that time, the most popular Hong Kong pop singer was 郭富城 with his no. 1 all time hit 對你愛不完. Every little kid on the street will imitate the dance-move of the song. It was the hippiest and the most in thing in town and this song elevated Aaron Kwok's status from a newbies to 四大天王.

Ok, then earlier yesterday, i switched on the tv and tuned to Channel 51. It just happened to have a New Year Special show, reviewing those greatest hits in the 1990s. To me, the 1990s was so recent and actually formed the biggest part of my life till now. But to my astonishment, when they played the MTV of 對你愛不完, it was so bloody 老土. Loss of words..... I bet those a few years younger than me will definitely mock at me for liking such things when they saw this mtv. Anyway I am too embarassed to admit I once liek it also la....

So, by sayign this irrelevant thing, i just trying to bring out how old we are already.... 感慨萬分 man. I am really a damn old man!!!! haiz.....

Ok, end of this feeling so old rubbish!!!! Today is 14th Feb, the highly decorated St. Valentine's Day. 13 out of 17 guys in 4e2000 are still singles, so i am doing charity here, advertising them for free ONLINE!!!!! Yay, so if you guys are grateful to me, just drop a comments to thank me or wateva.

But before doing so, just to publish the four who are attached.

Oh, side-track abit!!! I cant stand this bloody man in my camp!!! Not that i think i very smart or what. But i think Malay+ITE = Ultimate Stupid Idiot!!!!! This guy named Ghazali in my camp always talk as if there's a bloody 10" dick in his mouth!!! Dunno his tongue is too short or what the F*** la. Damn bloody erxin!!! ANyway this stupid boy when filling up the personal particular form in my unit, at the column under marital status, HE FILLED ATTACHED!!!!! Wah biang eh!!!! Never meet such stupid pple b4 lor!!!

One more stupid thing from this Ghazali. Our unit had a CNY unit dinner at the steamboat place at Marina South there on 7th Feb. I decided to share a cab with 3 other frens to go to the place form marina bay mrt. Then when i was going to close the door, i saw this bloody idiot running towards us and asked me which bus to take to go to the place and how many stops!!!! Hey IDIOT, there's only 1 bus you can take at the bus-stop, and all the pple at the bus-stop were pple form our unit, cant you just follow them??? STUPID ASS...

Enough of this idiot, so go on to the 4 guys who're not alone tmr :

1. Chen Bangzhi. Been with xiaoyu since sec 1. This is the 9th year liao. Time to get married.

2. Bai Jiamin. Been with geraldine(4e also) since sec 3 or 4, i also dunno..... Damn long also liao haha!!!!

3. Tay Yuankai, with lijun(another 4e girl) since sec 4??? i think so.

4. Yeo Junwei. Hey JW, i forgot your gf's name liao!!! HAHA!!! together since last year bah....

Free advertisement and my preview of their love lives in the coming year for the 十三位少爺 who're single and available. They're (by 4e reg no. order) chee yaohui, chee zhonghong, lau boonjia, lin weiting, lo hok him, ma hanfeng, ong sweekim, seow zhixiang, teo yongsheng, than jianyang, yap weiming, eric and of course zeng liren.

Chee Yaohui :

Chee Yaohui has very few rumour except for 1 in lower sec. Never has a gf before!!! This boyish look guy is a cheerful guy. A quiet yet humourous guy!!! Has grown up alot during NS, is a future engineer!!! Cant think of any short-coming. Maybe he too shy liao, so girls who like yaohui must take initiative hor!!!!!! Girls, what you waiting for man????

I think CYH shld have no problem in this aspect of life. He once said that go Uni must find gf liao. He so tall, so rich, so strong, so handsome; can fight, can fire 155mm gun, can do maths, can kick balls; with brains like Einstein, smile like Mona Lisa, muscle like Arnold, fortune like Bill Gates, next year this time he shld be happily celebrating his 1st v-day with his girlfriend!!! haiz... at the same time abandoning his long-time buddy which is me LA!!!

Chee Zhonghong :

CZH is a very determined, harworking and a 力求上進的好青年. Never has a gf before also. Though he's a bit too short, standing at 162cm, but who cares about height right???? A bit too calculative at times, must learn to be more generous. Not very gd PR skill, but 我以漢峰的名譽保證 that zhonghong is a nice guy by nature!!! I think he'll be a very 溫柔體貼 type of bf. Wow, I'm amazed with myself that i can actually come out with almost one whole paragragh of good words for you czh, HAHA, must pay me man!!!!

Sorry zhonghong, i think by nxt year this time you'll still be in the 4E bachelor club!!! don't ask me for reason, just instinct!!! Dun say I 看衰你 also, but I AM LA!!!! HAHAHA!!!!

Lau Boonjia :

Future doctor, 大好前(錢)途. Has a few gf before. This shows that he is in high demand man!!! This guy is extremely funny, cocky n bla bla bla.... Being ex rv x-country captain shows that he is an athletic guy who can lead!!!! 好MAN喔!!!! Though he's abit 發福 now and some might think he's too childish, but does it really matter??? No right!!!

LHH's prediction is that with his experience, charm n sweet-talk. He shld not hold memebership to this bachelor club for too long!!! Anyway he doesn't join our bachelor outing also, so his membership is going to be forfeited soon la....

Lin Weiting :

What more to say about this brainy kid man!!!! My sis said that he looks like a Tweety Bird!!! And i think a lot of girls like tweety bird. Another guy with no gf before. This guy can offer the sense of security that you need. Being the big brother in his family, he's responsible and ever-ready to offer care and concern for you. What more you asking for from a guy man???

However, LHH think that weiting is too humji liao. He himself does not wish to have a gf so soon too. So 1-year extension to your bachelor club membership card!!!!

Lo Hok Him :

Oh, isn't that me??? Haha. No gf before also!!! I have a very high tolerance for girl anyhow throwing tantrum becos of no reason or pms. This threshold is being pushed up higher and higher day by day after tough training by my sis!!!! Besides this, i am generally an asshole with nothing much worth mentioning already!!! So girls who like to 發脾氣 and no guy can stand you, you can consider me man. HAHA!!

My prediciton on myself, isn't that a bit weird??? Anyway i too humji and too sarcastic and niao for anyone liking liao, so highly likely nxt year this time i'll be typing somthing like this again.....

Ma Hanfeng :

Fill in the blank yourself!!!! This guy is too perfect and high up there!!! Dunno wat to say!!!

For him, looks over any and every thing, so I think very hard...... 我鄙視你, 鄙視你, 鄙視你.

Ong Swee Kim :

SAF Officer leh, mai siao siao!!!! Winning Eleven Champion of 4E also. Dun play play!!!! Several rumours between him and some girls but he's also no gf till now. Has a beautician-sis, so this guy will get more n more prettier and more and more metro-sexual!!!! Kim the philosoper has his unique way of seeing, dealing and intepreting things, try talking to him more and you'll realise that he's very approachable!!!! Oh, he getting his motorbike license soon too, SO DAMN COOL!!!!!

Hard to predict for Kim, being in engine fac might reduce the possibility like yh and me!!!! But it's really very hard to say la!!!

Seow Zhixiang :

蕭律師!!! Extremely knowledgeable. Offer insight views on issues from different fields of study!!! Very artistic and has a very good taste of food!!! I think he can draw the best pictures apart from those who take arts. Not one who'll shy away from girls. Able to speak well and present himself well in front of others shld earn him lots of points!!! So girls, grab the chance to become his 1st gf!!!

I remembered he once said that it's not that good to get into a relationship in Yr 1. If he meant wat he says, he shld stay in the club for at least 1 more year.

Teo Yongsheng :

Pretty BOY!!! I think TYS is even more metrosexual than OSK man. His romance history I also not veyr sure!!!! Anyway tys is a guy very good to talk cock with. He's very confident of himself and at the same time wont 壓扁 others. Have been in very good relations with both guys and girls, popular among girls yet not a flirt!!! I LOVE TYS!!!!

Another guy who said that he wont quit the club in coming year in the previous bachelor outing. So just wait and see.

Tham Jianyang :

Another guy in medicine. What's better to be the gf of a doctor?? Seems like doctors are in higher demand!!!! Only doctors from the 十三少 have gf before!!! RJ volleyball captain, Rv DSC chairman. Seems like all the doctors have leadership qualities. 偶像偶像!!!! Blessed with good look also, but i hate his dyed-hair!!!!

Not being stucked in the smelly camp of SAF, all of us been wondering why he's still single now!!! Weiting once said that there's a curse on us being single and we need someone to break it!!! He pointed JY as the most likely candidate!!! JY, we all rely on you man!!!!

Yap Weiming :

WM is the 4th tallest guy in RV leh!!!! He always managed to make a normal line sound damn funny!!! Though very quiet, but never fail to make you burst into laughter. Some might think he looks abit gay, but no, he's not man!!! Life-guard here leh!!! I dunno how to swim lor!!!!

Generally he leads a very secret life!!! Dunno wat he's doing man!!! so very hard to come out with a prediction for him.

Eric :

Super nice guy!!! I've never seen such a nice guy as eric before!!!! Never see him get angry before and he's very tactful in resolving dispute!!! A game expert!!! Master in any game he plays. Eric is a very smart guy, no lack of humour genes also. And yes, eric slims down alot during NS!!!! CHEERS!!!!!

I really hope eric can find a veyr very nice girl!!!!

Zeng Liren :

My 1-decade fren!!! same class for consecutive 8 years in 3 different school. I think he plus-points i type till the pig flies also cannot finish!!! Just list a few here, though never have a gf b4, he has a lot of females frens. Good PR!!! Well-established!!!! Dare to try a lot of new stuff!!! Adventurous. Roller-blading, clubbing are just 2 of his new found hobbies. A guy with 好酒量. hmm.... the list goes on n on, girls, why dun you find it out yourself???

Let's end the prediction as the same way i do it for the 1st guy. Liren, u so tall, so cool, so hip, so handsome so rich; own car, own condo, own credit card; can talk, can drink, can dance, can drive; Liren, 你行的.

HAHA, i think i will 折壽折福, 遭天譴, 被雷劈, after writing so many things against my conscience. Anyway it's really a good way to pass time on V-day, so that i need not go out and see all the couples happily walking on the street. haha!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2005


Dunno why suddenly have the 中秋 mood. So guys, just enjoy this 水調歌頭 by 蘇軾, more commonly know as 蘇東坡.


New Year Resolutions by LHH!!!

Hmmm.... This is a very old topic and shld be written about earlier in the year!!! However, at that time i did not want to have a content-clash with other people, so i've waited till the lunar new year to write my new year resolutions!!!

Below are 7 things that i would wish to accomplish in the year 2005. Why 7??? Cos 7 is a perfect number inthe Bible, so i choose 7 la!!! I think i would presents them in the osk style, gauging wat's the percentage that the task could be done by year end!!!

No 1 : Make a trip back to Hong Kong (東方之珠)!!!

Possibility : 100%

Reason : Haven't gone back to my place of birth for almost 4 years. I think it's time to go back to visit and entertain my relatives. At the same time I haven't been to my grandparent's grave. So it's about time to go back 尽孝心.

Of course i would want to check out Hong Kong's changes in the past few years!!! Visit some of the old places in Hk that i have fond memories of and eat all the nice food there!!! Most likely i would be going back either in the period after i ORD till Uni starts or the end of year break!!! If anyone wanna tag along with me to go Hk for a short holiday, tell me man!!! I can be your free tour guide and accomodation and food might be free too!!!!

No. 2 : Recover from the double injureis

Possibility : 90%

Reason : Need not to explain!!! Who wouldn't want to recover from bad injureies?? Haiz... Might need another operation on the left ankle!!! It means that i might not be able to run or play soccer for the near future!!! Therefore dream of being part of 4E starting XI to face other team on the field and running the Standard Chartered Marathon gotta be put on hold!!!

Anyway recovery is not certain!!! My physio once said that i will not be getting well on the rate i work!!! I too lazy to do all the bloody physio exercise liao!!! Just hope that i am 年轻力壮 so the knee and ankle can recover by itself!!!

No. 3 : Become a Mugger in Uni!!!

Possibility : 75%

Reason : I think i've never been a mugger whole of my life!!! I like to think that i sort of under-performed during A lvl, mainly due to my laziness and other factors as well.... So i think being the last 4 years of my studying life, i shld do myself justice by studying hard and get a respectable honour!!! Especially in Engineering, i think must get a good honour to distinguish myself by the thousands of other engineers around.

But no matter how hard i would like to mug, i think it's not easy for a slacker to turn into a mugger immediately!!! So rating it at 75% is a bit too high, but i really want myself to turn into a mugger, so must rate higher!!!

No. 4 : Kick my anyhow spend habit

Possibility : 60%

Reason : Since going to the army, I sort of becoming financially independent from my mother!!! And have more than enough to spend, bought quite a lot of luxury items that were actually quite meaningless!!! Now looking back, it's a total waste of money!!! I would flag for a cab by instinct when i get frustrated waiting for bus. I think it's about time to kick away this free-spending habit!!!

Chance of kicking this habit shld be relatively high la!!! Once i have no money to spend, i will auto kick away this habit liao, so no fear. HAHA!!! but of course i will try my best to achieve this mission before my account dries out!!!

No. 5 : To have a GF???

Possibility : 20%

Reason : Why the chance so high??? Shld be lower lor!!! but then my sis told me on 大年初一 that she read from 3 different sources that Rat, Taurus in the month of April, O+ bloodtype guys with no GF before will be highly likely to have one in the year of chick!!! Isn't that ME???? That's why i up my chance to 20%. HAHA!!

Am i that bloody desperate to have a gf?? Not really la actually. But then i dun wan to wait until nxt time go out to work then start to have gf lor!! Abit too late liao!!!! And i think 21 is the right age!!! However i am the super humji type that i will never go and jio a girl!!! And i'm NOT the the type that girls will like!!!! So the chance of success is very low!! but this is not very high on my priority also... so nvm!!!!

No. 6 : To recite at least 2 respectable piano piece

Possibility : 10%

Reason : Cos of my smelly face and uncultured look, when i tell pple that i have grade 8 piano and music theory, no one wants to believe me. Then they'll jump at every chance to ask me play a song if a piano is available!!! But then i've not been playing it since sec 3. How am i supposed to convince them??? So i think by mastering and be able to recite at least 2 pieces of certain standard shld be able to convince my doubters....

But then it'll not be easy. My fingers are already quite rusty!!! only start to play the piano more after my injury stopped me from any other activities!!! However it's really no easy task so chance of completing it is damn low..... And i wld not spend too much time on it also... so yup....

No. 7 : Winning Singapore Sweepstake 1st prize!!!!

Possibility : 0%

Reason : Getting a bit crappy. Just to think of some rubbish to make up 7 things!!! But who wouldn't want to 发一笔横财?? $ 2 million leh!!!! If i really get the 1st prize, i would be a rich kid liao, lead a happy life ever after!!!

No matter how low the chance is, it shldn't be zero right??? But then to win the 1st prize for me is really no chance!! Cos i dun even buy the sweepstakes ticket!!! So the chance is zero!!!

What for wasting $3 per month on a dream that will never come true??? By not buying sweepstake or toto or 4D, i think it's a few dollars saved instead of chances being wasted.

So I've completed my New Year Resolutions for 雞年. ARGH!!! I hate CNY, always so sian nothing to do.............

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Cock Math Joke for the Year of the Cock!

There was this party-a party of functions. All of the functions are there: e^x, πr^2, i^2, even some of the old school guys like abs(x). Anyway poor e^x is alone in a corner, acting all morose. His good friend 2^x comes over and says, “What’s the problem? Come on, integrate yourself into the party! And e^ x looks at him and says, "Why? It's not going to make a difference!"

Happy new year, all!

Monday, February 07, 2005

ThE $CreW uP, ThE C0ck uP & ThE f*** uP

Dec 2003
Posting for combat engineer specs out. 9 of us posted to 42 SAR (Singapore Armoured Regiment). Noticeable am chio(hidden laughter) from experienced & seasoned officers, warrants. Doubtful.
Feb 2004
1st step into 42 SAR. All seems well for a start. Better facilities than AETC. CLeared 2 days leave for trip to M'sia. Met up with Xiao Zhuang and a Pr. Sch classmate, all in the same coy.
March 2004
OC's demonic side surfaces. Bryan, a high flyer noted by higher authorities for scholarships and sweet talking. A cunning back stabber and power abusing shameless boot licker to the eyes of all others. A weak leader he is. Only able to force submission thru loud voice and threats. Ridiculously demanding and a scumbag who sets priciples he doesn't follow.
April 2004
BN trip to Brunei, temburong. 1st Armour unit to do infantry training in Brunei. New CSM, warrant Jenny, a female 1st warrant. She SUX as a mum and soldier. Treating the guys here like her 3 teenage sons whom she performs stand by bed every Sundays.Tough time for guys who went there. Poor terrain, poor leaders. I was lucky enough to be 1 of the 5% staying behind for course.
Xtras, Xtras... sign all about it. Guys who were there signed enough extras to cover 2 months of COS, all thanks to our CSM.
May 2004
The in thing in the BN was to get charged. Fines & SOLs were rampant, not to mention DB. OC and CSM in my coy alone charged no less than 10 guys, for reasons simple as using handphones. Burglary happened twice.
June 2004
Week long full troop EX to Pulau Tekong. A grave mistake and horribly back fired. Bronvo (the vehicle this BN uses) proved to be the ultimate disaster created by Singapore Technologies and SAF. All vehicles returned with considerable damages, costing millions for repair. Decision was made for us to be the 1st... and the last Bronco battalion ever. Which means, we have to fight ATEC... probably the 1st testing BN to do so.
July 2004
Change of command. Jason the jaded steped out in relief, while Bobby the blurry steped in with high hopes. The parade raided by storm forecasted his path ahead. Stern and majestic at first. Battered by tons of helpless situations and ridicules new & old. A total new man in just 2 months, frail and lost. My coy CSM changed too... Allan, a very motivated & hardworking 28yrs old staff sergeant with 8+ yrs of service. If he runs a biz or works in MNC, he could be Mr somebody by now. Sadly, SAF is all about suck ups. No suck up, no rise up. We respected him.
On Stand-by.... kanna recalled on a Sunday.
Aug 2004
Change of OC... the most desired for all in my coy. Patrick, a 29yrs old LTA... totally uncommited and Bo Kah Lan. Married, owns car, flat, ~$4000/month and goaless in life. Takes MC for months, comes to office ~4 hrs a day... to smoke, canteen and then jio all PS to play LAN till midnight. Contributes almost nothing to the coy, except a pack of cigarette to his office. However, we like it. He's good.
More Stand-bys. So sianz
Sep 2004
Army Open House... A whole lot of shit work for us at the SOC ground which was made into adventure land. Generally well planned and results were good, with lotsa grace from the public.
Still on Stand-by. Getting used.
Oct 2004
A tunner over-turned in Tekong. I was lucky enough to miss it. Quite a few serious injuries but luckily no death. 42 SAR named most dangerous & costly armour BN ever. Accident rate tops all other units and cost of all accidents in 1yr surpassed cumulative cost of accidents in all other armour BNs over the past 10yrs. Some kind of record.
Stand-by still on. Dun even wanna care about it.
Nov 2004
1 week block leave... to help the March ORD batch to clear some leaves. Most went overseas. A great time indeed. No trainings, outfield.
Stand-by ended... We're so glad.
Dec 2004
Logistic Readiness Inspection. Everything from bunk to office to vehicles made to so called "tip top" conditions(meaning everything dun need to use). A waste of time and resources.
ATEC stage 1. A great wayang show for the invigilators. The process of scoring in ATEC was not really hard. All that we need was to treat the testers breakfast and sweet talk to them.
Jan 2004
Outfields were the highlight. Almost everybody went for at least 3 outfields. Sick and tired of moving out. We suffer 3 days in the sun, eat dust, get damn dirty and feed the countless mosquitoes, when 80% of the time out in the jungles were spent waiting.
Ex. Dragonball... A combined Ex with Brunei troops. Good friends they were, no doubt roudy and pleasure deprived. I bought them to Orchard once. Alcohol was the highlight. ZOUK and porn tapes were their requests. Geylang for those who dared to venture far. Eye-opening.
Feb 2004
6 days past so far. Nothing much to say for now. Wishing all a Happy Lunar New Year. Happy ORD to those brothers who chiong with me all these while.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Food for thought

"When u are out at work, u often dun get to choose ur working partners so u better learn how to work with ple u dunno now" This reason is frequently given by tutors nowadays in uni where we need groupings for our projects.

Over lunch on day of grouping,
A: Why can't i choose my own grp mates? (referring to A's clique of friends). At least our standards are almost the same. If there're members who aren't 厉害 in my group, I'll rather do all or most of the work myself and get a gd grade instead of getting a mediocre grade when everybody contributes and I hafta do extra by correcting the errors n blah... I dun mind doing most of the work to benefit the whole grp when i know the end result will be gd.

B: This attitude of urs is wrong... if all the elites are grouped together, then what will happen to the rest? Aren't the rest going to get worse off? The gap between the elites and the lousy ones will widen... (a bit 客套 i feel tho it's for gd of society)

Afterall 人不为己 天诛地灭...?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

I'm finally here

FINALLY, after SUch a LONG time... Mr Ma finally sent an email to the right email address.. (Heng I saw him at BBDC yesterday) After reading a few entries i realised why Hanfeng told me he is learning the same things in 2 practical lessons.. PSYCHOMOTOR problem!!! Haha~

Alright more blogging later having company law lesson now!!

PS. can send me photos taken during the gathering?

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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