Sunday, July 31, 2005

Bus Trip Round Island??

I was forced out of my home todae cuz of some window repair work to be done.... So bo bian.... Cracked my head last nite to c what I can do.....

In The ENd, I come up to a stupid plan to waste my time....

I took Bus 61 from Bukit Batok Interchange to Eunos.... It's a toruturing 1hr n 45mins trip lor.... hihi.... But then I juz treat it like sight seeing tour....

So what I saw along the wae... Hmm.... I come across places I never went be4 lor... I.E. MacPherson and Bendemeer lor.... I doubt mani of u all have been to these places oso...

Kind of fun lah.... Imagining the bus driver actualli stop the bus sumwhere near SMU to go toilet.... haha... Tat's sumthing u don't see too often...

I took interest in such activity cuz I have tried on a couple of occasions to board a bus from interchange to interchange lor...

Maybe we can haf organised gathering on such long distance bus for us to tok cork all the wae lor.... haha....

Ah Lim exposed : Eating his favourite food...

Guess what??? Ah Lim's identity was exposed.

According to reliable sources, an anonymous photographer heard that famous blogger of rv4e2000, Ah Lim, was having his dinner Takashimaya Crystal Jade's La Mian Xiao Long Bao sometime last week.

That anonymous photographer happened to be nearby in orchard after watching some Jap movie in Cineleisure. He rushed down to take a photo of Ah Lim immediately. Ah Lim was caught eating his favourite food.

At that time, he was having dinner alone. The whole table was full of dishes of the same food. Which looks disgusting and i guess it was disgusting as well. That food was basically some dough (flour+water) wrapping a spoonful of brown rice, w/o any other meat or anything.

Without second thought, that anonymous photographer took ah lim's photo and contacted me. HE said he was willing to sell the pic to me at S$100k. I think it's definitely a valuable photo, but i was unable to fork out the sum of money as my allowance was peanuts!!!! After some serious negotiation for days, i manage to bargain the price down to S$0.10. And now publishing it for all the faithful rv4e2000 reader to know the identity of ah lim.

After getting the photo, i asked Crystal (aka Kim, aka OSK) out to verify the identity of Ah Lim as Kim was the only one knowing how Ah Lim looks like. Though promising not to expose Ah Lim's identity, Kim could not deny that it was the actual Ah Lim.


Below was some comments by loyal rv4e2000 readers after seeing ah lim's face :

Horse: I quitted brown rice years ago. But since it was my idol Ah Lim's favourite food, I am more than willing to eat it EVERYDAY!!!!

Seow: Cool dude. The coolest dude I've ever seen!!!! That's Great Man...

Yaohui: Arg hI' msufferin gfrom smoe difficult y. Myh and is veyr SPAsTIC. But it'sokay, I ca nsee that aH Lim iseq ually Spas.

Up till press time, I've not been able to contact Ah Lim for his comments. We'll wait for his next entry to see what he got to say as his private life was being intrude. But for now. i hope everyone is happy to finally knowing how ah lim looks like!!!!

song for today : 再说一次我爱你 by 刘德华

Saturday, July 30, 2005

A place to hang out

If any of u loves to eat grilled sticks eg yakitori, try out Kazu Sumiyaki Restaurant which is located at Cuppage Plaza #04-05. This is a rather authentic Jap restaurant that is famous for its sumi (bbq over charcoal) and yaki (roast) sticks. Its chef even appeared on tv commercial b4. The menu selection is rather wide. Besides the normal stuff we usually eat, there are also horse mackeral sashimi, grilled sticks of chicken gizzards, chicken liver or whatever funny parts u can think of. They gave funny names to their items eg is chicken tail (?!)... i think that's juz chicken backside. Haha. Btw, the yakitori, beef rolled with cheese, codfish, salmon, scallop/prawn, lamp chop etc which my frens recommended tasted really gd. No wonder the place is often packed with Japs, locals n expats. However, the price is as per stick n each stick starts fr ard $2.

Still, this is another place u can go if u r in the mood of eating delicious Jap yaki =)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Kim---> Ah Lim is Crying out for love in his bedroom!!

Yoyo… have you all been getting on? Heard that most of AL aka Ah Lim’s readers are going to embark on a new phase of life in uni liao…wah…AL feel so happy for you all but remember studies more important hor…get first class honors and dun slack and fuck around cos if you do, u will have wasted uni life…so conclusion is to be autistic and be a chao mugger..Haha….AL 5 cents worth of advice to his undergrads readers… AL can boast that his ALCT is read by undergrads loh…up one level liao…haha…anyway from the last issue of ALCT, Ah Lim mentioned that he is going to reveal his chio bu of bus 176 rite…haha…but before that I would like to appeal to horny guys out there, pls do control yourself cos ALCT is a family magazine and so AL dun wan any characters mentioned in it to be fantasied by any readers cos the privilege only belongs to Ah Lim…ok…like copyright lidat….understand? the chio bu of bus 176 is *drumroll* F2 aka girl next door aka evonne hsu hui xin look alike…haha… guys dun complain to me that it shld be someone else k…cos its Ah Lim’s choice, not yours… yah…anyway talking about girls, Ah Lim used to 轰轰烈烈的爱一场 relationship loh…haiz…so guys you wanna hear about it anot…aiyah dun bluff lah…AH Lim shall share it with you all and maybe you could learn from Ah Lim..haha… with every love story, it will begins with a title…duh…yah so the story shall be titled: Crying out love in the centre of my bedroom (no reference to the jap movie showing in cinema now)… shall introduce the main characters: 1) Male lead: Ah Lim aka KuKu (pls dun pronounce it like some male reproductive organ, if you do, pls slap yourself for being so dirty minded). 2) Female Lead: Sporty-Girl Next door aka KinKi. 3) Supporting Cast aka Extras: Miyiki. And so the story unfolds:

It’s the year 1986, KuKu was in junior college…He saw this girl KinKi practicing for her 100m sprint…He was captivated by her and KuKu knew that it is love at first sight… but the problem is how to win her heart over…you see.. KuKu is not a rich guy, he is a slacker, his favorite food is called Fried Kuay Diao Bread basically, fired Kuay Diao sandwiched between two slices of bread…yah…but KinKi on the other hand is sporty, tall, popular and rich…so KuKu was feeling very disheartened…One day…KuKu was riding his motorbike to school when KinKi ambushed him at a traffic intersection and ask him to give her a ride on his motorbike…KuKu being the horny guy that he is was surprised but also happy…on the way…KinKi ask KuKu: “ Can you feel my _______ against your back?”(I leave it to the readers’ imagination to fill in the blank) For the first time in his life, KuKu was feeling embarrassed and he knew that this is the girl for him liao…so months went by and they carry on as platonic friends…now one day, KinKi suggest that instead of they talking to each other face to face, they should record what they have to say on cassette tapes and passed it to each other… this way they could say something after thinking through it…yah so both began to learn more about each other from birthday to favorite food, hobbies and even go on dates in this way… other people had no idea what they were doing, wearing headphones, listening to cassette tapes and laughing to themselves…

3 months went by….KuKu was thinking he must be the luckiest guy in the world right now. However good things seldom last and one day Kinki was hospitalized and diagnosed with excessive sunburn after an outing to Urulu island…KuKu thought that KinKi will get well soon but never did he expect that infections will set in and worsen KinKi’s condition…. Kinki was now very ill and had become gaunt and frail…so different from the girl that KuKu knew…because Kinki is now so ill that she got to stay in hospital all day, she can only pass her cassette tapes to KuKu through the help of this little girl called Miyiki whose mother is lying beside Kinki at the same ward.

Days went by and KinKi’s condition is worsening…the inevitable finally happened on 28th of October 1987… That day was raining so heavily that it was akin to having a typhoon. After recoding what was to be her last message, KinKi passed the tape to Miyuki and died soon after that holding tightly to the marriage application form that KuKu had passed to her the previous day… The rain did not stop Miyuki from running to find KuKu and passing him the tape, but as fate would have it, the tape did not reach KuKu cos Miyuki kanna knocked down by a car while crossing the road… it was only days later that KuKu knew that Kinki, his beloved girlfriend had died…

Years went by; Miyuki grew up and become a very chio lady although she walked with a slight limp from the accident… She is still searching for KuKu to pass him KinKi’s last cassette tape…Will she find KuKu? What will she do when she find him? What is KuKu doing now? many questions still unanswered…haha…so still tuned for your next issue of ALCT on: Crying out love in the center of my bedroom…

Question of the day: Do you believe in 轰轰烈烈爱一场?

Song of the day: Ken Hirai: Qing Bi Shuang Yan

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Can You Kick It

Hey guys, the new soccer season is starting real soon, so is the long awaited Fantasy Football Game. I know a lot of you played this before but i just give a brief description of how it works.

I remembered in sec 3, Junwei was the one who introduced me to this game. At that time, not a lot of us had internet, therefore the class league at that time only had me, junwei and weiming. Pathetic.... Now, i've just created a RV4E2000 League for the new season and sent the invitation to all of your email add, so pls join it asap and leave a comment if you didn't receive the email.

Basically, the game is about picking 15 footballers of various positions using 100million, each player had his own price tag based according to his performance last season. Throughout the season, his price will flucturate depending on his form and popularity. Then points will be awarded based on how he played the matches every week la, Simple right?

So in the past 5 or 6 years, a lot of us played this game, got excited and cursed each other during matches and then dunno why the heat will always die off in the Jan and Feb period. So, in order to make things more interesting this time, Bangzhi suggested some sort of award for those high scorers. And also an excuse for us to meet and whack buffet together!!!!

So basically For every 3 months, we'll meet and whack buffet, and the respective monthly leader will not need to pay for his share as the rest would fork out and pay for them.... cool???

And then of course the overall winner by season end will receive smth greater which is not yet decided, but we can discuss it along the way!!! I hope this will motivate us to play this game better and of course we can whack more buffet regularly!!! At the same time gear us up for the main event which is the World Cup held in Germany nxt year!!!!

Soccer Fanatics, Go and select your team now man!!! I've just completed mine....

To access the website, click here.

So Just repeat again, if you didn't receive that invitation email, then leave a msg at the comment column....

Thursday, July 21, 2005


super fed-up now! i hafta look thru 6000+ cells in 4 excel sheets and edit the compiled data...

I'm being deprived of my free time...and I hate this.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


When the NKF scandal was exposed, my colleagues were all discussing about it... updating each other with the latest news. the gold tap, the mercedes servicing fees and road tax, the 8 cars and driver, the bonus, the toilet seat...

so i was quite excited abt the donation drive on thurs with jeff chang and two other i-dunno-their-names singers. i was thinking since noone wants to donate anymore, the odds of getting the 10,000 cash, condo and watever stuff they give as prizes will be higher.then maybe i heng heng can get something out of it.

so i faster finish my work and take mrt home. Then i realised that an hour before the show, the minister suspended all donation drives.


no more call-in-the-next-5-mins-get-$10,000,
no more call-when-u-see-logo-on-the-right-upper-corner-of-ur-tv.
the donate and help our poor cancer patients who are sucked dry by medical fees donation drive became a thank you so much for your donations towards our gold tap show.

i think the hosts are the most 可怜 one... cos they cannot say the things that they always say.
请拿起您的手机 sms XXXXX 到。。。
the most 可怜 part is they cannot say 1900 112 6868.
i can imagine them trying very hard to stop their hands(pretending its a phone) from going up to their ears....

anyway, the most 八卦thing that i heard from my colleague is that the paint job outside the NKF was an inside job. *GASP*
ya... cos her fren is working in NKF, then her fren heard from someone then tell her, then she tell me and the rest us, then i tell u all.

i dun understand y that dublai guy wan to sue SPH lor... waste his money, got a lot oso dun waste like that la... if he keep quiet maybe he can cheat our money until he retire... since he already did so for 37 years... now he do this stunt, he 害 himself, 害 NKF. tsk tsk tsk... think the patients the most 无辜.

by the way, attachment end le.... now 游手好闲 again... no money, no anime to watch... gundam seed destiny i only did until episode 12 lor... sian... the behind nv watch finish then have to leave liao... shld have brought cd-r there to burn, then can come home slow slow watch. oh ya!! i borrowed inital D.... how come i forgot... muah ahhaa..

going to watch now lo... think can waste like 5, 6 hours... WHEE...

Friday, July 15, 2005

A Close Shave!

This evening ard 7.40pm, I was at Coronation Plaza UOB depositing cash using the machine and what horrifying scenes I witnessed juz when I was about to leave!

2 bangla look-alike men were fighting juz along the narrow corridor <3m outside UOB which happened to be located at 1 corner. One man was punching and kicking the other repeatedly...The other was shouting in pain and tried to dodge but his head was already bleeding and there was lotsa blood on 1 side of his face. Damn gross!!! The abuser scolded the victim loudly in a language I can't understand. He was very angry and looked really fierce! I was shocked. I was at the entrance/exit and both of them were fighting <2m in front of me. I couldn’t think less and my 1st instinct was to retreat into the ATM area. I took out my hp and wanted to call the police.

Just as I took out my hp, I saw the victim struggling hard to escape from the beatings. He ran towards the direction of UOB and nearly wanted to come into the enclosed ATM area!!! Oh my god! I was scared coz that was the only exit. What’s worse was I was ALONE inside!!! Immediately, I ducked into 1 corner of the area but still near the door. At that moment, I was praying so hard that they wouldn't come in, otherwise I would surely have nowhere to escape! The victim nearly wanted to enter. I thought “Shucks! Somebody pls help me!”. I dare not move at all. His hands were already on the sides of the originally opened door (those pull-and-push types) and the beater was juz behind him! Gosh! Guess he heard my helpless pleas and still had the conscience of not wanting to involve the innocent, he fleed towards his right and ran towards the main road. What a relief for me! I couldn’t imagine what would happen, especially of me, if they fought inside the small UOB area and blocked my exit!

As the victim ran towards the main road, the beater still wouldn’t give up. He kept on chasing the victim who wanted to cross the road but in vain. The victim u-turned and ran towards the bus-stop where 157 bus stopped and many commuters were queuing to board the bus. The beater who was in another lane continued to run after him. Then, the victim squeezed thru the queue and boarded the bus!!! The passengers onboard must be damn shocked to see an injured man with a bloody face too. What’s more, the bus was already quite crowded.

The chaser wanna board the bus too but the bus driver immediately closed the doors. He was left with no chance of boarding the bus. He then cursed loudly with lotsa hand gestures pointing at the victim. Onlookers were dumbfounded. Shortly, the abuser ran towards the direction of Hwa Chong… I guess he was running to the next bus stop outside Hwa Chong, in an attempt to catch up with the 157 bus later. He appeared to be persistent in getting back at the victim. The bus was still at the spot. After a few seconds, the bus drove off and I wondered what happened after that…

Eventually, I came out of the UOB area safely. Later, I learnt that the security guard of Coronation Plaza had already called the police but the ambulance only arrived after quite some time.

What a close shave! This is indeed a tense and thrillful yet horrifying experience before Saturn, the planet that prodded and pressed, tested and challenged me since June 2003, finally leaves Cancer tmr.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

This time I cried...

I forgot when I last cried but today my tear glands regain their functions coz 我真得好舍不得.

My internship at KPMG is going to end tomorrow. I'm feeling upset...Yes... I'm really sad. I haven’t been in low moods for as long as I can remember. From my previous entry, you all know that my other NTU intern fren cried (not once but a couple of times) during work and was ever since termed as ‘emotionally unstable’ by the staff in my unit. My senior even joked that “because Zining never cries” can be put under “remarks for intern’s suitability for permanent employment in future” in my appraisal form. Haha. I thought I wouldn't cry in front of my colleagues but at the moment when I was about to leave the client's office, I couldn't control my tears coz I won't be able to bid farewell to them personally tmr at the KPMG office. I lost my cool and guess I’d influenced them since their eyes turned red too.

I’m luckier than my other NTU intern friend. One GA even commented that if she were my other NTU intern friend, she would be damn ‘du lan’ with me coz I’ve such nice team members for both of my jobs. I’ve had such a great time with them since my 1st job. They asked me once when my birthday is when I started working with them and they are thoughtful enough to remember (which touched me): gave me pay-leave on my birthday and also a treat. Throughout the wks, I often had free drinks or snacks. We worked together; we gossiped together; we ‘lo boh’ (= slacked) together; we had so much fun together! They even treated me to a farewell lunch today.

Frankly, what makes my internship enjoyable isn’t the scope of the work (afterall not much since it’s off-peak period now) but rather the people in the unit. Indeed, I’m grateful to have met the right people :)

A shot with Jocelyn who is pretty and cute!

My other interesting colleagues: Lina, Yee Khoon, Ling Ling & Jaclyn :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

@ Geraldine's Party

Sunday, July 10, 2005

NUS orientations

What crazy weeks I've been thru, shag man. 13-19th Jun, Melbourne. 20-23 Jun, BIZ Add orientation. 24 Jun, driving lessons. Rest from 25-26 Jun. 27 Jun, driving test & I passd with a mere 10 pts. 27 Jun -2 Jul, sportscamp. 2-3 Jul, ZN, XJ, JT & WL birthday parties. 4 Jul rest, but I went out too. 5-9 Jul, NUSSU camp. 9 & 10 Jul, G, YK & LK birthday parties. Now's the time I rest a few days, b4 my 2I chalet starts next Friday, and to spend some time going for OG outings.

Actually when you come to think of it, most orientations are pretty much the same. For all 3 camps, our accomodation are the halls which are empty during this holiday. (the"hall" is some sort of hostel, not the assembly area some pple asked me about...) Food was prepared by SFI for all 3 I guess, cos they really resembles army food but dunno why taste much better. The games we played were similiar, yet its so fun. All 3 camps have 1 day at Sentosa, and all 3 plays fright nite. It was cool man, I din know NUS pple so good at acting and make ups. Something very conicidental... all my 3 orientation group colours were yellow.

Activities are just part of the camp. I feel that getting to know pple is a more impt aspect of the camp. Human relations are ultimately determinents for survival in this diverse society. Other than that, everyone's got to find a partner for themselves. 2 of my 3 camps play the game of secret pal, a game to get guys to know another gal. Some of the games we played were rather kinky, and all 3 camps has a chiong nite, mainly to build up friendship within the orientation groups. Here's a brief account of the camps:

Camp 1: Biz Add Camp
Kent Ridge Hall
This is the 1st camp I attended, and starts just 10hrs after I touch down in Changi Airport, din attend briefings or whatsoever, so basically rather unsure of what to do initially. The other guys went for pre-orientation activities, so they know each other already, while I'm like new around. Luckily the group is small and we quickly know each other. However, my group OGL damn slack, and even ask us to slack, so the whole camp really slack thru.....Most of the games are played in pairs, guy and gal of cos. Alot of contacts involved. The camp com seems to have not enough good ideas, causing our games to have lots of blind folding. 2 seniors actually faked as freshies, joined us for activites and then stunned us on the 2nd day, damn funny. Fright nite nothing much, cos I dun even know the way, and the gal beside me wasn't scared & screaming. The SP game was lousy for me. My SP was someone from RV, our batch... so sian, thought can know someone new. And I din buy any present for her cos I just landed last nite. Food was terrible, but kent ridge hall was fantastic, very big & new. A great chiong nite we had, can really dance our hearts out. I also a bit siao that day, I dance with a gal with both hands on her waist.

Camp 2: Sports Camp-Sportgasm
Raffles Hall
The longest and most shag camp of the 3. Its really quite physicall demanding, and alot of time under the sun. Like a survival camp, pple keep falling out, from ~16 on 1st day to 8 on the last day. Raffles Hall is kinda old, with delapidated facilities. Further more, we've got to squeeze into rooms, usually 4 guys to a double room. Simple dishes makes the packed food rather nice. The pple who joined the camp are mainly those sporty type. Got a babe in my OG, and all the concellors are active & good looking... wooo! The whole camp is really alot on sports, and as activities are much more diversed than other camps. During the 5 days, we were given the chance to try or at least shown all sports available in NUS. Some of the interesting ones include: windsurf, wake board, archery, floor ball, touch rugby etc... At 1st pple thought I'm a nerd cos I agree I look abit like William Hung. Quickly I became a significant force in the group, with some impressive moves. Eg: I ran 1/2 a field with great ferocity & made the only touch down, stunning many.

On the 3 rd day, we had a bbq at S'pore Sea Sports Club along East Coast Park, after a day of canoeing, wind surfing which caused terrible sun burn. On 4th day we went Sentosa in the morning for beach games. By evening, we headed for Pulau Ubin where we camped thru the nite. We had the OG performance on Pulau Ubin. It was damn RA... most groups had very gross and perverted performance. Sex has became the theme of the OG performance. At nite, we played the scariest fright nite, along a dark, creepy, quiet road on Pulau Ubin. For the 1st time, I was afraid, frightened not by the fake ghosts but the creep of Pulau Ubin at nite. The chiong nite was a failure, cos everybody left the club after the pageant contest. I went for KTV, while many went China Black. Throughout the camp, I've experienced many disgusting cheers, whereby even dig nose can become cheer... lame man. No SP game, cos simply no time. I like the camp, even despite the exhaustion.

Camp 3: NUS Student Union Camp
Eusoff Hall
Probably the camp that I like the most, no doubt may not be the most exciting. The only camp that I was early and din miss out on anything. The camp that I knew the most pple even b4 going. I already knew 3 guys b4 hand in my OG alone. The largest OG of all, with around 25 freshies & 8 seniors for each OG. With so many pple, its really hard to remember all, and I still mix up some gals by today. I shared a double room with 3 other guys. The room was spacious so wasn't that bad. My group name was PIYO, cute and cuddy. Even the cheers were unoffensive. Some cool guys in my OG, I did learned something from them. One guy even helped me styled my hair for the SP evening, cos I was a lousy stylist. Most of the gals were pretty on and sporty. Our OGL was a bit beng, but he's good. In short, we were a great OG which easily dominated the games though we tend to be cute than competitive......ha ha. The games were rather simple and not many are played in pairs. Some can be rather funny, like play captain's ball with bananas, volley ball with hands tied up, water bombing of mascot etc. There was alliance between teams too.

A very significant part of the camp was the freshie performance. We've seen the awful senior performance on the 1st nite, with 7 out of 10 OGs having drag as the main theme. Hence we tried puttting up a great dance. 5 pieces of music were used, with 4 dances and a cheer leading as the finale. The rehearsal caused us to sleep only ~ 3 hrs a day.I was part of the cheer leading, making the base for a back fall and arms locked somersault. Shiok sia! We've won 1st for that fantastic performance. SP nite was good. My SP is charming. Someone from VJ, studing Physics, a band player, single but unavailable. I had a great time chatting with her, but as usual this SP game does not last over the chiong nite, after which everybody goes back to their own OGs. The pageant was nice, and happens that 2 of the winners are pple I know. At nite, we play true or dare, and the seniors really ask damn private Qns lor. I kena once, my Qn was which gal I like most in my OG... wa lau. On price presentation, my OG won the most prices, including the best OG award... the feeling was hard to explain, I'd never been anywhere 1st b4.

The camps were unforgettable experiences. New friends made, tried many activities, experienced the halls, understood more of NUS and I learnt more about myself. I know many of you out there are against orientation camps... I say: its not a waste of $, its not to get tekan by seniors, its not an event for posers etc. Its a part of U life.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Kim ---> I am a Samurai

haven been blogging for a while liao but guess that a certain Ah Lim is keeping the crowd entertained...haha...anyway just went to do a survey and below is the result of the quiz...


You are a Samurai.
You are full of honour and value respect. You
are not really the stereotypical hero, but you
do fight for good. Just in your own way. For
you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil
person, if it is for justice and peace. You
also don't belive in mourning all the time and
think that once you've hit a bad stage in life
you just have to get up again. It's pointless
to concentrate on emotional pain and better to
just get on with everything. You also are a
down to earth type of person and think before
you act. Impulsive people may annoy you

Main weapon: Sword
Quote: "Always do the right thing.
This will gratify some people and astonish the
rest" -Mark Twain
Facial expression: Small smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

Kim---> Ah Lim and his 3 Chio Bu

Hi guys, WAZ UP!!!! Ah Lim Coffee Talk is here again… To all my loyal supporters out there, thank you for reading every crappy issue of ALCT aka Ah Lim Coffee Talk. So what shall Ah Lim talk about today...hmm….well since the majority of my loyal supporters are guys, I shall talk about one of the all time favourite topic today: Girls …

Ok…Ah Lim has been going to work since he quit the army…and being an average guy who cannot afford a car yet, Ah Lim has been taking bus 176 daily to commute between home and work…so yah…people who take the bus will agree with me that not only is the bus a smelly and crowded place but also the journey itself is a very boring affair unless you indulge in some self entertainment like listening to music, eavesdropping on some other people’s conversations (rite hh?), seeing noisy sec sch kids talking loudly and then realizing that Ah Lim was once like that, folding funny things using bus tickets until it were phased out and blah blah blah…so yah…on this day Ah Lim was traveling to work when he decided to indulge in some eye candy aka chio bu seeing instead of closing his eye to sleep while listening to Glenn and the flying Dutchman talk cock on class 95 morning show…by the way, Glenn is still as lame as ever and his wife is still as chio as ever…yah..back to topic…so Ah Lim stayed awake and never regretted his decision…

As with all chio bu spotting, it always start with a horny guy…I repeat the key word again: “ALWAYS” and “HORNY” so yah…Ah Lim sat on 176 and watched as passengers board and alight the bus…the results were disappointing until the bus reached hillview area and beyond…below are the top three girls which Ah Lim feels is the sweetest eye candy…

Contestant F1: Sunshine Gal

Chio Bu Bus Stop: The one just after Lam Soon Industrial Building

Type: Outdoor, cute type

Why she’s chio: With an I-Pod shuffle hung around her neck and carrying a Levi handbag, her fashion sense screams casual chic. Her complexion is tanned to a nice golden glow and her make up is just nice to complement her tan. She is not bespectacled and is of average height… Ah Lim estimate her to be between 163cm and 165cm…Her shoulder length hair is always tied into a neat pony tail and she always wear sporty type of shoes. Her perfume is not suffocating and and has a tinge of lavender mix with orange…Ah Lim knows because his sis got more bottles of perfume than America’s missiles and he has been trained to differentiate how each perfume smells… Ah Lim thinks that she works in the OCBC branch in Jurong East because she gets down at Jurong East and she was using an OCBC notepad which Ah Lim thinks it’s a free gift to staffs…

Who may like contestant F1: Guys who want someone to accompany them on outdoor activities and games may go for contestant F1, outdoor cute type.

Looks Like: Vivian Hsu Ruo Xuan

Contestant F2: Girl next door

Chio Bu Bus Stop: The one after 176 exit hillview area and turn into Bukit Batok

Type: Gentle, Innocent type.

Why she’s chio: Wearing a black-rimmed spectacle and carrying a pink bag, she looks every bit like the girl next door. Her long hair are not tied up but nonetheless tucked nicely behind the ears…Her make up is minimal but still she looks great. Ah Lim estimates her to be between 168cm to 170cm… She dressed comfortably but not untidy… Her complexion is ok but recently pimples started appearing on one side of the face probably due to stress and the hot weather…

Who may like contestant F2: Guys who needs someone to shower him with care, concern and love all the time will like contestant F2: Girl next door

Look like: Evonne Hsu Hui Xin

Contestant F3: My Sassy Girl

Chio Bu Bus Stop: The one before 176 turns right from bukit batok to jurong east

Why she’s chio: At first glance, she looks like the arrogant and hard to approach kind. When she don’t smile she looks quite fierce but actually once she start smiling, her two dimples at her cheek shows and she becomes chio liao… Her attire is the typical office lady look and she does not wear glasses. Her height is between 165cm to 168cm and her hair is about shoulder length and highlighted brownish red. Her make up is more than contestant F1 and F2 but not so much that it makes her look like she’s singing Chinese opera. Her eyes are not very big but also not small which means normal lah…haha…

Who may like contestant F3: Guys who fancy themselves getting slapped upside down in the train like what happened in the movie My Sassy Girl.

Looks Like: Elva Hsiao

So there you have it, Ah Lim top 3 rated chio bu…so hurry up, vote for your favourite gal by dropping me a comment or calling 1900 12345671 to support F1, 1900 12345672 to support F2 and 1900 12345673 to support F3… comments are charged at $2 per comment and phone calls are 50 cents per minute. If you guessed correctly which gal Ah Lim thinks is the chio-est, then you will stand a chance to win a romantic 3 people dinner at the Equinox with the gal of your choice proudly sponsored by Zeng’s Enterprise…why 3 people? Well, Ah Lim likes to be a 10,000 megawatt super duper light bulb…that’s why…haha…so till then stay tuned for the next issue of ALCT where Ah Lim will reveal who is his top chio bu and the winner of the romantic dinner…

Question of the day: YO! YO! WAZ UP?!?!?!

Song of the Day: Jiang Nan by Lin Jun Jie

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

IOC Session @ Singapore!!!

Today, the IOC is holding their meeting at Raffles Convention Center to choose the host city for 2012 Olympics. So the 5 bidding Cites, Paris, London, Moscow, Madrid and New York all sent out a whole A list of star coming down to Singapore to pull votes for their cities!!!

So as you all know me and weiming didn't work during this period, and we are super boliao, so we went down to town yesterday, hoping to see these stars.

Weiming seems to reach there super early, like 10+ or 11 he was there liao. then he took a few picture, the first one is the car of the Spanish Queen, the one with plate S1. He actually managed to take picture of her as well, but then he cock up with his own camera, instead of taking a picture, he took the video, so cannot be posted here la!

After that he managed to take a shot of Jacques Rogge, the IOC president, not bad hor... Just that it's the back view. HAHA

All these happened before i arrived. Then i reached at around 1+pm, thinking that i could see a lot of stars, especially the one that i really wanna see, Mr Raul Blanco Gonzalez... HAHA damn excited.

So we started wondering around. but for very long we didnt manage to see anyone. Just saw some old ang moh aunties and uncles whoi think are the IOC members, justt hat i really dunno who they are. Too tired, at around 2 we went to have our lunch. we wanted to ask reporters whether they knew where Raul will be, but we too humji to ask.

After lunch, we wondered around at Raffles Hotel, and the time is already 1525. we've wasted 2 hours of not seeing anyone. I was already damn depressed and thought of going home and sleep. Then we gave it one last shot to go to the main entracne of Raffles Hotel take a look. Then we saw a lot of Ang Moh reporters there waiting. Red Carpet on the floor, all the hotel staff lining up to wait for someone, then this car arrived!!!!

Wow, a 7 series BMW with plate number 1, no alphabet no nothing!!! this car look cool right??

Who is inside???

This old stepped out!! Imagine it with the tune of The Final Countdown.

I squeezed under the armpit of the above reporter to take this photo

Yes, for those who know, This is Mr Jacques Chirac, the french President, I bet he's damn good at frenching. ah,. I'm lame. HAHAHA. IMPRESSIVE PHOTO right??? I took weiming's camera and squeezed in between all the fat fat and big size ang moh reporters to snap this photo out man!!!!! HAHA

By the way both of us were damn out of place man1! everyone ther were wearing suits dressed up veyr formal, then i was in 3/4s and tshirts and sandals!! but I heck la, just go and take photo!!! The BahBU SingH in the photo tried to chase me away, but FUCK HIM MAN!!! I took the Photo of Chirac, damn shiok!!! HAHAHAAHAH

By then both of us veyr tired then we rested for around 30 minutes and we went back to raffles hotel again. wah, the you know wat happeneD??? Both of us were just damn fated with CHirac man, it's just the time he was leaving Raffles Hotel. Then of course I didn't miss the chance to take a few more shots of him. Here it is!!!!

And as i was busy taking photo of Mr Chirac, weiming was standing at the side, trying to catch his attention!!! And Guess WAT HAPPENED??? MR CHIRAC SMILED AND WAVED AT WEIMING!!!! Stunned right?? Weiming received a smile from Chirac!!!!OH MAN!!!! 羡慕死了!!!

After Chirac left, we were grabbed by a reporter from Fm 93.8. She then interviewed us as we were the only local non-reporters there amnage to take the shot of Chirac!! We were famous man!!! She ask us how we feel seeing CHirac, how we know he'll be here, why we so free coming down and so on. asked us a lot of questions int he interview!! maybe you guys can tune int o fm 98.3 to listen to interview of Lo Hok Him and Yap Weiming!!! HAHAHA....

byt then time waw around 1645, we headed to the Esplanade and the IOC opening ceremony will take place there!!! HAHA. Just nice we waited at Esplanade for around 15 min, the 1st bus arrived. When every bus arrived, there'll be lion dance welcoming them. The esplanade was heavily fenced up. you cant get near the star excpet you are police or reporters!!!

However from previous experience of chasing Jolin Tsai and lin xinru, we've found a spot where we can get damn close to the stars!! Then the pple alighted formt he 1st bus, there's a guys super tall, liek around 2m like that, with long hair. Then when we saw his fae, he look very shuai!! HE's IAN THORPE!!!! MULTIPLE SWIMMING GOLD MEDALISTS in both Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004. He is very shuai!!!! However as he was the 1st guy formt he 1st bus, we haven't got the camera ready and missed that shot. ke xi....

Then a few bus of unknown people, here it comes the French Contingent.... We saw the newly crowned NBA Champioin Tony Parker( he isn't veyr tall ), standing besides him World Cup winner Laurent Blanc in sunglasses, Here's the photo!!!!

hha, good photo right. Then at this time, the camera battery was running low, so in order to save battery and flash for more shaui ges, we off the flash for these 2 old men from the London Contingent!!!! They're Mr Sven Goran Eriksson, the English National Football team Manager and Mr Bobby Charlton, need me to tell you who he is!!! Both pictures are blur, but still can see la!!!!

Anyway Bobby Charlton is really damn blur, i also cant recognise him!!! but anyway it is him la!!!

Next up, the Madrid guys are arriving!! Then I saw another very tall guy, definitely more than 205cm. Then with a look on his face, i know he's Pau Gasol, the Memphis Grizzlies player, another NBA guy. And because he's so tall, he attracted all the attention of the guy nxt to him!!! I didnt' bother to look at who he is, until he was right in front of me, less than an arm length. That guy is MR RAUL BLANCO GONZALEZ. He looked liek a fucking Indian but he's nothing to say YANDAO!!!! he was so cool!!! He smiled at me and took the escalator up. i was so excited that i forgot to take a photo of him... ARGHHH!!!!!!! FAILURE!!!!

Luckily, Old Sky gave me another chance to make up for my mistake. Raul seems to walk to the wrong place and he was coming down again, he'll definitely pass by me!!!

And yes, he did!!!! This time I am all ready!!! I called his name!! he turned and face me, smile and waved at me again!!! SO SHUAI!!!! MY HEART MELTED instantly!!!! Then i tried to talk to him!!! I thought we could become friends!! I think I am siao liao!! He tried to lean forward and tried to listen to wat i talking about. But either he dunno english or my english too lousy, he doesn't seem to understand wat i talking about and walked away. Oh shit. My heart was beating so fast that i forgot to take picture of him again!!! SHit man!!! But i manage to take one of his back view la.... Haiz.... Missed Raul twice..... The guy in blue tshirt is Raul... I think youa ll shld be able to recignise him la, though it's just the back view!!!

Then after awhile, there seems to be a lot fo reporters running around!!! It's the arrival of David Beckham... He got the movie star type of hype.... we managed to see him quite far too far to take a photo of him. but not bad la, still can see him.

Next is the NEw york contingent again... Then Instead of coming from the front, I felt there's a fat auntie walking past me from behind at a very high pace. thought it was another typical fat auntie rushing to nowhere, And it actually was the wife of Mr Suck-cock-Bill, Hillary Clinton!!!! She was fat man!!! Her ass was damn big!!!

this photo is quite dark and the side view of the lady in center is Hillary Clinton... Not very clear also, but it's her la!!!

By then only left with Marat Safin and Mhd Ali hasn't arrived yet. But we both not very interested to see them!! Maybe Ali too old and shaking too uncontrollably to come down to the ceremony and Safin is busy throwing tantrum, whacking his racket and beating up pple in his hotel.

So we retutrned hom at 1900++. anwyay it's very fulfilling day. I think this will be the year which i saw the most number of famous pple!!!!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

A beautiful Coincidence

Imagine yourself to be living in a western country. Set the current season to winter, and the location to be on a famous street lind with Victorian style buildings on both sides. You're walking along the street alone. Groups of people are passing by every moment, rushing for work or window shopping. Suddenly, you noticed someone in the crowd... ... someone you know... ... and the 2 of you just stood there staring into each other's eyes...

Sounds romantic? Like a scene in Jap/Korean drama. Have you ever thought of how it feels like in that situation? Ever experienced it b4. Well, I've came across one such beautiful coincidence during my tour to Melbourne, Australia:

Swanston Street, Melbourne

winter (~9 degrees)

It was the 3rd last day of my holiday in Melbourne. The time spent there was great. I've been to see the smallest penguines in the world, the 12 apostals (the geography stuff in our sec 3 text bk), London Bridge, Great Ocean Road, Aussie gold rush, wombats... ... Has been kinda lucky that day. In the afternoon at a wildlife park, an old ranger named Eric was rather impressed by my passion & knowledge about Australia's native wildlife. He sort a toured me round the park, and enriched me with ample wisdom of his homeland.

The activities were great but tiring as well. By evening, my dad was sleeping in the hotel rm. My mum and sis went off for their own shopping. I was watching TV for a while but wanted to spend this time overseas more meaningfully. It was around 7pm, and the sun had set for almost an hour. (Its early winter in the Southern Hemisphere, so daylight is about 2 hrs shorter) I'm bored, so I went to check out the area around my hotel. Melbourne's winter is extremely cold compared to other parts of Australia. Night tempreature is ~9 degrees only, with chilling Antartic winds blowing inland, constantly spiking our skins. I had to be in thick jacket, and frost bite is attacking my lips.

I started off around China Town, where basically the whole street is restaurants. The end of China Town was at Swanston Street, the most impt. street in Melbourne, where all the main offices and shopping arcades are located. I had the idea of buying some nice gifts for friends in S'pore, and to buy a deck of poker cards decorated with photos of Melbourne/Australia to add to my collection of cards. Since the best shops are along that street, I naturally wandered there to take a look.

Aussie stuffs are really ex. The prices of goods already exceed that of S'pore. With a strong currency, the same thing usually cost ~70% more than that in S'pore. Shopping there needs lotsa consideration. I went into some stores but din buy anything. After some time, I was basically strolling along the street, glancing at windows displays. It was friday nite. The streets were flooded with funky young boys, couples on hot dates, business men & women in suits returning home after work. And of cos, tourists like me.

I turned my head to face the traffic to catch a breath. A dozen Asians walked past b4 me. They did not capture much of my ateention, until I caught sight of a familiar figure among the group. She stopped, standing in the middle of the pathway & beamed rite into my eyes. Time seems to stop for a while at that particular moment. We were staring at each other, uninterupted by the hassle of the street. At 1st sight, my rusty mind was still guessing her identity. From her relatively small figure and facial features, she looks like a Pr Sch classmate of mine, who later went RV as well. B4 I said anything, she asked:"you're Li Ren rite?" From her giggly voice, I confirmed my guess. She's Yip Pei Wen Natalia. A gal from RV 4D'2000 and 2J'1998 if anyone of you happens to know who she is. She's also my classmate for 3 yrs in Pr Sch.

She's not my gal friend nor my ex, sis or anything closely related. We're just friends who hasn't seen each other for ~4 yrs. It was an exhilarating moment, to see someone you knew for so long after so many yrs not in contact and best of all in a foreign land... a land where streets are beautiful, gardens are everywhere, Victorian style buildings still stands & radiating a romantic aura. Like what she always do in Pr Sch, she was more or less jumped a few times on the spot when I recognised her, accompanied by her really high pitch laughter... We almost hug each other. Neither of us changed much over the yrs. She's still the small chabby gal I knew & her hairstyle was still the same, except the colour.

B4 I met her that day, I knew she was studying in Australia. I din know she was studying dentistry in Melbourne University. Neither will I expect to see her there. She introduced me to her group of friends in Australia, which was the group of Asians who went past b4 me. They are her course mates as well. Most of them came from S'pore & M'sia. A few are local chinese and 1 from Dubai. They had just finished their semester exams and were going to chill out. They invited me to come along, and I joined them for the nite.

The chill out culture there differs slightly from S'pore. Pubs are largely visited by the older generation and working adults. Clubbing is not really very common and not clustered together. Most pple spends the nite feasting or chatting away at cafes. Thats why by around 9pm only cafes, restaurants and pubs are still operating along the streets. (normally all these outlets will open till 2am, which is really late) I was brought to a chocolate bar, something seldom heard in S'pore. Beside the cafe is some sort of open air live KTV. Other than normal KTV equipments, 2 musician are there to play the music on the spot and pple can just pick up the mic to sing/dance b4 the public.

The cafe sells only chocolate related stuffs: chocolate drinks, chocolate cookies, chocolate cakes, biscuits, dipped fruits, milkshakes ...etc, everything chocolate. They even have chocolate alcohol.
I ordered a special kind of chocolate drink call "suckup". Its a cute egg size and shaped pot of fresh milk over a lighted tea candle, served with a dish of chocolate chips and another small jug of fresh milk. To enjoy the drink, melt the chocolate chips in the heated milk to create chocolate milk and then suck up with a straw. One can alter the concentration of the chocolate millk to his likings. Its very nice, and you'll want more after 1 pot.

I had a good chat with Natalia and her overseas friends. Old friends always have alot of things to talk about, & are esp. interested with each other's life between the time last met till the moment now. Other than that, its alot of old things to bring up, & whereabouts of the pple we both know. The contents of our conversation won't be of interest to you guys so I'll just skip that part. I also talked to her freinds. Since most of them are S'poreans/Malaysians, we're on the same frequency. Natalia also took a photo of the 2 of us at the cafe with her camera, as a memo for this rare & unexpected meet up. And as always, we exchance HP number.

The group of pple are all 2nd yr dentistry students from Melbourne University. Most of them are obviously bloody rich, but they do complain about the high living standards of Australia. (Many pple have a misconception that its cheap living in Australia as land is cheap. In reality, living standard there more than double S'pore's and it is only land thats cheap because land is so abundant over there.) This group of pple are really friendly, willing to share whatever they have to a stranger like me. I found out from them that 1/2 of Melbourne University's dentistry course (~70 students) are taken up by Asians. Reason being professions like dentist arn't really popular to westerners. Regardless of grades, they prefers courses to their interest like music & ecology, even though these course might be odd & doesn't really earn big bucks. According to these foreign students, Australians are friendly to pple but prefers keeping to themselves. In the Universities, Australian students dun really mix much with foreign students, even those from Europe & US, who are also considered outsiders.

We stayed at the cafe till ~12 midnight. I had a great time, bringing up all the past events with Natalia & sharing with her friends their life overseas. B4 we left the cafe, some of them brought roti prata from a "Singapore food shop" within that building. The prata & curry are packeted & flown in from S'pore. One look I can tell its not going to taste as good as local freshly made ones by these guys did bought alot.Thats how much they miss home & local food, no doubt Chinese/Indian/Indonesian/Jap/Thai food outlets flood the streets of Melbourne.

Natalia stayed in a rented appartment somewhere near my hotel, with another M'sian gal. Taking a tram ride for ~5 stops to my hotel cost A$1.90, so I walked backed with her and her room mate. (Melbourne's main public transport is tram, so the whole city is laid with tram tracks and overhead cables. Buses or coaches are mainly for long distances travel. Underground trains connects sub-urbs to the city, not like our MRT.) Along the way, the 2 gals also told me they basically cook most meals in their apartment to cut expenses. Markets around are full of local produce which are really plentiful and fresh, I've seen them. Spring & Autumn are fravourite seasons to the gals, when the land is beautiful & tempreature is just nice. Summer is a sleepy season when even flies can stay stuck to a spot for hrs. After staying in foreign land for 2 yrs, the gals really miss their homeland & long for the warmth of S'pore/M'sia... something locals dread about...

Ahhh... blog so long already. Well, thats about all I have to say for the beautiful coincidence. I met another guy the next day, during dinner. He's my NS bunk mate backpacking alone in Australia, who came to find me when I msg him and we discvered that both of us are in Melbourne at the same time. Not much of concidence but planned. No matter what, its delightful to see friends when out in foreign land. The sensation is hard to describe.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Haha, today's friday and as usual my mother always go to church on Friday night, so i gotta settle dinner myself!!! Recently very nua, too lazy to go out, had been staying at home for 2 days in a row liao.... Not even a step out.

So at around 1800+, went to Jurong Point to find things to eat. While waiting bus at the bus stop, haha, saw a guy kenna hit by bird-shit. Damn funny lor!!! He got those very funky spiky hairstyle, then the warm warm pile of shit just landed on one of the spike!!! them saw him using his hand to touch the mess and gave the disgusted look, damn funny!!!

Anyway when i reach jurong point, dunno why lazy to take escalator, then went to the lift. Then also dunno why during that peak hour jurong point damn freaking packed with people, but the lift that just arrived only got a girl inside. then i just went in the lift!!!

The girl was quite chio, look like 16 or 17 like that. really quite chio type.... Then only me and her in the lift, ALONE!!!! Then of course must seize the chance and i just go ahead and molested her!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! 我就是传说中的电梯之狼!!!! 女生们,搭电梯时要小心咯!!!!!

Ok, the paragraph above is total bullshit!!!! Whatever in blue and red is completely false!!! Only the part that the girl is chio and that we're alone in the lift was true!!! Then the main point is that once i stepped into the lift, 我闻到一阵浓浓的屁味!!!! Wah kao, there's only me and her in the lift lor, obviously i know i didn't freaking fart, then it's her la!!!! 那位漂亮的小姐竟然乘没有人在电梯时, 偷偷的, 痛快地放了一个大臭屁!!!!!

Then i very good hearted, also dun wanna embarrassed her, so i didn't gave her the dishusting stare!!!! I just hold my breath!!! Anyway i can hold my breath for 1min 30sec cos i always very scared that i would get drown when i was thrown into water, so i keep practising holding breathe when i'm free, so i can hold my breathe for 1min 30sec, not bad right??? HAHA

Wah, encountering someone farting in the lift isn't suay enough lor!!! The more suay part is that when the lift reached 2nd floor, an aunty and her 2 kids enter the lift and the fart smell was still around!!!! As the smell was really pretty strong, the 3 of them could smell it straight away!!!

Without 2nd thought the aunty gave me a funny look man!!! Then i knew it!!! wah shit, she suspecting that the fart belonged to me!!! Wat the F***?? I know that girl is chio and i am ugly!!!! I know i looked damn sloppy as i just got out of my bed to go JP to buy dinner. But how can she judge a man by his look???? 正所谓, 人不可貌相, 海水不可斗量!!!

Not only that lor, then i saw the aunty slightly squeezing the hands of her kids, then wink her eye at me, trying to hint to her kids that the kor-kor over there farted!!! Then the 2 kids also looked at me and giggled!!! WAH BISH!!! I CANT STAND IT MAN!!!!! 长得不帅有错吗??? 美女就不会放屁, 屁就一定是长得比较丑的人放的是吗??? Damn dulan!!!!

It's so bloody 冤枉!!!!

Song of the Day : Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson

Friday, July 01, 2005

Kim---> Ah Lim and his language

Yo it’s Ah Lim back in the house again…hehe…my last issue of Ah Lim Coffee Talk stopped at how Ah Lim got his name, so if you want to know why Ah Lim is called Ah Lim and nothing else, read on…but first I shall talk about something else first…

Ok, Ah Lim used to serve the army also. Now, for people who have been serving in the army before, you will know that the army talks in a different language. There are no such things as Singlish then, only, Armylish and rest of the languages that the cheenas, yalams and mamas were talking…Armylish was regarded as crude and unacceptable in everyday conversation so it took Ah Lim quite some time to convert back to his cheena way of talking after he ORD-ed…so now Ah Lim has in this very issue compiled some of his converted language to help people out there who are still struggling to talk in a more refined manner…so to all guys who want to be more refined and to gals who want to be more crude, this is a must read…enjoy

What they say in the army: “Die cock standing
Usage: “ Eh Ah Lim, don't scratch the dean’s car leh…if kanna find out will die cock standing one loh!!” ( don't be surprised, Ah Lim is not stupid and used to be a uni graduate, just that the stupid dean failed one of his projects which he spend 3 nights doing.)
Converted to become: “ Eh Ah Lim, don't scratch the dean’s car leh…if kanna find out you will die when your statue of liberty is standing tall loh”

What they say in the army: “ What the fuck
Usage: “ Eh Ah Lim, why you standing behind me when I am bathing… you gay ah.. what the fuck man or should it be what the fuck gay…”
Converted to become: “Eh Ah Lim, why you standing behind me when I am bathing… you gay ah.. what the (any word starting with letter f). So it becomes what the fish, what the freak, what the fark, what the fart, anything starting with letter f will do…

What they say in the army: “ Eh Ah Lim, Chio bu spotted. 100m, inside the shop, 3 o’clock(indicates bearing not time, stupid), tube with mini skirt. 33,28,34. go, go, go.”
Usage: erm..Think it’s a bit obvious rite…no need to explain hor…
Converted to become: “Eh Ah Lim, pretty lady doing some shopping at the Chanel shop over there. She’s dressed to kill in a towel wrapped around her chest and a skirt missing a few inches of cloth. Figure is, by using your hand, outline the figure in front of you.”

What they say in the army: “ Chao Keng
Usage: “ Eh Ah Lim, you sure that your girlfriend having sex with another guy is causing you emotional instability and not able to attend training… trying to chao keng rite?” (about the dream part, Ah Lim girlfriend did have sex with another guy and Ah Lim was so sad that he almost turned gay)
Converted to become: “ Eh Ah Lim, you sure that your girlfriend having sex with another guy is causing you emotional instability and not able to attend training… dun pretend lah”

Ok…that's about all I can think now…ending off to catch the anime Inuyasha on arts central…oh anyone got vcd can approach ah lim, cos he wanna catch the whole thing rather than see 3 episodes every week only…haha..ok so to end off, Ah Lim shall tell you how he got his name…One day, Ah Lim was out drinking with his business associates when one of them,

Ah Kim: “ Eh Ah Ong ( Ah Lim previous name), lai ar, lim leh, mai ar ni kuan leh” (for the non-hokkien trained, translation is: come ah, drink leh, dun be like that leh)

80% Ah Ong 20% Ah Lim: “ okok…but u driving me home later, so relax a bit”

The next day,

Ah Kim: “ Eh you over there, Ah Lim rite, come over here for a while”

50% Ah Ong 50% Ah Lim: “huh?!?! Me? I not called Ah Lim leh”

Ah Kim: “ no meh…then how come yesterday nite, I keep on calling, lai ar lim, mai ar ni kuan leh (translation: come ah lim, dun be like that). You sure not ah lim ah, I got a million dollar contract for Ah Lim to sign leh”

0% Ah Ong 100% Ah Lim: “ oh ah lim ah…yah yah that's me…haven recover from yesterday nite drinking…sorry…where is the contract?”

And so the world got itself another Ah Lim.

Question of the day: If Confucius was still alive today, what would the world become?

Song of the day: Shan Xing 1999 by Wang Jie

The Countdown

The month of JULY has arrived
My party is going to start in less than 48 hours..woohoo! =p
So excited yet so tired.
All I can say is planning a party is tough
Coz there is lotsa shopping to do,
& not to mention the spring-cleaning!
Luckily I don't hold parties at home often..haha
But the whole process is fun.
So what should you, my dear guest, expect?
A DIFFERENT experience?!
I sincerely hope so :)

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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