Monday, January 31, 2005

Kim, The Cranked - Up Trash Talker

How do u make sure that you r not a loser in the making? Read on to find out. However be warned that the below mentioned post contain explicit material which is not suitable for not matured, petty or childish pple. If you are one of those type, do not, I say again, DO NOT read on because you will be offended. :)

1.) If someone is showy and proud that he is from ACJC or ACS(I) because he think the name alone will make up for the cool factor, then he is likely to be a loser.

2.) If someone is from The Chinese High School and is not my friend, then he is likely to be a loser.

3.) If someone keeps on telling us how was his clubbing experiences (coz he thinks its oh so cool), then he is likely to be either a fresh clubber or a loser. Seasoned clubbers usually don't like it that much. They'd rather stay at home and play computer games.

4.) If someone is overly showy and proud that he is very experienced at clubbing (coz he thinks its oh so cool), and tries to pass his knowledge of clubbing at every opportunity, then he is likely to be either a fresh clubber or a loser.

5.) If someone strives to be in "the popular clique" in uni level, then it is likely that he/she was never popular in primary sch, secondary sch or JC, and is likely to be a loser. People who have had some high profile before would be quite tired of it by now and will in fact think that these pple are fuc*ing irritating, so moral of the story, dun try too hard. Be natural.

6.) If someone always has some "official reason" or purpose for being at any place alone at any one time giving stupid excuses like: “oh I'm just here to drop off a book and my friends are all trying to park their vintage cars” and does not dare to just admit for once, they are not surrounded by so called friends (who backstab them), has the mentality of a 5 yr old and is probably a loser. He/She is also likely to ask you suprisingly "hey what are you doing here", coz he/she will thinks "ha! I have a right to be here and you don't! I’m more popular and more hip than you. yeah!!". He/She is also more likely to be a girl. Sorry if I offended some of the readers. (And if its a guy, he's a pussy anyway.)

7.) If a girl looks or dresses like a slut, she may or may not be one. But if a girl sounds like a slut, then she is.

8.) If a fat ugly girl is bitter and feminist and always bitches about how superficial and shallow society's perspective of beauty is, than she is likely to be a loser and should go on a diet.

9.) If someone is overly showy and proud about his/her love for drinking or his/her great drinking escapades, then is it likely that he is a new drinker and is a loser. Our forefathers are the most hardcore seasoned drinkers. They can't be bothered to ever talk about drinking, so dun try bragging in front of them, cos b4 u knew it, u may be dead drunk.

10.) If I think you are a loser, then you are a loser. This is especially so for guys because I cant stand guys behaving like a bloody pussy who looks like the star in the next whisper commercial. But impt thing is: Be natural and take things as they come.

The above post is just meant to be entertainment purposes and in no way it is aimed at anyboy. If anyone is offended by it, pls feel free to contact me but if you share my views, feel free to tell me also.

Current Song: Stupid Kid by Alkaline Trio

Current Mood: Angry

Settlers' Cafe

I went to this cafe for my S70 gathering on Sat night. Though I'd never been there b4, this is quite a nice place to hang-out n have fun. For those who dunno, customers can play games while they eat in this cafe located just opposite Hong Lim Park. We can choose fr a wide collection of board and card games to play during the free 2 hrs when we order a set meal. Even if u dunno how to play the game or unable to read the instructions in german, french/whatever foreign lang, it doesn't matter coz their service crew will guide u along.

The charges are quite reasonable too...considering a set dinner (drink+soup+main course+dessert) costs $13.90 and there are no GST n service charges. The grp of us played for ard 4 hrs and there weren't any surcharges (maybe they forgot to charge us or maybe because some arrived late and the free hrs became cumulative so the extra hrs weren't charged?).

Perhaps next time, we can have a 4e gathering over there n pit ourselves against the brainless/intellectual games? Haha

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Soccer at the Old School

Today the usual soccer gang played soccer at the old RVH compound. Erm, I am not sure there is a usual soccer gang, given that there are 3 or 4 cliques playing together all the time. And some people who belong to more than one clique. And other who bring friends. Hah. The gang today was mostly 4e though. And Hanfeng, I think it is in fact trespass.

Soccer was normal-ish. But that is not the point here.

The point is, the point is that while cutting across the auditorium on the way back from buying drinks with Bangzhi, I saw that the school remove the xiao4 xun4-school motto-from the top of the stage, while leaving the merlion head and the national shield to the mercy of the bulldozers.

YES. You read correctly.

Well, now I know why I like the school so much. Up RV!

Friday, January 28, 2005


Hi guys its me again…haha…wondering why I’m posting another post so fast…well, its because I having one of those rare periods where my brain is having a lot of ideas…hahaha…so here I’m at it again…but compared to the post below…this one is quite lame and whatever is written here are not really connected, but nonetheless, hope you all enjoy it…

Ok…last Tuesday, my fren Mr A, the duty clerk and me were sitting under the night sky talking cock because we were bored and could not sleep…so we were talking about what evil things we did in sec sch and my fren relate to us one particular racist and funny phone frank on an Indian who happens to operate a mama shop…below is how one of those phone conversations my fren had wif the mama.

“ Ring, ring ring…the phone rang (sounds familiar?). It was one am in the morning and the phone in the Mama shop is ringing incessantly. The Mama struggled out of his bed and went to pick up the phone…”

A: Halo…is this the mama shop?

Mama: Yah…(with a very thick Indian accent)

A: Ok, mama, I’m feeling very hungry now…I would like to order something to eat… and that will be ten thousand packs of Twisters (dun ask me of all food, y twisters)

Mama: Huh, you call wrong number

A: you Fu*king black mama…which part you dun understand… I wan twisters…you black ass****….

Mama: you fu*king bastard, u fu*king bastard…

So the conversation went on with my friend letting off a barrage of vulgarities and mama scolding “you fu*king bastard”, seems like it’s the only English vulgarities he knew… until my fren slam down the phone and laugh himself crazy…

Ok, now let me go on to the next topic and that is jobs are actually completed by people that is not the most capable of doing it… why do I say this…ok let us assume that this person, Mr A is very capable and he keeps on getting promoted. He will then reached a position where he cannot perform up to or exceed the expectations of what that position requires and so Mr A will stagnant at that post since he has perform to the best of his ability liao. So by promoting Mr A, the company is actually removing a capable person from a post which he has fulfill his responsibilities efficiently and putting him in a position where he under-performs… for thought rite…

Ok now to the next one…its actually regarding the meaning of my zodiac…just posting it up so that I can introduce the website to you all…haha…so here it is:

“Libra is said to be the sign of the great diplomat, because you are able to see both sides to every question, and your ancient symbol-the only inanimate symbol in the entire zodiac-is the scales of justice. And while in our hearts we all like to think we know what justice is, in reality it's a rather abstract concept. Like the ancient Chinese curse you were born into interesting times. You are the type of person who can stunningly manipulate activities behind the scenes in an effort to achieve a 'harmonious" outcome.

You adore any arrangement that creates peace between opposing forces. You simply cannot abide disharmony, and will go out of your way to avoid it. When your relationships are running smoothly you are on top of the world. A powerful Scorpio keeps your eye on the ball of bottom-line calculations, while a Sagittarian suggests interesting compromises. A practical but idealistic Capricorn helps you synthesize your options.

Your greatest challenge is to achieve compromise without totally compromising your ethics, and your greatest strength is your ability to combine fire and water to make powerful steam.”

Haha..interesting rite…because it combine both the Chinese zodiac and the English horoscope to predict out a personality…the website is
So if you are free, try it…its quite fun

Current Song: Singing for the moment by Eminem

Current Mode: Love sick


Heylo guys, Kim’s weekly column is here again and for this week I will be discussing about love and relationship…although I may not be the best person to discuss about it, but hey who cares, this is my view and I will publish what I like….HAHA!!! so sit back , relax and read on to find out the secrets of love and hopefully the curse of 4E can be broken by this year…ok hh?

Ok to start off, let me tell you what do BGR and MFR stand for? BGR actually stand for Boy Girl Relationship whereas MFR stand for Male Female Relationship….but aren’t they the same thing….you must be wondering…haha..Its not and here’s y… J

1st Reason: The first difference will be the definition of BGR and MFR. Boy Girl as the name defines means that the parties involved in the relationship are young, fun loving and seek excitment, hence I think this kind of relationship will more often than not exists between people that are below 21 years of age…However Male Female Relationship are for people that are above 30 years old…these type of people are typically financially stable, have eaten more salt than you eat rice, i.e. lao jiao, and to them, love may not be the most important thing on their priority list. And so this bring me to a conclusion that in order to enjoy the best of both world, i.e. have a relationship that is financially stable, fun loving and mature, then 21 years old to 30 years old is the best time for someone to get hitched….so co’mon guys, this year is the start of our so called golden year….

2nd reason: The second difference will be what actually happens during BGR and MFR. Let us assume that love is a vehicle . During a BGR, love is like a vehicle moving on the fast lane, going at the highest speed possible…it is fast and its furious…. As such since the vehicle is going at such a high speed, it will cost higher to maintain which means more money and effort to maintain the relationship and also more prone to breakdown which equates more frequent quarrels in the relationship…. Although undeniably, the thrill and fun from a fast and furious relationship is enjoyable, but it will also result in a relationship that is more vulnerable to quarrels and break-ups….but this will seldom happen if the vehicle is of high quality and designed to speed…but its rare and difficult to find this kind of love…. On the other hand MFR are when love moves in the slow lane. Since it is slow, the trill and excitement are limited but it will enable the vehicle to last longer, i.e. a longer relationship…however because it is moving so slowly to the final destination, i.e. marriage, frustration and anger may gradually set in which will result in the painful process of ending the relationship and the journey….and so my verdict is that, love between 21 yrs and 30 yrs is the best… love is moving along just nice, at a comfortable pace for you to enjoy the thrills of driving and also reach the ultimate goal of marriage…

ok, so that is all from me for now..the above is just from my point of view and if anyone want to get some tips or advice from me, feel free to contact me, the love guru and I will gladly offer my help…so until next week..take care

Current Song: Stop Crying your heart out by oasis

Current Mood: Reflective

SAF Officer, 1 year on and looking back!!!

I am an officer of the Singapore Armed Forces.

My duty is to lead,
To excel,
And to Overcome.

I Lead my man by example.
I answer for their training,
And Discipline.

I must Excel in everything I do.
I serve with Pride,
And Integrity.

I will Overcome Adeversity with
And Determination.

I dedicate my LIFE to Singapore!!!!

The above is the Officer Creed. On this very day last year, I, together with my fellow mates of the 51/03 Officer Cadet Course stood on the SAFTI Parade Square, commssioned by S.R. Nathan as an officer of the Singapore Armed Forces.

That was my happiest day last year!!! I have to thank all the instructors and fellow cadets in Foxtrot Wing giving me this very extraordinary 10 months of experience. Now, one year had passed, I'm quite regret that i didn't put in any effort to maintain contact with my fellow buddies in OCS.

Another regret is that I actually went to the Commission Ball alone, didn't invite any partner!!! That's quite stupid right?? Though i ate 2 shares of everything, quite happy at that time, but now come and think of it, quite sad case la!!!! The night could be better besides just eating!!!!

Anyway, after serving as an Officer for 1 year, i dun think i've fulfilled my duty due to the injury. It's just damn screwed up la!!! Seeing my course-mate being promoted to LTA and i'm stucked at 2LT, it's damn sian man!!!! Who asked me to get injured and cannot take my 2nd year IPPT???

ANywa, i am very glad that i have the privilege to be an officer!!! It makes my NS life so much more meaningful. Not because of the year tt i served as officer, but of the experience, the training and hardship we had during OCS.

I will always remember 28th Jan 2004.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Chasing Bus!!!

Last Thursday, me, seow, liren, horse, xiaozhuang and jy went to have dinner together in Orchard. After that Liren went to some funeral so he left early, then the 4 of us went to Meridien to play pool. Jy left half-way as well, and we played till 2345 cos I dun wanna miss the last bus 174 and waste $$ to take Night-Rider home.

So we walk to the nearest bus-stop, we're walking as shown in the picture below. Before we crossed the road from the "SOME BUILDING" side to the bus-stop side, seow who stayed in CCK saw his 190 passed by, with no chance of chasing it. So we slowly crossed the road and so on after that!!!!

After we crossed the road, we just walk slowly to the bus-stop!!! Then the normally ignorant Hanfeng actually spotted that 174 was appraoching as the view of me and seow was blocked by a tree.

Anyway in the pictures, seow is represented by blue, I am by red, and horse by yellow.

Ok, so Hanfeng informed me that there's a 174 coming and after a brief Appreciation of Situation, I think that we sort of needed to run abit in order to catch the bus!!!

As I am still a crippled and could not run, so i told hanfeng to chase for the bus and he replied OK as shown below!!! Hanfeng is quite a fast runner, so i was quite sure that he would have no problem of catching the bus. Then he could have asked the driver to wait for me. At that time i was like so HAPPY that we did not need to wait for the bus, did not need to take Night-Rider and can reach home pretty soon!!!


That cock sure has serious eye-hand-leg-brain co-ordination problem!!! He actually saw the 174 was in front of the bus 65, yet his ran towards the direction of the bus 65 and waved at it!!! Then Mr LHH walking behind knew THAT'S IT!!!! Jit bai cham liao. Doomed liao!!!

So without any delay, I've decided to shout at him telling him he was chasing the wrong bus!!! But that horse is definitely a war horse!!! Not only he has psycho-motor problem, he is deaf also. I shouted so loud liao he cannot hear one single thing man!!!

By then i knew i need to do something already, if not we'll both surely miss the bus, which is probably the last bus!!! So, Mr LHH decided to run abit, rushed to the front part of the bus-stop, waving to the bus 174 to stop desperately like a crazy man!!!!

Too bad, the 174 driver i think he also abit blur and dunno what to do, therefore he didn't stop!!! Then our Mr Horse also damn confused, standing in front of the bus 65, thinking why it isn't bus 174., scratching his head......

Missing the bus 174 made me mad man!!! If i am able to run i am darn sure that i would have caught the bus man!!! WTF was hanfeng thinking when he saw 174 is in front yet he waved for the bus behind??? ARGH............ I was devastated then and could not control myself and blasted at Hanfeng!!!!

But hanfeng actually didn't take it seriously. That was wat makes me even more mad!!!! How can you didn't give your 100% when chasing for a bus???? It's highly likely to be the last bus leh uncle!!! Then i was exploding, fuming and %^(&%*#($?(& like nobody biz. haiz...

Luckily that wasn't the last bus adn around 15min later the nxt bus came!!! But surely i could have reached home earlier if not for the stupid mistakes by our Mr Horse!!!!

Anyway no matter the above 5 pictures nice or not, please appreciate them. I spent almost 3 hours drawing them on Paint man!!! bloody hard to draw on paint leh!!! Actually i do not need to spend such boliao time on those pics but too bad one of my friends who is supposed to be quite good in Paint didn't wanna help me draw these, so i have to do it myself. haiz... sad case!!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Mission Possible



Hi people! Has anyone tried to induce radical changes to yourself or your surroundings? Over the past few years, I had tried quite a number of tests and experiments in an attempt to bring about wonders to my life and people around. Some of these were rather ridiculous by nature and support was limited. Most of what I had done can be considered as minor projects, not really worth mentioning. A one man show will be more than required. However, for the 1st time in life I'd decided to persue challenges which I alone can hardly comprehend. Henceforth I posted this blog, reaching out to possible expertise within people I know, and hopefully bag a couple of helpful response.

The informations below are the ideas I have in mind at the moment:

Mission 1:
Rebuilding a fresh water pond, surface size ~ area of 3 football field. Location: Bukit Gombak.
To people staying in the west of S'pore, I believe you've heard of or even visited a park by the name of "Little Gui Lin". Within this park is a fresh water pond created from Gabbro mining in the past. I still remember when I was young, this pond was clear and full of aquatic life. The submerged water plants gave the water a distinct green outlook, with fishes and turtles populating the near bank where they were fed by visitors. With the layered Gabbro hill as back drop, together with jutting pieces of rock fragments and a dense primary rain forest, it was a scenic spot in this modern city.

I passed by the pond twice recently, to discover the shocking degrad of this beautiful natural habitat. The water has become murky and obviously infested with yellowish algae. The water plants were no longer visable and there was hardly a sign of animal life. One side of the pond is littered with trash as well. I have no idea what went wrong but I certainly don't like the sight of it. I know Singaporeans largely neglects nature but I really do not want such a rare habitat to go to waste, therefore coming up with the wild idea of purifying and reconstructing it.

Currently, I'm in the process of studying the possibilities of destroying the algaes and balancing the nutrients in the water with friends more familiar with aquarium. I have researched on a kind of aquarium fish called the Siamese Algae Eater, but have no idea of its sale in S'pore. Snails and certain shrimps are useful for my work too. I'm also looking out for low cost, quick multiplying fresh water plants, which will be necessary to re-vitalize the water. Anybody out there, be it experts or amatures with brilliant suggestions please feel free to contribute. Fish tank owners with unwanted creatures/ plants are welcomed. This project is one which I have little confidence in success, so the more help the better.

What I've done so far:
Collected a sample of water
Released 3 sucker fishes and 4 crippled freshwater lobsters into the pond


Mission 2:
SECRET [experiment]
(chemist out there can try guessing, its not so hard to predict)
I'd like to hands on making something rather ancient but very useful even up till today, though it can be a bit dangerous. Its just a simple test. The formula has been obtained, with 1 of its 3 components already in place. Currently in the search for
(1)Sulphur: Highly available in provision shops, adventure shops etc. Only problem lies in the purity of this element. Market goods may be in the form of compounds/ or mixed with other substances which might affect the result of my experiment.
(2)Saltpetre: My main problem. A compound present in School labs and industries, but not on sale in market. Saltpetre is a general name for naturally occuring form of potassium nitrate{KNO3}, sodium nitrate{NaNO3} and calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2}. Any 1 of these substances will work for my experiment. I dun really need either compound in mineral form, but at least it has to be in solid form. Its possible to do lab QA and obtain NaNO3 at home from nitrate based fertilizers, but the NaNO3 will be in solution form, and other by products will be formed.

I'm not expecting people to get these items for me. Instead I would like to be enlightened by some chemists who can teach me a few tricks in getting the necessary products.


Mission 3:
BodY BuildinG!
Its an attempt to build on my out look. I'm not very satisfied with the width of my shoulders and upper body muscles, especially the triceps and back. To my knowledge, many guys like to maintain their weights around a certain range. As for me, I'm looking inot ways of mass gaining, increasing my weight for 70kg to ~75kg, with almost all the weight built on upper body muscles. I'd went on protein diets and been a rather hard core gym guy for months in camp, to the extent that some shoulder ligaments are exessively strained and now undergoing physiotherapy. The weights training made me stronger, but protein diets and high calories intake are not taking effect. There is no significant muscle growth and my weight still stands at 70kg. A more demoralising factor came after reading articles in MensHealth Magazines and internet sources. Apparently, some people in this world are just not genetically programmed to be body builders. For my case, exceptionally high metabolism burns practically every energy source intake, so it is much harder for me to put on a kg in fats than most people, not to mention a kg of muscles.

I dunno how many guys in 4E visits the gym and workout, but in any case... if you've got workout techniques/ diet tips useful for me of successful stories of friends and such, pls share a bit. I can also provide some useful materials and my bit of tips in exchange.


Mission 4:
Investment$(probably starting at 21)
Its always safe to keep all our hard earned money in banks. Banks are stable and restricts over expenditure for most of us. I too have a certain amount saved after 2 years of work & NS. After several near misses of serious accidents,witnesses of disasters unfolding and influences from business minded friends, I'm having many new thoughts of banking money. I wondered why my mum keeps telling me keep all cash in banks for use in emergencies, when chances are you probably won't be using money again when emergencies really strikes. I questioned the productivity of money in banks, especially when interests are insignificant. A sense of financial challenge looms over me since taking up Biz Admin 2 yrs ago as well.

To satisfy some of my desires, and to induce market economy into a greater part of my life, I planned to set aside ~50% of my savings for shares investments and stock brooking. I have no idea of becoming a hard core brooker, just wanna try out, play play a bit. If well managed, that sum of savings may sky rocket, multiply. Whereas I stand a chance of magically transform notes into papers. As I'm not educated in this field, I need help from people to gain in-depth knowledge of shares dealing. I'm also looking for partners who are interested to wander into similiar investments. The time seems good.




Friday, January 21, 2005

Victory over Fat Auntie!!!!

Today is 21st January 2005. I can still remember 2 years ago, on the exact same day, around 0845 in the morning, I received a sms from eric. It reads :

" Welcom to Tekong Country Club!!! "

And since that day, I became a member of the Singapore Armed Forces. Two more months to go, so bear with it and soon all the shit will be over!!! 2-year-soldier lor, 2 more months to GO!!!!

Before going to the victory against Fat Auntie, just intro you guys a dessert store!! It's called 许留山. It's set up in HK, but it had expanded its business to S'pore liao!!! I've tried that with my camp-mates yesterday, not too bad!!! But i think it's a bit ex la. Anywya the set-up of the store, i wont call it a restaurant, is quite f***ed up, basically not a very good place to hangout, but the taste of the dessert really not bad, can try if u like!!!

Oh, another thing is that Hotel Rwanda is quite a good show!!! Shld go and watch!!!

Ok, OSK said i seems to see a lot of Fat Aunties, yes, it's true. I am cursed to see Fat Aunties!!!! I dunno why, maybe my 眼睛雪亮,眼神锐利, i can always spot a lot of Fat Aunties doing undesirable acts in the public. So as a good citizen of Singapore, I feel that i have the need to maintain law and order by punishing all these Fat Aunties whenever I can!!!

And yesterday I manage to score a victory over an evil Fat Auntie in Boon Lay MRT station!!! Ok, i was supposed to meet my friends in Lido at 1800 yesterday, so i took train there!!! In Boon lay Mrt station, the escalator going up was not working and because of my knee, i would not want to climb the stairs up to the platform, so i take the lift instead!!!

For those of you who know, the 4 walls of the lift in the mrt station are transparent, and you can see wateva happening outside!!! As i entered the lift, i saw this Fat Auntie holding 2 plastic bags on her left hand, another 3 paper bags on her right hand and an umbrella hanging around her left wrist outside the gate!!! But when she saw the lift she used her highest speed, supreme agility and indomitable fats to bash a clear path in the peak-hour crowd.

It's pretty clear that her intention is to join me in the lift and go up to the platform together!!! I was so scared in the lift. Not wanting to spend time with the Fat Auntie 1-on-1 in the confined space of the lift, i did some extreme finger exercise!!!! I pressed the "door-close" button at 1,000,000 times/sec hoping the door will just closed immediately~~
hoosh, lucky the lift is relatively new and the door seems to react to the button quite well and it closed just steps before the Fat Auntie reached it!!! Lucky sia....

Seeing the Fat Auntie running with her fats bouncing like bla bla bla is really damn disgusting man!!! I hate pple who cut queue man (though i do that sometimes, but i did it with grace), especially Fat Aunties cutting queues at the same time pushing you aside!!! HAHAHAHA.

So when the lift started to go up, seeing the disappointed look on the Fat Auntie's face, I cant help but smile to myself and wave gd-bye to her. HAHA, damn bloody shiok. I am a 变态 man.

Actually, if the Fat Auntie didn't rush for the lift in such a crude manner, and if she didn't push aside the crowd and if didn't do all the disgusting things she did, I WILL STILL NOT WAIT FOR HER. COS I JUST HATE TO TAKE LIFT WITH FAT AUNTIE!!!!

Yesterday score : LHH 1 Fat Aunties Union 0.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Salute to the Lions!!!

Goalkeeper - Lionel Lewis

Defenders - Subramani, Aide Iskandar(cpt), Baihakki Khaizan, Daniel Bennett

Midfielders - Itimi Dickson, Goh Tat Chuan, Hasrin Jailani, Sharil Ishak

Forwards - Indra Sahdan Daud, Agu Casmir

Let's salute these players for bringing so much joy to the Nation.

Sorry, the pics are not very clear cos it's taken using my handphone.

Thanks to our dear Mr Lin Weiting who joined the long queue on the 1st day of the sales, we managed to grab 8 gallery tickets for the Tiger Cup final!!! Above is my tix. Weiting, Hanfeng, Zhixiang, Eric, Zhonghong, Sweekim and I are going. YEAH!!!

We entered the Stadium at 1700 sharp after supered skill of queue-cutting by horse and me. We were seated just next to the Grand Stand!!! It has a very good view of the pitch and the main crowd at the east stand!!!! Look at the crowd and the field. A sea of Red. It's only 1715 and the match will only start in another 2hr+ time.

The Lions coming out to greet the fans upon reaching the stadium at 1745.

Horse and me went out of the stadium at about 1815, wanting to go to Kallang Leisure Centre to buy dinner. But KNN, the whole complex 倒闭 already, 白跑一趟. And by the time we reached back the staidum at around 1850, though we holding pass instead of ticket since we already entered the stadium at 1700. Pissed, gotta bash through this crowd to join back the gang. This is only the entrance of the North Gate lor!!! Can imagine how many people around?

During the singing of National Anthems. 1st time singing it since my commission last year. haha. Anyway Indon's anthem sux man. very erxin!!!!

Some goal-mouth action. Anyway Singapore Team's Physio is very chio. Throughout the match, besides cheering for singapore, jeering the ref and indons and doing kallang waves, we were shouting the name of the singapore's physio!! Yeo Hwee Koon, she's really quite chio!!!

Do not need to talk too much about the match!!! Indra and Casmir scored for Singapore to earn a 2-1 victory on the night and 5-2 on aggregate. Singapore lifted the Cup and Lionel Lewis the MVP of the tournament.

The whole team parading the trophy round the Stadium!!!

HAHA. Anyway i think having 55000 pple watching a soccer match together in a stadium, all supporting for the same team, wearing the same colour is really a very rare experience. We can truly feel the atmosphere in the stadium even on our way there!!! In the mrt to Kallang, i can already see a lot of pple in Red. HAHA, i wearing the official fan-wear for Lion Supporter, the "There is a Tiger behind every Lion" T-Shirt. I think tt's damn cool, dunno why 1 of my friends says it's ugly!!!

I and horse reached Kallang MRT at 1555 and the station was already so crowded that waiting was not allowed at the station control!!! By the time we reached the stadium at 1645, the empty space outside the stadium was full of reds. If we followed the queue to enter the stadium, we would be at the very back!!! Lucky we very thick-skin one, cut queue and when we were inside, we managed to find seats nxt to the grand-stand!!! a very clear and supered view!!!!

Anyway for the atmosphere and the details of the match, go and read your newspaper!!! What i want to discuss here is the reason behind the victory!!! The media and the players give the credit to coach Raddy Avramovic.

Yes, of course Raddy is the architect for this success. The team now play with more discipline and brain. How the coach achieve that??? It's by choosing less and less Malays in the Starting-XI. Scroll up tot he top of the page to look at the team-sheet again. For the first time in my memory, there's less than 50% of Malays in the starting line-up. Only 5 Malays started the final.

Maybe that's the reason why Sinagpore is able to lift the Cup. Follow the right track and it can lead to even greater height!!!

Conservative mum and Cha-Cha dancer.

For those of you who know my mum, u'll know that she's very naggy and very 封建 in thoughts. Many of you would think that why I am so conservative, why i cannot stand pple dye hair, body-piercing and so on.... Actually it's 遗传 from my mother. She is damn damn damn 传统, living in a set of moral guidelines set by herself and trying to impose it on me and my sis. I think she more suited to live in Ming Dynasty than 21st century!!!!

It's damn hard to knock some sense into her mind as she's extremely stubborn!!! Therefore i would sometimes keep things from her. However most of the time I will still 委屈 myself to follow her way as I'm a 乖儿子. Maybe that's the reason why I dun have a girlfriend cos my mum always said that only wait till finish studying and establish a stable career, then it's time to find gf.

Hey mother, if like that i can remain single for the rest of my life and you dun have to 抱孙子了.

Anyway I am talking how conservative my mother is because of an incident happened yesterday!!! I cannot stand her, so i have to bitch about it online!!! bla bla bla.....

It goes like this.....

Recently, when i go out i would sometime wear this neck-chain or necklace or wateva u call it. Anyway i didn't buy that, i wont spend $$ on such things and i am not an act-shuai-kia!!!! But for certain reason i just wear it la. I know that my mother would definitely make noise if she knew abt it!!! so i just kept it away from her, dun let her see the chain or wateva it's called.

Normally I just kept it in my jeans pockets. Then i dunno why yesterday the chain just dropped out from the pocket, and she saw it!!! So no surprise, she commented to my sis (in cantonese ) : " 哎哟,男仔之家学人戴埋D古灵精怪既野做咩?? " It means " aiyoh, why a guy go and wear all this weird weird things for wat??? "

Hey mother, pls lor, what weird weird thing??? What's wrong with a christian wearing a necklace/chain attached to a cross/crucifix???? It's not as if it's attached to some 弥勒佛,观音娘娘,佛祖,平安符 or Allah or wateva S**T.

But anyway when such thing happens, i would just talk nicely to my mum and she'll just give in to me. HAHAHAH. As i say she's very 封建, therefore she's very 三从四德 also!!! 三从 is 从父,从夫 and 从子. Since both my grandfather and father are not around anymore, my mum normally listens to me. This always makes my sis quite buay song, but like i care. HAHAHA!!!

Ok enough of my mother for now. Go on to the 2nd part of this entry!!!

On sunday, as i was returning home from church, i wait for bus at the bus stop. I stand quite near to the bus bay, then a bus arrived, not the one i waiting for. The bus stopped at the bay with it's exit door right in front of me. That means I am blocking those passengers alighting!!!

Knowing so, I took 2-3 steps backward!!! But the fat auntie who was the 1st to alight from that bus just chiong straight at me!!! Anyway i dunno why those 欧巴桑(fat auntie) always like rushing for time like that. They will cut queues in the most dulan way you can think of, use their fats from various part of their bodies to oust you out of their way and they will NEVER 让路 as if the road build by their husband like that!!!!

Anyway back to that particular Fat Auntie who managed to win the race and emerge as the 1st to get down from the bus. She just chiong striaght and direct at me!!! As her breasts are quite huge, there was really a danger that i would be touched by her breasts and be contaminated for the rest of my life!!!! Sorry for being crude, but i really quite scared!!!

To save myself from being contaminated, i quickly retreated a few more steps, hoping the Fat Auntie would change her direction in the space i've given her!!! But she didn't. Ok fine, so i changed my direction of retreat, but bloody hell, she followed my new direction and still charging at me!!!

Then I was a bit irritated, so i dun care so much and stopped moving backward anymore, not wanting to create space for her!!! AND I STARED AT HER!!!! Anyway i like to stare at strangers. HAHA!!!

That Fat Auntie was quite agile also, she stopped in time as well and didn't touch any part of me!!! Lucky sia!!! I assumed she's a little scared by my fierce look, so she moved back a few steps instead. Then I took advantage of that and moved in front, trying to force her to turn back and get lost!!!

But that 肥婆 quite 倔强 also!!! Refused to give in. Then i decided not to 计较 with such people anymore. Retrieved my stare and stepped aside tell her in a very sarcastic tone "请走!!!". Finally she left!!!!

After that Fat Auntie left. My friend besides overseeing the whole episode said that just now I and that Fat Auntie moving backward and forward, it really looked like I'm dancing Cha-Cha with her. AH BISH!!!! What an insult, LHH dancing Cha Cha with Fat Auntie!!! KNN.

If such thing happen again next time, I'll make sure I'll slap the nxt fat auntie till she 磕头认错.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Mourning the Death of 赵紫阳 (Oct 1919 - Jan 2005)

I only received the news of 赵紫阳 passing away from seow when i returned home from camp today!!!

One minute of silence please.

For those who dunno who he is, 赵紫阳 held the post of General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party(中共总书记) from 1987 to 1989. He was once viewed as the natural successor to Mr 邓小平. However, during the 天安门 riots on 4th June 1989, he showed his sympathy towards the pro-democracy students/demonstrators and opposed the use of armed forces on them, thus being accused of splitting the CCP(搞内讧) and subsequently been removed from his post and remained under house arrest (软禁) until today.

His main contribution is playing a major role in opening up China to the outside world and reforming its economy during the 1980s. It would be unfair to credit Deng Xiaoping for all these achievements and ignore the hardwork of Zhao Ziyang totally. He also held talks with British to facilitate the smooth handover of Hong Kong during his reign.

Despite his removal from power, Zhao was always seen as a threat by Jiang Zemin. That's the reason why he was put under house arrest for nearly 16 years. He was rarely allowed to step out of his house and so on. This is the truth no matter how much Jiang Zemin tries to deny!!! Anyway Jiang only came to power after Zhao's fall from grace.

Zhao was an honest official, a pragmatic leader and a resolute reformer. I believed he will always be loved and remembered fondly not only by those who were presence during the Tiananmen Incident, but by the majority of the people in China as well.

赵紫阳,your contribution to Modern China will be rated as highly as 周恩来,邓小平 and 朱镕基.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Who knows, if Zhao was borned decades later, he might not have suffered what he had and he will be able to contribute even more to the People's Republic of China.

Hip-hop Kim Making New Year Resolutions

Yo…yo…yo….its me da house once again…Reflection_of_kim here to contribute sth to the class blog while playing with his beloved yo-yo…haha…if u r wondering whasss-up with the hip-hop tone, well it’s because I haf juz finished lunch and I’m listening to some hip-hop songs now which means i'm in a rather hippy and lame mode rite now…haha…so all u non-hoppers or non-hippers out there, hope u understand wat ur china brother is saying here…all ritey…yo…yo…b4 I begin let me do some 地板动作 coupled wif some of the following 阳光男孩 poses: :-) ;-) :-> >:-> >;-> |-D :-I :-O :-P tts all folks, the above are my most well-liked 阳光男孩 poses, hope u all liked all my brothers and sisters, it has been a tradition 4 pple to make new yr resolutions at the start of the yr and so i've come up with 10 of them which i hope i can keep in come on guys, pray for ur beloved brother here and hope he will be able to fulfil his resolutions.

Resolution No. 1: Get my bike license
Possibility: 99.5%... still got 2 more lesson to go b4 i go for my traffice police test so i'm very sure of getting it by end of the yr....wat will i do when i get the license? hmmm..i dunno...maybe get a really cool bike... or use the license to get a job...haha...

Resolution No. 2: Be less shy in front of strangers
Possibility: 50%... always got a mental block when i met a person first time..dunno wat to say to him or her...more often than not the person is a her...hence resulting in a rather akward situation...dun tell me such a thing wun happen to a hip person because it happened....and i still dunno how to get over it...someone pls help me.... may god bless the kind soul...

Resolution No. 3: Study hard in uni
Possibility: 80%... rate the possibility so high because i really really wan to study hard in uni and not waste my 4 yrs there...think i already wasted 2 yrs of jc so hope to make up 4 it in brothers and sisters, let us work toward this aim together...yo..yo..

Resolution No. 4: Love my family even more
Possibility: 100%... wat can i say man...if family is not the most impt to a sensitive new age guy aka the meterosexual...wat else is? So to my mother, father and sister.... I LUV U GUYS!!! :)

Resolution No. 5: Stay healthy
Possibility: thing i like about the saf is ie helps me realise the immense benefits of staying fit and so after i ord, i will wan to maintain my body and keep it in tip-top condition...which is part of being a meterosexual...

Resoultion No. 6: Make more Resolutions and make sure the above are done

hey yo...tts all i have for now...the rest of them...i will post it after i ord or in a few months brothers and sisters...reflection_of_kim will sign out now and hope to c ya soon... i luv u and may god bless you...

Current Song: Hey ya by OutKast
Current Mode: a screw facing up aka screw-ed up

Sunday, January 16, 2005


~140 days to ORD. I've kept a total clean record in this 20+ months of service, not having confined, extras or charged in a battalion where few reasons still stand. It looked as if I set forth on a smooth journey till this 2yrs 2 months liability ends. Yet on this faithful 15/01/2005(Friday), bad luck finally struck, sending the warth of SAF injustice and unreasonablity to war with me.

I came past my coy lobby in the afternoon when I came across 5 men from my platoon washing the corridor. They were under instructions from my CSM. 2 fire hydrants were put into use with permission from the CSM, for there was no taps or hoses nearby. I was free then. Instead of going up to bunk to relax, I actually stayed to help these guys with the washing.

The Batallion 2IC happened to strool by ~5 minutes later. His curiosity over the use of the fire hydrant sent him to step forward and questioned me. I replied it was the CSM's instruction. He seemed satisfied and left.

Another 5 mintes passed when a clerk came forward and asked me to see the S4. I did not expect anything good, for this S4 had a lousy reputation as a boot licker, backstabber & poor relations with my coy, the support coy. I followed the clerk to the S4 office. As expected, he started barking rapidly at me on the use of the fire hydrant, saying thats its a waste of SAF resources and whatever SAF crap which I took no heart in listening. He finished his words with: "the 5 of you go n sign 5 confinement". I was not surprised that he started shooting confinements & extras(most high ranking personels in my BN love to do that), but was amazed that he actually studied what we were doing and counted the people there. I calmly told him that our CSM allowed us to use the fire hydrants. Unexpectedly, he questioned:"SO? you want your CSM to sign extra issit?" That was rude and unreasonable. Its true that my CSM made a mistake, not those washing the floor.

He sent the clerk to follow me back to the coy lobby to take down the names of all those washing the floor. I'm not the kind of guy who bow down to unjust acts. Instead of taking down names, I went to my CSM's office and explained the situation. My CSM was busy with work, and certainly not pleased with S4, and said he would settle the problem himself. I had a hard time persuading the clerk to leave without any names. In no time, this clerk came back to me again. He seemed rather impatient, as he told me the S4 was mad and threaterned to charge us if we do not send him the names. To me, this was incredibly stupid. The S4 reacted so absurdly to such minor everyday matters.(many people in the BN had been using the fire hydrant as a water supply all this while) Again, I went up to the CSM's office, to see if he had phoned S4 on that matter. Unfortunately he was not around. I called him to report the situations. He was still attending to some other matters, but confirmed me that he would see S4 soon. He instructed me to stop work but do not give the names. I was stucked in the middle. CSM may not attend my pressing problems fast and the clerk was pressing me hard with those high handed orders from S4. I gave him the names in the end.

At around 5pm, the BRO was out and confirmed a confinement to be served on the next day by me and the other 5 guys washing the lobby. My CSM saw it too. This time round, he really could not stand the handling of S4. He finally put his works down and went to have a talk with the S4. The outcome was as ecpected, we serve the confinement.(later did I learnt that my CSM & S4 had a heated quarrel over that matter) However, my CSM was kind enough to accept that he was largely to be blamed and promised the group of us equal number of days off for the confinement.(actually its still bo hua as we lose the weekend, but better than nothing) He even called the Duty Officer that day to help cover up our book out.( the DO was supposed to confiscate out 11B)

All seemed fine as I returned home for the night, till I was awakened by a phone call form the COS on the next day, 16/01/2005(Saturday) at 8:30am. It was something like a recall for guys on stand-by. The COS told me to come back to camp immediately as the blood sucking S4 actually came back to work on a Saturday just to see the few of us serve confinement. I had no choice, and rushed back to camp in a cab. What a hustle. Furthermore, it was a day packed with events for me. I've got appointments to roller blade, play soccer, meet some Primary Sch classmates, visit RV anniversary and also to celebrate Jun Wei & Zhong Hong's birthday. I had to forgo all these for a baseless confinement. My CSM also rushed down to camp, sort of try to help us, but S4 somehow pressed him down with appointment and rank. The DO spoke to us as well, telling us to bare with the nonsensical power abuse of S4. He also told me that if possible, he will release us once S4 leaves. Me and my guys "suck thumb" and waited, till we left on Sunday morning.

This confinement was totally unreasonable, for those who had done NOTHING wrong kanna punished. An absolutely injustice, a disgrase to SAF and proves that it doesn't pay to help in SAF. Moreover, I noticed the S4 actually stayed till Sunday morning, just to ensure that the DO did not release us early. What the F***! Does the few of us matters so much in the running of a BN? Get a life man!

Friday, January 14, 2005

There's a Tiger behind every Lion.

This sunday, Singapore National Football Team will be playing against Indonesia for the Tiger Cup Trophy.

As you all know, the Lions had beaten Indon 3-1 in the 1st leg of the final held in Senayan Stadium. It means that Singapore has a very high chance of lifting the trophy!!! Obviously, fans will be filling up the Kallang NAtional Stadium on sunday!!!!

By the 2nd day of ticket sales, all tickets, grand-stand and gallery, are sold out!!! Luckily, our dear Mr Lin Weiting managed to get 8 tickets on the 1st day. So 8 guys from the 4E contingent will be attending this final when singapore will emerge victorious!!!

Urging all out there to wear red on that day!!! WEAR RED K????

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

以小人之心,度君子之腹(version 1.1)

I write the story below in that way is just for the fun sake of it. Not that i believe my boss is so concerning or such a nice guy. I still dun think that he's a great guy or smth. But at least i wont curse him to die!!!! I think he is still an old fox. But he is of a higher level now, no longer a 真小人, he's a 伪君子. So just treat the following as a partly true, partly ficiton story la!!!!

The title is not directed at anybody, but it's to criticise myself, LHH!!!

I think i've been misunderstanding my boss for sometime, thinking he's a complete asshole, all out to tekan a handicapped officer. Assuming he's suffering from some mid-age crisis and male meno-pause. Feeling that i've became the 小强 that he would play around when he's too boliao!!!!

So, since yesterday he told me to go back to camp today and wanted to speak to me, i've been planning with horsy in the afternoon, then my sis later at night to think of strategies to 对付这只老狐狸. My sis and I tried our best to anticipate what my boss will say, and we've came out with no less than 10 different ways to deal with him. No matter how 尖酸刻薄 he will be, or if he raised his voice, I still have lines to 顶撞 him in a very calm way!!!!

At the same time I've polished my tone as well. Cos I always had the habit to laugh when I'm talking, cannot be serious. But when I try control my laughter, then i'll sound damn 欠揍 one.
Like coming all out to ask for trouble like that!!! So there's a need to practise the tone i'm going to use.

Thinking I'm well prepared, I went to camp today. My boss went to PLC for a meeting today, so i actually waited for him from 10+ till around 2+. During this period, besides sleeping, I also discussed with my camp-mates about how the conversation with my boss shld go later!! I restrained myself from telling jokes or talk about funny things cos I had to 培养情绪 for the more serious talk later.

At 1418, my boss stepped into the office. He spoke to another officer on official matter, then he kept loitering around, didn't ask me to go into his room for a talk. I was thinking is he trying to tekan me again??? Is he not in the mood to play with 小强 for the time-being??? Or he purposely wants me to wait till around 4+ then talk to me???

Actually I was a bit scared also. Not knowing what's the path ahead; not knowing how mean can he be; not knowing what ridiculous and no-answer questions will be asked etc etc bla bla bla bleah bleah......

Finally i decided that i shld go and make the 1st move instead of waiting for Sunday to come. So i knocked his door and asked him whether he's free to talk to me.

I'm not going to type out the conversation, but then it goes like 1st, he asked me of my condition and how the doctor said. I'm super stunned and surprised by the mild n calm tone that he used. Totally out of my expectation. So my line of defence broke down. I was softened immediately. I really could not tell whether it was his cunning tactic or he is just a very nice person, but i choose to believe he's a very nice person by nature.

Then he told me that he's really very lack of manpower and there're quite a lot of paperwork to settle. He asked me whether i'm able to come back during my mc to help with the lesson plans etc etc. As i already think that he's a good man, and i am not good at rejecting pple, i told him it's okay for me to come back, starting friday onwards. Maybe he achieved his aim through talking to me nicely, i just cannot resist nice words and not helping nice guy. haiz.......

After that, he proceeds to another topic, about my promotion to LTA. He told me that my parent unit BMTC 1 had refused my promotion cos i didn't take the 2nd year IPPT due to my injury. Then i dunno why i suddenly so fake and said the following line :

" Sir, if I really did not meet the requirement to get promoted, then so be it. Cos i think because of my injury, i didn't really fulfill the obligation as an officer, so i do not deserve the promotion. "

HAHAHA, i am damn fake right???? Even I despised myself for saying such such such fake stuff.
eeeeeee...... so erxin, typing it out also make my hair stand, dunno how issit possible to say such things. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Going crazy!!!!

Anyway, my boss said that he will put forward an argument that since my window of taking IPPT only opened from late march onwards till end of december. It's not as if my injury happened in nov or dec, it's in june. So it's reasonable that i didn't take the test as the other officers in my unit also took the test in Nov only. He'll putting this claim forward to get me promoted, but will I get promoted, let's wait and see. But I'm totally convinced that I am so wrong about, totally mis-judge a person. He's so good to me. What a loser i am man!!!! Using my 小心眼 to judge others.


I've already deleted the entry tt i posted yesterday about how i would get pple to murder him if i could. I've also change my MSN nick n display pic as the previous nick n pic is a curse directing at my boss as well.

So I'll be going back to camp from friday onwards, help him to settle any outstanding matter left around in the office. And for about 20+ working days more, I'll be able to clear leave and ORD LOR!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

My lucky sister!

I went to watch S.H.E.'s concert last sat too... but the best thing was that the $148 tix was free! Coz my sis won the pair of tix so i accompanied her to the concert... In reality, she asked me along so i could be her photographer...but i dun mind coz i still 赚到...haha

My sis loves S.H.E, in particular Ella, so when she knew that Marigold was holding a promotion to give out free tix, she took part enthusiastically... haha... forcing my family to drink Marigold drinks much more frequently. I must say her luck is unbelievably good. She only sent in 2 envelopes. A day B4 the announcement of the contest results, this confident gal still told me to wait for the good news for she'll surely get the tix and i laughed at her 'stupidity'. But, she won the tix as she had said. Woah...juz realised my sis is also capable of foreseeing the future!

S.H.E. performing one of their成名曲

But compared to her, i'm not that lucky coz it seems that everytime i go indoor stadium, i'm bound to suffer some kind of injury. Take for instance, the other time i went there i had a nosebleed n this time i injured my toe on the way there... it's too much of a coincidence rt? The next time i go there, i must take precautions...ha

ok...the concert was 精彩 n i enjoyed it. Still, prior to start of the concert, the sound crew played 侯鸟 so many times that i was rather pissed off... i know this is a way to let the audience familiarise themselves with the songs of S.H.E. while waiting for the concert to start and 候鸟 is a nice song but playing it 4 times repeatedly will be too irritating... So sound crew, dun be lazy n 替听众着想!

Anyway after watching this concert, i can't wait for 五月天 to come n hold their concert in sg later this it'll be even more dynamic than S.H.E's.

Monday, January 10, 2005

What a wonderful journey!!!!

Wow, i think i am super suay yesterday man!!!! After church, i usually need to walk about 10min to Paya Lebar mrt station. Amazingly, maybe i incur the the wrath of whoever la, in this short journey I saw 10 disgusting things man. WTF!!!! so suay!!!

Ok, start with no. 1, i saw 1 mad man!!! he walking towards the direction of me and my sis!!! He keep scratching his cock and digging his nose. Ta Ma De. fucking old already still walk around naked, his fats at the Neh-Neh area sagged till his pot-belly lor!

Ok, that's like only very limited description on his appearance. But ok, he keeps walking towards our direction, talking to us in hokkien and so on. My sis noticed him 1st and asked me to beware, i thought she's warning me of cats then i kept looking for cats' shadow, but then i realised this mad man, ok, nothing much. we just turned opposite direction and walked rapidly away.

No. 2, saw 2 cats.

Then we walked 1 big round to avoid that mad man, then we saw a cat. A male cat!!! Those grey colour one, with spiky fur!!! I think he's at a very excited(sexually) phase. His tail is lifeted high up like an anthena. Then can see his erected dick and 2-going-to-burst testes. Sorry, i dun mean to be crude, but it's what i saw. Ok, as i know that this cat is sexually excited, i am dead sure that within 250m radius there'll be a female cat!!! I am a cat-expert man, 所谓知己知彼,百战百胜. So i must know the cats well to be able to avoid them successfully!!! Since I am a cat expert, it's time for you all to KOWTOW to me again. WHAHAHAHAH!!!!

So, just as what i expected, a female cat was very nearby!!! I dunno if you all ever oversee the process of cats mating!!! They will give out some very disgusting sound, not the usual meow meow, but a sound very similar to babies crying, but in a very dark and eerie manner. YUCKS, will hear till all your hair stand!!! Anyway if u haven't heard anything like that, wait till the Wimbledon Tenis Open period which is around late june early july. TT's the cats mating season, stay up late at night and most likely the cats at your house void deck will start to moan like siao!!!!

So as cat-expert, me and my sis managed to navigate a safe way out of the cats without any danger, but hearing them moaning is one whole lot to suffer.

Now go to no.3, we saw 3 piles of shit on our way!!!

The 1st pile of shit is right in the center of the pedestrian walk-way, so both of us spotted it with ease. But maybe i more paranoid, so i try to look out for more shit on our way!!! Then my sis was the suay one!!! Cos she try to siam the shit at the center, then she walk at the side, nearer to the lamp-post side.

The observant LHH here of course spotted another pile of shit, just nxt to the lamp-post where my ignorant sis didn't see it!!! So the good-hearted little brother, ME, warned her of the 2nd pile of shit. haha, but the EVIL SIS think that she shld concentrate on her walking more on her brother's word, so she decided to take the nxt step before hearing what her brother said. So she took the nxt step and her foot is just centimeters away from tt pile of shit. Hmm..... so she learnt her lesson sia!!!

3rd pile of shit is a flattened piece, got those bicycle wheel print on it somemore. eeeee.......

Forth and Final one. We saw 4 bloody transvestites<--------dunno how to spell. Let's flashed back, we actually saw these 4 bloody ah-gua 1st. They shld be thais la. All of them are at least 180cm man, bloody hell, so tall liao still wanna be women. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! I think they did their boob-job fairly well, not easy to see that it's actually fake boobs. So, keep it up man ah-guas!!!! WELL DONE!!!!!

But then belows are point to improve!!! When you are ah-guas, and your adam's apple is not removed or cant be hide, for goodness sake go and wear some turtle-neck or wateva la!!! COVER TT UP MAN!!! Another thing is that u think u still men with those rugged looks???? Dun be stupid la, shave cleanly everyday. Yes, the word is cleanly!!!! Dun save money, buy yourself a Gillette Mach 3 Turbo, I can clearly see black studs on YOUR BLOODY chins, SI AH GUAs!!!!

Worst of all things, pls la, if you dun have the female voice then just shut up and dun talk la!!! then pple might still think tt you are those very quiet type of girls. But that 4 transvestites thought that they're playing mahjongs or wateva. Keep talking to each other rather loudly!!! Oh man, kill me, i cant stand a man voice from a female body yet the tone is an ah gua's one. BISH!!!! to hell you go la!!! cant even act liek a proper girl!!! By the time you master the act of being a girl, i think you shld have died of AIDS liao. hai....

SUAY SUAY SUAY SUAY SUAY!!!!! 1, 2, 3, 4. What a wonderful journey to the MRT station.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

ORD Speech

Haiz... Sianz... I kena arrowed to give ORD speech during my formation ORD Function. Damn vexatious lor....

Anyway, here's the draft of my uncharacteristic and dry speech.......

Sense of anxiety encroach me today. After more than 2 years of service in SAF, the time had finally arrived. I believe this is what all the NSFs had been looking forward to. It may seem like a long wait, but I do feel that this journey had been a fulfilling one for me. I had gone through aplenty of events that I had never experienced before.

Coming to 2PDF is something unforeseen. As an infantry trained specialists, my cohort is expected to be posted to 1st Guards Battalion. However, due to a delay in their intake, most of us are posted to become BMTC instructors. When I got my posting order, I am not really sure where 2PDF is? But when I look at its location map, it come as a pleasant surprise, because I stay in Bukit Batok. Furthermore, my then SISPEC OC, SWO Gnana was also posted to 2PDF as Formation RSM.

My knowledge of 2PDF is limited. The only information that I knew is that Clementi Camp is a Nsmen camp. After reporting on my first day, I was posted to TC as a Training Specialist. My main job scope is to be in charge of the NS IPPT system during ICT. As IPPT is one of the highlights of every ICT, there is no room for mistake. Furthermore, this will concern payment should the Nsmen attain any award. I am relieved to say that the system had served me well throughout my stay here. Though there are times of major hiccups, I always had support from my TCO, MWO Phang, in resolving the issues.

Besides managing the system, I also acquire more knowledge in using MS Office Programs. Previously, in JC, I rarely use computer for work, other than 1 or 2 group projects. However, during my service here, I make use of these programs on daily basis. This had greatly increased my proficiency in typing. In addition, I am not used to giving public presentation and speech during my schooling days. It is in NS that I bolster enough confidence to do all these.

Prior to NS, I had never worked before, meaning that I don’t do part time job during holidays. I treated NS like my first part time job. Throughout this process, I have learnt more about time management and PR skills. I used to procrastinate during my JC days. However, nowadays, I would finish my work way ahead of the deadline. Maybe it’s my way of avoiding trouble during NS.

TC is a big family, with a high turnover rate. I had worked under the leadership of 2 TC commanders and 2 DY commanders. Though their approach may differ, their objective is similar, providing meaningful ICT training. I am gratified to be able to have MWO Phang and MSG Peter Sim, who had just posted out, as my direct superiors. They have filled me in during my stay in Clementi Camp and shared with me on their life experiences.

At last, I would like to say that NS made me stronger, both physically and mentally. Never in my life that I would imagine myself completing 21km run, not once but twice. For the psychological part, SOC is really a physically demanding activity. Until today, I can still vividly remember how exhausted I was when I passed the test. From that day onwards, I told myself that there’s nothing more difficult that completing SOC. Anyway, for those physically fit people out there, this is my way of encouraging myself. Hopefully when I come back for my reservist training, I can see some of my fellow NSF in my NS unit. With this, I would like to end my speech. Have a nice day, everyone.

Friday, January 07, 2005

NS liability vs Pregnancy

Oh man, have my first fever of the year man!!! Always so sickly, dunno why!!! 21 years old liao still like that, haiz..... So sick of having fever always!!! It's really no fun!!! Though it earns a lot of MC for me!

Anyway, today on my way to SGH for my physio session, i overheard 2 women in their mid-20s talking. Making it clear here, i am not eavedropping, just that i have good hearing!!!! These 2 women are bloody fugly, freaking freaks, so it proved that i am not eavedropping!!!

So, now to the content of these 2 fugly women's conversation!!! The fat and ugly one is saying,

" OH, why shld my male colleagues get $200 more in salary??? Oh, serving NS very 了不起 issit?? We women also contribute to the society wat!!! Oh, govt keep talking about increasing number of child-birth, Oh, without us can it be accomplished??? Oh, serving NS can get the $200 more, oh, is it worth to pay guys more salary or not??? waste of money, Oh!!!! "

Hey, Fugly woman, have you finish your Oh-ing??? You are fat and ugly, no one wanna get you pregnant!!!!! When the train enter the tunnel, pls take a look at the reflection from the window and see whether got anyone in the train more ugly than you???

I TELL YOU NO MAN!!!!! You are the most ugly!!! So you wont get pregnant, you wont be able to contribute to the child-birth in Singapore. HAHAHAHAHAH. I am mean and evil, but who ask you kaobei so much when you are already so freaking ugly?

I really hate it when girls trying to say going through NS is nothing!!! I dun think Guys will ever complain that women have very long child-care leave, the job being kept for them even the economy is no good and other benefits exclusively for them due to their pregnancy!!! Guys appreciate and understand the pain and suffering that pregnant women going through BUT BUT why a lot of women out there like to complain about those little benefits that we're entitled for when we sacrifice 2+ years of our lives to serve the nation???

I dun understand why pple dun appreciate that we actually serve the nation out of our own will!!! Money is just a form of compensation to the prime time that we lost to the nation, but seriously can money buy time??? NO!!!!

Pregnancy is an act of love, happened because of mutual consent. No one will force you to do so!!! And i think it brings you lots of joy as well. But what NS gave us??? Only sorrow and tears, blood and mucus!!! We were forced to get enlisted!!! Must the fugly women out there be so calculative and mind so much about the $200 more that her male colleague gets??? One piece of SHIT!!!

If you really want that $200 extra so so so much!! I'm willing to switch place with you (except for your ugly FACE), u going and fucking join the army for 2.5 years then get that $200 mor eper month. If not you can 乖乖 stay at home AND shut up!!!!Fugly women!!! I am really pissed off when pple said that serving NS is nothing!!!! It's really something!!! So may all out there who didn't serve NS and didn't go through what we went through, please at least don't make comments that aggitate us, if you appreciate what we do, better still!!! This time round, I am not asking you to KOWTOW to me, just dun complain so much!!!

Oh, anyway my MC is extended for 2 more weeks, HURRAY!!!!!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

We really can't stop being metrosexual!

Alright, that was to catch your attention. Now read on.

I'm sure that those of you who are not cadavers (corpses, for the unintiated) should know that our yalam (if you dunno what is this, you are wols) neighbours incurred the wrath of Allah, who sent them a fricking big earthquake, plus tidal waves upsize. The toll on lives and property have gone beyond what is necessary for a single 4-D number, can probably permutate the whole table by now.

And, for all the talk of Muslim solidarity, jihads against infidels, and other miscellanous fatwahs, the countries helping the stricken areas are in the main, Christian, or at least, non-Muslim. It really goes to show, doesn't it. All that oil wealth, sitting pretty and lining the turbans of Saudi princelings and other Arabian despots. While their Muslim brethen lie unburied, not even to mention proper last rites.

It is our right, it is our duty, as citizens of the pre-eminent country in Asean, to extend help, in some form or other. I am sure, in fact I know, that many among us have donated, in cash or in kind. But the exigencies of this situation requires more than largesse. It demands our time, and labour. I hereby beseech all of you to volunteer yourselves in some part of the relief effort.

Preliminary soundings have been conducted, and I am pleased to say that Eric, HH, HF, OSK, JY, and Doreen have expressed interest. I am quite sure there will be no lack of oportunities in the days and weeks ahead, and we will be on the lookout for suitable vaccancies. Certainly, none of us can stomach the sight of dead corpses all the way to the horizon, and anyway we don't have the time to volunteer overseas, so we are looking at projects like the packing of supplies, manning hotlines, et cetera.

Please, sign up. For those always claiming that the serving the colours diminishes you in some undefinable way, now is the time to prove that NS has not made you cynical and heartless. For those always claiming that our government is over-paternalistic and clams us up, now is the time that you actualise your belief in a civic society, where volunteerism is a cornerstone. For volunteering here, now, behooves your country, your society, and most importantly, it behooves you.

Indicate your interest in the comments section. Resources for volunteering include . If you have ideas, feel free to suggest here. This entry will be periodically reposted to bump it up the page, as well as to update the list of interested people, and available activites. The author has not proof-read the entry and apologises for any errors of language and hopes that can you please don't be such a dick.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


The gals present on that day :)

Trying to share the pics taken on 31st with u guys but uploading pics on the blog is hell ma fan... can somebody enlighten me on how to add multiple pics on a single post? Then i'll be able to post the remaining pics here...for the convenience of many...haha


这是我首次使用中文来写 blog. 如果你想读就读,不像读就算了,我不勉强你。


从五千年前,黄帝统一各华夏部落以来,我中华民族历经 夏、商、周 (春秋,战国)、秦、汉、三国、晋、南北朝、隋、唐、宋、元、明、清、民国等十数个朝代。近几百年来,虽饱受欧美强国以及日本鬼子的侵略和蹂躏,但我中华民族却历久不衰。试问史上又有哪个国家民族能受如此磨练?能从古至今名列世界强国之一?



Anyway I have enough of typing chinese, why isn't there any easier to use or better chinese software in the market??? Ok back to my point, as my title suggest, black hair n yellow skin, we are Chinese. I really dun understand why so many people like to dye their hair!!!

I admit that some of the people (referring to Chinese) actually look nicer by dying their hair, but i think majority of the people LOOK LIKE ONE BIG PILE OF SHIT by dying hair. By dying gold or brown, you look like a chimpanzee; by dying green, you look like you 戴绿帽; by dying any other colour, you just look like fuck.

I am very very against dying hair, you can say it looks nicer or wateva, but then from my point of view, i just think that you are ashame of being Chinese cos I consider black hair and yellow skin as the unique characteristic of Chinese. Oh, by saying this, i consider japanese, korean, thai, vietnamese n bla bla as a sub-set of Chinese.

A lot of people argue that they didn't deny that they are Chinese, dying hair is just part of the fashion or wateva!! BULLSHIT!!!! However, i think actions speak more than word. You can say that I am 老古板 and very not open-minded. But to those who dyed hair, I seriously dun care what you say and do, I just treat you as another race which is of lower class than the Chinese.

If you can forgo your natural black hair because you wanna look nicer, maybe one day you can say that you wanna change your surname too because it look nicer with your name or that particular surname look nicer!!!

By changing surname is an act of disowning your family, so I take it that by changing your black hair to other colour as an indication that you are telling people you are not part of 中华民族 and you have no root!!!!

Anyway I also dunno what to say liao la!!! This is just an entry to blast at pple who dye hair!!!! Hated this idea man!!! Both Chinese and 洋鬼子 will look down on you!!! YES, to those who dye hair, i am not sorry for offending you cos i really feel that way!!!

Hail to those who still having black hair and proud of being Chinese.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Kim reflect on Tsunami Carnage

Yo, guys…its me again…posting my first blog of the new yr…before I start with anything… let me wish the readers and fellow bloggers a “happy” new year …u must be wondering y I bracket up the word happy…well because for one thing I find it hard to be happy when there are so many destruction and death ard us…simple as that…however even as the world mourn for the victims claimed by the tsunami, there are still people out there who are making use of the tragedy to rob, rape and kidnap the survivors of the tsunami(mainly children who have lost their parents). I find these actions extremely disgusting and I hope that the pple who are doing this will just DIE and PERISH in the tsunami…it is just so unfair to let these pple continue to live and bring on more difficulties for the survivors…If the tsunami is meant to be Mother Nature response of a major clean up of Earth after decades of abuse by mankind, then y does she let off these scumbags….y indeed? Any readers who are offended by it, dun expect me to apologise because a common characteristic of a Libra, also known as the Scales, is to seek a balance in everything they do and any events that happened around them…. So all those Librans out there, provide me with an answer, will u?

Ok, now to other stuff. New year eve was spent bbq-ing in Mr Tham house. Although the rain disrupts the bbq a bit, nonetheless it is still a happy occasion and I think some people deserve some credits for the success of the bbq, so below is the list of people who helps to make the thing a success. The list is by no means complete and I apologise if I miss out some names.

Name: Mr Tham J Y
What he did: Help in organizing the event and also let us use his place for the bbq.
Not to forget…he also let us stay over at his place till the next day…

Name(s): Mr Lo H H, Eric, HF, WT, ZX, ZH, LR and WM
What they did: These pple helps to set up the food and the drinks for the bbq.Without them, there will not be so many food to eat. For meat, hh and eric are in charge, while drinks are done by wt and zh. Other stuff like hotdog, fruits and crabsticks are done by the rest of the pple.
(p.s: I’m sure hh has gain valuable experience in preparing a meal and how to cook properly which is esp impt if he is going to be with a certain mrs lim from his jc class…haha..rite hh?)

Name: Chee Z H
What he did, or rather wat the rest did: He provide the highlight of the whole thing when he graciously allow us to dump him into the swimming pool not once but twice…so zh, next yr will be three times into the pool liao rite?

Ok, tts all folks…got to go back to doing stupid saf work…but b4 I go…I like to announce that I still got 6 more months to ord…which is 180 more days…4320 hours….259200mins …. 15552000 sec…. Ahhhh….forget it…still got so long….sian man…

Song for today: Vindicated (Spiderman 2 OST)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Nominees for the Person of the Year (2004)

2004 did not end in the perfect way that we hoped it would be, but let's not be bothered by it too much and get started with 2005 with a bang man!!! HAHAHA!!!

The first grand event of the year will be the crowning of Person of the Year 2004 of RV4e2000. The committee had decided on the 5 guys from a pool of 17 4E guys. Then all of you will get the chance to vote for your beloved by either posting comments or just indicate it on the tag-board!!! The results depend solely on your votes, so please support your favourite!!! If the voting rate falls below expectation, the winner will be decided by none other than the committee. Results will be announced anytime in January 2005, so guys, please log on whenever possible.

Before announcing the nominations, I first introduced you the committe members of the RV4e2000.Blogspot-----Seow, Horsy, LHH, Emperor Chee, OSK.

Without further ado, the Nominations of Person of the Year 2004 of RV4e2000 is as follow!!!!

Nominee no. 1 : Lin Weiting, aka LinLin.

Occupation : CO PA.

Born : 17th Nov 1984

Ht/Wt : Self-claimed 183cm (shld be less)/ Self-claimed 68kg (shld be more)

Description :

A very special brain that enabled him to score 4A2D and yet a C6 in A lvl. Points to take into consideration is that he actually rushed to take his Chemistry S paper after one whole sleepless night of mahjong. Siao man!!! Another stupid move is that he gave himself a sissy nick of LinLin.

Famous moment/quote:

Weiting's rise to fame is due to these 2 famous lines, "I dun mind" & "Mesomeric". His version of "I dun mind" is not the normal "I dun mind" that you will say. It's being sung in notes E(I), A(dun), then E & G(mi--nd) in harmony!!! That had became a classic through the year 2004. One worthy nomination for the award right??

Another moment of magic is when he mug his favourite chem notes, he suddenly keep shaking his head ina lunatic manner and repeating the word "Mesomeric", looked like a total idiot in a trance!!!!

Guys, what you waiting for??? type 1 to vote for LinLin.

Nominee no. 2 : Chee Yaohui aka Emperor Chee aka Ming Mozong (明末宗)

Occupation : Taking charge and loading rounds for our Primus in 21SA

Born : 25th May 1984

Ht/Wt : 165cm/55-6kg

Description :

Another nominee from the former class of 2i1998, the second largest party in RV4e2000. His innocent look, together with his pure and uncorrupted mind had won him popularity among both male and female group in the class.

Famous moment/quote :

Yaohui's famous quote is definitely "Cheng Rang Cheng Rang" which in chinese 承让 x 2. As a decendant of the royal family of Ming Dynasty, this guys really thought that his family still holds the political power in majority of Asia, 别做你的春秋大梦了!!! HAHAHA!!! Trying his best to converse in ancient chinese, but we can see it clearly from his famous quote that he had lost his instinct as an emperor. Since when Emperor will say 承让承让??

For those who still support this 亡国之君 (an emperor who lose his country ), type 2 in the tag-board or comments.

Nominee no. 3 : Tham Jianyang

Occupation : Medicine undergrad in Nus, future doctor

Born : someday in November 1984, should be 10th Nov 1984

Ht/Wt : 177-8cm/unknown

Description :

The only RJC guy from RV4e2000, our class secretary for 2 years in a row sure mean business. He excel in both studies and sports, RJ volleyball captain, mai siao siao!!! His house is the homeground for our annual BBQ, this sure scores point for him man!!!

Famous incident/quote :

2 famous incidents/quotes defined this guy!!!

First being in Teban Street Soccer, he had a conversation with Junwei as followed,

JY : hey, r u studying ur Uni oversea???

JW : ya, most likely.

JY : so which one u hoping for???

JW : Hopefully MIT.

JY : Oh, why MIT?? Cal-Tech more HIP sia!!!!

From then on, the word "hip" entered the life of every single 4E guys and became a very widely used phrase.

The second incident happened one of the day in December 2004, when Jy, horsy and me went to Kino, JY saw his friend. He used a very special way to greet his friend that both horsy and me were stunned and since then we greeted each other that way too!!!! That special way is dragging the word "oei" which becomes "ooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiii" and at the same time stretch out your right arm to reach your friend!! hehe!!!

So guys, if you think that JY deserves the award, type 3 and vote for him!!!!

Nominee no. 4 : Ma Hanfeng aka Horsy!!!

Occupation : Operations Room Admin Support Assistant in 39SCE<----- as requested by the nominee himself

Born : 18th Dec 1984 Ht/Wt : 170cm/60kg

Description :

A guy full of paradox!!! Science student in HwaChong yet didn't study any of the science subject, failed Maths C like siao yet forced to drop physics, Maths is obviously atrocious yet score 800 for SAT maths, GP got B3 yet is a future lawyer, in an engineering unit dealing with chem bio radio defence but he's without knowledge of any of the sciences, totally combat fit yet CMPB said he's Pes C and lots more to say about this man!!!

Famous moment/quote :

Do I need to elaborate more on the sec 2 chalet toilet incident??? Those who knows will know, those who dunno I am not telling you the story as to reserve some pride for our Mr Horse as he had grown up already rite???

Yup, this year horse also designed a new style for himself, which is the hippy style!!! Just look at photo of him in previous blog entries man!!! Take an extra note on his hippy hand-sign!!!! And i think we should applaud his effort in fighting acne as well!!!

Horsy is my personal favourite to win the award, if you share my view, vote for horsy by typing the number, 4!!!!

Nominee no. 5 : Zeng Liren aka Establisher aka 佛祖 (honrourary president of AiFoHui)

Occupation : Specialist in Armour Engineering <------ does it sound very pro???

Born : 9th march 1984

Ht/Wt : 182-3cm(aka 3rd tallest guy in RV at sec 3)/unknown

Description :

The most celebrated individual in RV4e2000. Same class with me for a consecutive 8 years, it's fated man!!! He is the barometer of hippy-ness of the class of 4E. We measured oursleves against him!!! Don't be deceived by his outlook, he's a damn rich guy with family income of $15k/mth 6 years back!!! so it maybe $20+k now??

Famous moment/quote :

Too many to list!!! But just type out one here la!!! Liren is the man who set the fashion standard!!! Forever so hippy and so on!!! One of his fashion statement is WEARING SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT!!!! Isn't it the talking point of the year?? According to horsy, one of the night after soccer session at around 9+pm, they took the same bus home and from his bag, liren took out a sunglasses and wore it in the bus!!!


If you are a fashion maniac and think liren is your icon, type 5 to vote for him!!!!

So, I've introduced you all the 5 nominees of the award!!! and the voting starts NOW!!! It'll last till the day i call it end!!! I hope that the above report let you get to know all 5 of our nominees better. Please vote, they need it and every vote counts!!!!


I've just received a call and a special demand is being made!!!! The following guy was being requested to be added in the race for the award!!!!

By popular demand,

Nominee no. 6 : Chee Zhonghong aka SharpAss aka 蜜桃仙子.

Occupation : 修车的

Born : 14 or 15 Jan 1984 IN MALAYSIA!!!!!!

Description :

Seriously do we need to say more about this guy????

Famous moment :

hmmm..... All can still remember the raiding of you-know-what in his house!!! Also is he begging for marks from all the teachers, and so on so on!!! really dun wish to comment too much!! All have eyes to see!!!

So ZHONGHONG-LOVERS!!!!! type 6 to vote for him!!!!

Thoughts on the Indian Ocean Earthquake/Tsunami

I'm 20 yrs old 10 months by the time this entry conpletes, yet I have witnessed some of the world's greatest disasters in just a few years. Nature has been rather unkind recent years. For major earthquakes, there was the Kobe earthquake in 1995, then came Taiwan's 921 earthquake in 1999, Turkey was badly shaken in 2001, and Iran tremored in late 2003. Other less serious quakes in Japan, Sumatra etc needs no mentioning. Escalated EL Nino & La Nina effects came with heat waves and disrupted food soources. SARS broke out in 2003, while chicken flu strikes as and when it likes. Floodings in China/India got worse every year, now even M'sia & Thailand can flood quite badly. No disasterous volcanic eruptions yet but the famous Mt St Helen is getting active. Death from natural disaster was uncountable. Year 2004 alone was a year marked by extreme natural disasters. Mega hurricanes swept countries in the caribbean sea at wind speed 220+km/h, some of the strongest ever. 10 typhooons struck Japan and 24 ravaged Philippines in, including some coming at the wrong time around Christmas. Locust swarms swept thru Africa for months. To wrap up 2004, Mother Nature rocks again on Boxing Day, demostrating her destructive powers with the well talked about Indian Ocean earthquake and catastrophic deadly tsunamis. That is the most devastating natural disaster I have lived to see. 1 so massive that maybe my grand children will study during their Geography lessons.

The 1st few days of the New Year appears sorrowful. Every morning we wake up to be greeted by prolonged rain/drizzle and shady sky, as if the celestrial bodies weeped and mourn for the major disaster. Outdoor activities are largely affected but daily cool tempreatures ~25.5 degrees is welcomed. I had planned to tour Phuket Island in the near future(after NS), to bask on the sunny tropical beaches, surf the tides, dive and watch beach babes play in the clear sea waters. Sadly all these dreams for a pradise escapade are to be put off for years, as the beaches of Phuket lies in ruins and the sand poisoned by dead bodies. Probably I can only go there when I finish my University educations.

For the past week, I have been paying attention to news and reports of this great disaster, as well as documentaries on tsunamis. Pictures of land overrun by tidal waves, muddy grounds littered with bodies and ever increasing numbers of death toll inevitably made me feel an urge to contribute to the world community, esp. those in desperate needs. Moneytary aid is a crude method of helping which I feel rather inadequte for the situation now and easily falls into wrong hands. I came up with wild ideas like sending boxes of combat rations from my company's store but for that I'll have to answer for robbing SAF. Volunteering for service is also not possible because of NS. (I would rather go search for survivals & bodies than rot in camp) I have a number of old clothes & blankets ready for donations but by the time I book out from camp the demand of these items had ceased. In the end the only available revenue of help I can provide is still contributing money to professional organisations of helpers like Red Cross, Salvation Army etc. Generosity is an issue here, for there are millions out there who needs the sum of money more than we do. In the name of humanity, saving lifes is regardless of piety differences and relations. I hereby appeal to people reading this entry to extend a helping hand to the unfortunate victims of the disaster. Life is fragile. Nobody will know when he/she will land in some unlucky situation, becomes history or dependent on other's generosity, like the victims now.

As I watched videos of towering waves crashing onto the beaches of the beautiful Phuket Island, I couldn't help but think of how safe Singapore can be. Though near to some of the most active tectonic plates, fault lines and volitile volcanos, big land masses like Sumatra shields us from everything from earthquakes to tsunamis. We do not stand in the way of typhoons as well. The haze is a minor problem and not really disasterous. Unless a meteor were to fall right on Singapore, I don't see any nature's fury can possibly harm us. Our unawareness of disasters can be illustrated by killer waves in Phuket & Penang, who had no history of tsunamis before. If similiar trouble really strikes one day, I guess thats it.(note: somehow 10+ people in Singapore kanna struck by lightning every year, and a few die from asthma will theres haze)

Lastly, I would like to make a rather political comment. Indonesia seems in a state of despair, for most Aceh lies in ruins. I read that 60% of facilities there were destroyed, and the state capital, Banda Aceh was hit terribly too. However, Aceh is only a small part of Indonesia. I feel its a chance for President Susilo Bambang Yudloyohno to bring great peace to his country, if he deals with the catastrophe well. Aceh has been the most difficult rebel state of Indonesia for decades. With the calamity leaving villages flattened and over a hundred thousand dead, Indonesian troops are now enter Aech to rescue rather than to fight. Both government & foreign aid enters this land to save the people, which I think can bring down the masses resentment shortly and boost ruling government's credit. Furthermore, money making resources like oil, coals and other minerals seemed unharmed despite massive destruction to coastal areas. So the land can generate more riches infuture. A blessing in disguise. (this paragraph is largely a personal guessing)

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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