Friday, April 29, 2005

Jus writing

Today's the 29th April, a Friday and Hok Him's birthday. Weather is hot as usual, how I hope S'pore can snow... its so beautiful. Has been a busy week for me, running around different parts of S'pore since Monday. Probably thats why I'm down with flu now... stress and lack of rest.

Why I chose to write now, even though I have nothing really fantastic in mind to say? I think must be out of pure boredom. Getting ill is really a waste of time. For the whole day I slept ~16 hrs, as I'm too ill to do anything. Pain arises whenever I get out of bed and food was tasteless. Feeling better now after taking Panadol. Its just 1 day and I cannot take it, feeling so disheartened. Can't help feeling sad for pple suffering from long term diseases or under constant medication.Guys, do take care of your healths.

Next, I noticed that the blog was rather empty and dry recently. There were few entries lately, and mostly were informations like those we would paste on Friendster's bullettin board. Maybe the last few weeks were really uneventful, hence I thought of writing this post without anything juicy.

Well, maybe I can say abit about what I do recently. Now I'm waiting for ORD, which falls on 3rd of June. Currently found a job as tuition co-ordinator, whereby I match students to a most suitable tutor. So any of your relatives looking for tuition can look me up.

Monday went back camp for Medical FFI( a kind of check up b4 ORD). During the blood test for HIV, I noticed that I fear injection. Strangely enough, I braved pains of sliding across sand and even fell from ~4m b4. I should be immuned to the minor pain from drawing blood, yet I trembled on sight of the needle and syringe. After the FFI I went to Bugis, visited the Guan Yin Miao with 3 other friends. I'm non-religious, but somehow I still get involved in many of S'pore's customs and traditions. We had a vegetarian lunch, the 1st time ever for me. Quite nice actually.

Tuesday and Wendesday I spent most time at Bukit Batok driving center, doing last minute revision for my driving test on Wed. After 2 months not driving, I still can drive but can feel the cranking in movements and coordinations. By Wed, I was almost flawless at driving again. It was fantastic during my vehicle testing, without any mistakes. However, when it comes to the real test, a sense of nervousness sets in and I made several stupid mistakes, some which I never commit b4. Haiz... I scored 28. The next test will be on 21st June, on my Bus Add Orientation. No choice, got to book on the 27th June, 2 months away. Hope to pass by then.

Thursday was another busy day, went to extend passport at CMPB... by the way, I'll be going for a treak on 20th-21st MAy, In Malaysia. Then went to a law firm sign some stupid doucments. By evening bought a lap top. Packed my room at night. Hey I found a 4E and a 3E class list in my cupboard, kept over 5 yrs without knowing.

Haiz... dunno what I'm trying to get across. Good luck to those in Exams.

ORD Feast: Order of Battle

Alright guys! The long awaited ORD has materialised! Here are the details, if you don't already know!

4e ORD Feast cum Sending-off Party for Hokhim, who leaves for HK on the 31st of April. (Click here for more details.)

Bangzhi Yaohui Zhonghong Jiamin Weiting Hokhim Hanfeng Sweekim Zhixiang Yongsheng Jianyang Weiming Eric Liren Xiaozhuang (I asked for a 15-seater, so we will all sit together, yay!)

Paramount The Paramount Restaurant30 East Coast Road, #01-01/01, Paramount Hotel & Shopping ArcadeSingapore 428751

Where to meet:
1650 at JE first carriage, or 1730 Eunos Station Control

What to bring:
$40 nett, a good appetite, gossip, and a suitable present for Hokhim.

The Goods (What really matters):
A La Carte Buffet Menu - Friday to Sunday

1. 迷你佛跳墙 (每位只限一份) Mini Monk Jump Over The Wall (limited to one serving per person)
2. 北京片皮鸭 (八位以上享用一只) Beijing Roasted Duck (minimum 8 diners and above enjoy one whole Beijing Duck - limited to one serving per table) (少于八位, 每人只限两片京式鸭 Below 8 diners limited to two slices per person)
3. 鲜 虾 (每位只限一百克) Live Prawns (Limited to 100grams per person) Preparation Methods :a. 白 灼 虾 Poached b. 金 香 麦 片 虾 Deep-Fried with Wheat and Butter c. 花 雕 芙 蓉 虾 Steamed with Egg White and Chinese Wine
4. 芝士局生蚝 Baked Oysters with Cheese

5. 三 文 鱼 刺 身 Salmon Sashimi
6. 加 州 寿 司 卷 California Maki
7. 日 式 盐 烧 三 文 鱼 头 Grilled Teriyaki Salmon Fish Head

8. 皮 蛋 酸 姜 Century Eggs with Pickled Ginger
9. 篷 莱 素 鹅 Vegetarian Rolls
10. 越 式 炸 春 卷 Crispy Vietnamese Spring Rolls
11. 迷 你 八 爪 鱼 Mini Octopus

12. 烧 味 拼 盘 Barbecued Combination
13. 海 蜇 熏 蹄 Sliced Pork Trotters with Jelly Fish

14. 椒 盐 软 壳 蟹 Crispy Soft Shell Crab with Salted Pepper
15. 鲜 果 海 鲜 沙 律 Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruits
16. 极 品 酱 带 子 西 芹 Sautéed Scallops with Celery in X.O Sauce
17. 镇 江 排 骨 "Zhen Jiang" Style Pork Ribs
18. 虾 酱 炸 鸡 Deep-Fried Chicken marinated with Shrimp Paste
19. 油 浸 笋 壳 Deep-Fried Marble Goby Fish with Chef's Special Sauce
20. 豆 酥 蒸 红 鱼 Steamed Red Tilapia topped with Bean Crumbs
21. 黑 椒 牛 柳 粒 French Style Beef Cubes with Black Pepper Sauce
22. 北 菇 鱼 鳔 鸭 翼 煲 Braised Mushrooms, Fish Maw and Duck Wings
23. 三 杯 田 鸡 腿 "San Bei" Frog Legs
24. 姜 葱 鹿 肉 片 Sautéed Venison with Ginger and Onions
25. 琵 琶 豆 腐 Pan-Fried "Pi-Pa" Beancurd with Seafood
26. 法 钵 咕 噜 肉 Sweet and Sour Pork served in Yam Ring
27. 湖 南 烤 酥 方 Fried Crispy Beancurd Skin, served with Pancakes, Sweet Sauce and Spring Onions
28. 鱼 香 茄 子 煲 Braised Spicy Egg Plant with Minced Pork in Claypot
29. 罗 卜 焖 牛 腩 煲 Stewed Beef Brisket with Turnip in Claypot
30. 白 灼, 蒜 茸 炒 时 蔬 (西 生 菜, 白 菜 苗) Seasonal Vegetables - Poached / Fried with Garlic

汤 类 SOUP
31. 竹 筒 鸽 盅 Steamed Minced Pigeon Soup in Bamboo Tube
32. 四 川 酸 辣 羹 Sichuan Hot and Sour Soup
33. 是 日 靓 例 汤 Soup of The Day

34. 干 烧 依 府 面 Braised Ee Fu Noodles
35. 潮 州 炒 面 线 " Teochew"Style Fried Mian Xian
36. 杨 州 / 咸 鱼 鸡 粒 炒 饭 Fried Rice - "Yang Zhou" Style / Salted Fish and Diced Chicken
37. 蒸 / 炸 馒 头 Steamed / Fried Buns

38. 药 材 龟 苓 膏 Herbal Jelly served with Honey
39. 蜜 瓜 西 米 露 Chilled Sago Cream with Honey Dew
40. 红 毛 榴 莲 布 丁 Chilled Soursop Pudding
41. 生 磨 杏 仁 糊 Sweetened Almond Cream
42. 香 草 雪 糕 Vanilla Ice Cream 甜点心 SWEET DIM SUM
43. 擂 沙 汤 丸 Glutinous Dumplings with Sesame Filling
44. 豆 沙 锅 饼 Red Bean Pancake
45. 绿 茶 冻 Konyakku Green Tea

Yes, dears. It is all good.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sound of Music

Just realised how old are we already!!! Freaking 21 years old this year liao lor!!! Last Sunday when i'm taking a feeder bus to Boon Lay interchange, my EZ link was out of credit and i asked the driver how much i needa pay by cash. $0.60 he said. Then i remembered there was a time when taking SBS feeder bus only cost you $0.25. When the cost of the same thing jumped by more then 2 times, it really showed how muhc time had passed... haiz... 人老了.

Not only bus fare, actually prices of everything around us rose qiute a lot recently. Today was having lunch with bangzhi and xiaoyu at the hawker center opp Ginza. While eating, there's a mid-age toothless woman leading a blind old man selling tissue. When they approached us, I was just preparing to give them the hand signal to tell them go elsewhere as i think it's out-right cheating to sell 3 packet of tissue at $1. But bangzhi stopped them and ya bought tissue from them. As we all know 3 packet for $1 was the norm in this line of biz, bz still out of courtesy and asked how much. The woman replied $1.20. Wah bish.... then bz commented such thing like helping pple also got 起價 one ah, then the woman gave an embarrassing smile and flash her toothless gum at us. Yucks, sheesh bish.... DISGUSTED... Freaking erxin.... bleahhhhhh

ok, enough of the price of everything and so on. Just wanna share about the experience of going for my first ever musical last Sunday. I forked out almost 100% of the one week pay i had working in Nuh for the tix for Sound of Music. Obviously I would hope that it'll be a good one or at least worth the money. I've watched the cartoon version of it when i was still quite young in Hong Kong and the movie version of it weeks ago when i realised that i have that vcd at home. My expecatation for the musical itself sould be at least on par with the movie, if not better.

So I met my friends, Chen Yaohao and Chong Yew Mun, for those who knew them la, at 1700 in City Hall, then after dinner we went over to Esplanade to walk walk see see. I specially went to the box office counter to take a look. Cos i remember the other time when i went to Esplanade for the James Moody concert, the counter girl there was DAMN CHIO AND SWEET. So just wnana take a look see whether she was still working there or not. haha. To my disappointment, the 3 counters att he box office were all sat by fat tudung MAlay Auntie!!!!! I bet they ate pork sausage or LUNCHEON MEAT secretly, if not why they so FAT!!!?? Bloody hell, see till eye sore!!!

The musical started punctually at 2000. I really preferred to watch this type of arts performance/events/concert than those pop/rock one. Those Pop/Rock stars alwasy very 大牌. They'll make you wait at least 1.5 hours, during which Daniel Ong and Shiek Heikel will occasionally came out talk a bit of cock and so on. Then when the light dimmed or the music being blasted, you thought your 偶像 were coming out. Then, Shit it man!!! it's some unknown guest artist/singer or local group performing for half an hour before the actual act starts. Always feel damn cheated at that point. but all will be forgotten when pple like Linkin Park, RHCP or bla bla occupied the stage. But then, i still prefer the performance to start punctually la, instead of waiting.

One thing i very amazed about the Musical is the efficiency of them chaging the backdrop. The backdrop is very nicely done and ya, the whole set up is very nice. I dunno how to describe la, my english not powerful, But just damn good. can ask bz or doreen to describe to you all la!!!! What's so amazing about the changing of scene was that beside the main one at the back, i actually cannot see crews moving the backdrop. it's liek the stairs or the statue just appeared and moved itseld. Maybe a suffered from night blindness or wat la.

Another very funny was that there's chinese subtitles for the musical. Damn funny sia.... The Chinese subtitles were displayed using those electronic board on top of the stage!!!! haha. It seems like making the whole play abit low class, but never mind la, i prefer them to have it. ARGH.... DOES THAT MEAN I AM LOW CLASS???? I DUN WANT!!!!!

Two things not very good about the musical was that i think for the performance that i went to, they used a local to play the youngest daughter of the Captain Von Trapp instead of the original one. Form the poster, i saw the original one was veyr chubby and cute, a little blondie!! really damn cute, but then the local who took over her role on the night was skinny and sibei act cute, a bit disgusting la....

The second thing that they can improve on is that i think they should search for a better guy to play Captain Von Trapp. I think he's qiute unclear in his speech. Hard to catch wat he's tlaking about. Or maybe i english lousy cannot cathc his accent la. bla bla lba....

Generally i think it's money well spent!!!! The $100+ that was spent for this musical was very worth it!!!! It's really great to have somthing like the Esplanade in Singapore therefore can attratc more n more good foreign performance here. It's really a totally new experience listenign to them singing live and the orchestra playing below the stage for the music.

Heard from Yewmun that ST was trying to get The Phantom of the Opera to perform here later this year. haha, if that's true, maybe it's time to save up again!!!

Song for Today : Eidelweisse by Captain Von Trapp

Current Mood : damn shiok to have watched a nice musical

Monday, April 25, 2005


Alright guys! The long awaited ORD feast has finally materialised! Where the majority of liberated guys and a small but nonetheless loved minority of nearly free and disrupted guys gather for a long night of gluttony and other manly business!

The day is slated for this Saturday, 30 April 2005, evening. The venue will be confirmed very soon. Every man to present himself!

Monday, April 18, 2005

To: Class of RVHS 4E'2000

Dear brothers and sisters of RV4E'2000

~5 yrs ago we left RVHS to purse our dreamz. We left behind the unforgetable memories of our presence, the fun and happiness of our spirit. We left behind our notoriously unique images, and probably echoes of our glorious achievements. We left behind teachers, who once either dragged their legs to our classroom or too eager to teach this class of warmth and humour. Among them was the our beloved Sec 4 form teacher, Ms Tay Kim Noi.

Ms Tay(likely Mdm Tay by now) has probably been the forgotten figure in this 5 yrs of our continued friendship. She probably had a great time teaching such a fun loving class like us, and terrible days shouldering all the nonsence we created in our school days. Her affections to 4E'2000 was heart felt. Though she may not be the best at creating good results, she was a teacher close to the hearts and mind of students like us. She was like an elder sis to us at times. I myself appreciate her teachings and sharings.

Around 2001, she left RVHS. The last I heard of her was that she went to Australia for further studies. Recently, some of us drifted to her when talking cock. We heard that she missed us. Heard that her health, and career was not that good as well.

For 5 yrs or so probably no one seen Ms Tay. I thought of gathering a group of interested 4E classmates, to visit her one of these days. I hereby ask the classmates whom I've know for so long, anybody coming along?

Due to an acute shortage of information, the plan will be rather troublesome to execute. All I know is that she stays in Tampinese, and practically nothing else. Hence probably a trip to RVHS has to be made, to search for data base etc.

The reason I name this mail Cao Ji Ren Wu is because HH and I planned to record the whole process of our search. With the help of a little narration an photos, we hpe to complie an epic of the search to visiting her, and post it on blog or record in a disc. What we want to achieve is another memorable event to our memories of 4E'2000. To do that, we're hoping that someone can lend us, or even rent us a video camera if possible. And of course, we welcome any form of help rendered to us.

Thank You


Computer Games ~ Time Usage

I vowed to cut down on cut down on Computer Games. Time and again my senses failed me. I feel addicted. Just a few hours ago, I played a strategy game for 2 hrs. I was on the losing end. In a moment of disappointment, I just left the game in an instant. Only to realise that I just wasted 2 hrs of my life doing nothing productive.

I had been playing many computer games since Pr 6. Playing games of virtual reality has been a great entertainment in my life. I gain satisfaction winning/completing rounds after rounds of games.

It was until the time I was ~20 then I feel the disasterous and irreversible effect of playing so much games. Time lost could never be recovered, and time could have been better spent. Throughout the 2 yrs in JC, I probably spent the greatest amount of time on computer games ever. The effect was an indecent 'A' Levels result compared to 'O' Levels. During the earlier part of NS, most of the weekend times were spent on computer games, less the times I went out. I even rejected outings to play games at times. I feel so ashame of this.

Sometime last year, a strange feeling overwhelmed me. I can feel a force from within. A force of restrainment and withdrawal. Suddenly, my world changed. A shadow loams, and darkness raged my mind. A weird sense of rejection held me back from touching computer games, while the desire within urged me to play on. For a period of time, I could feel the distress and conflict in myself. State of my mind was pretty unstable occassionally, when emptiness sets in and I pondered over to play, or not to play.

The light guided my path. At that period of time few games came out that were tempting enough for me to try. Meanwhile, my computer sort of crashed, and I had to reformat. I formatted with pirated Win XP pro, causing minor problems to my com here and there. Net still works well, but games were in a mess. Some cannot play, some cannot even install. I can play few games, so more time was spent online instead whenever the com was on.

That was also a time when I felt bleakness in my mind, after 1+ unproductive years in he army. I started to read up some books and wrote a little of my life in my free times. The lost of knowledge and degraded memory was obvious. Yet I gained wisdom thru such activities. Besides studying the universe of knowledge, I too started to travel alot, around S'pore and even to M'sia. I learned trmendous thru these journeys. Currently studying Berhasa Melayu and Cantonese. Hope to step across more lands in the near future. And best of all, I could feel a release of graspe from games.

For the past few months, I seldom touch the few games left in my com, and hope to cut the time spent even more. The only times I would really want to play games is to join friends at LAN shops once/twice a week to challenge each other on games. Not only is that more entertaining, its more interactive. Currently quite keen on DOTA. Some times still play a bit CS.

Friends, if you all are ON about playing LAN, do jio me along. I might be the free frag or the slayer.

Lastly, a gentle reminder: Please exercise control over ourselves. Over working/eating/sex are painful. Needless to say other less important aspect of life.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Dear friends.

Dear friends. Dear friends indeed. How wretched are we, that tragic prices must be paid over and over again, to afford us these occasional moments of lucidity.

My thoughts have been rather turbulent these past weeks, void of purpose with the fulfillment of my only ambition for two years, and filled with a deep-seated fear that I would be unequal to the challenges that lie ahead. I have therefore not written much here, preferring instead to keep to the sanctuary of my own blog.

I am still no less troubled, but tonight I am moved to write. To write about me, about you, and about us. Am I okay? Are you okay? Are we okay?

I daresay I am okay, and all of you should be, too. But the state of ‘us’ is rather fluid now, as we stand on the threshold of a new and what is probably the most pivotal period in our lives. Certainly our lives will scant resemble the ones we used to lead. We feel the need to embrace new ideas, yet we still (I hope) cherish the ideals of our youth.

I have in the past come across this idea, putting elegantly in words what we intuitively know: There are objective goods, and there are subjective goods. Some things are good for you, are right, whether you like it or not. In this category would fall our morals and values, and probably, LOL, vitamin C. Some things are good for you only if you believe them to be. In this category would fall such things (more mundane you might note) as an appreciation of literature, or fine living. If you are forced into these things, they will never be good for you. But, as with many things in live, some things do not fall neatly into a single category. Like, famously, education, or to be more exact, the education system. We are by and large beneficiaries of the system, and feel strongly that education is a force for the great and the good, or at least increases employability, which is not to be sneezed at. Yet we see people desperately struggling against what are for them insuperable odds, and sometimes doubt creeps in.

Probably because of my upbringing, I have always subconsciously believed that all good is objective, and I think this is reflected in my words and actions. I freely admit that I am extremely intolerant of viewpoints that diverge from mine, and would always seek to influence those around me to see and do things my way. My policy has always been, do it, it is good for you, you can understand why later. And I get very upset when people, despite what I say, still persist in their course of action. Given that some of my ideas are extremely elitist and snobbish, I can be very hard to get along with at times, and I had no qualms about mouthing off against anything that crosses my path. At my worst I had to constantly remind myself that others have a right to be heard also (that is, by the way, one of my values) to prevent myself from going ballistic.

As I struggle with this failing, I am lead to contemplate: what are friends then, to arouse such passion within us? Can we define this word that we use so freely? They are not outstanding people, certainly—almost everyone is a friend of someone, even Kim Jong Il. They are not people who meet certain fixed criteria we set, for I am sure we have friends that are diametrically opposed to each other, nor can we imagine replacing a friend by someone who by all measurable criteria is ‘better’ that a current one. We like old ones better than new ones, an oddity considering most of the rest of our preferences.

Allow me to venture an opinion. Friends are people whom we know and are comfortable with. We know them, in the sense that we know how they react to things, how they think, what they eat, among other quirks. Comfortable is more vague, but I am sure we intuitively know what it means. They are nobody special OBJECTIVELY, but because we know them and live with them, they become SPECIAL.

It is not very clear, I know. (It is 3 o’clock now, after all.) It may never be. But what I am trying to get across here is that no matter what they have failed to measure up to, friends remain special to us. We stand up for them against outsiders even when they are wrong, we keep their secrets, we tell them ours, we forgive their failings (most of the time) and expect them to be similarly blind to ours, for no greater reason and no lesser reason that they are our friends. When we push (as indeed we should) for them to better themselves, we must remember this. We want them to change because they are our friends. So at all times we must strive for a balance between pushing them and respecting their independence, because it would be rather pointless if they are compelled against their wishes. It would defeat the purpose of our sincere wishes for our friends’ betterment, and it would defeat the friendship.

I give you many friendly days ahead.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Work / No Work

Are you working 9 to 5? Are you self employed? Have you been fired? Did you quit? Were you retrenched? Do you look for jobs now? Are you in a few of these categories or do you belong to none.

At this pt of time many guys have just been released from the military service. The days of getting paid for little work is over, and now this large group is part of the unemployed population in Singapore. Suddenly, their income plunges to $0/mth, whereas expenditure probably rose as much as ~$50/mth. In the past, food was an enjoyment. Now its a burden. Entertainment got to be put away and restrains imposed to curd spendings. Thats painful.

Money does not fall from sky. To survive in this competitive materialistic world, one has to work and earn the meals. Money = Time. Working is definately a sacrifice of precious time. What a dilemma On 1 hand you're desperately in need of a source of income, on the other hand this period of time can serve as a break b4 University begins. So work or not work.

Of cos, other alternatives include betting with S'pore Pools and hope that lady luck shines on you, or simply survive this period with a miracle: dun eat, dun go out, dun use phone... ... hibernate for months.

From my pt of view, I would encourage people to work. Work not just for the $ but more for non material benefits.

Experience is probably the best form of benefit one can gain from this short period of work. The work we can do now is definately simple, repetative and unpleasant at times, but thats what we've got to expect in future. All work are going to be boring, esp. when we're trained in professional fields. Be aware that we'll be specialise in a certain area only, and what companies can provide is also that specific field of work for you to do over the years. If one works in the labour industry, do note the hard work some people bore, to make life better for others. Know how to respect others, workers esp. if you have some. Not just the work itself, finding work is an avenue of gaining useful experiences, at least one will know more about different jobs and their requirements.

Skills: Nothing issn't a skill. Even begging for $ is no simple job, as local knowledge comes into play. Don't look down on what you do, take pride in your work. Everything that is experienced adds to knowledge of that area of work, and inevitably linked to other areas of work. Say data entry, simple but not the same programs everywhere. Promoters may only need to talk, but talking right and bringing a clear msg across is a skill. Before work starts, going thru interviews and the many rejections will sharpen our skills at presentations and writing resume. Travelling to work many a times is also a discovery of new roads, new good eating areas and more shops. These insignificant details will come in handy once you need them.

Friends are often known thru work. The work place bear resemblance to classroom/school. Seeing one another in the same area over a period of time naturally brings people together, even if they dun come over and intro themselves. The variety of people one can know at a work place cover many fields. If you're willing to, ask and learn from them. Take soccer betting for example, I had learnt many techniques of choosing highest possible odds and total goal when working.

And of cos, going to work is a better use of time. I dun think staying at home for long periods is very productive. Nothing much of the current situation will differ, when one could be out there making good use of time. A tenedency for staying home too long is also to develope laziness, a habit which can be very addictive and hard to change. Besides, staying home strains on house hold expences like electric and water bills. So for me going out to work is prefered.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Unrelated Stuff

Channel u's 自游疯 is interesting. The past 2 episodes featured India. The most memorable scene was the rat temple. Those indians worship rats. Visitors have to be barefooted before entering the temple with thousands of rats running around freely. Oh my god! How freaking~ Seriously, i can't imagine myself being there... India is definitely the last place i wanna travel to, yet taj mahal is so magnificent.

i love to live in singapore but i feel like getting away... hmm...

On Tuesday, i got to know a shocking news. It's a shame. really. This is so dramatic that I never expect such an event to happen to a somehow close person...

still got 3 more papers... everytime during this period, i'll regret not starting my revision earlier. Time is limited...but i'm doing last-min revision persistently. i can't study at night...tho nightime is quieter and cooler. I only study in the day so during the day, i'll revise in the morning ard 8am till evening ard 5pm with a couple of breaks in between. After 5, it's my R&R time... In the end, i have to cramp 12 weeks' materials in 5 days or less. Sometimes, i wonder why i want to be subjected to such torture...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Charles and Camilla and Diana

A lot of people will brand Prince Charles and Camilla as the ultimate 狗男女 of the 20th century. Curse them for indirectly causing the suffering or even death of the well-liked Princess Diana. Actually this entry is just to discuss about the relationship between these 3 people.

First, talk about Charles. 他是一个被上帝遗弃的孩子. Why would i say that? Just for your info, on the eve or the week before he married Princess Diana, some joker attempted to assasinate the late Pope John Paul II. This time round all knew that the Polish pontiff passed away a week before his second marriage. If both his marriages marred by incidents like that, i think he's not loved by God. And he deserved not to be loved as he wanna to be re-incarnated into Camilla's tampon. Freaking 窝囊废, dun want face. 下流.

ok, then to Diana. Everyone takes her as the goddess of love and purity and so on so on. Bullshit... I think Diana was just a power-seeking ass. In the 70s, everyone in Britain knew of the Charles and Camilla affair. This teenage kindergarten teacher actually willing to marry a man that did not love her at all. What the motive behind this?? 2 reason, power or money or both. She wanted to become the queen, therefore she's willing to sacrifice her happiness by marrying him. She wanna get rich and lead a noble life, so she married him and so on...

I think she deserved to die!! Dun tell me that she didn't know of anything or how the royal fmaily function before she marry Charles. So i think whatever she did was to gain sympathy and publicity. To make Camilla a public enemy number 1 and bla bla bla... To a certain extent, she's very successful!! By participating in numerous charity events, she sort of portrayed herself as the angel sharing love. thus her stress, depression and suffering she went thru was the evil-doing of Camilla.

So conclusion is that i think such a scheming and cunning woman deserve to die!!! Not as if she's very loyal to Charles also! She had her fair-share of extra-marital affair also... Really cant stand the whole world loving her so much.... Dun be fooled by this power-hungry woman!!!

Last, Camilla. I dun know much about this woman. Maybe she can go down the history as one of the most notorious woman. I didn't read much about her. But what can be said is she is a real Slut and BI~AT~ch of all time!!!

" My great grandmother and your great-great grandfather had an affair, what about us? "

Wah, 世界十大淫言.

So i'll end it here!! just wanna talk something on this wedding!!! haha

Monday, April 11, 2005

Do what you want. Life's too short!!

Last Monday was the first day of my job as i've said in earlier posts. Before getting this job, I was really desperate for job. Seeing one by one in our class getting employed, I'm really in a desperate state. At that time i thought money was so so so important that I'm actually willing to take on any job. Manual, labour, night-shift and even lowly-paid, i am willing to take!!! So when an agency called me to offer me this filing clerk job in NUH, i accepted w/o second thought.

After a week of work, i realised that i was so so wrong. Money isn't the most important thing right now man!!! It's about enjoying. ABout living your life fully, doing what you want and what you like. I cannot stand the type of life that everyday i have to wake up early, go to my work place and doing the same thing over and over again for 4 months!!! IT's damn torturous!!!

I finally realised that this 4 months is really a wel-deserved break for us!!! We've given all our mental and physical strength for the past 2.5 years to the army, to our nation!! If the govt think that giving us 4 months before going to Uni to re-charge our battery, then we shld just follow their policy!!! I believe that holiday is really aperiod for us to rest and do things we like! Would we have another chance like this in the rest of our life that we can rest so care-free, without worry??? I doubt so. So I quitted my job today after a week at work. I've decided to do something useful and meaningful for this period.

To start all this, I decided to buy myself smth. I've not bought something i like for very long liao.... So i went to Music Junction to buy the Band of Brothers DVD at $69.90 only!!!! I've always wanted to watch this series since my days in OCS, but i dun have the chance to. I think it's about time to buy it liao since it's price dropped from $128 2years ago to $108 more than a year ago and $88 around a year ago and now$69.90. I dun think it will drop any further, so ok, i'll buy it and watch it now man!!! YEAH!!!!

The next thing i'll do is to learn driving!! i've come to this point knowing that it's actually an essential skill to acquire. It'll be stupid if next time it happened that i didn't qualify for a job cos i didn't have a driving license. It'll be damn lame right!! So i think i'll go down to BBDC tmr to sign up with them, then hopefully can get my license before school starts.

To acquire another skill. Ya, i've bought the drum set in my OCS days, i'll touch it once or twice a week, but not be able to play smth really nice!! So in order not to put the whole drum set ionto waste, i will take up a course on learning drum as well.... Personal enrichment and so on....

Going oversea. Ya, it's confirmed that i'll go back to Hong Kong for a week in early june with my family!!! Just to visit my relatives and to walk around lor.... Long time didn't go back... No april fool jokes, I'll be back in Singapore and continue my life here. HAHA. Then hopefully if time allows, i can squeeze in one more trip, to go to Mt Kinabalu with OSK. Hopefully it wont clash with my HK time la....

Ok, finally just wanted to add some thoughts after hearing the death of Jingwei.... Shell-shocked indeed. Life is precious adn fragile as well. Really hard to believe that someone that we saw everyday for four years in our life just left us like that. YA and as life is so short and unpredictable. I think we shld live it to the maximum. Just take it in your own interpretation. Live your dream, dare to dream and eventually one day you really leave this world, you will have no regret.

I think one must be generous to himself. I always believe in pampering myself by buying a lot of stuff that i like!!! I dun see the point of saving for rainy days.... I actually support euthanasia. Once u contracted some incurable or chronic disease like kidney failure or cancer or syphilis, i dun think there's any point to carry on living. No point for you to drag your life, prolong the suffering and wasting money!!! I dun believe in modern medicine. No way they can cure a person!!! Even that certain part of your body recovered, the other parts will start failing as well. No point saving up all your life, restricting your every spending spree just for your future medication use!! I would rather live happily and spend happily when i can and died immediately once my body is failing.

ok, that's it for now. today actually very tired, so the idea, sentence-structurea n everything of this post is not veyr well-linked but heck la!!!!

Song for Today : Candle in the Wind by Elton John

Current Mood : RIP Jingwei.....

just got the news that one of our schoolmates passed away on sat.. he was involved in a bike accident.. i dun know him personally.. maybe some of u do.. Goh Jingwei from 4J.. contact Yanyan if u want to know more.. just tot i should inform those who havent got notice of it..

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Kim The Pigeon Stalker

Ok…guys…haha…its me again….before I begin my post proper…I have something to announce…ready? Ok…well, I want to officially announce that the previous post is actually my virgin post using my home computer….dun get it? Well, to put it simply, I have got broadband access at home liao…yeah!!! Haha…ok…now…as the title of the post suggests, I’m writing about a pigeon, well actually its not exactly a pigeon, but I dun know what species of bird it belong to so whatever, I shall called it a pigeon…hmmm….and I have name the birds: Christopher aka Chris for the male pigeon and Siobhan for the female pigeon… yah I know, I have been writing about animals lately, first about a dog in the previous post and now birds…hahaha….well…think I’ve become an animal lover liao…haha….ok…dun talk cock liao… shall talk about what is so special about the pigeons that makes me want to stalk it….haha…

Ok….it’s like this…on this sunny morning, I was lying on my bed reading this really crappy magazine, yah when I heard Siobhan chirping incessantly, being the animal lover that I am, I did not chase her away. I just leave it as it is…yah so one hour pass, then another hour pass and another hour and the bird is still there…yah…so I was starting to wonder what the fuck is the stupid bird doing at my window….however before I could do nothing, another pigeon join in and yah, you guess it correctly, its Chris and he is carrying this twig in his beak, yah so after he pass the twig to Siobhan, he left again and came back with another twig, this goes on for another 3 – 4 hours until the twigs form a round-ish looking shape then I realize that they were actually trying to build a nest, and it is also then that I figured out the gender of the two pigeons because one of them will always stay behind to do up the nest and so naturally is the female one whereas another one will go out and look for twigs hence it’s the male one, haha…yah… I’m a MCP in case female readers out there still don’t know about it….haha..ok yah…so during evening time, Chris and Siobhan flew off together… I think they got another home somewhere…yah…then this really big gust of wind came and some of the twigs got blown away, so seeing that, I decided to give them a helping hand, well not exactly me, but my mom tied wires to secure the twigs to the window joints so that its more secure…she told me she learned it during her childhood, in case you are wondering, my mom used to live in a village in Lim Chu Kang…yah…so the next day, Chris and Siobhan came back and carry on their nest building, as I’m writing, they were still busy building their nest and its almost ¾ complete…haha…

Ok…I know some of you may think what is so interesting but you should seen how they work in order to be as fascinated as me…ok now for interested readers like me who want to know more about Chris and Siobhan, I have set up a Pigeon Fund to see that Chirs and Siobhan will have no problem rearing their offspring in the future, so if you would like to donate, contact me or leave a comment k…haha…k…signing out now…byezzz!!!

Current song: To be a Better Man

Current Mood: Fascinated

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Kim on The Curious Incident Of the Dog In The Night Time

Hi guys, its me Kim again…ok basically the purpose of this post is to introduce a book to you guys… the book is titled: The Curious Incident Of the Dog In The Night Time by Mark Haddon…. I’ve already read it once but now I’m going to read it a second time to understand it better…hehe… Ok…generally the book is about this fifteen year old boy called Christopher who is autistic, understands maths and science but has difficulties understanding other human beings. He is a very logical guy who like his life to be arranged properly. When he finds his neighbour’s dog, Wellington dead, he decides to track down the killer and record it down, however along the way, he discovered things which would change his life forever….haha…ok…in order to get you guys interested, here are some of the rather logical problems he wrote in his book. Be warned that the questions below are for mathematically - inclined personnel in the class, so if you think you are not that good, please do not carry on…. (hanfeng, do not be too sensitive, I not talking about you ok?)…ok lah… just kidding…all readers are encouraged to try the questions and post your comments on it….

Question 1: You are on a game show on t.v. On this game show, the idea is to win a car as a prize. The game show host shows you 3 doors. He says that there is a car behind one of the doors and there are goats behind the other 2 doors. He asks you to pick a door. You pick a door but the door is not opened. Then the host opens one of the doors you did not picked to show a goat (because he knows what is behind the door). Then he says that you have one final chance to make your choice. So if you are that person, would you change your mind and choose the other door?

Answer: You should always change and pick the final door because the chances are 2 in 3 that there will be a car behind that door. If you use your intuition you think that chance is 50:50 because you think there is an equal chance that the car is behind any door. If you want to know how he got that conclusion, go and buy the book or I can loan it to you at $10 per week…hehe….

Question 2: Prove the following results: A triangle with sides that can be written in the form n square plus 1, n square minus 1 and 2n (where n>1) is right – angled. After that show by means of a counter example, that the converse is false, i.e. Prove that a right – angled triangle with sides which can be written in the above form is false.

Answer: Work it out yourself cos i’m too lasy to type out the solutions here, or buy the book lah…haha…

Ok, that will be all from me now…. Going to read the book second time liao…byez…

Current Song: Lonely by Akon

Current Mood: Reflective

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Liverpool vs Juve....

hmm... never really written an entire post on soccer before cos i knew though 4E is soccer-crazy, not all of us love it. However, i'm going to do it once this time. For the sake of the team that i supported losing.

The Kops vs The old lady of Turin, Liverpool and Juventus. oh, by the way if you guys dunno, I supported Juventus, liked them since 1996 (coincidently the year when Zidane join Juve). Ya, all the newspaper and reports on the event happened 20 years, the 39 Juventus fans died and so on, making this quarter-final match up between this 2 sides so hyped up!!!

In that 20 years following the incident, Liverpool generally declined to quite a mediocre team under the reign of Grame Souness, Roy Evans and Gerard Houllier. Yet they still manage to cling on to their stupidly loyal fans, Junwei included. haha. As for Juventus, 1985 was the year that they were first crowned as the Champion of Europe, since then, another ECC trophy in 1996, 3 other european finals showed that they were still very much the powerhouse in Europe. With numerous Serie A titles.

This morning I actually wanted to wake up in the morning to watch the match, it's quite expected that either Juventus will win or at least force a draw on away soil. As usual, didn't manage to wake up, missed the match....

First thing i woke up in the morning was to check the result. WTF???? Juve lost 2-1. How can it be possible??? and Sami Hyypia was on the scorer list. Oh man... Juventus is so famous for their defence and they got raped by an opposition's defender. Wat more to say??? I am shocked.

Earlier in the day, Junwei sent me a message, maintaining the friendship in different camp. At that time i was quite certain that Juventus will win. But never mind, Juve got that 1 impt away goal. Let's hope they can regain their composure 2 weeks from now in Stadio Delle Alpi. The scene in Anfield wont be repeated. But today it's the day that belongs to Liverpool and it fans!!! Enjoy the victory before piacking up pieces of your asses 2 weeks time....

Song for Today : You'll Never Walk Alone by Liverpool fans

Current mood : Hoping Juve can strike a victory in the 2nd leg adn thru to the semis.

Kim, The Pissed Off

Hi guys, its me Kim again…ok this post as the title suggests is for me to vent my frustration at my superiors, so be warned that it will contained vulgar language…yah…if you cant stand it, please do not carry on reading liao…the rest please carry on and share my fucking anger and frustration….

Ok…as you guys may know…I’m a going to be ORD personnel…so I have been planning and looking at my leave forecast over and over again, waiting for the day when I start to clear my leave…well, finally when the day is within my grasp, which is next Monday….something fucking bad happened… actually it’s two things… 1) Originally, me and 2 other officers are suppose to clear leave together, so we planned our leave such that at any one time when there is training, one of us will be here to take control of the situation…yah…so this fucking major who happens to be our chief trainer who happens to be addressed as Major Rozario…told us that he want all three of us to be present on all the training days…reason being that he want us to guide the new birds…I mean what the fuck man, isn’t one of us enough to handle the new guys, why must all three of us come back and do such stupid and inefficient stuff….this is really fucking screwed up….fucking hell….I hope he will meet an accident on his way home man…fucking (hokkien vulgarities)…..ok so never mind….being the obedient soldiers and disciplined officers that we are, we obliged and changed our leave forecast to fit in his stupid request….so in the end we managed to squeeze in all our leave into days where there is no training and luckily no leave is kanna burned….so once again we looked forward to clearing our leave according to a revamped leave forecast when a second fucked-up decision is made my chief trainer again…what the fuck man….2) ok …so the second issue is just now the fucked – up Major saw one of the ORD officers and told him that he got to burn our leave because in the month of May, there is a lot of training coming up and he will need all the ORD-ed personnel to come back and conduct training….regardless whether you are on leave anot…I mean what fucked-up decision is that? He made it sound like leave is a privilege and he expect us as officers to burn our leave so that he will not be kanna fucked by his superior for not having enough people to conduct his fucking training….halo Major Rozario…Listen carefully….Leave is a fucking entitlement… the reason why we cleared our leave only now is because we have been working our fucking asses off for the camp during the past few months and so we didn’t have a chance to clear the leave so it’s not some kind of fucking attitude problem displayed by some fucking ORD-ed officers, get this fucking straight in your small head…. Moreover, there are the new officers coming in so why must you still make us conduct training? Sooner or later, we got to hand over to them so its better that they learned now then when after we left, they know shit about training….if you insist on wanting us to come back, then for fuck our understudies are for…. Got it? Major Rozario, Sir?

Well, so basically, that’s what our chief trainer is doing to us right now…actually, there are still a lot of nitty gritty things but I shall not mentioned it here because it will take up too much space… so now, me and the two officers decided that, since our chief trainer played bastard until lidat, then we will also played bastard loh… he do chu yi, so we do shi wu loh….we will do stunts and be the next generation of Jackie Chan….haha…first stunt: we will played the M.C stunt ….that is we will take M.C during training days….as long as we played by the guidelines, he can do fucking shit about us….second stunt: we will play the commander stunt…that is go straight to commander and tell him the problem and see what he will do about it…. And finally the last stunt: the SAF hotline stunt…haha…need I explain further? So that is all from me…. Just a parting word: Major Rozario, we will fight and we will not give up… y? because we are OFFICERS OF THE SAF….

Current Song: Vindicated by Dashboard Confessional

Current Mood: Pissed Off

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

LHH on Power

Before my this week's preach on power, just talking abt my job first. Its a very pathetic filing job in NUH.... $5.50 still needa contribute CPF, tt means take home pay is $4.40/hr, wah biang eh, i am doing charity man!!!! Stupid man, for every hour i work, i'll have to freeze $1.70 in CPF. maybe this can help me get a bigger house next time....

Damn suay this morning. Took 198 to work, as usual i dunno why when i took bus and with a seat beside me, i'll auto attract indians to sit beside me one.... I think i have the look that indians like. So I've actually developed this habit of keep diao-ing the one sitting nxt to be until they finally find another seat or got off the bus. I guess they knew it. But this indian today is was on a high man, I only gave him one deadly stare before closing my eyes to sleep. Cant adapt to waking up at 0700 sia.....

So when i got off the bus, i checked the seat b4 i alight, that indian, i'll call him muthu la, sitting beside me got off at the NUH stop as well. Hmm... there's nothing, so i assume i didn't left anything in the bus. But on the bridge i suddenly realised that my handphone went missing... Kah JEEE..... the bus left the stop already, couldn't get back on it to find my phone... sianz.... I ran to the office and started calling my own number. Heng sia... It's still ringing, meaning nobody KAPO it and off it.... haha. However no one is picking up the phone. I've called the 7th time till someone answer and to my surprise, it's an indian's voice. he said he's wokring in NUH also, so he asked me to go over to his place to get back my phone.

On my way there i've been wondering, he got off the bus first as he's sitting one the outer side. Assuming I dropped the phone on the seat, why he needa take it and didn't ask whether i've dropped it??? Cheebeh indian, playing punk with me. But at least he didn't cope my hp la....

One big scare in the morning.... What a way to start a morning!!! So now onto my weekly preaching session. This week I'll be discussing about power. Power, together with money, has always been one thing that man mostly sought after. All of us have different level of power and how we used it!!!

So here today, I'll be discussing 3 different ways people display their power and what we shld learn from it.

First one is 以權壓人 :

What is this man??? It basically means pull rank. As you were given the power as u are higher ranking in a system, you will have a bunch of man for you to rule to order to do things!!! But pulling your rank, normally your sub-ordinate will damn freaking hate you. You dunnid to treat them as human. Just treat them as animals, scold them shout at them dun give them face.

Good thing is that normally your men are damn scared of you, you'll get the things very fast, but then is that quality work??? It isn't. Your emn will only do a half-fuck job and just meet the quota in order not to get a scolding form you. You men will never willingly work for you too.

So i regard this as the lowest tactic.... Example of people using this method are all the warrant officers in Army.

Second is 以威嚇人 :

Ok, normally if you have the power, you will have certain AURA round you man!!! For example, when a BG wearing uniform walking pass you, u will be almost stunned by him to death!! It's the charisma and aura that his power gave him!!!

So a man with power can actually made use of this aura and charisma or wateva u call it to his own advantage!!! You'll never need to resort to lowly tactic by shouting and screaming at people. Go and talk to your subordinate nicely, assign him a task, give him a deadline, 99% of the time he'll complete the task on time. Why u need to make yourself an irritating person by being the 1st type when u can actually talk nicely???

But disadvantage of this type of use of power is that it's basically working on the same principle as the first type. It works on fear. Cos pple fear you, that's why they willing to comply to your order, but when u are in trouble, they wont come to your rescue, how to achieve that, it comes to the 3rd type of displaying power!!!

Third one is 以德服人 :

Yes, be very nice to your men!!! Be their friend, understand them, solve their problem. Become part of their lives!!!! Normally lower class people doesn't expect their boss to mix around with them, doesn't expect their boss to understand them, doesn't expect their boss to be part of them!!! But do the unexpected. The men are simple-minded. Though it's mean, but uneducated people are quite simple-minded, try to win over their heart by small gestures!!! Work hard with them together!!!

These people will then be very grateful. They think that youa re their saviour!!! Half of them will sacrifice their lives for you!!! Once you win over their heart, become their friend, you can do anything!!!! EVEN ORAL SEX!!! haha. okay, i'm lame.... never mind. But it's true, once you become their friend, you can make certain unreasonable request yet these people will agree to do it with no second thought!!! OT with no pay is just 1 example!!!!

And if you faced trouble and need support, you can count on them as I said they are eagerly waiting the chance to die for you!!!! haha.

I believe that in the very near future, some of us may become a man with power, so it's up to you on how to use and display your power. As the uncle of Spiderman said, " With great Power come great Responsibility. " Yes, so it's all up to you!!! Not using it wisely u will lose it in the eng.

To end this, i cant help but to put a song with no relevance to wat i discussed today.... Cos i liek this song too muhc recently liao...

Song for Today : Hard to say I'm Sorry by Chicago

Current state : rushing to go for soccer, I'm late!!!!

Monday, April 04, 2005

My Recent Addiction in Reading Bks.....

Out of nowhere, I started reading bks...

It juz happened a few mths ago, when I am on ORD leave. Having nothing to do and being too poor to buy myself a Mp3 player to entertain myself while travelling, I pick up a few bks from West Mall book store ( that 1 besides the food court 1 lor ) and to kill time on travels lor...

At first, it's just to meet target... Cuz the book store only allow renting for 2 mths... If not have to pay full price for the bk... Saving money is of utmost importance as my stable allowance from the government coffer had become something of the past, heneforth, I make an effort to read a few page every day lor....

But then, it's till I picked up Dan Brown's famous 'Da Vinci Code' that I realise what I have been missing out.... His style of writing is easy to comprehend, yet captivating.... U just won't understand til u start reading lor...

My stage of addiction for reading had ballooned overnight ever since... Yesterday, I just spent 6 hrs reading Dan's another title.... Within 2 days, today inclusive, I had finished 481 / 583 pages of his novel... Kind of a feat bah... Quite sure I can finish by tomolo.... (3 days to finish a 583 page novel leh = Zhai Sia )

For those out there who think that you can spare a little free time, maybe it's time to pick up some interesting bk to read in order to kick start this wonderful habit...

Dan Brown is quite a wise choice bah...

'Reading Bk is like watching a movie unfold, but then in Words lor....'

A tribute to John Paul II, the People's Pope

I'm not a catholic, nor a believer of any other religion. Yet for some reasons, the late Pope John Paul II touched my heart deeply for several years. He bore great admirations form someone like me, an outsider to church, to god, to any other faith and religion. This blog shall be written with my limited knowledge of him, as an act of respect and sympathy for the lost of a great man.

I had little knowledge of the papacy till recent years, when more news of the Pope emerge on the daily news. Pope's visit to India, Pope suffers from pakinson's disease, Pope's stance on Iraq war, homosexuality etc... In the last few weeks, when his health got worse, was the time I heard more, read more about him. And of course, on the day of his passing, I could access his whole life story from basically every source of media.

A man deserves honour from people for the extraordianary in his lifetime. Ever since I know of this great man, I adored his efforts and contributions to world peace, religious harmony and the moral values he held. I believe for visiting & kissing the floor of 130+ countries, he has probably been to more lands, spoke to a larger group of people and seen by more people then any other world leaders. Communism weakened under his speeches and the lost gained faith from his prayers. His will to serve saw him braving physical dificulties. Few men who ever walked the face of this world have such courage to shake hands with their most fearsome arch enemies, let alone embracing his assassin. And of course, his acceptance to modern age developements, strong emphasis on ethical and moral values made catholism as well as papacy survives in the new age, and stands out from many other conservative religions.

Maybe the deepest impression of John Paul II was the smile on his face. So peaceful, serene and spiritual. His prayers sounded the hearts of millions and blessings brought light upon the world. Breaking the scores of arch rivals, and breaking the Walls of Berlin and breaking the barriers of the people. He's brought faith and values to life. A controversial religious leader he might be, yet a figure of hope, a great communicator and a saviour to some.

May your glory grow in the churches and across the world, great man of the 20th century. My respect to you, Karol Wojtyla, his Holiness Pope John Paul II, the People's Pope, the 1 and only Pope in my hearts so far.

"But if there be truth in me, it should explode. I cannot reject it; I would be rejecting myself."
-Karol Jozef Wojtyla, 1961

"Be Not Afraid."
"man cannot remain with no way out"
-Pope John Paul II

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Diving Course

The age of adventure has finally arrived to our class. We see more & more pple taking up distant trips aboard seeking trills in the mountains and waters. 1st of all, congrats to Ong Swee Kim for conquering the 64th highest peak in M'sia---Mt Ophir. Though its only 4000 feet, you've just conquered difficulties and set foot on a height few has asended.

"you may be small, others are smaller"

Thru conversations and some recent entries on the blog, I noticed that diving has become the in thing among 4E pple. I too waited for a long time to explore the depths of the mysterious oceans. By some chance I came across the NUS Rovers Club when visiting the NUS open house, and know of this basic diving course at Pulau Aur from 8-13 July. The course fee is only $350 and is open to the public. Advance diving and leisure diving for pro divers are also available, at a cost of $300 from 10-13 July. I think this is a rather great chance for us to learn diving at a subsidised price. Further more, those going to NUS this year can get a chance to know some adventurers who might bring us more fun & trills in future. Interested pple can call Zaid(98572590) or JunJie(98321476) of the club to find out more. You can contact me as well. I'll be signing up for other trekking trips with them as well. 1 of it will be on 20th May, a trip to Lumbong.

Anybody interested in trekking in Singapore? I'll be bashing thru Bt Gombak hill one fine day, to search for the hidden tracks to Bt Gombak MRT stations as well as ruins of a Japanese Shrine built during WW2. Hope to find someone to accompany me on this crazy experdition.

"what you read is never like what you see"

Friday, April 01, 2005

Announcement by LHH......

Hi guys......

Just received a call yesterday night from Hong Kong. Then for some reason that i did not wish to disclose, my family, including me, will be moving back to Hong Kong permanently. It's so sudden and dunno wat to say. Therefore I would reject my NUS place and ya.....

Having been staying in Singapore for almost 13 years, I've been very attached to this place. Though Hong Kong is my place of birth, but having grown up here and served the bloody NS, I have feeling for this little red dot too.

Furthermore all my friends are in Singapore, I do not have any friend in Hong Kong, only relatives.... So guess I have to start all over again.... haiz..... Anyway great meeting you guys.... I just post this announcement here, lazy to call everyone up telling you all i'm leaving Singapore.

So i'll be taking the flight on 31st of this month at 2135 hr, hope that those who are free can come and send me off. Your presence will be very much appreciated. But it will not be the last time we all meet right, I think i'll occasionally come back and sure when i'm in Singapore in future, i'll look you all up. And maybe nxt time any of you oging over to HK can come find me also....

So that's it for this post. Ya, when i'm back in HK, I'll continue writing in this blog. Take it as one of the way we can still connect with each other....

Song for Today : Yesterday & Today from Love 2000 OST

Current Mood : Reluctant to leave

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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