Thursday, March 31, 2005

Kim waiting for The Special Someone

Ok, i am again... was doing some blog surfing when i chance upon this quiz...the results are shown below and i think its quite true...hehe...

Your dating personality profile:

Conservative - You take a conservative stance on most issues and aren't shy about saying so. Your political views are an important component of who you are.
Athletic - Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active.
Traditional - Modern culture does not move you. You hold traditional values dear to your heart.

Your date match profile:

Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps her body in top shape.
Conservative - Forget liberals, you need a conservative match. Political discussions interest you, and a conservative will offer the viewpoint you need.

Your Top Ten Traits

1. Conservative
2. Athletic
3. Traditional
4. Romantic
5. Adventurous
6. Big-Hearted
7. Shy
8. Practical
9. Wealthy/Ambitious
10. Stylish
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Practical
2. Athletic
3. Conservative
4. Traditional
5. Adventurous
6. Outgoing
7. Sensual
8. Intellectual
9. Romantic
10. Big-Hearted

Get your Online Dating Profile - take the quiz!

so now above are my results and I must say that the traits that i hope that special someone will have is more or less quite accurate...She must be practical, athletic and conservative.As for me, i think shy should be higher in the ranking cos i m quite shy..hmmm....yah...tts all from me now....signing off...

Current Song: Everybody's changing by Keane

Current Mood: ORD Mood aka FIFO Attitude aka Fuck It and Fuck Off Attitude

Monday, March 28, 2005

I came, I conquered, I Left…with memories and photographs

Hi all, it’s me, Kim…back from my trip to Mt. Ophir. So if any readers out there who are wondering where I have been to, I hope that answers your question…well so what shall I write for this entry? hmmm….ok I got it, this post will be about my trip at Mt. Ophir, so if you are interested, just read on cos this entry shall be for me to remember the trip other than the many photographs I have taken (shall post some of them here once I got my broadband)….ok… before I begin, let me fill u guys with some facts about Mt. Ophir… the mountain is about 4000 feet, it is the 64th highest mountain in Malaysia and is the 6th most difficult to climb, however close to 150,000 people went there every year. It is situated in Johor, close to the border between Johor and Malacca and there are 4 routes to reach the summit…and yah… that’s all I can remember after reading it from one of their many notice boards there…so now shall carry on to describe the journey…

Day 1, 1700hrs, Ngee Ann Poly Sports Complex

Together with four of my friends, I arrived at the gathering place… After waiting for about 15mins for the whole group to arrive, we started to prepare the stores and divide the load among us…there were altogether 16 of us, 11 of them are my camp mates and the rest are TAS(The Adventure Seekers) members from Ngee Ann Poly who are following us for the trip…yah…after all the things are packed and checked, we set off with excitement and anticipation…

Day 2, 0030 hours, Carpark outside the park HQ

We arrived at the carpark outside the admin HQ of the park…the whole bus journey took us 6 hours and its damn boring to sit in the bus for so long…esp since the journey is at night and there are practically nothing to see other than rows and rows of closed shop houses and big plots of plantations lining the road…anyway after reaching there we lay out our groundsheet and slept at the carpark…At 0700hrs, we woke up and had a rather good breakfast of roti-prata at one of the stalls there… At 0800hrs, we moved into the park…well… along the road leading to the registration counter, there were rows of chalets lining it, so if you are not on a budget, you can actually book a chalet, sleep there, climb up, washed up and rest before heading back to Singapore…yah…anyway after registering our group at the park office, we start our ascent up with our park ranger, Tom leading the whole group… the plan was to climb to checkpoint 5(altogether there were about 8 checkpoints lidat, cant rem the exact no liao) harbour there and then at 2am the next day, carry on to the summit and watch the sunrise…the ascent up was quite ok…not very tiring…just that you have to overcome obstacles like fallen trees and streams…some parts are also quite tricky and you have to use ropes and ladders to climb up or grab at the many tree roots protruding out from the ground to heave yourself with the heavy backpack up…some of you may know but for those who dun know… two gals from TAS, Yvonne and Erina were following us and I think they impressed me a lot…even though they were quite petite, they carried a 20kg plus load from one CP(checkpoint) to the next CP, and being veteran climbers they knew quite a lot of skills which impressed me, somemore, they were also quite fit, in fact fitter than some of my camp mates…haha…yah…newae we reached CP5 at 12 lidat…after tt its lunch and rest.

Day 3, CP5, 0200 hours

Leaving our backpacks at our harbour area, and equipped with a water bag, torchlight, light stick and a windbreaker, we continued our ascent up to the summit… this time its more difficult cos its night and there were no moonlight so we depended a lot on our torchlights…not exactly a very wise thing when you were trying to shine your path with your torchlight in hand while holding onto a rope and making your way up a 30 degree vertical slope..yah…so my advice is…get a head harness so tt your hand will be free of stuff…ok the journey up took about 5 hours and by the time we reached, the sun was just about to rise…the whole scenery up there is simply amazing…the clouds were just below you(yes.. its not a typo error…tts how high we climbed) and the whole place below is one big patch of green…the wind also keep blowing and up there its damn cold hence the windbreaker is a must…dunno how to describe it…you got to be there to experience it yourself…all I can saw is that the view is definitely worth the sweat and effort…yah…stayed there till 0800 hours before we make our way down to CP5, have breakfast, break tents and make our way down.. which was about 1330 by the time we reached the base of Mt. Ophir…which marks the end of the trip.

So tts all from me…if you ask me what I like about the trip… the answer is everything about it… if you asked will I ever go again…the answer is a BIG and definite YESH…hehe…it has been a good, fun and meaningful trip for me… and for that I would like to thanx the organizer, Zul, our guide, Tom and members of TAS namely, Eric, Azman, Yvonne and Erina…yah so now to end… I just have this to say: I have reached for the clouds and the sky, so now its time for me to go underwater and see the beauty of the ocean…hehe…get my hint…ok lah…shall not be so chim…means my next adventure will be to go diving liao…yah…think I will end now…and thanx for reading this entry which shall be titled: Kim, In The Fellowship of Mt Ophir…

Current Song: Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan

Current Mood: Satisfied and Happy

hey... just read the blogs cos very long nv read le... was super busy the pass week... zining... biz comm sucks. so many things to do de... then forever got new things to do... cannot stand it man. then the final presentation is individual lor... all along i tot its going to be some crap presentation on sentosa that can do as a group then no need to think so much. then the stupid michael conor.. dunno how to spell his name la.. go and change.
GRrr... wats with ang mohs anyway... last week hor... i had to rush a report and a presentation for RM cos the stupid angmor -- roger marshall (RM oso...) bring forward every thing by one week... thanks man.. i almost went nuts..
this week i got 3 presentations leh... THREE. today just did one... my class got this grp damn innovative... i dunno if i am being sarcastic or wat la.. but they spoil the market a bit... they did a skit for presentation... if u think skits are for primary sch kids... man r u wrong.. they are still doing it and they are 21 and 23. they did an apprentice cum survivor thingy... BUT they have no content lor... i mean... it was funny and entertaining and all but doesnt really address the question of the presentation... at least i think la.
waiting for my laundry to be ready so.. just tot i'll write something... to waste time and to relac a bit. just had a discussion for my presentation on wed. spent 3 hours in the lab doing the powerpoint. i am going mad. and today is only mon. SIGH...
2 more weeks to exams... i haven mug yet... but heng got 2 open book...
how ah.. my life is so meaningless... everyday go sch then come back do work...i need to do something exciting..
my PA haven confirm leh... NTU PA allocation suck lor. phase 2 is computer random allocate one.. then i nv get.. phase 3 is first come first serve... by the time i log in hor... all taken le... -_- suck.
TSK.. y my floor feel so dirty ah... maybe i shld mop it later.. better still... ask my roommate to mop. she nv mopped the floor before lor.. since we moved in.. cos she nv thinks it is dirty.
aiya.. enough of sch and sch and sch... i shall go collect my clothes and go bath, read my txtbook and get some sleep.

LHH on Being true to yourself

Ok, this week our dear Mr Chairperson went to Mt Ophir for some adventure trekking hiking or wateva. So i am here standing in to write an entry for him!!! Haha!!!

Before doing that, a poem for everybody :


Ok, so 清明 is around the corner again. and my father's birthday is 27th Mar, so in order to avoid the crowd on qingming, my family usually went to 掃墓 on the weekend of my father's brithday instead of the qingming weekend. Yup, so yesterday, Easter Sunday + My father's birthday, we went to CCK cemetery to 掃墓 and guessed what??? Saw Zoe Tay's niece again!!! Cos Zoe Tay's brother was buried at the same plot of land as my father. She's really damn bloody chio!!! 17 years old, those sporty sporty type one!!!

Enough of talking about chiobu, so now, onto Hokology part!!! As a faithful follower of Kimilogy, I've derived a new chapter from what Kim-the-philosopher preached and decided to share it with everyone!!!! I'll name it Hokology!!!

Throughout the years, i've realised that a lot of guys tend to create a nice image of themselves in order to impress or jio a girl!!! To me, it's very wrong very wrong. Cos if the girl is attracted by the image you try to create, it's just an illusiion. The one that she truly loves is not the real you, just the image you trying very hard to pretend, to portray as. So knowing that the girl besides you doesn't really like the real you, and she only like the fake you, what joy and pleasure will you get from such a relationship??? It will also be very tough for you to keep living a life that is not the original you so as to please the one you like.

Therefore, I'm urging all the guys just be true to yourself!!! Be yourself. There is no need for you to hide anything from anyone. Just behave normally and be your real self in front of anybody, I believe there will be someone somewhere in this world you will meet one day who will be attracted by your total package, the real you. No point to try hard and please a girl.

Now to the girls. A lot of girls say that they like nice guy!!! They want guys to be 溫柔體貼, loving, show genuine care and concern to them, they like the feeling of being loved and so on so on.... Let me review the cruelty of life to you!!! By a survey done on 45287 people, results shown that 88.88% of the guys are not 溫柔體貼 and bla bla. Even if they appeared nice to you, it's just an illusion. As mentioned earlier, a lot of guys just creating an image to impress girls. Since being nice is not their real self, sooner or later their true side will be revealed and you wont be able to accept it.

Here, urging all the girls when looking for a bf, please look at the total package instead of seeking the feeling of being loved. It can be the 1st thing you get attracted to a guy, but then as the relationship grow, try to look for others things of him that you like as well. It's a very dangerous thing to solely like the feeling of being loved!!! Even if the guy is really a very nice guy, nice to everybody and love you a lot!!! Because if being loved is the only thing that you look for, then a damn lihai actor(con-man) happened to appear could be able to cheat you very easily!!!!

Ok, enough of Hokology now, sound quite bullshit. Haha, but now i realised that it's quite fun to post your own set of idea, no wonder OSK had been doing so. Final word for this post, be true to yourself, talk your own way, think your own ways and walk your own way!!! Dun be influenced by people and so on as long as you think what you do is correct!!!

Just a preview for what'll be coming up in the book of Hokology :

LHH on Power
LHH on Religion
LHH on Friendship
LHH on Family Values
LHH on Metaphysics
LHH on Education
LHH on Soccer

Ok enough, when i feel like preaching again, i'll do it in the above order 1 by 1.

Song for Today : My Way by Frank Sinatra or The Way I Am by Eminem

Current Mood : 心如止水

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Being Honest

Been so busy lately...yet i'm still here blogging...coz i'm bored. Juz finished watching a foreign, think french, film "love me, if you dare" on scv... It's not as if i got nothing to do. I've a total of 3 presentations this coming wk (thur n fri). 1 for biz comm and 2 for my accounting core modules and i'm not really prepared. I've got the subject matters but too lazy to start writing my scripts. That's me...always procrastinating my work.

"1 of the most precious things in the world is being able to speak freely without offence. Being able to be honest is only possible as far as the other person lets you." I totally agree with this quote of my fren. Definitely, I feel good being able to speak truthfully and freely but sometimes I juz hafta lie. Frankly, I can't rem how many lies I have told since my very 1st lie. When and what was my 1st lie? I can't rem too... Many a time after lying, we often give excuses to justify them as 'white' lies so we'll feel more assured of having a clear conscience. How absurd...yet this is human nature...and certainly a way of survival...

Terrible Feeling!!!

Ok, today i went to my army friend's place with a few guys from our unit to celebrate our ORD!!! i really cant stand my camp-mates man!!! All freaking rich guy, the food we bought alone cost $38 each lor!!! It's damn damn damn expensive man!!! For a jobless guy like me, it's unaffordable!!!

We had a good variety of food, chicken rice, pizza, fried onion ring bla bla bla so on..... Ok then comes the killer part!!! we had a big bottle of Absolut Vodka, shared among 4 people only!!! Then we played various game and drinking is the punishment la!!!

Oh, just to add on. Before the whole thing started, we drank some very concentrated Ichigo Sake (strawberry rice wine).

The first game we played was risk.... Biang eh, the rule was one territory lost, 1 drink!!! So you guys know how easy to drink man and how many each of us needa drink!!! To add onto that, if the attacker fail to conquer the territory he's attacking, another drink!!!!

So the strategy for the game changes quite a lot!!! Instead of thinking how to conquer the world, we just tried to link all our territories up in order not to get the forfeit!!! As our rule stated that retreating does not need to be punished!!!

So by the end of the risk game each of us drank quite a lot liao!!! Then after that we played various games, including 終極密碼, 猜拳, pick-a-card, long & short ruler n so on..... Loser gotta drink bla bla bla... And at that time, our soft drink sort of run out, so we began to drink shots.... that's quite xiong man!!!

So in the end, we managed to finish the whole big bottle!!! Together with the Sake that we drank earlier, we all felt like puking already!! One of the guy just puke in the friend's house. I also feel liek puking man!!!

Then i took a cab home.... Throughout the journey, the shaking in the vehicle, the bumps that needa go pass induced the feeling to puke even more. Trying to control as much as i can.... Finally got off the cab, i went to the drain and puke everything out man!!!

I've never puked like that before!!!! But really, i have to say that this week is a very lousy week for me!!! Taken some very serious blows in these 7 days one of which was kana conned to do outdoor sales for a morning.... There were some other veyr unhappy events in this week also. but dun wanna mention.

Anywya it's 3 rounds of puking!!! never thought that i could puke like that!!! It's like waterfall lor!!! But now i understand wat's call 借酒消愁. When u puke, u pour out all the sorrows, bitterness and unhappiness inside you as well!!!!

So now i am a happier guy and happy enough to face the new week ahead!!! HAHA. Dunnid to go elephant hill dunnid to go any stupid hill in Singapore!!!! But then the feeling of puking is quite terrible!!! So i wont play any drinking in the future agian!!! It sux to the core man1!! Cos even after you puke finish, you'll suffer form severe headache also lor.... damn sick and giddy and drowsy!!! Lousy feeling!!

Song of the day : Free As a Bird by John Lennon (I am Free as a Bird!!!!)

Current state : Still a bit sad, but all energised to face up to the new week ahead!!! Drowsy and severe headache!!!! But i'm fine man!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2005

What are the 7 Last Words of Christ?

Today is Good Friday.... In case any of you didn't know what's Good Friday, it is the day when Chirst died on the cross some almost 2000 years ago. And 3 days later on Easter Sunday, he rose from the dead and came back to life. Ya, thursday night was the night of the famous Last Supper and the trial la....

Last year, there were 2 movies about Jesus Christ during this period, "Gospel of John" and "Passion of the Christ". But this year there's none. So I just take this opportunity here to share with you guys the 7 Last Words of Christ. 7 is the complete/perfect number in Jews tradition.

The following are copied from a book, so you all just read la, any typo please 體諒.

The New Testament records that Jesus spoke seven times while he was dying on the cross. These utterances, culled from the Gospel accounts of the Cruxification, have been formally ordered into a sequence known as the Seven Last Words, pasrtly as an attempt to harmonize the internal chronology of the Passion narractives. Still used in liturgical worship during the commemoration of the Christ's death on Good Friday, the Seven Last Words have also inspired numerous musical arrnagements, including those of Franz Joseph Haydyn and the nineteenth-century Italian composer Saverio Mercadante.

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34)

Theologians have interpreted this verse --- which does not appear in the most ancient manuscripts --- to mean that Jesus may have sought to protect his tormentors from God's wrath as he was being nailed to the cross at Golgotha (the "Place of the Skull," Latinized as Calvary). Forgiveness is emphasized throughout the New Testament. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructed his hearers to love their enemies and those who persecute them.

But whom does Jesus ask God to forgive --- the Roman soldiers who crucified him? The Jewish Sanhedrin? The mob that demanded his crucifixion? Lily-livered Pontius Pilate? Certainly not Judas, who knew exactly what he was doing. In any event, Christ's plea for forgiveness specifically cites the lack of knowledge of those who sought his death --- the implication being they did not know he was the Messiah and were thus unaware of the enormity of their crime. Indeed, in the following verses, the leaders of the people sneer at Christ, saying "let him save himself if he is the chosen one, the Messiah of God." Luke records that "even the soldiers jeered at him."

"Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43)

Forgiveness also figures in the second utterance from the cross, directed at the Good Thief (whom later legend named Dysmas), one of the two criminals crucified on either side of Christ. When the unrepentant criminal reviles Jesus as a false Messiah unable to save himself and his two companions in agony, the other rebukes him and says to Christ, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." Jesus reponds to this remarkable display of faith by promising him eternal salvation, despite his deeds. In contrast, shortly before this exchange, Peter, leader of the Apostles and recently designated by Jesus as head of the nascent Church had denied his association with him three times.

"Woman, behold thy son!" and "Behold thy mother!" (John 19:26-27)

On the face of it, Jesus merely exercised his duty as a good Hebrew son in attending to the future well-being of his widowed mother by these utterances directed respectively at Mary and "the disciple whom he loved," apparently the Apostle John. Yet the term of address Christ used while establishing a family bond between the two, "woman," seems oddly distanced.

The Chruch Fathers later allegorized this exchange, reported only in John's Gospel, by contrasting the first woman, Eve ("the mother of all the living" whose disobedience toward the divine plan in Eden resulted in sin, death and the need for Christ's redemptive mission), with Mary, the perfect woman, the mother of the Savior who remained fully obedient to God's plan from the moment she replied to the angel Gabriel's annunciation, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it don unto me according to thy word" (Luke 1:38). Mary, the second Eve, was thus seend as having borne the new Adam the perfect man. Together, they repaired the cosmic damage wrought by their predecessors. Thus the Church Fathers.

But on several occasions in the Gospels themselves, Christ emphasized the importance of his God-appointed mission over the nee to defer to Mary and other family members. At age twelve, when he accompanied his mother and his foster father, Joseph, to Jerusalem to observe Passover, he stayed behind after their departure in order to converse with some doctors of the Law in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52). After Mary and Joseph, who both thought he was with the caravan, became aware he was missing, they rushed back to the city, full of grief and anxiety. When they found him, Mary asked why he had done this to them adn told him how much they had worried. "Why were you looking for me?" he replied. "Did you not know that I must be about my Father's work" (or "in my Father's house")?

In his first miracle, when he turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana, Jesus had been asked to perform the deed by Mary as a kindness to the celebrants (John 2:1-11). "They have no wine," she says to her son when th esupply is running short. He answers sharply, "Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come." Again the word woman and the reference to a higher calling. Yet he accedes to his mother's will.

In Luke 8:19-21, when told his mother and brothers are waiting to see him but can't approach because of the crowd, Christ replied, "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it."

"Eloi,Eloi, lama sabachtani?" ("My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?) (Mark 15:34)

When Christ uttered these words (recorded by Mark in Aramaic, the spoken language of the Jews after their Babylonian exile), nature itself was said to be shrouded in gloom as the result of a three-hour eclipse of the sun. Some onlookers mistakenly thought Jesus was calling on the prophet Elijah, whom many Jews believed would return to earth just before the coming of the Messiah. In Matthew's version (27:46), the Hebrew for God, "Eli," is substituted, as being closer to Elijah's name.

In this lament, Christ was echoing Psalm 222, which begins with this cry of sad confusion over God's abandonment of a faithful servant. Some have questioned whether Christ succumbed to despair when he accused the Father of forsaking him. This would, of course, strike at the heart of Christian belief in Jesus as both God and man.

Psalm 22, however, begins with the suffering of a just man but goes on to assert that God "has not scorned the downtrodden, nor shrunk in loathing from his plight, nor hiddenhis face from him, but have heed to him when he cried out." According to Christian thought, the human and divine natured of Jesus each had come to the fore during his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Before going off to pray, he tells Peter, James and John, "My soul is sorrowful even to death." He then prays, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup [his imminent death on the cross] pass from me." Immediately afterward, however, he adds, "yet, not as I will, but as you will" (Matthew 26:36-46).

"I thirst" (John 19:19:28)

Later used as ab affirmation of Christ's humanity against attackes from Docetists (heretics who denied he was truly man), these words also illustrates the fortitude of Jesus, who suffered hours of torture before expressing a physical need. A sponge soaked in sour wine (or vinegar) is raised to his lips, and he drinks before he dies. Once again, Psalm 22 (verse16) figures in the background of this detail: "Mythroats is dried up like baked clay, my tongue cleaves to my jaws," as well as Psalm 69 (verse 21): "They ... gave me vinegar when I was thirsty."

"It is finished" (John 19:30)

These are Christ's words immediately after he drinks. The original Greek, the single word tetelestai, is related to the noun telos ("goal, end, purpose") and has given us our word teleology. Christ is not actually saying his life is finished (though it is) but that his mission of redemption --- of dying for man's sins to effect his atonement with God --- has been accomplished.

"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46)

Christ again alludes to the Psalms in his final utterance as recorded by Luke. This time it is Psalm 31 (verse 4-5): "Pull me out of the net they have spread for me, for you are my refuge; into your hands I commit my spirit." Luke's Greek term translated as "spirit" is pneuma, "the breath of life, the soul," which Jesus here redirects to the divine fount of all life.

According to Christian belief, Christ rose fomr the dead on the thrid day, Easter Sunday, and then ascended into heaven, body and soul, after spending forty days with his followers, giving them their final instructions (Matthew 28:19-20): "Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations ... and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always; yes to the end of time."

Hope you all find the above interesting!!! haha. Just another interesting thing to share.... Cos Jesus was put on the cross from 9am and finally died at 3pm, and at the time he passed away, there's thunder and the whole sky went dark and so on.... So there's a myth saying that every year's Good Friday at 3pm, the sky will be covered by dark clouds, never sunny etc.... I personally dun believe in it, cos it's too superstitious, but find it quite interesting, so those who interested to find out whether it's true or not, can go and check it out at 3pm later.....

Finally, to end this, i hope more people sort of understand what Good Friday and Easter Day is about rather than just taking it as another long weekend and public holiday to relax.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

To my Dearest Chee Yaohui!!!!

Chee Yaohui, ya, the chee yaohui in 4E la.... Which is this guy below!!!!!

Ok, if you guys didn't know by now, this chee yaohui is fucking hate gays. So i hereby urging you guys to take initiative to hold hand, touch his sensitive areas and just molest him touch his face n so on whenever you meet him!!! HE'll react in a damn funny and stupid manner!!! will laugh till die one!!! HAHA. Yaohui, u're so cute man!!!!

Dun worry yaohui, i will keep thinking of new method to molest you!!!! YEAH!!!!

Lame, nothing much to talk about this week cos i really damn demoralised at finding job. haha... Me and horse kana conned by this company full of Malays, they advertised on the paper saying they looking for cust service/event co-ordinator. But what the hell, in the end doing outdoor sales!!! Hanging around mrt station to sell stupid products like namecard holder.... bish.... Kana conned, damn demoralised...... 饒命.

So now still looking for job. Actually signed up with various places such as HMV, Kinokunia, balaclava and so on so on..... waiting for them to call back and see how!!! Sian.... No money liao la!!!!

Oh, for the upcoming musical of Sound Of Music, any guys interested??? Anyway after listening to the various songs on the comp, my JC fren, Yaohao, sent me, i think it's not bad..... My sis said that she had the vcd, so maybe one of the day we can watch the vcd, then save the $100+ on the actual musical.... We are all poor ass now man......

Nothing much to talk about, so that's it for this week!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Omg.. I just spent 24 hours total in school over the weekend. And I guess I didn't really do well for my presentation this morning.. Feel kinda sucky now.. Argh.. So hope you guys can help me with a survey.. Thanks!! =P Click on the link below..

Days of Innocence and Ignorance

Oei! Liren, u spelt our pri sch's name should be Princess Elizabeth Primary School. Yep so now u ple've known more abt our pri sch thru liren's intro.

The gathering really brought back lotsa unforgettable memories of my pri sch life. This sounds cliched but juz can't help it...haha. Imagine meeting up with a grp of frens you've befriended fr an age as young as 6 years old and 1 even longer...since kindergarten (!) after so many years now that you are going to be 21 yrs old. But i really feel happy knowing that i'm not forgotten after nearly a decade though some can't recog me now. So much has changed over the years...

Now i shall share with u guys my 鲜少人知的过去. Save u all the trouble of interviewing me...haha
  • On the 1st day of pri sch, i was arranged to sit between a punjabi girl (Amreet Kaur) and a Malay boy (should be Khairul). My ang-moh was really 烂 back then and u can imagine the hard time i had in communicating with these new frens of other races at 1st. Strangely, I didn't interact much with liren in lower pri, probably coz we were never in the same grps. In lower pri, my best frens were melissa, angeline, yu tian and jeslyn while my good frens include jingyi, yingying (1st person i know who's also born on 5 Jul!), wenqing, andrew, soon wei, mingda, wenbin etc. From them, I learnt those chim chinese characters like "威","勇","彬" in their names in p1. We had so much to say over the phone; jeslyn and i even sang the famous early 90s songs like "潇洒走一回" over the phone. We already had our ktv sessions then. So funny. Whole lot of us always played games like monkey-bar, catching (all-time fav), hopscotch, 5 stones and zero-point during recess times. Still rem being jio-ed by angeline to perform a dance for dunno what concert in p2 and we rehearsed outside sch for it together with melissa, jeslyn and andrew. Later on, i joined chinese dance, chinese calligraphy club and also band (played clarinet for a short time) with my girl frens.
  • I was also punished by my form teacher before. In p2, when she found out that i did extra (of coz not intentionally) for my eng hw, i was punished in front of the whole class for the 1st time. My palms were hit by a long wooden ruler, somehow i also rem being slapped and had to 罚站 for a long while. Bet u guys never expected such a thing to happen to me but it did. ha. This was the ultimate - so humiliating and painful. What an experience! Perhaps this incident and my 志气 spurred me to 发奋图强 and hey i was proud to be 1st in class for the 1st time that year-end.

  • In upper pri coz of diff classes, i gotta know a new bunch of ple. I started to love playing basketball/captain's ball (we even got 1st for inter-class girls captains' ball tournament in p6). Then, I was especially close to nelly, sini and yanling. Sini, yanling and i are the best of friends man...n the best bball team-mates... Our combination was simply 无敌. We gossipped so much that somebody couldn't stand it and even wrote sth like 'can u dun gossip so much?' in my autograph. Ha...those were the days...

  • Of coz i also had interesting teachers: my p4-6 chinese teacher, Mdm Quek [Her teaching is like a drama ;)] ; my p3 form teacher, Mr Mathi (Mr 'Mati'); and my p5-6 form teacher, Mr Wong (the papaya-man)...
So much fun that I've enjoyed in PEPS :)

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Primary School Outing!!!

I was only in Princess Elizabeth Primary School for 4 years, pri 1 & 2 in Hong Kong, I still have a lot of fond memories of my time spent there!!! My pri 5 & 6 class was as fun as life in 4E. But then that time still small boy and dun have things like handphone and internet, therefore i didn't keep contact with my pri sch frens since going rv....

Then this pri sch gathering came about!!! Quite surprised that it was actually organised by Esther. Thanks Zining for not bun-seh-ing me and informed me about this..... HAHA!!

Most of the things were blogged out by liren in the post before this. Here i just wanna stressed that it's really damn great to meet up again with long lost friends!!! I always believe that it's better to catch-up with old friends than knowing new ones.

hmm.... Nothing much to share, just feel damn happy!!! Nitez guys!~~~~~

Reunion of Long Lost Friends(Updated)

The following is a brief intro of my Pr School: Princess Elizabeth Primary School

Princess E is one of the best schools in the west area. Built in 1952, at Princess Elizabeth Estate(thats where it got its name), the school has mantained a good record of producing high average PSLE results over the years. In 1996(the year I graduate), it was ranked 12th in S'pore and my principal was awarded the 3rd best principal for Primary Schools. Besides good academic performances, the school's ECAs also earned respectable reputations. This is esp. so for the military band, which dominates interschool competitions and were able to performed in places even as far as Japan. So pple, in future if you want to send your children to a good Pr school, do consider Princess E, *_a realm of achievers in a school royal status_*.

***Here's a rough intro of me, Hok Him, Zi Ning and Bi Xian in Princess E to the best of my knowledge. Pls correct me of mistakes and irrelevance in the comments if any.***

Li Ren: 1J 2J 3J 4B 5B 6B
I entered Princess E by luck. Many anxious parents fought over the last 6 vacancies remaining when I was registered. I was given a pirority due to 3 child policy(my mum had my youngest sis in her womb at that time.....he he..... like that also count). Can't even speak proper English at Pr1. Dun even know how to write name & register number till near exam. Really blur in the new environment, so got wacked by teachers a no. of times. Like to compete in stupid stuffs, from results to art works and even weight & height. Anybody remembers Wen Bin, the extremely tall guy? I knew him since Pr 1. I was 133.5cm, he was already 141.5 cm then. Zining was also in my class in Pr1, but we had little contacts then, it was gals 1 group, guys another group when we were very young. Blatantly cheated in Pr 2 exam, it was maths, but was not caught. Loved drawing, esp. on animals, but I had long lost this in born talent. Largely a nerd throughout lower Primary, but strangely never score 100 for math, often did quite bad for English, and nearly flung Pr 4 final year exam. Got to EM1 thru principal appeal. Not good at sports, walked thru 1.6km every year, only knew how to play games like soccer,basketball, hockey by Pr 5, but like to walk form school to Bt Batok bus interchange. Been a cadet scout for 3 yrs, and got the bast scouts award. By some chance, I had lots of connections with Malays and Indians, esp. since the guy/ gal who sat beside me had been non-Chinese most of the time. Through their influence, I finally could speak better English, and one chatterbox actually said I was too sissy, spurring me to be more MAN. Pr5 and 6 were great yrs. The class was happening, everyday something fun will come by. By PSLE, my results rocketed and was ambitious about going to Chinese High, but luckily PSLE result not as good as expected, only 255, so came to RV, which I think is a better school ever since then. Knew many good friends, esp. guys who went thru same class with me as many as 6 yrs, and those staying in the same neighbourhood. For info: Princess E pple in RV:Zeng LiRen, Lo Hok Him, Liu ZiNing, Tan Bi Xian, Zheng WenBin, Teo Kok Hui Andy, Natalia Yip Pei Wen, Wendy Teo JingYi, Esther Liao HuiMin, Weng WanYi, Liang Bowan, Sharen Lim WeiWen, Huang Yong Jun, Chai SiNing & Chong Wing Chee... if you know any of them.

Hok Him: 3A 4D 5B 6B (Pr 1 & 2 in Hong Kong)
Initially stayed in Bt Batok blk 156. Came to Princess E thru intro by a family friend whose wife happened to be our Pr 5 chinese teacher. Later moved to Boon Lay, every day take bus 174/157 to school and home. Liked by teachers for being a very good student all the while. Completes all homework and study for tests. Late for school a number of times and kanna locked outside the school gate for national anthem many times. Joined the military band at one time, played the flute I think. Known to play catching with our class guys. At Pr 5 & 6 was quite keen on basketball. Sometimes play SEGA games at friend's house after school. Once played soccer with 5 other guys at a newly painted area and got chased around by the principal, weilding a cane. Expected to be one of the top in school & class but dunno why flopped a little like me and came to RV.

Zining: 1J 2J 3J 4A 5A 6A
Had been quite quiet in school most of the time. Mixed around with the gals most of the time. Remembered her reading alot and playing 5 stones, zero point... in Pr 1, 2, 3. A very typical gal in our Pr School. Been constantly good in her results since Pr 1, thats why she can get into the top class after Pr 3. PLayed in the band, or some other ECAs, think so. Stayed in a different part of Bt Batok from what we know now. Quite low profile from my pt. of view, or I just forgot most things in lower Pr.

Bi Xian: 1E 2E 3E 4B 5A 6A
As we would expect, she bore similiar characteristics during Pr School. A very Ang Moh style gal, in a school of mainly chinese/dialect educated background. Used to speak up alot like in Sec School, on almost anything. Read english books far beyond the normal standards, stories with phrases and vocab that were too chim for most pple to understand then. Enjoyed a different lifestyle from the majority... looks extremely care free. Seems to be a band member, but I'm not sure.

***All right, thats enough of intro from me. For further details please approach the respective pple and ask for a personal interview. Some of the informations may be wrong. Now lets get to the core of my blog, an entry to remember of a Pr School gathering, after nearly 10 yrs of seperation for some of us, on the evening of 19/03/2005. Only Rv pple are named.***

It all started out with a few e-mails sent thru our e-mail accounts. I think it was Wen Bin who wanted to celebrate his ORD on this day initially. It turned out to be someone's birthday so Esther more or less organised a gathering. I had not been around most days, so I only knew the time and place a day b4, thru a msg from Zining. So did Hok Him.

We met at 7pm at Orchard MRT control station. As usual, some are late. It was rather a 2 class combined gathering, as the group can be distinctly split 1/2 into 6A and 6B pple. Its ok, anyway we were the only 2 EM1 classed back then and most pple knew one another. Some were from RV. It was kinda special for me and Hok Him as that was the 1st ever Pr School outing we've been to. The other guys had kept in constant contacts for around 10 yrs, with the exception of the 2 of us. We were ignorant about what was going on with these pple for years, till we entered JC, when I caught up with a Pr. School pal. One who been thru Pr1 to Pr6 with me but later lost contacts.

The organisation was last minute, and we had no plans. Its Orchard, we were spoilt for choices. Well, to hold 10+ pple, we went Marche. It was more like a catching up session for me, for I had never seen the guys for years. In fact I had never talked with some of them b4. Though ~10 yrs lost touch, there's still some kind of bond which linked us together easily. To my surprise, the atmosphere was very different from what I had expected. I purposely over-dress a bit and ran thru some english language usage in my mind. These guys esp. those not from my class were the "Ang Moh Pai" ones in school, I feared embarassment for I had neglected english for the past 2 yrs. Hok Him & I were rather stunned when we heard pple like Esther speak mandrain for the 1st time. As the conversations progressed, we were so used and involved as it was rather similiar to 4E's gathering. I also noticed a number of my old friends had signed on. One of them was going for pilot.

On the table, there were a few guys whom I dunno, not even seem b4. Thru the nite, past memories had brought us to know more about each other. After Marche, we sat down at a cafe beside HMV. It was a nite full of coincidence, I bummed into an indian friend who often took the same bus home with me and had been in the class next door. More friends joined in. Some guys wanted to go chiong at ZOUK later. I wanted to join in but for $ sack, and to rest my injured shoulder, I think next time would be better. The journey home was an entertaining one, for 90% of us stays in or around Bt Batok. All of us can easily take 174 home. On my way home, I found the whereabouts of someone, someone I've longed to see.

I must say the gathering was quite an enjoyable one. It was a bit of reliving the days when we were young. I was happy for these long lost friends, most of them were doing rather well, some in further studies and a few even in businesses. But as I watched the mature faces, some even with lines of wrinkles, I felt the impact of age and stress acting on us. From young innocent looking boys and gals to full grown young men and women, the transformation has brought us to another stage. Gone were the days we run around play catching, kick tennis ball and get chased by a principal weilding a cane. ^_^

Friday, March 18, 2005

Pink IC lor

Dun plan to write 1, but then hor LHH and Horsey wrote liao, I juz follow up on what happened just yesterdae, regarding the release of my IC...

I was requested to go back for interview on 17th by my MAJ AO... Kk, so I went back, be4 seeing my AO, I went to check out on whether my IC is ready for collection on 18th, fri.... But then, my chief clerk(MSG), n I buay gum 1, tel mi oni can collect on Mon... Wa lau, I listen liao i hot sia... So during the interview, my AO straightly away call my chief clerk over and ORDER her to give me on the 18th....

Haha, in the end, she LL.... Damn funny sia... She so pia seh tat she even take half dae off to siam meeting mi sia.... Haha... Laugh until die....

Hmm... Finally leave Army liao, cuz lotsa regular cannot make it sia... SIanz...

Sometimes it just sux to know that the Wise Guy of S63 Mr Ma is right about something. Yes I did hit a kerb badly yesterday at Teck Whye, and I was so scared that I'll be thrown out of the car. But sad to say.. I didn't have my test yesterday. =D

I hate to prove hf wrong.. but x is in fact a negative number, -6 to be exact. =) Yes, for those who can do a little mental calculation, I passed on my first attempt. *clap clap* And NO I didn't wear a mini skirt or any sleeveless/revealing top. Even if I did it won't help. Haha. =p And NO, I didn't pass marginally. 12 demerit points.

So what items did I get demerit points for? Let's see..

4 points for insufficient acceleration
6 points for speed too slow
2 points for inappropriate gear

No point was deducted for circuit courses!!

Yes yes I'm not shy to announce my results at all. I'm quite proud of myself today, cos this is the first time there is no instructor (nagging) beside me and I could remember to do MOST of the things they taught. And looking at my demerit point items, I am indeed a safe (and slow) driver. Haha. =D

Let's see if Mr Ma can do better than me. =P Let's hope that the equation does not apply to you. Haha =X

Tekong, Alpha and Omega....

Tekong, later today i will be stepping on this island again..... Collecting my pink ic. damn 感慨. This National Service journey is really full of ups and downs... though sounded damn cliche, but ya, i would like to think that i experienced more things than fellow 4E guys...... I actually very treasure this experience. On hind-sight, i would say I enjoyed life as a soldier, the 1st part due to all the training and new things we learnt, going thru tekan with fellow buddies and so on, the latter part is the stress-free life with lots of $$.

Just give it a review on the highs and lows of my Ns life.....

1) Enlisted (Jan 2003)

I still remembered the night before enlistment, i still watched 食字路口 till 1+am then i slept!!! The nxt day my mum accompanied me for enlistment!!! yup, 1st day in army, shaving hair, getting all the equipments and so on!!!! Managed to get tekan my my kee-siao PS on the 1st moment, the whole platoon carried fully loaded duffel bag runnign up n down the stairs!!! TYS knew it best!!!

I was assigned to Gryphon platoon4, section 4 bed 6. Just being shined by the spotlight head on!!! CAnnot manage to sleep at night... My 1st day in army.

2) Absess or dunno how to spell (4th week BMT)

Ok, i've grown this Absess or wateva thing on the right side of my body!!! It's some immune system disorder thingy i guess.... dunno why la, damn bloody pain!!! Lucky i discovered and see MO early, then get treatment early! The sadist doctor liek squeezed it till damn song like that as if i wont be pain!!! I bleed a lot!!! bleed till my whole chest was blood!!! damn bloody!!!! It took one and half hour to stop the bleeding!!!!

3) BMT field camp (5th week in BMT)

Nothing spectacular.... Just that i believe that we are the only company in BMTC that dio turn out in BMT field camp. NOt once, not twice, but thrice....... Cool field camp, lots of tekan by my PS!!!! but i respect him!!! He actually scolded my company 2ic as he was playing poker during field camp!!! sergeant scold 2lt, respect, cos the 2lt is wrong!!!

4) Posting (11-week old soldier)

Posted to OCS, can I ask for more???

5) Ex POI--Protection of Installation (dunno who many week into service term)

A 6 day exercise continuos exercise and mission without sleep!!! The last day, me and my buddy just heck care and hide under the camouflage net for the tent to sleep for an undisturbed 3-4 hours. haha!!

6) Social Night (somewhere early july)

First major social event held in OCS. Required to bring a partner to attend. Held at Raffles Town Club. Not knowing to ask who to go, i've asked Eileen Goh to go. Quite an enjoyable one!!!! But i think acting gentleman, i cannot man..... Feel damn weird!!!

Kanna sarbo to become the last 3 pair to take part in couple of the night competition. Of course didn't win..... After the event, just sent her back to her hostel....

7) Ex Wild-Cat (somewhere in Service Term 2 in OCS)

One of the many navigation exercise we had to do in OCS. This one was held at the Mandai Catchment area!!! It's the one and only time that my team came in first in the whole wing for any navigation exercise!!! Not bad a result, at least we were 1st once!!!

8) Ex Spade (late july early august 2003)

The notorious Ex Spade!!!! Tasked to dig MG trench.... It's big... No joke. Sheer mental power n determination pull me through!!! Salute to those buddies in my section who dug the perfect Commander post. 2+m deep. We're the best section in the wing man!!!!

9) Posting into different arms ie, armoured, engineer, infantry etc (end of service term 19 week into OCS)

Lost some of my bestest buddies to Combat Engineer. On the night of the posting, under the influence of alcohol, we were quite gone n knocked out by then!! Damn emotional, we hugged each other, wept n cried n so on.... so paisay.... but ya, it's really quite a sad moment.....

10) Army-Half-Marathon (14-09-2003)

21km of jogging!!! got kick sia!!! Finding excuse for myself now!!! I was locked out of my room, so my running shoes wwas in my room. didn't get to wear my own shoe to run!!! Then i was having slight fever of 37.8 the night before!! Not exactly at my best shape.... but i ran a timing of 1 hour 47min which i think was respectable.... though aiming for faster timing la. But ya, it's still the timing for fellow 4E guys to beat man. HAHAHAAH!!!! The next best timing was posted by hanfeng in 2004, 2 hour 02 min.....

11) Ex Starlight (21-09-2003 till 12-10-2003)

First oversea training!!! 台灣恆春. Once we alight frm the plane, from the airport to the camp-site, saw a lot of 檳榔妹, damn sexy, some wearing G-string only....

Training wise actually not super tough, the weather was torturing though.... one of the day recorded a stunning 44.9 degree celsius. No joke.

R&R was damn fun. Play all the way from Kaosiung to Taipei, went to a club or nightspot in taipei, though playing some mandarin or hokkien techno, but the crowd was pretty different form S'pore crowd. haha. The 小吃 in taiwan is marvellous!!! 雞扒, 甜不辣, 棺材版, 蔥油餅 and a lot alot la. oh 奶茶in taiwan is damn great!!!

ya, i also managed to wave to some school girls while sitting on a tonner to training!! HAHA. It's damn fun to go oversea and play around with friends!!!!

12) IPPT gold (not long after coming back form taiwan)

Standing Board Jump had been my weak event always!! Only event that preventing me form getting the gold that i so want!!! $200 leh!!! ok, so on the test that day, i miraculously jumped a 234cm, a gold mark, so i was motivated for my 2.4km run!!!

Led from start till the last turn... let no more gas!! haha, being overtook but still managed to clock my best personal timing!!! 8.58min for 2.4km run... dun think i'lll have chance to do any better than that since my leg is gone now!!!!

13) Ex Lancer aka Jungle Confidence Course (28-11-2003 till 19-12-2003)

Second oversea trip!!! Brunei is really somthing!!!! Not a place for you to joke with!!! A course full of events!!! anyway i just concentrate on the course itself!!!

All the killing of quail, chicken and rabbit were disgusting enough!!! You have to blow the rabbit up liek a balloon 1st before skinning it. Disgusting!!! Tried alot of funny wild fruits, leaf n so on la!!!

So to survival course. 5 day without food. then the nxt 5 with only 1 day ration!!! When the reward came in the 3rd day where we given very small portion of rice n leaf n yam n soon, cos of the daily and non-stop rain, we cannot set any fire, i ate it raw!!! RAW!!! RAW!!!! glad i didn't have food poisoning!!!

The 18day exercise got 16 days raining... anything to say??? SHIT man!!! came back singapore with a all time low weight since sec 2 of 55 kg. Anway i didn't pass the course!! A bit regret of not taking it seriously!!! A survival badge will add weight to my rank. HAHA lame!!!

14) Investigation + Punishment (21st dec 2003 till 27th Jan 2004)

Cheating case in Brunei. Nothing to elaborate!! What i've said i've told to those of my closer friends and my men and so on..... Long story to be told for 3+ hours non-stop!!!

Investigation is one hell of shit!! being lock up, cannot sleep eat drink for 14-17 hours a day, and then only for 1 hour of questioning in a room, facing 1 BG, 2 COL, 3 LTC, 2 MAJ answering to these old foxes qns. torturing!!!! This investigation lasted 4 days, including christmas eve. Then another 3 more from 3rd jan 2004 onwards!!! Sentence was given on 7th jan as 21days of RP. Means marching RP all the way till the day we commission!!!! During the Chinese New Year period we were the only few in SAFTI marching RP, no permission to go home.. YEAH!!!! TRAINING!!! i am getting mentally stronger!!!

15) ACPC n Commission Parade (28th Jan 2004)

Happiest day in the whole NSF life!!! Commission Parade is something that OSK cannot experienced cos of the rain!!! HAHA. sorry man osk, but it's really a gd experience tt u wont get to enjoy!!!! I am very glad that Junwei, Bixian and Yaohui came for my parade!!! really thanks alot man, for sharing my joy!!!

In the parade, damn emotional. Being commissioned as Officer of SAF with all the great friends for that 9 months..... yup. very special day!!! highlight of my life..... I started in Foxtrot Wing on the 1st day in OCS till the last!!! Foxtrot always.....

ACPC is a ceremony held 1 or 2 wk before the comms parade!!! It's the ceremony that we got our sword!!! Damn cool the sword. HAHA

16) Commissioning Ball (Feb 2004)

Went alone and ate 2 share... Stupid choice!!! If i gotta choose now again. i would definitely bring someone!!! Not something i would like to look back on!!!

17) Mis-fire (Mar 2004)

This was a rare event!!! A shooter at my unit mis-fired and shot his own thigh!!! I was a new officer, wat's worse was that the medict was even newer, he just passed out fromt he medict course the day before!!!

Lucky there were a few SOF lao jiao to do the drip and IV thingy while the medic panic!!! Me and my upper study just helped him do the bandage!!! It's a very shocking incident!! a lot of paper-work to follow and so on.. I was glas that i didn't panic and help in a way to facilitate the guys who got injured!!

You would never know how terrible is a gun-shot wound unless saw one urself, those shown on TV are total bullshit!!!!

18) Time with my men (throughout my unit time)

My men are a bunch of jokers from all sorts of different backgorund!! I wouldn't say that they're the best guys around, but time with them are actaully not bad!!

I followed them to do a lot fo stupid things... like car-racin at Lim Chu Kang there. Nearly caught by police.... Went to Changi VIllage to ji seow those ah gua, quite funny!!! Look at those fish-tank at you know where..... haha. not very gd activities. but then at least 增廣見聞 abit!!!

19) Promotion to LTA (01-02-2005)

Elaborated this topic in an entry earlier!! I was happy that i got promoted. though some of you might think it's lame n superficial!!! but i think it's an honour. deserved it or not. not for me to judge!!! I am just happy i got promoted!!

20) ORD (18-03-2005)

Stepping to the land of recruit again later today!!! 百感交加 but not knowing how to express.... Will get back my pink ic lor... happy??? ya, not exceptionally. But happy that i went through this 2 year+ journey will lots of fond memories that will follow me for the rest of my life.

Song of the Day : OCS song by all cadets or Infantry Song by all infantries

Current Mood : Loss of word!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


As those who know me wld know that i am no animal lover!!! I hate animal and dun find them in any form cute or lovely!!! I think they're damn dirty and i'm actually damn scared of letting them touched me!!! Yes i'm scared of animal, especially furry one!!!

Though i don't like animal, i wont abuse them or in any form wish to see them being tortured or killed in cruel ways!!! The worst i did was to kill a quail during OCS time as part of a survival course package!!!

I remember that we were required to first twist the neck of the quail, then pluck out its head, break its both wings then strip away its skin macham taking off clothes like that!!! It's damn disgusting!!! Kimilogy will know it man.

Firstly i hate to touch any animal, including naidni and any human who looks like animal la!!! Secondly the feel of it body warmth transferring to your palm is damn disgusting!!! The worst part is that after twisting its head and plucking it out, the head-less quail will struggle vigorously for 5-10 sec, wow, holding on to such a 怪物 is freaking scary!!! So when it's my turn to kill the bird, no choice gotta do, i forgot to twist its head and just pluck it out straight!!! bish, bet it's damn freaking pain. Ok, that's the most cruel thing i did to an animal.

Yup, why am i suddenly writing about animal abuse and so on??? I wondered anyone of you received this clip or not!!! It's about how cruel and inhuman man can be in order for the models n rich pple to wear fur!!! It's a 15min short documentary on how furry furry coat is being made!!! The process is damn disgusting, but i really hope that you all can spend about 15min of your time watching this. Then maybe from today onwards the thought of wearing those furry coat will forever banish form your mind!!!

It showed that the little foxes, still alive, both its hind legs being hold by a man and like a carpet, keep hitting it to the ground till it's half-dead!! Yar, the word is half dead only!!! tt means it's still half-alive!!! Then the man will take an axe to chop away its 4 limbs, the fox is still alive!!! Next, it's being hung like a T-shirt upside down, tail on top, head below, then the man will use a knife to slit open the skin at the tail area, then when it's still moving and struggling, they just strip away its skin with fur on it from the tail down all the way to the head!!! They refused to kill it 1st before removing the fur and skin just to keep it fresh!!! WTF!!!! Ok, after the whole body, including the head, skin being removed like a clothes in one single motion, that fox is now skinless, limbless fucking ugly creature lying with other of its same kind lookalike in the rubbish dump!!! All of them still moving, covered with blood and so on. DUNNO LA, my description is lousy, but watch it for yourself man!!! it's really cruel.

This is the link :

If you didn't get to the clip from this link, and would wanna watch this documentary, ask me to send it to you!!! My email is It really owrth your time watching it!!!

Ok, some of you might say that eating meat is equally cruel and i should turn into a vegetarian.... Ya, it might be true, but till now i still haven't seen any documentay abt how cruel it is for animal to get slaughtered, so i dun care so much 1st la!!! But furry coat, no no man!!! Maybe till the day i watch how animal got killed for their meat, then i will stop eating meat!!!

Anyway the purpose of posting this not because i wanna act like a saint and bla bla..... But it's really quite disgusting!!!

Kim way to end the entry,

Song of the day : The Earth Song by Michael Jackson

Current Mood : 沉重的心情

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Sianying I heard your appeal.. So here I am.. Yes yes this is ONLY my 2nd post.. 4E girls should blog more.. BUT.. Uni life is really busy la hor.. you guys will know soon..

Wanted to start studying for my company law test which is on thursday, but.. Saw Kim's post about going diving in Tioman!!! Omg~ Smux is organising a dive trip to Tioman in April.. (In case no one knows what it is, it's the outdoor adventure club in smu) It costs $410! Kim is that expensive for a 3 day 2 nite trip? I so want to go, but I just invested in a mp3 player, therefore I'm broke -_-

Oh ya good luck for your 2nd riding test too Kim~ Am sure you can make it la~ I'm having my test SOON~ Very SOON~ Hopefully hf can pass stage 1 soon.. Haha~ I'm not trying to insult you hf, but with the looks you gave me when i saw you at bbdc.. tsk tsk.. Hope I don't see you around the circuit eh =D Remember not to take practical this week too, (Don't affect my test leh) =P Ok la hf I'm just kidding with you, but really hope won't see you at bbdc anymore.. I want to graduate from there.. haha~

School is getting really busy these few weeks, but it also means that the holidays are near! Break will start officially at 5pm on 15 Apr. Definitely looking forward to the well-deserved break.

I guess I can assume that not even ONE guy is coming to smu? Doesn't look like it at all. All the engineering guys in class.. -_- Quite sad that no one in class is here to accompany me at all. No I'm not regretting coming to smu. There are definitely more benefits than costs for coming into smu. At least I'm more willing to speak up during seminars now. Haha. But still, my ang moh is still as bad, if not worse. This also means that I have become more thick-skinned facing all those classmates who are fluent in English. All for the 10-30% of class participation grades. -_-

Shi Jian Guo De Hao Kuai. Most of you going to ORD le, going into university le. Oh gosh I'm going to be a year 3 student! I don't want to graduate so quickly!! But then again I have another 2-2.5 years to go. Ok I'm starting to be incoherent.

Time to start mugging. Driving lessons tmr. Yawn~

Monday, March 14, 2005

Kim Strikes Back, Episode II

Hi has been so long since I last posted something on this blog liao...been MIA-ing for close to one month to y I have been mia-ing for so long, well I dun think I will wan to reveal what it is here...its just something that happens which make me feel sad and unable to carry on contributing to the class to all my faithful readers of KIMILOGY, KIM is back with a vengeance...mentally and physically stronger and w/o any tinge of sadness nor obsession with the hills in Singapore, namely Elephant Hill…hehe…(sorry, it’s an insider joke that only a few members of AI FO HUI knows…)

Ok….just to update other readers who might be concerned with what I been doing all this while (is there anyone?), basically, I have been doing nothing lah…in the daytime just slack ard in camp, then went to do some exercise while at nite, I have been reflecting and thinking about issues that have happened…well….finally I have think it through and now the month of March shall marks the beginning of a “new” me…. So some might ask…how “new”? Frankly speaking, I’m not sure also…its just that come to think of it, I have not been doing things that I have always wanted to do…either because of apprehension or fear of trying new things (humji, for those who need a hokkien translation), I’m not sure….but this is going to change… I have realized that if you are not going to do it now, then when? Till u get old or till u are out there working your ass off that u have no time for yourself and regretting what you have not done when you could have did it long ago…me? I’m not going to wait for that to happen….I dun know about others, but I feel that there are more impt things out there which needs our attention, things like family, meaning of life, having fun, etc… If you dun get what I mean, try this: when you wake up tomorrow morning, ask yourself, how do I wan to remember my life?

Ok, now to another point…why do people make new frens? I dun get it… If you are satisfied with your current lot of frens, why do u have to make effort to make new ones… when your social circle widens, do you really know how to discern between true and fair-weather frens? I admit I’m a sentimental soul (take note: I’m not gay, just metro! Hey, stop puking, I saw that!!) who harks back to old friendships, but y not? Hmm… I think that the more people one know, the lonelier one will get…ok I will stop here…

Kk, last but not least, just an update of what I’m going to do 4 the rest of the month…On the 25th, 26th and 27th, I will be going for a Mt Ophir trip, so I wun be available for soccer, ok hf…newae by going on this trip, I will have completed one of the three things I wan to do before going uni…one…get a riding license (failed the first attempt…got 22 points…hey dun laugh…I will pass 2nd time), two….go on a diving trip at tioman and three…scale a mountain…so tts all from me…signing out now… leave you guys with a song from hoobastank which accompanies me through my night reflection session….

The Reason
I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And me the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

Current song: Tong Hua by Guang Liang
Current Mood: Happy

Sunday, March 13, 2005

2 TV shows to recommend to you guys!!!

Ok, ORD very sian!!! Especially on a sunday afternoon like this, so i decided to introduce you guys to watch 2 shows. only available to SCV subscriber!!! haha. Though i like 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 by 吳宗憲, 阿雅 and 楊丞琳 alot, but not talking about it here now cos it's too well-known and popular, so dunnid i say u all also knwo about it. Ya, so on saturday night when u have nowhere to go, no soccer to watch and rotting at home, watch this show on Channel U @ 2130.

Before saying which 2 shows i introducing to u guys, let side-track a bit!!! I saw Soh Kah Lay today!!! HAHA, she is still so cute!!! Dun think she grew any older as compared to sec 4 that time. Lucky certain Mr Lau, not wenjia of course!!!!

First one, every mon-fri, 2200 on Channel 52, 康熙來了. Though i am very obssessed with chinese history, especially 清朝. But then i am not stupid enough to ask you guys to watch soem historical drama or documentary. It named after the great Manchu emperor cos it's hosted by 小S(徐娣) and 蔡永. get it pig?

So, it is a talkshow, inviting guests from the entertainment biz (蔡依林, 周杰倫, 林志玲, 胡瓜, bla bla bla n so on), then ask alot of 尖酸, 犀利 and stupid questions!!!! A lot of those popular idols' secrets will be undcovered by xiao S. Like ther so much!!! You see, she so funny and cute!!!

The combination of the two host is another unique one!!! Cos the Cai KangYong is an author, an educated man and xiao S is just a chao ah lian, 潑婦. So they can combine power to ask the guest both sensible question ie. like how's there career path n so on and crappy question by xiao S such as : when/how/who u lose ur virginity; what colour/type underwear u wear and so on la.....

Anyway i dun think i did a good job to promote this show, but just watch it, it's great!!!!

The other show is wat i going to watch now, 兩代電力公司. Hosted by Cai Kangyong again!!! It's shown on Channel 54 on sunday 1830. Below is the website of this show:

It's a show where they invite youngster, with opposing opinions, seated at 2 different sides and then debate on a controversal topic such as : being homo, having job as KTV hostess, One night stand, pple with fat gf and so on la....

A lot of juicy stories and personal experience will be shared by the taiwanses youngester, then we can actually compared how different pple of our same can be when grew up in different environment!!!!

Ya, so for your info, if you are feeling bored at home always, like wat i am, i think these 2 programmes can help you laugh ur way thru and pass some time!!!

Oh ya, by the way, Arts Central will be showing the movie Japanese Story this coming tuesday 2200, so those who didn't watch this movie last year. It's a hit, with 18 awards and rated as a 5-star movie!!! You would never wanna miss a movie like this. Remember to catch it, once again on Art Central this tuesday 2200. Japanese Story is waiting for you!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Mosaic Festival

Tonight is really full of happy events man!!!! In an entry 2 or 3 days ago, i sent an open invitation to people to join me to go to one of the concert in this Mosaic Festival!!! Anyway this Mosaic Festival is a 10-day event where Esplanade will invite top performers from the Jazz and World music genre to hold concert here!!! It's the first time they're organising such events and since i quite like jazz music, i've wanted to go to a few concert, but then due to lack of funds, i've to choose one and i chose the very 1st concert, which is James Moody's 80th Birthday Celebration concert!!!

Opening concert for the first ever Mosaic Festival, i bet it must be some good stuff!!!

ok, so the response to go to this concert isn't very good. Only weiting came and tell me that he's interested. ANother friend in my camp wanted to go as well, so i've booked 3 tix on tuesday!!! ok. enough of this crap. jump to tonight then!!!

So after the 3 of us met at City Hall Mrt at around 5pm, we went over to Esplanade to collect the ticket 1st. Then the first wonderful thing of the night happened!!! As we headed to the box office to get the ticket,


Cant believe my eyes man!!! Really didn't expect such a cute girl will be at the box office!!! 我的心飛起來了. haha

Ok, then we went to suntec to settle our dinner and take a look at the IT fair as well!!! At the IT fair, i bumped into my ex-platoon mate in OCS lor!!! I am so happy to see him around cos i've sort of lose contact with my OCS mates!! i really really enjoyed our time together veyr much!!! I've lost contact with them since i changed my hp no. It's glad that they're still meeting on a regular basis and they're actually jioing me all along only they did not know i've changed my number!! So nxt time i'll definitely be there man!!! HAPPY!!!

So to the concert proper!!! Wow, i feel so high class. 我是上等人. The previously time i went for a concert in Esplanade i wore a slipper and a 烂 T-shirt which was from my sec 1 time cos i was partially dragged there by my friend. But today i was dressed much more proper and feel more easy and part of the crowd and not awkward!!!! The 3 of us feel that by attending such concert raised our social status lor!!! At the same time elevate us to the upper echelon of the society. HAHAH!!

Ok, this James Moody is the 主角 and he got 3 side kick, playing the piano, the double bass and the drum each! James Moody is really damn great, can play all types of woodwind instrument though mainly saxophone la!! In the concert, he played clarinet, flute and the soprano, alto n tenor saxophones. Really cant believe this old man is already 80 years old man!! so full of energy!!! James Moody is a seasoned performer man!!! Not only his music was good, the whole package, meaning the presentations and bla bla are damn great as well!!! He told a few jokes, quite funy!!! and he can sing well too!!! Of course the crowd was marvellous too!!!

Wat i mean by the crowd being marvellous??? haha, ALOT OF CHIOBUS!!!! from a damn good point of view, we can almost look at all the girls in the concert hall!!! dun think we are 色狼, but it's really 人之常情 to look at beautiful pple from the opposite sex,of course unless you are homo la!!!

So another thing from this concert, the pianist's name is Jeremy Monteiro. HE's a 十足十馬屁精. He has countless phrase to suck up to James Moody during the whole concert after every song!!! So just list a few of the example here!!!

" Let's welcome the irresistable, irrepressible, the living legend, James Moody!!!"

"Oh, what a great piece, it's my honour to play alongside the great Moody!!"

" Sometimes when you're playing with the master, you tend to be listening and enjoying so much that you actually forgot you are supposed to play nxt. And it's the case with me now!!!"

His suck-up word is really damn disgusting!! though he's a damn great pianist, i think he plays damn well in the concert also, but being such a lowly scum, i despised him man!!!

Ok, as the title of the concert suggest, it's James Moody's 80th birthday concert!!! So it's actuially a celebration for him. So after the concert, everyone is entitled to a slice of birthday cake, kindly offered by the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. As people close to me will know i dun really like cakes. Especially bday cake!!! But then this cake is really damn nice!! the chocolate taste is so rich!!Again, i dun quite like choc also, but it's really that good!! So the low-class and 寒酸 trio of us took another slice each. HAHA. damn kiasu and cheapo!!!

Hmm... after that, i think we cant get enough of music man!!! So we went over to Harry's Bar to get a drink n some finger food!!! The guy at Harry's sang some Beatles song, for your info i LOVE beatles, and ended with the song "If" by bread. Again, another of my fave oldies!!! So happy lor!!!

Can a night get any better than this???? Dun think so!!! I think having 1 good concert a year will make me live longer!!! 2001-Westlife Concert (i like boyband, yeah!!!!), 2002-Red Hot Chili Pepper Concert ( the 1st time i know wa's mosh pit), 2003-nil, 2004- Linkin Park Concert ( The 1st outdoor concert i attended, simply great) & 2005-James Moody!!!

Yeah, i like concert!!! Hopefully more famous artist from different genre can come to Singapore in the future!! Looking forward to that!!!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Demanding Girlfriend of my Friend!!!!

Ok, it's me again!!! Actually i've wanted to insert this as part of the previous entry but i afraid those pple who don't like pool will skip the entry and miss this incident which happened on Sunday afternoon. So i've made it a separate post!!!

I was thinking for a while whether to post this incident up or not as i think that my friend wouldn't liek it!! but after thinking thrice, i dun care so much liao la. so i'll still post it!!! HAHA. But i'll not reveal the name of my friend, to protect his identity!!!

Ok, early this year, this friend of mine, from my camp, the same one watching the pool competition with me la, his girlfriend went for some student exchange programme and will be in US for 5-6 months.....

His girlfriend is the very demanding type, restrict him from doing this, doing that, yet she doesn't impose the same rule on herself. For example she wouldn't let him go out with girls and he didn't....... Questioned and interogated him like mad when he was only out with army frens yet she herself can let another guy into her room and cook for her..... RiDiCuLous!!! She'll always throw tantrum at my friend, i think i'll name him Dick la, threaten to break-up with him and so on so on!!! She had a lot of stunts to play on Dick and 7 lines out of 10 of their conversation are quarelling lor!!! But Dick is still veyr loving, even thought of flying over to America to meet her after ORD.

Ok, then on Sunday when i was supposed to meet Dick to watch the pool competition, he asked me to accompany him to John Little for dunno what reason... then i met him there, then he told me that the previous night her gf called and said that the things at USA are bloody expensive and she wouldn't wanna shop there, so, so she asked Dick to buy undergarments and parcel over to her....

WAH BIANG!!! 荒謬!!!! What a request man!!!! First, how can you expect a guy to go and buy such things???? It's ok to ask him to accompany her to buy, but asking him to go alone and buy is abit too much!!! Second, cant she ask her own mum to do it??? Third, isn't buying and parcelling cost more??? It isn't cheap to send parcel i guess. If i were Dick, i would reject it outright. I think there should be certain level of tolerance in a relationship, but then it's really way out of it. How can a guy stoop so low to let his gf step all over you.

When i told him it's ridiculous and no way should he do it. He actually said that it's a 考驗 between them!! She's testing him see whether he can buy the designs that she likes.... Bish.... Craps.... And he told another mutual friend of ours, also from our unit, that he did not know what ture love is. BISH!!!!

Anyway he didn't dare to step into "that" department, that's why he asked me to accompany him!!! i refused at first, but seeing his 楚楚可憐 look and being a great friend, i accompany him in!!! It's really damn embarrassing to walk into the female department. Luckily, there's a very friendly assistant who sort of can guess wat's his situation and came over to offer help!!! So without much dilly-dally-ing, he chose 4 sets and paid!!! Anyway 4 sets cost more than $100 leh!!! Only till then i knew female undergarments were so ex man!!! Or issit because it's Pierre Cardin that's why it's more ex???

So i asked Dick is he going to ask his gf to return him the money, or is she going to pay him back la. Then he said no. And i think err..... Not that i am very 小氣 and think that giving the other person a gift is not right!!! but then such are personal stuff that she actually intend to use her own money. and Dick is still not working yet and it's really quite ex!!! How can she demand such thing from him right?? I just think the girl is taking advantage of Dick outright. I also dunno how to explain my reasoning la. i think it's ok to buy gift and trat n so on. but not in this case la..... bla bla.... But Dick refute by asking me that how long do I think it'll take to build that comfort level for his gf to ask him buy such thing??? So I will not understand it man!!!!

ya ya... maybe i really dun understand!!!! Whatever!!!

So before i end, anyone interested to watch the a saxophone concert??? James Moody's 80th birthday concert. It's part of the Mosaic Festival. It's Jazz and not classical. Who wanna watch??? It's this friday 11th march. Prices are at $128, $108 $88, $68 and $48. For $68 and $48 category, prices will be at 50% discount for Students and 30% discount for NSF. Who is interested pls drop a comment. I wanna go leh!!! hmm.... for more info check out this website.!E=A@fsy1LqHMJ59MzmCjXAlAO,3=rsJFM

San Miguel 9-Ball Tour

The past weekend is the San Miguel 9-ball Tour Singapore leg. It was held in the Suntec Convention Hall 404. I think it's an Asia Premiere Pool Competition as it attracts the likes of Efren Reyes, Francisco Bustamante, Yang Ching-Soon and bla bla bla so on.....

How often can you get to watch world class players playing pool right in front of you??? And wat makes it even more exciting is that IT IS FREE ENTRY FOR ALL!!!!! haha. that means i can go there, queue early and watch them play for the whole day!!!!

That's what I and one of my friend from army did on saturday and sunday!!! On saturday was the 4 quarterfinals match-up : Chan bla bla (Sin) vs Wu Jiaqing (Tpe) ; Gandy Valle (Phi) vs Lee van bla bla (Phi) ; Efren Reyes (Phi) vs Antonion Gabica (Phi) and Yang Ching Soon (Tpe).

For those of you stupid enough not to know wat Tpe stand for, it stands for Taipei which means the player comes form taiwan. Cos sportsman from Taiwan cannot say that they are form Taiwan if not China will KaobeiKaobu!!!!

1st match : Chan bla bla (Sin) vs Wu Jiaqing (Tpe)

Nothing to shout about, dull affair, no trick shot, no snook no nothing but lots of careless mistakes!!!! One thing to mention. That Wu Jiawing claimed to be a Boy-wonder, aged 16. Bullshit!!!! I take 1 look at his fag face i know he's at least 22!!! Dunno why sportsman like to fake their age!!! We were supporting the Singaporean due to patriotism though his skill is definitely not there to win. So the Taiwanese Wu Jiaqing Won by 9-5.

2nd match : Gandy Valle (Phi) vs Lee van Corteza (Phi)

Yeah, i finally remmebered the other guys name. HAHA. ok, Phillipines is one of the world's top pool nation!!! They produced world class players generation after generation and the Pinos to Pool are like the Brazilians to football. They never fails to entertain!!! Though these two guys were relatively unknown, the match was rather entertaining. And i dunno why Pinos either looks like those old uncles type, beer and cigarettes bloody old construction workers or they look bloody faggots!!! Freaking gays!!! I can see clearly that the Gandy Valle wore a thong instead of normal boxers or underwear when he was bending down for a shot!!! Disgusted by that faggot!! ANyway that faggot won 9-6!!!

3rd match : Efren Reyes (Phi) vs Antonio Gabica (Phi)

Efren Reyes, nicknamed the Magician, needs no intro to all the pool fans world wide!!! His shots were simply amazing!!! can go round the cushion for n times and still pot the ball!!! Outstanding!!! Too bad i think he wasn't on form and the Antonio Gabica guy though a Pino but play like a machine, dull and un-interesting won the match 9-4. My 偶像 is out of the competition, i have not even had enough look of him.... sianz....

4th match : Francisco Bustamante (Phi) vs Yang Ching Soon (Tpe)

Bustamante, another former world no. 1 from the Philippines line up against one of the taiwan best Yang Ching Soon!!! Unexpectedly, Bustamante raced to a 6-0 lead and we were so sad for Yang as he looks damn shuai, refined and weel-mannered!!!! The way he talked to the referee is so CUTE!!!! HAHA. And because he was chinese so we were actually supporting him!! But seeing him "raped" by Bustamante 6-0, my heart bleed man!!! But miracles happened!!! he slowly and slowly raced back, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 then 6-5. In between, he shot a few combination shot to win the frame!!! Outstanding!!!! We thought that Bustamante had lost his confidence and Yang was going to get it!! but he regained his composure to take the next frame and led Yang 7-5. haha. but 楊清順並不是省油的燈. In the end he won the game 9-7 or 9-6 i cant remember!!!

So excited. the last match proved to be the most dramatic!!! What a come-back by Yang!!! His mental power and determination is really tremendous man!!! So proud of him being a Chinese. HAHAHA!! So i went over to shake his hand and look a photo of him using my hp. He is so cute!!! let u all see his photo!! HAHA

So that marked the end of the Saturday event!!!

On to Sunday and the Semi-finals and finals.....

1st Semi : Antonio Gabica (Phi) vs Wu Jiaqing (Tpe)

HAted both these players!!! One knocked out my idol and played like a machine while the other lied to us about his age!!! Both looked ugly!!!! But surprise!!!! That machine antonio actually played with flair on sunday!!! HE silence the crowd by transforming himself form a robot to an entertainer!!! HE keep giving us trick shot after trick shot!!! Different type of trick shots. TRICK SHOTS!!!!!! Because of his way of play, we supported him man. but sadly, he lost to the fat idiot Wu Jiaqing, fat Bot-wonder. haiz....

2nd Semi : Yang Ching-Soon (Tpe) vs Gandy Valle (Phi)

Of course we were supporting Yang again!! He's so Shuai!!! haha!!!But just like yesterday, he started badly and fell to 1-6 disadvantage!! I think he liked to get "raped" at 1st alwasy man!!!! Then just liked Saturday, he battled back!!!

But KNN, there were a lot of Pinos at the arena, they were making stupid noises when Yang played, giving him very much pressure!!! And then cheering the faggot on and jeering at Yang. I think it's very loser and barbaric for the Pinos to do all these stupid things!! they were very unsporting too!!! How can they clap when the player made a mistake??? THey Clapped when Yang made a mistake and faggot got the chance to capitalise it!!!

Super pissed by the uncivilised Pinos!!! If i had a Pino maid at home, i will definitely go home and abuse her man!!! beat the hell out of her!!! Hate Pinos!!!! In the end, Yang lost 11-8. As we were damn pissed by the Pinos at the Arena, we left without watching the final as we dun liek that Wu Jaiqing also, and knowing that he wld definitely disgraced the chinese by losing to the Pinos!!!

As expected, as i flip the paper today, i saw that faggot won the competition!!! But i think it's a very good experience watching a world class pool competition for free!!! haha

Sunday, March 06, 2005

A recent Clubbing Experience


Till this day I've clubbed >10 times in around 8 different clubs altogether. Its something cool and exciting, when we get to drink strong cocktails and dance freely to trendy music with people around. Sometimes, its can be happening, spicing up the night. Whereas most of the time I enjoy the company of friends and join in the fun with other clubbers.

Last Friday... should be 25/02/2005... Friends in camp jio me to chiong again after a break of several months. This time round we went to ZOUK, simply to put into use 15 free ZOUK admission tickets which were expiring in days. Xiao Zhuang was one of the guys with the free tickets, which were souvenirs from this year's SMU open house. I was late and reached around 11pm. Turn out was especially high compared to previous clubbings, 14 guys came in all, including my friend's friends. Probably because of free tickets drew alot of my stingy friends to club that day.

The crowd on that day was not very large, like most other Fridays. At the security check point, I surrendered my free ticket to the bouncer, who tore it in 2 and dropped the pieces into a basket full of such tickets... ... In the club, we went for drinks 1st since house pours were 1 for 1 from 11 till 12. Xiao Zhuang recomemded a cocktail ( ma???!???!??? with lime) which name I can't pronounce. It taste of hard liquor(probably Vodka) in small amounts with traces of cherry and tropical fruit flavours in sour lime juice. All seems fine at this moment.

The SOP for clubbing--- dance after drink...the start of the day's nonsences. For those who're familiar with ZOUK, you'll know of its 2 seperated arenas, the main ZOUK and PHUTURE, each playing its own style of music but linked by a small walk way. My friends and I went PHUTURE for a start. Amazingly, the crowd seemed to have swelled after our entrance. I can see ~300 people on the small dance floor of PHUTURE, about the size of a basketball court. Thats even more packed than sardines in a can. We tried to squeeze our way thru the horde of clubbers, meandering around small gaps and wedging couples apart. It took ~5 minutes just to get to the dance floor 10+ m away. How ridiculous. In the dance floor, there was simply no where to move. We were just stuck there jamed by people from all sides. To avoid wasting time just standing on the dance floor, we decided to move out and check out the other dance floor. The exit was equally unpleasant and time consuming.


It was another puzzling scene at the main ZOUK dance floor, which was sparcely populated despite being ~3 times the size of PHUTURE. The music there sux---unrythemic, monotonous beats and relatively unknown pieces. Whoever spining then was rather poor at mixing the music, engulfing the whole dance floor in a heavy atmosphere. Most youngsters avoided this place, probably turned off by the unentertaining music like we do. Lousy the music may be but with abundant space available, we still stayed to dance.

While dancing, I constantly glanced and observed people around. The crowd around there was significantly much older than us, many in their 30s. An old Ah Beng around 50yrs old was clearly in the spot light when he hopped on the raised platform and showed off his moves. He dressed to his age, in flowery shirt, dark pants, belt & leather shoes, but with shirt unbuttoned. He seems to be some kind of gang leader or pai kia head there as there were equally aged men lighting cigarette for him. He was enjoying himself tremendously and later jio ladies near him up the platform to dance. Its amazing how a man of his age, style can still exert so great a charm on women young enough to be his daughter. 4 bangladeshi doing bollywood moves also went up the raised platform and rocked with the old beng. They seemed to bond rather well when I saw them light cigarette for each other. At another corner, I clearly observed the presence of an Albino guy glowing in the dark environment. This was the 1st Albino I've seen clubbing.


The music was just too sian... we could not take it any more. PHUTURE was a more enjoyable place, hence we wriggled thru the difficlut crowd again. With force and fine manoeuvring, we managed to scope out a small area within the massive pack of clubbers. However, it was still... stupid. The small space only allowed us to vibrate on the spot, with both hands stuck to the hips and shoulders cramped most of the time. I felt so sianzzz... when I could only monotonously vibrate in the masses. It was so sianz...... soo sianzzzz......sooo sianzzzzzzzz that my eyelids fell closed and slept, still upright in the middle of the dance floor... for ~10 minutes. When I woke up, the crowd was still as pack & squeezy as ever, and some of my friends too were shutting their eyes and yawning. Unbelieveable...Unbelieveably sianzzzz. It was so unhappening that I left the club early, just after 2 hrs.

I strolled outside ZOUK for 1/2 hr, till my frields came out one after another. They too could not take the boring state within. We came here to have fun, not get stuck in a crowd unable to do anything. At the entrance of ZOUK, I came face to face with the Albino guy I saw earlier. A close look at him made me suspect he was PM Lee Hsien Loong's Albino son. My friend agreeded with me. I was rather sure it was him. I saw him b4 and how many Albinos in S'pore dared to club in such a famous hangout. He was with a gal of our age, presumably his stead. Strangly, I did not notice any body guards around.

Shortly after that, I went for supper and then head home.


Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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