Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Let me tell you Stories....

Wah, wondering why i am here typing a blog. It's almost 3am lor. Why I'm not sleeping?? Ok, actually I was sleeping already, after the MSN mass chat earlier in the night. However I was disturbed by something in my sleep then awakened by it!!! Damn irritated, not knowing what disturbed my sleep.

First thing i do is to swear at this freak thing cos it's too bright and its light shine through the window and 曬傷我的眼睛, 害我不能睡覺. 他媽的!!!!!

F*** You Moon.

But then I looked out the window and realised then tonight no moon around sia.... HAHA, paisay!!! Scold you wrongly.....

Then i heard some very erxin noise, and yup THAT'S IT!!! Some cats were having sex at the grass patch beside my block. Their f***ing moaning sound woke me up. Then i remembered that Jiamin once told me it's the cat's mating season during the French Open/Wimbledon Open period. Cheee-Ken, kenna woke up by cats f***ing. DAMN IT!!! DAMN IRRITATED...

Since i cant get back to sleep, I'll type some story here for you all to read, stories written by LHH the GREAT!!!! :

In the 1980s, a woman in a hospital in Singapore gave birth to a baby boy and named him 祝要惠. And now I am going to tell you the story of 要惠.

要 惠 isn't very smart by birth. However he was very diligent. When he entered school, he spent almost 5 hours a day revising his primary 1 work. He spent almost 3 full weeks to figure out what the hell is addition and subtraction when other kids learnt it during the lesson. His classmates laughed at him. Ostracised him, every in the school think he was a joke!!!! His friend Blocked him in the MSN.... He was deeply hurt. 看啊!!! 他的心在流血!!!

Cos of all the suffering 要惠 received in school, he tends to be very autistic!!!! HE would locked himself in his room. Spent the whole afternoon sleeping, not answering calls from friends, telling his family to reject any call for him and so on.....

要惠 spent most of his time at home, revising his school work, helping his mother do housework and the rest of the time reading and surfing net. As he grew up, his diligence paid off and he got into University.


So 要惠 wanna start his Uni life afresh. Get rid of his autistic outlook and wanna leave a good impression to the pple in Uni. However he already too used to his autistic way of thing and totally cannot act as a normal person.

For your info, 要惠 did not need to serve the National Service because he was given a Pes F cos he was severely autistic.

Anyway typed until here I very tired liao. Yeah, I've fulfilled my mission to get myself into sleeping mood again and yeah bored you all with this stupid and lame and meaningless story!!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for reading sia!!!!

Song for Today : New York New York by Frank Sinatra

Current Mood : Happy to get back to sleeping mood!! I hate cats!!!!

Monday, May 30, 2005


Interesting! I was browsing through my autograph album when I saw these 2 lists...Haha

i) 4E Class List

ii) Last Timetable in RV

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Juz confirmed the fact that I am 优柔寡断. Guess Cancerians are like that... at least me n geraldine share this trait ;) Most of the time, I can't make up my mind esp on trivial matters. Another thing is that I seldom give a direct answer to qns...When I (seriously/on 1st thought) have no preference, my standard answer would be 'ok' or sth neutral/ for the sake of PR.

Perhaps it's time for a change. But things are not always either black or white; they can be grey as well can't they?

Friday, May 27, 2005

RIP Lido Free Refill!

It's gone, it's gone! Adios!

Never Work In A Bank???....

Hmm... Guess i did mention that before..

But then after having work in the organisation for 2 mths, maybe it's a good environment...

I m a slacker who likes to do routine job.... So it's just work n more work in the office... And u need not tink of the job after work, cuz their work is more on day by day basis...

Kk... So 2dae is quite sad dae....


Cuz my temp job ends 2dae.... My dept is realli nice lor... Knowing that it's my last dae, my colleagues yesterdae went to buy me a thank-you aka farewell gift lor... Furthermore, my dept head actualli baked mi a cake oso... So touching!!!!.... N suddenli I became a birthdae boy... Haha...

This experience makes mi feel like joining the organisation again, in future.... Haiz... So 依依不舍

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Wonder what the title means? Actually I also dunno the true meaning of this funny word, all I know is that I've scaled a mountain by this name.

2 months ago, I've signed up for this trip organised by the NUS ROVERs, with a camp mate and his friends. Deposits were paid but when the day came, this friend of mine and his friends had all found secure jobs and opted out of the trip. I was still unemployed, and with the passion for outdoors, I went on with the trip.

On 20th May, the hikers gathered at Kranji MRT and took 170 into Larkin, JB. As usual, a busy schedule left me with little time to pack. This time round, I actually rushed for this 2 days mountain trekking trip without bringing food, sleeping equipments and camera.

Going for this trip alone was an unusual sight. All the 20+ hikers went with at least a partner, and for some a group of ~7. Most of the hikers were students of NUS, while some like me are near future students. The pple were easy to get along. Without any ice breaking game, there was spontaneous intro and soon I know over 1/2 the hikers. I notice that for such activities, so long as you dun keep to yourself, its easy to get along with the crowd.

The mountain is near a town in Johor called Kota Tinggi, which I believe many Singaporeans have heard of. (at the carparks there 1/2 the cars bore S'pore licence plates) Coach journey from Larkin to Kota Tinggi cost only RM3.50, but the ride takes nearly 1 hr. By the time we reach Koota Tinggi it was noon. Luckily we get to have lunch at Kota Tinggi. Without bringing food, I definately can't survive the hike 2 days if I dun want to tax on the other hikers. Hence to fill my stomach, I ate 1/2 a chicken and 2 plates of rice, hoping that it will last long. Chicken rice there was real cheap, at RM3.00 and whole chicken at RM10.00 only.

To get to our start pt, we still had to travel 15km by cab. We started off in a plantation at the foot of the mountain. The initial path was gentle, with wide streams by the side. As we moved into the densely forested wood lands, the slope gradients rose quickly. In no time gentle flat lands were replaced by undulating rock steps and leaf litter. Less than 100m up the mountain water was cascading down waterfalls and meter high rapids. By mid-hill the terrain was so unpassable that we've got to climb vertical rock walls 10+ m high, just beside thundering waterfalls. It was shiok man, my 1st time doing rock climbing in nature. We climbed 4 vertical walls and crossed numerous rapid. The trek was tough for some gals, but the guys were there to lend a helping hand.

I wore jeans and combat boots for this trip. It was an inappropriate attire and had its pros and cons.(most pple wore shorts and sandals) The jeans protected my legs from torny branches and combat boots allowed me to cross any surface. However, we've got to cross rapids and streams with water level over my waist. The water soaked my boots and jeans throughout the 2 days hike, which was super uncomfortable and weighed my legs down. I din bring extra pants, so got to sleep in wet jeans. I slept outside the tent, so as not to damp the tents' interior. Damn torturing, mosquitoes were rampant and tempreature fell till water can condense on clothes.

I was stung 2 times by bees/wasps/hornets/winged ants. Once on my left thumb and another on my right hand 4th finger. Amazingly, my fingers only swelled for an hour or so, before the pain and swell subside. While I slept outside the tentage, I was stung by mosquitoes till my right hand swell round, and tempreature was so low that many wore sweaters. Strangly, I could not feel the freeze, and the mosquito bites died out fast. Somehow, i feel I've got natural resistant against these minor venoms and cold.

Its fun to go for such a trip, despite all the itch and pain you'll experience if you're not careful. I esp. like the night life with the hikers, when we talk cock sing songs play majong.... no la, play heart attack. I feel so free and relaxed when we rested on the summit of the mountain. Just for info: those going for hiking trips...1) prepare your stuffs early, last minute work can be dangerous. 2) wear track pants and track shoes/diving shoes are best. 3) try not to cross rapids, they're too slippery and dangerous.

You'll Never Walk Alone...

Almost all of us watched this wonderful ECC final where Liverpool claimed the title 5th times at bangzhi house early this morning. Yup, I do agree that Milan looked the stronger of both sides, both on paper and field. However, the spirit of Liverpool players and their fans prevailed. I really think that the spirit of Liverpool is very amazing, just a few points to show that great spirit that the Kops have that no other EPL team can match.

Before this i just wanna state that i'm not a Liverpool fan, but as a neutral, i really very 感動 that they've won it.

First, the famous song "You'll Never Walk Alone". I know a lot of English team had their own songs. Fans kept singing in the stadium, supporting their own team throughout the season. However which other team had a more famous song than the Liverpool's??? Though till now i still cant catch the melody of this song, I believe everyone who watches football will no doubt know that this is the official song of Liverpool FC. Did MAn U, Arsenal, Chelsea, Newcastle or any other team with a song achieving such popularity and fame?? No, amazing right??? The Liverpudlians made it famous.

Secondly, this is read from the Newpaper. The support the team get from the fans is tremendous. In the 80,000 capacity stadium in Istanbul, only 10k were Milan fans and the rest of 70k were Liverpool fans. To think that Milan is so much nearer to Istanbul than Liverpool is, the ratio of the fans really shows how fucked up Milan is man. HAHAHA... I dunno how they amnaged to get hold of so many tix, but it just showed that Liverpool fans willing ot pay any price to get into the stadium to support their team.

Thirdly, i think Liverpool FC is really a very special club. For those who bought Newpaper today will saw at the last page the "Regards to S'pore fans from Rafa Benitez" and then his signature. I believed he did the same to their fans world-wide. They sincerely thanks the fans for their support man. I cant remember any other team doing that. Certainly Porto didn't do that last season, neither did Milan in 2003, Real Mardrid in their 3 victories recently nor Manchester United in their Treble-winning season in 1999. I never saw a team paying the press $$ for 1 whole page thanking their fans. And for your info, Liverpool always connect to their fans in this amnner which i think is veyr great<----can't think of a better word cos my english very lan...

If you guys remembered, several years back, when Liverpool ex-captain Jamie Redknapp left Liverpool for Tottenham Hotspur because he no longer featured in then manager Gerard Houllier's plan, he actually published a personal letter at Newpaper also. In it, he expressed his thanks and appreciated the supports shown from the Liverpool fans. He regretted leaving the club and Liverpool will always hold a very special place in his heart. So touching man!!! I think really, clubs like MAn U, Chelsea and Real Madrid really only exist to earn $$ and so on, but to me, Liverpool, clubs and players, play football to 答謝 their fans.

And then, just now i watched the ESPN sportscenter, showing the vicotry of Liverpool again. The commentator actually said that a lot of former Liverpool boys were there supporting for the current team of Liverpool players. That includes John Barnes, Peter Beardsley, Jamie Redknapp, Robbie Fowler and Steve McManaman n so on so on..... Amazing right!!! The players were so attached to the club they played for. I think no other club can match that.... I doubt former Milan player like Gullit,Rrjkaard, Van Basten, Desailly n bla bla were in Istanbul supporting Milan... Impressive Liverpool.....

Liverpool is a port in England that made famous by Beatles and their local football club. Let's celebrate Liverpool's victory man.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

4E Gathering with Ms Tay :)

the outing was just a bit weird without hokhim around.. i'm sure many of us will agree with that, even ms tay~ haha~ i had a great time though.. seldom have so much fun nowadays.. makes me miss the rv days a lot~ esp all the stupid things that happened to our class... haha~

anyway.. i opened a yahoo group to ease communication and announcements of class outings.. send me your email if you have not received the invite.. my email is xangelicj@gmail.com =P

enjoy the photos!!

ps. girls rem to set the archive pix size to 1024 so that we can download the biggest picture size.. wateva u call that.. =P

anyway there's something wrong with the blog layout... moderators pls do something about it... hehe

the girls with ms tay Posted by Hello

all of us with ms tay Posted by Hello

walking walking Posted by Hello

some random pix Posted by Hello

Monday, May 23, 2005


Haha, slowly and slowly, i sort of dunno how to give title to the blog entry anymore. But then i think not giving a title will make it look very plain, so since these few days, the tune of this song "老鼠愛大米" keeps repeating itself in my mind, so i'll name this entry as the song title which is of no relevance to the content of the entry.

First of all, just to express that i actually wanna attend the dinner this evening one. I always thought that i will be able to make it. I think meeting up with Ms Tay is quite interesting though i dunno wat can i say to her or wateva. But then ya, as the number of pple attending will be quite high, so it doesn't matter if i dunno wat to say to her. However, I only knew on saturday that one of the day in 2004, i actually promised one of my friend that i will go to the ACJC Choir Concert this year, which i dun even know when was it!!! So conveniently, i sort of forgot i've made that promise before. But someone reminded me on Saturday afternoon that a tix was reserved for me for the ACJC Choir Concert tonight, so suay suay i had to go.....

Anyway i wouldn't say that it was a bad performance, however, i never appreciate choir, never like it. Think that it was pretty boring. Can see that the crowd mainly consist of friends and relatives of the Choir members, not much pple form the public. However wat's the killing point of this concert is that as it was an AC concert and the culture of AC is the grab as much $$ as possible. so the tix is priced at $21. haiz..... Cant believe i contributed to the Anglo-Chinese fund. I've always hated AC pple. any associate with AC i hate it, including Ac Milan and Alt. Current and of course Anglos-Chinese.... Sorry i'm lame!

Think you all had a good time... anyway check out this website below : Time to Swing, Jazz time!!!!


This Jeremy Monteiro guy though is a local, but he's world famous. He's a fantastic Jazz Pianist, so yeah man, all Jazz lovers, leave in the comment part or just contact me 91917470 if you wanna go for this concert. I very poor now, so shld be planning on the $68 tix. if got concession then maybe can buy something more ex la..... I think it'll be a very great performace. It's in Esplanade on 1-2 July 2005, ya so Jazz-Lovers, dun miss it man!!!! $68 isn't too much actually. just go for relieve teaching one day can earn back liao!!! or teach around 2 hour tuition!!! So dun be 吝嗇, money is to spend one, not to keep one!!!!

Song for Today : 老鼠愛大米 by 郭美美

Current mood : I also dunno my mood also

A Beautiful Mind ---- John Nash

Ya, i think this movie wont the Best Picture and a few other awards in The Academy Awards aka Oscar in 2002, Russell Crowe also nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role for that year but didn't win i guess.

When i first watched the movie in JC time, i was damn impressed by it, thinking it was by far the best movie i've watched. Till today, i still think it is a very very good movie, much better than the Matrix, LOTR, Star Wars n so on. I just hate Sci-Fic and Fantasy. Therefore when i knew that channel 5 was showing it today again, i've decided to watch again man, since Sunday night nothing better to do also.

I think throughout the whole movie there're a lot of scenes that really make you feel. Extreme feeling really. For example the part when he was in the Siao Lang Keng aka 瘋人宮 aka Mental Hospital receiving the electric shock treatment. Wah, damn painful and can really feel for his wife. At the same place he tried to dig out the implant in his right arm, causing a bloody mess. Damn gross. The part when he returned home but refused to take medicine so his condition worsened then his wife discovered he started doing decoding in an empty house again. Damn eerie man. And lastly seeing him receiving pens from various pple in the Princeton cafe, that scene was super 感人.

However, just to provide some insight view on John Nash. Actually the movie glorified and romantised his life story. Of course, he's damn smart and made real contributions to the mathematics, physics and economics field. He worked with legends such as Einstein and Von Neumann and so on so on..... However, just to list a few things on why he's a fucker.

I gathered these stories from his biography. Read that after watching the movie a few years back. Ok, back to Nash, 1st of all, he's actually a bloody gay in case you all dunno. hmm... Actually not really gay la, cos gay only like guys. But according to interviews with him, Nash actually said that he enjoyed sexual activities with both genders, so he is a bi-sexual. He had no less than 3 boyfriends. Even after he was married to Elisha, he kept having affairs with other men....

When he was even younger, he once had an affair with a nurse. That nurse gave birth to Nash Jr. However, at that time Nash thought that aving a family wld deter his career development, so he refused to marry her. Ok, tt's fine, but he was by then quite rich as a professor, but he didn't even pay for a single cent in the kid's upbringing. Quite a bastard right????

However, John Nash life is definitely very interesting. For those who wanna know more can actually go and read his biography, really quite an interesting book. Oh ya, talk about book as Kino got that 20% offer thing during this weekend, so i just went there to take a look. Bought 2 books, but the queue is freaking long man!! For those who are quite familiar with the Kino lay-out, the queue at the main cashier ended at the back entrance there, for the 2nd cahsier counter (the chinese section), the queue ended at the chinese megazine area. biang!!!! And i look at the pple in the queue, majority of them were actually buying megazines, a few of them buying "Da Vinci's Code". Wah, I think people who read Da Vinci's Code are idiot. Hey that includes you amn Yaohui!!!!!


Friday, May 20, 2005

Kim -> Whiner?!?! I dun think so!!

Yo..guys…kim is here again…haha…ok so what shall I talk about today? Hmm…I know…I shall discuss about the hottest topic in town now and that is: Are we, Singaporean guys a bunch of complaining wussy and whiners? Recently, there are quite a few reports about us Singaporean guys and if any male readers think that the reports are portraying us in a positive light, well I’m sorry, it’s not….If you still dun get what I trying to say here, go and grab yourself a copy of today’s edition of Newpaper… the article is about some survey and it shows that close to 70% of undergrad females think that their male counterparts are a bunch of whiners aka complain kings… huh? Wtf? Hahaha….can see that some of you who are reading this must be scratching your head and asking: ARE WE LIKE THAT????

So to decide whether we the Singaporean guys are like that, let’s consider this first: Why is it that the complaints are always from girls that are undergrad and below? Why don’t I see or hear working female complaining about their male collegues…why? Issit because we guys change after graduating from university and we only act like a bunch of childish whiners when we are still schooling… well to me the answer is a very straightforward and obvious NO!! let me explain: Guys will change, mutate, transform or whatever you called it before and during their army days…once they finish their active days, they stopped changing, i.e they remain the same throughout uni and their working life…unchanged till they meet their creators…it is like the growth spurt that everyone experienced…ok..maybe not all cos some actually shrink and become shorter but what I trying to say here is after a certain age, you will still growing or shrinking and stagnate at the same height till you die…there are minimal or no changes at all under normal circumstances….yah…so if we had remained the same, why issit that only girls that are uni and below complaining whereas those that are working outside are not? Well, here’s why: Girls before they start to work, they are still schooling, no matter what they say about uni being different from junior college or whatever, it’s all bullshit because primarily all of them are still educational institutes, so uni equates junior college which equates sec sch which equates pri school….so during this time they stayed in the same environment, the schooling environment and this may be the reason why there is a different set of thinking between a schooling girl and working lady… they only changed or grow up after they finish schooling and out in the socirty working…and so any actions viewed during this two different time periods will generate such differing perceptions: one is that of a childish whining Singaporean guy and the other a mature thinking Singaporean guy… dun believe it….because if we are so bad as what we are make out to be, I believe that the birth rate of Singapore will be even lower as it is…haha….yah…so to all the Singaporean males out there who are feeling upset, discouraged or in a whining mood….fret not, be confident and be yourself….and for those guys who are thinking about yah maybe the girls are right, we are indeed a bunch of whiners, let’s abolish NS because it make me into a wuss… I say go and castrate yourself…haha…ok a bit evil here…haha…but think about it: if NS is abolished, what will happen? Don’t know…well here is what will happen: NS abolished >> Guys become more attractive to schooling girls >> marraiage up >> birthrate up >> garmen happy. Next suitation: NS abolished >> No defense>> War >> Country gone>> garmen gone… so which do you prefer? I know this is not an easy question to answer because since ancient china it has always be qiang shan or mei ren…but I ask you who are reading this chose one now…which one will you choose??

Current Song: Somewhere only we know by keane

Current Mood: DUH!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Over the Rainbow

*Surprise* I'm beginning to like working in my unit!

I finally went on a job, i.e visit a client, yesterday. The client is a consulting firm with several associated companies. Nowadays there is an increasing number of companies which set up inter-companies that have no staff so they simply function as billing centres. My client happened to be one such company. We have our own room in this office, as compared to some companies which only give auditors a miserly small cubicle to work in. We also can get free flow of canned drinks from the fridge.

Yesterday I went there with a senior ("B") and today with B and a GA (also my buddy "C"). Considering we are paid by the client, of course it is right that we have to go there and make our presence seen. Seriously, B and C have already prepared whatever work papers they could do, given the limited documents provided by the client. Thus, we were just there to act busy and maybe pressure the management to make payment/give us what we need.

Guess I'm quite lucky to work with both B and C who are friendly people. They teach me stuff like how auditors generally work, the various types of work papers to prepare, the proper filing of documents etc. They answered FAQs on kpmg, audit or other big 4 firms. They also shared their experiences, bitched abt other colleagues in the unit, complained abt auditing work/clients etc... Some incidents were quite funny. We juz spent our time chatting away and we had almost 2.5 hrs lunch break today. After lunch at bugis junction, we juz chilled out at coffee bean nearby b4 returning to client's place. How relaxing. What a great way to charge my working hours as well. Through them, I can really keep myself updated abt the other colleagues and of coz the gossip in office...haha! Such conversations certainly will make my internship more interesting.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Kim, The Boredom Slayer

HI Guys, its me kim again...haha....long time never been on the blog liao and the first thing that i saw is that there are more female bloggers on the class blog liao...haha...i dun know why the sudden increase, maybe its because most of them are too bored at work or at home liao...haha...i dun know but it's gd to see more pple participating...so keep it up...yeah...actually, the reason y i'm blogging now is because i m also too bored liao...caught between clearing leave and having nothing to do at home, but yet i cant find work outside because my pink i.c is still imprisioned in some dark cabinets with my chief clerk watching over it...haha....well...and so after reading so many of the pple here having nothing to do and stoning at the office, i 've decided to intro u all to this short film by a fellow singaporean...its about soccer so i supposed the guys will be interested with it, but ladies out there, its worth watching cos there are shuai ge's inside...haha...ok...to cut things short, its a 15 mins short film available at this website: http://www.wirelessed.net/takgiu/ so if interested, download it and have a look...yah... talking about movies, there have been quite a number of new movies being shown at your "friendly" neighbourhood cineplex, hmm....actually "friendly" anot i leave to the individual to decide, cos movie tickets are so bloody expensive nowadays...haiz.... one movie ticket is the equvialent of one third of the amount that an NSF will earn in a day loh....hmmm....i might as well do sth else than watch a movie liao...

ok...cant think of anything to write liao...yah...anyway if any of you got job lobangs, jio me k, haha...k..signing off now...byezzzz :)

Current Song: Gu Xin Le

Current Mood: Sad

Sunday, May 15, 2005











-Just a day of quiet, peaceful, boring lifestyle and I feel like a garbage. Stoning is seriously not for me. I din really stone, watched ~8 hrs of TV, but still cannot take it!

Additional Photos from BZ's party

Group Photo

Bangzhi and I

The gals with the birthday boy

Saturday, May 14, 2005

oh no......poor thing..

oh no...after reading the blog entries abt internships....i feel so sorry for u all...seriously -_-"'
though i am currently still jobless....zining, i can understand yr plight....cos..yah KPMG..worked there for 6 mths b4 uni...i KNOW..i can b so disgustingly boring...and jobs seriously shitty (if any)what my frens did last time was to kill time by playing all sorts of games and reading comics whole day...u feel dumbed....but no choice mah...so relax b4 any work comes knocking...and of cos email is our msn...we discuss where to go shopping during lunch...wad to eat..blah blahtry to make yrself happy cos life is so sad in the office...sianz den go pantry make milo..or go toilet sleep..=p

my scenario was the worst among all 12 of us that time..cos i was sitting in the cubicle FACING my manager and a few seniors....ermz....and beside the admin......ermz....and far far far far far away fr all other 11 of them...so i had to do admin jobs like type envelope...do dispatch if gt urgent letters to international plaza or capital tower or to the clients' house (!!!) or to swiss re.....blah blah...and open lots of files...search for lots of files......in all just everything cos i was sitted in the midst of all THOSE pple....(of cos waiting rewarded me with 'real' work...like all the income tax calculations...fun..hahaha)

and the worse is...u r bored...nothing to do...wan play games...BUT....have to be discreet..cos thought u have NOTHING to do...u can't appear slack to the pple...so wad did i do? i surf the web!...look up the clients' companies' webpages..check out the updated exchange rates...the air tickets' prices (cos i have to calculate the travel allowances they get fr company for stupid income tax)..and even the KPMG homepage!!! it's really really totally WTH!!! i absolutely agree..hahaha

buti think patience lah after 1st week normally much much better gt things to do and actually learn alot of interesting stuff....if u convince yrself they r interesting lah..hahaha and after 3 mths...u finished learning everything...and tried all sorts of tasks...u feel sianz all over again...
but since it's only 10 wks..the sianess shldn't set in b4 u leave ba..hopefully..;)

and btw..the noodle stall at the basement of hong leong...wanton noodles quite nice...if u wan cheap food....

but overall...raffles place is such an interesting place to explore..the lunch time is like SO happening..the shophouses area got many many nice eateries..and can try walking to golden shoe market or the amoy street market..great food..=D

yah working brings frustrations and stress...but there r ways to enjoy yrself! raffles place is an interesting place to EXPERIENCE =)

so zining u went audit dept issit? which floor issit? last time i was at 9/10th...hehe

Friday, May 13, 2005

Work n More Work...

Hmm... After hearing so much about some attachment exp... I would like to share my current temp job content lor...

I do know that bank is damn busy lor... But then the daily work load is more than their daily capacity lor... So got alot of piled-up job...

I spent the last 5 wks clearing up the files stocked up from March last year til now for this dept, after which I m setting up files for another team...

This is the situation: I spent the whole of yesterdae n todae (16hrs in total) punching holes into stacks n stacks of paper, eventualli setting up around 110 files lor... And the filings nvr lessen.... Sianzz....

Can U visualise, spend 16hrs to start file.... No mentioning how sian is the job, If i nvr help them, I tink they will take wks to meet my quota lor....

Haha.... So I re-emphasize bank's oni plus point is tat got alot of female, con is limitless lor... Haiz...

sucky friday the 13th :/

For the past few days, the ratio of me spending time stoning in front of the notebook to the time I was actually working has been at least 3:1 (i.e 6:2 hrs/day)... Considering I did so little work, I'm more like an overpaid cheap labour rather than an exploited cheap labour...haha

As usual, today after lunch, my friend (another NTU intern) and I got nothing to do. We always try to take initiative to ask ard if we can help them in anything but the response is always "Sorry, I dun have anything for u to do"... Poor 2 of us gotta stuck in office while the smu guy is already on a project and we haven't seen him in office for 3.5 days.

This friend of mine is already very buay song with the job scheduling and the whole system in this unit despite being here for only a couple of days... This morning, she already wrote a complaint letter to her NTU supervisor. This afternoon, the two of us juz sat there stoning...we were so bored that we started playing bingo and connection!

After some games, we started rotting again...time really passed very slowly... Then, she started to break down in tears silently. I was surprised she was the emotional type... She was angry with the sucky treatment she got as an intern here. Sensing that something was wrong and both of us looked really bored, the senior (A) sitting in front of me approached us, passed us an audit file of a client which my friend will be involved in next mon and told us to look thru it. After some time, A asked my friend to send some documents down to the printing room...Seemingly, my friend gave A a very 不爽 look. Coz 1stly, A shld have passed her the file to read earlier and not till 5pm and now, she had to run the errands...When my friend was away, A came up to me n said rather sternly, "What's wrong with your friend? Pls tell your friend that being an intern, u all shld do whatever is instructed. U all should take the initiative to ask seniors if they need any help from u all...just like what the graduate assistants did..." (note: a senior is ranked higher than a graduate assistant). Wth! We do ask ard yet the response is always negative... Can't we even express our dissatisfaction? When my friend came back, I told her abt this. She was so pissed off that she nearly exploded and wanna argue with A on the spot... On a 2nd thought, she has to work with A next wk so better not do anything rash and make the working relationship worse...

Now, there are 9 more long weeks to go...sigh

it's me again...

okay.. so i am back to waiting for the pc to be done.

Their pc all damn power one u noe.. their RAM is 2 GB...and their harddisk space is at least 900GB.... but still super slow.. dunno y.. think they have to much stuff in their space.. cos ah.. one episode of unprocessed anime is like 5GB. After they compress and make into MPEG hor.. then is abt 500MB... so kua zhang...a lot of things i dunno until i came here. always tot make anime so easy ahahah...

now wat... i still waiting for the pc to finish ripping the dvd... i am going to do Monster later... think it's quite a nice show... yesterday i pack the boss's cabinet ah.. got so many vcd i nv see before.. it's like a 宝库.. got some still in the wrapping.. haven even open.. and got a few have naked girls on the cover... -_- maybe it's for M18...

heng today got someone on leave hor.. then i can use computer lor.. if not i just wheel ard and kaypo other ple do there stuff...like that not bad la.. but how to do report.. aiyo...

and i just realised yday that here got 2 poly grad leh.. they only 20 then their pay even lesser than mine.. which is already quite pathetic.. poor ple.. exploited. but the two of them going army soon.. too bad for the ple ard here.. cos the two of them are the handy man... anything cannot oso call them. anything includes tv cannot on, speaker no sound.. u get the idea.

ok la.. the smartripper almost done.. i shall stop bitching abt ple who are constantly walking ard me...


yo everyone... i am now at work... can't believe it right.. y my attachment so eng one... actually for 4 days hor.. i spend most of my time sitting on a chair and wheeling ard. ahahha... cos got no terminals for us to use and nothing for us to do. then we have to do all the odd jobs like sending letters.... and helping the boss pack his cabinet. yday... i was like a coolie man.. i have to shift the whole cabinet of tapes out of the office into the new cabinet.
I think no one noe wat i am tokking abt. hahaah. background info: i am attached to Odex... the make anime into vcd and sell in vcd shops company. Yes.. so i watch anime everyday... but i watch bits and pieces of different anime. so far haven watch a complete one yet.. but it;s quite a good life la actually. so.. basically my job here is to help them make those anime into vcd and dvd.. which is adding in the english subtitles into the anime using this software. The whole process is bloody long lor.. u noe huh...to complete one episode and make it ready to market takes like one day. cos need to QC twice at least.
woo...the program finally finish wat is supposed to do .. so i share go and tell the girl sitting beside me that i am done..
bye ple...
wan cheap anime can tell me haha... i heard that i can buy at cheap cheap price man...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Amazing Race 7

For those who followed the 7th season of the Amazing Race, earlier today was the finale. One of the 3 teams remaining will walk away with the US$ 1Million prize money.

The 3 teams are the Survivor : All Star winner and runner-up---- Rob and Amber; Married Couple of Nigerian heritage---- Uchenna and Joyce; and Former POW and Miss S. Carolina---- Ron and Kelly.

So first talk about Ron and Kelly. They are the team that I supported since the beginning till 2 or 3 episodes ago. Reason for supporting them is quite simple. Firstly, cos i think Ron is very shuai!!! He's an Apache pilot in the Iraq War in 2003. Then his helicopter kenna shot down and he was held as prisoner and interogated. He was later rescued byt he US Marines. In that same year, Kelly won the Miss S. Carolina. So I supported this 俊男美女 team.

Not only that, cos Ron is a pilot and served in the military before, so his navigation skill was supered sia. During the whole race, he managed to navigate to the place that he wanna be with much precision. He handling of vehicle in pathetic road condition is 1st class as well. However, as normal army guy, he tends to be too tensed up and egoistic then resulted in the constant bickering within the team. So i got sicka nd tired of them and due to other factors that will be explained later, i stopped supporting them!!!

Next up, Rob & Amber. Survivior : All Star winner and runner-up. For those who didn't watch Survivor would defintiely thought that Rob was the winner and Amber was the runner-up as Amber looks so small sized, so cute, so tame and so quite while Rob was arrogant seems to amke every decision in the race and so on. But you're wrong, Amber was the official winner of the Survivor : All-Star and took home the 1 million from that show. However, ya, youare correct, Rob is the real winner, though he didn't win the Survivor, he managed to win a girl's heart. YEAH AMBER IS ACTUALLY DAMN CHIO!!!!! And managed to con her about sharing her winning in Survivor with him. That fat ass is smart man!!!!

But i dun really like them. They are too full of themselves, thinking that they're damn smart!!! Ya, they are competitive, however, comparing to other competitive teams in previous seasons, they are neither good at Detours, Road-Blocks, getting flights nor navigations. They are simply good at playing small tricks, like telling ticketing counter not to sell seats to other teams, telling bus drivers to open only the front door and jammed the other teams at the back, basically full of cheats and think they're damn great!!! So i would wanna see this millionaire couple getting another 1 million form reality show.

Lastly Uchenna and Joyce. Hmm.... This is a couple with Nigerian Heritage. I'll call them the Agus (their surname). You all shld know that i hated black people. But then for this season of the Race, i actually supported them. I think they deserved to win this very much!! Not only did they take it seriously, with a positive mindset, but most important of all they have a very good heart. Simply good people!!!!

Yes, earlier int he race, we always see them lost and lost and getting lost!!! They're simply pathetic in findign direction. But as there were a few teams of Dumb Blondes around, so they managed to scrap through. The episode that made them famous was the one in India when they opted to go witht he Fast-Forward, the task was to shave their head. For Uchenna tt's ok since he's already bald. But for Joyce, few would expect her to accept the task!!! I think if Amber or Kelly or other girls in that situation wld definitely reject that Fast-Forward. So it actually shown that the team are very competitive.

Then talk about positive mindset!!! They didn't quarrel throughtout the race. Able to make decision together as a mature couple and so on. In today's finale episode, they finished last in the last-2nd leg, and was stripped of all their belongings and Money in Jamaica. Joyce was devastated as they had to beg for money, however Uchenna managed to cheer her on, encourage her and at the saem time begging for $$. They're the most polite pair i've ever watched on the Race to beg money!!! Didn't even mention to pple that they're on the race. Cos if they mentioned to pple they're on a race, they wld easily get some cash i asusmed. Butthey managed to pull through it!

Ok, lastly about the Agus was that they are really very nice people!!! I think they're true human with a heart. By saying this i am saying that a lot of pple actually veyr heartless but wont talk about that la. For the Agus, 1stly, when the senior-citizen couple Meredith and Gretchen came in last dunno how many legs ago, being stripped off all the belongings and $$, the Agus donated the most to the old couple. $50 USD if you can remembered while Rob and Amber refused to give them any cash. Other team chipped in a little bit each, but Agus contibuted the most!!!! Not only that, they gave them their own clothes for them to change!!! Tt's really a very nice gesture for competing teams!!!!

Not only that when in one of the leg in the race, during a Detour when teams gotta do veur physical job is stacking up boats, once again the old couple found it damn hard to manage!! Old pple no strength mah. The Agus managed to get that done quite quickly, at the time they're only just the last 2nd team and the old couple the last team. But after finsihing the task, the AGus actually turned back to help the old couples instead of racing to the pitstop. They are supposed to be rival ina race man!!! but this show what a man Uchenna is!!!! Great man!!!!

In another episode, another team, the brothers met with an automobile accident in Botswana with the cameraman quite heavily injured!! the whole car was flipped. tt's serious!!! Rob and Amber just passed by without going down to offer help, only thinking abt themselves while the gay team and once again the Agus got down to help the brothers team and the cameraman.

Lastly, in today's episode as mentioned earlier they've not enough cash with them, they still managed to get to the finishing line 1st. What they needa do was to go pass that finsihing line and take home the 1million. But they have not enough to pay the taxi fare. If i meet with this type of situation, i would fuck-care the taxi driver and go and win my million. But the Agus are not 狼心狗肺 like me or Rob & Amber. They dun wanna to cheat the cabby of his hard-earned cash!!! They go around to beg for $$, wanting to settle the bill 1st before going pass the finish line!!! They risked of being caught up by other team and lose the race and the prize money!!! But Uchenna think that settling the cab fare is a more impt issue, he said he cannot walk away just like that!! Salute to him man!!!! Million of USD will make me lose my mind and do all the bad stuff, HAHA. But he is too much a great man to do such lowly thing. My heart was pumping, afraid that they wld be caught up. Luckily, they manged to settle the cab fare and won the race and the prize.

I think they're the deserving winner. Unlike previous episodes which i think the winner just got lucky. But i think The Agus are really the neutral's choice to win it!!! Yeah, so happy they made!! It's truely an amazing experience and an amazing race!!!! Hopefully the next season, AMazing Race 8 will come soon. Oohhh.... Sleeping liao lor!!!

Do You Know? Fact# 317

A Philosophy of Boredom Lars Fredrik Svendsen; translation by John Irons Reaktion Books, 192pp, £14.95ISBN 1861892179
Reviewed by Tom Hodgkinson
Discount price: £11.96

Lars Svendsen's inquiry is a good, solid practical work of philosophy, in the tradition of Aristotle's Ethics and Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. He has a light touch and a playful attitude, and draws on a wide range of texts, from Martin Heidegger and Samuel Beckett to Iggy Pop and the Pet Shop Boys.

The opening section is particularly strong. I was fascinated to learn that boredom was invented in 1760; the word is not found in English prior to this, though related concepts such as melancholy and acedia did exist. Acedia is from the Greek akedia, meaning "not to care". Usually translated as sloth, it meant not so much laziness as a betrayal of your duty to observe God. The monk who gave up, who didn't care, was committing possibly the most grievous sin of all, because not caring about God implied not caring about being lustful, avaricious or proud.

Svendsen does not really go into the historical circumstances surrounding the emergence of boredom. The date 1760 is surely tremendously significant, because it connects the beginning of boredom with the beginning of the industrial revolution. It was in 1764 that James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny and James Watt invented the steam engine. These two dastardly machines - Blake's "cogs tyrannic" - tore the peasant from his creative self-sufficiency and substituted machine-work for handiwork.

Work in the 19th century duly became unbelievably boring and tedious, and has remained so ever since. Modern consumerism provides an arsenal of weapons to alleviate boredom. Adverts for Virgin Megastores, for example, explicitly claim the shop's products will make you less bored. We seek solace from the tedium of toil in manufactured entertainment, and fill our leisure time with ever more lunatic activities (extreme sports spring to mind).

I was also fascinated to learn that the concept of "interesting" emerged at roughly the same time. Before 1760, we neither categorised things as being "boring" nor "interesting"; they just were. Perhaps the concept of individualism was not sufficiently developed for man to pre-sume to judge one way or the other. For me, however, this splitting mirrors the modern division between "work" and "leisure". Before the industrial revolution, as E P Thompson argues in The Making of the English Working Class, work and leisure were much more intertwined.

The punk movement was a nice, juicy protest against boredom; Svendsen cites the extreme rocker G G Allin and the Buzzcocks, creators of the song "Boredom", with its famous one-note guitar solo. But again, he could have gone further. In Lipstick Traces, Greil Marcus places punk in the same tradition as Dada and situationism, which were both attempts to assert the value of living over the bourgeois ideal of mere survival. The situationist Raoul Vaneigem, for example, wrote in The Revolution of Everyday Life (1967) that "people are dying of boredom". Ten years later, the Sex Pistols created some of the least boring music of the modern age out of the experience of being bored.

In the end, delightful and important though the book is, I found Svendsen's conclusions a bit wimpy. Boredom, he seems to say, is just something we've got to live with. Some are more prone to it than others. Svendsen sees it as principally a psychological condition, whereas I would put more of the blame on boring governments, boring shops, boring products and the loss of creativity in our daily lives. He seems to admire the Warholian response to boredom, which is to say: "Who cares?"

At one point, Svendsen quotes Karl Rosenkranz, who wrote in 1853: "The boring is ugly, or rather: Ugliness to the point of the dead, empty tautological awakens a feeling of boredom in us." But he does not then, like William Morris, relate the rise of ugliness to the rise of capitalism. It is surely the inexorable progress of capitalism towards an ideal of quantity rather than quality that leads to its stifling homogeneity, ugliness and boredom. To become less bored, shouldn't we attempt to reclaim our lives from work, and live them freely and creatively?

Tom Hodgkinson is editor of the Idler and the author of How To Be Idle (Hamish Hamilton)

This review first appeared in the New Statesman. For the latest in current and cultural affairs subscribe to the New Statesman print edition.

everyone!! ;D Posted by Hello

ermz.....hahaha Posted by Hello

shengrong's bro is so cute!! haha Posted by Hello

bangzhi's ?? shot! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

ZLR> Getting Married Continued

In my previous post, I mentioned the marriage of my cousin and all the dilemma faced along the way since it's a shotgun marriage. I promised to write a continuation in that post, after the ********** line, after attending the wedding dinner. However, after the dinner, I discovered so much ridiculous news and unbelieveable stuffs, including some corrections of the previous post, that I think its better to start a new post rather than dragging on the previous one.

1st of all, I would like to say the wedding was quite well done, though simple and poorly planned.
Now for the nonsense and ridiculous events that I found out thru talking with relatives. At first I thought my grand parents refused to attend the wedding due to some superstition believes. Corrections: They are hard core fans of superstitionm, but they barred the wedding dinner because of the family members of my cousin's future wife, especially the mother of the bride.

This elderly looking mother of the bride is really a nuisance to the groom's family and probably a nutcase in society. Her face inevitably exposes her tyrant nature. She's got the kind of angry old women look hung on her face in the photos and for the 3+ hrs I saw her. It was as if the whole world has owned her lots of millions. With her short hair and rather stout figure, many pple thought she was the bride's father instead of mother at 1st glance.

She had pissed of the groom's family for the 1st time the new couple's parents met. On that meeting, the bride's mother asked my cousin to "ru4 zui4"(change surname to that of the bride). The reasons she gave was that she wanted her family bloodline to continue. (Their surname is "mao", same as the PRC communist leader Mao Ze Dong) The groom's parents definately rejected this crazy proposal. Com'on, who in this day will ask her son in law to "ru4 zui4"? Furthermore, the family of the bride is not really small and does not lack males decendents to carry on their blood line. Their request was utterly unbelieveable and down right unreasonable. My cousin and his parents basically trashed it out with the bride's mother, until she finally gave in.

When preparing for the wedding, my grand parents agreed to foot the bills for the bride's gowns. Again the bride's mother came to disagreements with the groom's family. One of my aunts went to book the wedding gowns with the bride's mother. To her horror, the bride's mother made unreasonable demands that were obviously trying to take advantage my grand parents.

Firstly, the bride's mother wanted the package to include an evening gown for herself and her other daughter, whom she wanted to be the bride's maid. Then she wanted a personal make-up artist and hair dresser etc, for the bride, herself and the bride's maid. Furthermore, she wanted to have a number of evening gowns for herself to change during the wedding. All these to be paid by my grand parents, as they promised to settle the bills on dressing. Hey, this is F***ing ridiculous. Fancy a 50+ yrs old women asking for different sets of evening gowns, personal make-up artists for herself, as if she is the bride. Worst of all, all this at the expenses of an elderly 80+yrs old couple who simply forked out their savings to support their grandson's wedding. I think my aunt who went with the bride's mother simply told her to F*** off on the spot, which ended up in extremey heated quarrels.

This unreasonable mother of the bride went on to ask for sponsoring her husband's new western suite for the wedding. I really dunno what was in her mind. This is no wedding at some 5 star hotels and even if it is one there is no demand for anyone to wear a western suite other than the groom, and again why should that be on the accounts of an 80+ yrs old couple. For that my grand parents were utterly pissed off with the bride's mother. They accepted none of her blood sucking requests, and just forked out $2000 for the bride's gown. They also refused to attend the wedding in protest being taken advantage of... by their in laws!

More dramatic scenes to come on the wedding day. To cut cost, we've got relatives and friends to be the camera man, drivers and all other helpers. My dad borrowed them the car. Hours B4 dawn, all these helpers got to wake up early and do their work, so the groom can fetch the bride from her home. At the bride's home, the helpers were to recieve red packets. To their surprise, they only got $4 each. Nobody is asking the bride's family to be generous, but the bride's family shouldn't be so stingy to give only $4 red packets to all these helpful people who make the wedding possible.

The attitude of the bride's family was rather negetive and were un-cooperative throughout. For the traditional tea serving ceremony, the bride's family was late by >1 hour. There was also significantly less well wishers from the bride's side than the groom's side. The reason I heard was that the bride's mother was in poor relations with relatives and had recently angered many of her friends and neighbours. My aunt had catered buffet lunch for poeple who came for the tea serving ceremony. Amazingly, the bride's mother called her daughter to pack some of the buffet lunch home, so that the family dun need to cook lunch... Bish! So kiam.

After the tea serving ceremony, buffet lunch and b4 the dinner, the bride's family called the bride to go home as many as 4 times. For this short period of time the driver rushed the couple between Hougang(the groom's home) and Woodlands(the bride's home) 4 times, tiring everyone in the process. He himself was shagged, cursing the shit he's going thru. For the 1st time, I see a wedding couple rushing to the bride's home so many times, for no significant purpose. Shouldn't the bride be staying at the groom's home for the wedding day as she's supposed to be married out to that family?

In the evening comes the last part of the celebration, the dinner. The whole wedding has been short of everything but nonsense and madness. Even at the dinner, I can feel a kind of tension among some members of the bride's family. The bride's parents were not present to welcome guests to the dinner, and when they were around they seldom speak to anyone. They seldom even smile except toward the end of the dinner when they had to stand outside the restaurant to shake hands with all those who came. The bride's mother had asked for 6 tables so as to be comparable to 7 tables from the groom's side, even though they could only provide 4 tables of names. My aunt booked 6 tables to accomodate to their requests, but at the dinner the bride's side can't even fill 4 full tables. Sigh... what a waste of resources.

Sometimes, I really can't take it on seeing so much unjustifiable ridicule for a wedding. Nothing seemed right. The troubles and nonsenses the groom's family been thru are enough to produce a drama serial. Although my cousin impregnented the gal, there is no need for some people in the gal's family to create an atmosphere of high tension and make life difficult for others. I dunno how my cousin and his family are going to live with such annoying in-laws, but I certainly wishes them the best of luck.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Life is juz so 奇妙... Why would I meet & befriend u all when there are actually millions/billions of human beings living in this earth, or specifically in Singapore?

Upon 1st meeting, my attention falls on some strangers (not necessarily because they're better looking)... Many a time, I feel as if I've seen them somewhere before. There's this sense of familiarity somehow. Subsequently, dunno why, I'll tend to see a few of them more often, perhaps on the same buses. I wonder if this is pure coincidence but in time to come, I'll become acquainted with them coz most of them'll ultimately become my class/grp mates. This happened to me quite a number of times already. Do u guys experience similar feelings?

Recent Example:
Starting from yesterday, another gal whom I've met repeatedly on the buses to sch and been in the same seminar grp for 1 module last sem (but we exchanged no contacts b4) is now in the same work unit as me in the company... It's just so 巧. This is only a slim 1/49 chance yet now, we gotta 同甘共苦 and will surely know each other better for the next 10 wks...haha.

This is how most of my friendships grow. Life is indeed 玄 huh? *lol*

ZLR> Getting Married part 1

Hello everybody. "Getting married" is becoming the hip topic of the season. Yet neither Swee Kim nor me, or anyone else participating in this blog is getting married for the time being. [well, who knows... maybe one of you there is registered at the ROM already]

Like Swee Kim, I'll also be attending a wedding dinner this week. Mine will be held later today, 10/10/2005, Tuesday. I've not attended any wedding for ~9 yrs. Worse of all, I've attended ~6 wakes in these years. How sway is that. [The following are rather personal stuffs. I'm sure my family will not want me to disclose any of such info but since they dun use this blog, I dun mind saying a bit.]

The couple getting married is my cousin, and his girlfriend for ~1yr.

This wedding came at an instant and with a shock. It was planned in less than 2 months so I suppose its classified as a shotgun marriage. When there's a shotgun marraige, people around, like my mum and aunties will give negetive comments. I kinda agree with them, as the truth more or less lay forth b4 me. In my hearts, I ask:"When can I see the baby... 6 months time??? How did this happened... was it being too carried away by impulse or simply a failed contraceptive??? Starting a family at 23, with a $2000+/mth salary, can he bear the financial burdun???"

Speaking of financial burdun, marraige is an extremely costly event, even if you want it simple. B4 my cousin registered with the ROM, a number of monetary problems already sparked off. Firstly my uncle refused to support his my cousin's marraige with a single cent, for he simply feels too ashamed of his son. Then the couple can't even afford to rent a simple wedding gown, and my elderly grandparents have to fork $2000 for them. At 1st my aunt booked a community hall for the wedding function, with a buffet lunch. For some reasons like outsider's comments and gossip blah blah, she changed to booking 20 tables in a restaurant. Nothing really grand was planned, but my cousin still have to borrow $10000 from his elder brother to book the dinner. What a terrible start for a young couple, luckily most family members are still willing to help.

Money was a relatively simple issue to handle, as compared to recognition and respect of decision. As this is a shotgun marraige, the couple are often looked upon at a different light. Wedding should be a joyous occasion, but somehow or rather internal politics often get involved. I know my grandparents are not attending the dinner, for a stupid reason that they dun want to get involved with the family of the in-laws. One of my aunt also did the same thing. This is really giving pple a very negetive impression, whereby the eldest in the family dun even seem to recognise the in-law. For the sake of well wishes for the couple, whats so wrong with interacting with the family of the in-laws...

Some of the older generation of people are really superstitious pple. Chinese cultures and traditions can follow but some parts are irrelevant in today's society. I'm especially unhappy with the fact that initially I can't attend the wedding, simply because of superstition believes. According to my grandparents, and the medium/calander... that day was inauspicious for pple born in year of rats, a clash in chinese horoscope characters I think. Hence, pple like me, born in yr of rats are not allowed to attend the wedding... Haiz [Luckily after some time they say I can go for the dinner, probably considering the fact that >10% of the family members was born in year of rats.]

Well, at least I'll be able to congratulate my cousin at the dinners this evening. For now I'll end this entry. A continuation will be written below this line, when I return from the dinner.


LHH on Religion

ok, long time haven't written anything for my Philosophy Collection, so here i am, writing my view on religious stuff!!!

But before that, just talk smth about satisfaction in life!!!!

All along i've thought that making a lot of money and leading a damn good life is the greatest satisfaction and achievement in life, but as you all know recently I'm damn crazy over BAnd of Brothers. Finished watching the series and then bought the book and more than half-way through it now, I've found out new meaning in life!!!

I know i am spas and lame, but then i think the greatest satisfaction in life is to bring your men into combat and then lead them out safely and return them to their parents. To accomplish this task, you have to give them the adequate training during peace-time, to have the friendship intilled in your men to have the bonding between them so that they're willing to die for each other and so on so on.... ya finish being lame!!!

ok go on with today's topic!! Reiligion!!! Yup, as you all shld know i'm a Christian, not a Catholic!!! I pray to the father, and Jesus but not all the "Saints", Pope or Mother MAry bla bla..... Ok, not to criticised about toher pple's religion, but just wanna provide some interesting facts about Christianity...

1. Creation vs Evolution

Charles Darwin came out with this bullshit evolution theory. Christian believes that the Lord created the world in 6 days and rested in the 7th. Darwin and all the evolutionists believes the world slowly formed by itself or there's a big band or bla bla!! all living things came form this single cell fuck called Amoeba or Ameobi i dunno la. Then slowly evolved into monkey then ape then chimpanzee then King KONg then Baboon then Orgen, Naidni, LAu boon boon then human???? sorry ah lau boon boon, just say that for fun!!! haha, but i doubt you're reading it la!!! HAHAHA

But then it's very ahrd for me to believe that my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather to the n times is actually a monkey lor!! I cant accept that. My grandfather is a human, my great-grandfather's grandfather is also a human, so by mathematical induction, no matter in which era wat time how many millions years ago or after, a person's grandfather will always be a human but not a monkey.

Just to quote a story. As you know the great physicist Newton, the guys who told us wat's gravity is about and the guy that intro us to the world of calculus once built a model of the solar system and put it in a lab. Then a guy who didn't believe in creation came to the lab and saw the model, and asked him, oh, who built this model. Newton answered him, no one, it formed itself. That guy replied, telling Newton not to bluff him, not to play punk with him. Then Newton told him, even such a tiny model needed to be built by someone and it's impossible to be popped out from nowhere, then how is that possible for the actual solar system which is how many times more complicated and larger to be formed by itself???

So i think creation is more believable than evolution.

2. Interesting NASA finding

Just get this story from somewhere which i think is quite interesting!!!

Dunno when la, not too long ago, NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration ) conducted a research on the positioning of the Sun. Though the planets rotate around the sun, but actually the sun does move a little bit here and there one la... so they just tying to find out the pattern and how does its positioning differ from ancient time record and now la and what the future trend would be....

ok, after the research is done, the scientists there came out with a pattern and so on, however they also found out that according to historic records and current techonology findings, the position of the sun is a very little little bit off track!!! To be exact, it moves too slowly, being too slow for 23hr 20 min. Then the scientists there feel very 納悶. They are so close and yet so far from publishing theri findings and it's just that little bit off!!! They could not figure out the reason why the sun is slower by 23hr 20min, damn weird sia...

Most americans are Christian, then one of the scientist remembered that he read somewhere in Bible that the sun actually stopped 1 day. So guys, let's read a bit of bible here man, Joshua 10:13 stated that "And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. "

So those NASA people are getting closer. So the sun was recorded to be still for a day which is 24 hours, so it should be slower by 24 hours, but then where is that difference in 40 min??? So they decided to search the Bible for more clues. As recorded in II Kings 20: 9-11, " And Isiah said. This sign shalt thou have of the Lord, that the Lord will do the the thing that he hath spoken : shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees? And Hezekiah answered. It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees : nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees. And Isiah the prophet cried unto the Lord : and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz."

After reading the part of the Bible, the sceintist calculated that in order to bring the shadow back 10 degrees, the sun gotta shift its position whcih is equivalent to the distance it moved in 40 min. WOW, so that 40min is accounted for, and it explained why the position of the sun in theory and practical got a difference of 23hr 20min. Quite amazing right!!!

Judge for yourself, which religious book, besides the Bible, can be so compatible with the recorded history and science(as mentioned above), so accurate in its prophecy (read for yourself). Not trying to preach in the class blog as religion is a sensitive issue, but then i just find the above story quite interesting la.....

Before I end, wah, damn jealous man!!!! My camp-mates, Dexter from Hwa Chong for those who know him, had gotten a relief teaching job in Hwa Chong International since March this year. Earning more than $65 a day cos that's an independent school, so it pays higher than the MOE. $65 is already dman alot lor, he got even more!! As he said the students in Hwa Chong International are the children of those freaking rich men. A few millions to them is like 20 cents. Their parents owns MNC, oil companies, bla bla. some got private jets and so on. The other time he told me that during a parents-meet-teacher sessions, the parents flew from dunno which part of the world specially to meet him, the relief teacher, then treated him to some super high class dinner in some hotel. KNN man, why he so lucky???

Haven't finished yet!!!! Called him today to arrnaged for a get-togetehr session this friday, and he suggested wednesday instead cos he couldn't make it on friday. Reason for not able to make it on Friday is that : He was went to Korea to gauge the English standard over there. All expenses and air fares and bla bla being paid for!!!! WAH lao eh, why he got such good deals??? Damn bloody jealous!!! ARGHHHHHH........

Monday, May 09, 2005

Kim -> Getting Married???

Yo…guys…its me Kim again..haha…I have just finished my wedding and m now blogging about what happened….haha…for those who dun know, today I left bangzhi birthday party early because I got a wedding to attend, yah…so bangzhi sorry for leaving early ok…and to those who want to know who I m marrying, then give me a big hongbao lah…then I tell you, set? Haha…ok lah…the wedding part is not exactly true lah, just that I left early is because I got a wedding dinner to attend, think its my uncle’s son marrying..Yah...so its not me ok…so dun get wrong idea…haha…ok...anyway I just want to talk about this dinner that I attend… I have to say that it’s not very impressive...ok…let me explain further… firstly the food is quite bad…in fact it’s so bad that its worse than my friendly neighbourhood zhi char stall…if you are wondering why I coined it “friendly”, its because everytime I ordered my favourite hor fun, the boss will add more prawns, more sotong and other stuff for me, yah, so I decided that it’s a friendly zhi char stall…haha…ok..coming back to the topic…yah…the food is quite bad lah…secondly, the venue is also quite bad because the whole thing is held in some old school hall, think its some clan association hall thingy lah, the decoration sucks big time and the music played over the PA system is some oldies loh, wah biang ah….make me want to sleep loh….yah…thirdly, the service is quite bad…because throughout the whole dinner, I used the same damn plate over the 10 course dinner loh…I mean what the fuck loh, its so damn disgusting to see leftover stuff from the first dish on your plate when you are eating your 8th or 9th dish liao…get what I mean..yah…so this part totally gross me out…haha…actually there are other stuff like the “brothers gang” aka the “yam seng gang” is pathetic loh, they were like not making enough noises man…so boring…so guys who are reading this right now, when I invite you to my wedding in the future, know what must you all do liao rite? Huh..still dun get it? Ok lah, it means you all have the license to make as much noise as possible, ok? ha-ha…yah…but there were also some good points, like the bride is not bad looking considering that she is 35 yrs old liao, then there are also some really cute babies and kids running around the place so yah its still ok lah…at least enough to make me stay till the end of the dinner….oh forgot one more thing, the dinner started at 9pm when I was already at that place at 8 pm liao..so sat there like an idiot for one whole boring hour loh…sian…ok..That’s all about the dinner…now after going through what a lousy wedding dinner is, I have promised myself something and that is…in the future my wedding banquet must at least 80 tables of guest and it will be held in either One Fullerton or Shangri la hotel. Yah…tts the basic lah, the rest, I will think about it later…haha…ok…but in order to be able to have such a banquet, I will need a lot of money, so in order to do that I have 2 choices…one: to go rob a bank. Two: to study hard and get a first class honors in engineering…so I think I will go for the second choice lah…be a mugger and study hard…yah…so tts all from me liao..got to go and revise my work and move a step closer to my aim liao…so Kim signing out now!!
Current Song: Hotel California

Current Mood: Happy because Arsenal is trashing Liverpool!! HAHAHA!!!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Life is Beautiful

From the responses I got today, my previous post must have stunned some of u...

Ok... Dun worry I'm not suffering from any sort of depression (Haha) and of coz I would never resort to doing anything that makes me look silly!

Guess this is just another lesson of life... I can take things easily. I've encouraged so many friends of mine and now, i shld do the same to myself. Afterall, Life is Beautiful ;)

Happy 21st Birthday Bangzhi!

 Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

Kim -> Purpose in Life? I dunno leh!!!

Ok…actually I wanted to blog about what happened this afternoon one, but I was rushing to meet the guys to buy bangzhi birthday presents and chill out, so yah, here I’m back home again and reflecting on the incident that happens this afternoon. Ok…this afternoon after I finished swimming at Bukit Batok Swimming pool, I was waiting for the bus to go home at the 176 bus stop just before the commonwealth sec school bus stop…yah…then I saw this father and his two daughters carrying big bags of don’t know what stuff alighting from a bus at the stop opposite me, so yah…after glancing at them for a while I continue waiting for my bus liao…then I noticed that the father sort of run and walk across the road towards the dust bin beside me at the bus stop I was at, so I did not figure out what the hell he’s doing until he picked up a soft drink can from the dustbin, smiling to himself and running back across the road to join his two daughters who were sitting on the bags and waiting for their father. After that, I saw them making their way towards the HDB blks liao..yah…so this image struck me as I was thinking to myself why was the father smiling when he picked up the soft drink can, its not like its some treasure so y? It then dawned on me that because the father realized that the one more soft drink can that he picked up means that he will earn a few cents more which will go towards supporting his two young daughters and even though they were leading a hard life, his two daughters were also helping out with him, not ashamed of themselves, their father or what they were doing for a living… it make me realized that the happiness of a person depends on how he looks at life and what purpose does one seeks in his life. The father make it his own responsibility and his purpose in life to support his two daughters through their education, hoping that they will succeed in life later on…so he is happy that he is doing that and he also got the support of his two daughters, that's y he is happy and smiling.

So, actually if you look beyond all the material things and focuses on what you are doing now, are you really happy? What's your purpose in life? For me, frankly speaking, I’m still searching for that. So yah, that's all from me and b4 I end I just hope that the father whoever you are, I wish you good health and to his two daughters, I wish that you will have a successful life in the future.

Current Mood: Reflective

Current Song: One Night in Beijing by Cheng Sheng

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Wish me luck!

I'm feeling troubled today. Life hasn't been carefree for so long that I've almost forgotten how carefree my life used to be. I always smile and shrug my problems off coz i believe solutions will appear before me eventually but now i'm a bit doubtful.

I hope this difficult period will end soon... Wish me luck!

3 things to tak about...

Yesterday was my 2nd dental appointment!!! I was some guinea pig for a friend of jianyang who was a dentistry student!!! Everytime i went for the appointment, that dentist to be will poke the gum inside and outside of my every tooth. Wah sia, damn painful. But ok la, i nothing much to do nowadays then i think being other pple's guinea pig is qiute fun!!!! Can have subsidised dental check-up, not too bad a deal rite?

But wat i wanna say is that actually it's quite sad to be a dentistry student leh!!! Cos i asked her wat will happen if her teeth and gum condition is bad. Then she told me that if their dental hygiene and condition is not up to mark, then they cannot enter clinic!!! Which means that they cannot experiment on guinea pig like what's she's doing on me now. That would mean that their graduation time would be affected!! Quite sad case leh!!!

Second thing is that i received a letter from the board of immigration and bla bla bla of Singapore yesterday!! In the letter, they're telling me to re-take my oath in order to be S'pore citizen. They said it's a procedure that i must go through after reaching my 21st bday and i must do it within 1 year if not my citizenship will be renounced!!! In order to take the oath, i must go to British High Commission to renounce my British citizenship then I'll have to go i also dunno where to renounce my Hong Kong SAR citizenship as well.

WAh biang eh, it's like how fucking troublesome???? 老天饒了我吧!!!!

Please lor, I have taken my wateva oath when i stepped into Tekong the 1st day man!!! Pledging my loyalty and life and wateva shit to protect the constituition of Singapore and the President and bla bla bla!!!! I did it again when i commissioned from OCS lor!!! You eman serving the damn ARMY for 2 plus years is not enough to not grant me, wat to sya, to extend my citizenshp and so on??? What the fuck!! Must make trouble for me to go here and their to obtain documents from different places, taking queue number for dunno how many times then travel to Lavender there to take the bloody oath in a small room, only the the officer alone their in Shirts and PAnts only, no jeans and t-shirt!! shit....

It's damn bloody erxin ok!!! imagine me wearing shirt and pants, i think i'll wear the OCS book-in attire la, then going to the immigration building in a small room in front of a fat malay auntie then raising my right hand saying all the fake and 肉麻 stuff sayign how loyal i'll be to s'pore and it's president and so on.... Shit man!

Ok, last thing to talk about. Hey Yaohui, 你這個吃裡扒外的冬瓜. Damn you man!!! Since Bangzhi written on the RV4E2000 BLOG saying that he wanted the soccer boots, it means that he sort of help us think of wat to buy already since he personally knew that we lacked of idea of wat to buy!! If you still dun understand, it emans that he expected the soccer boots from us!! It's ok for you to share present with wenjun they all la. BUT YOU BLOODY HELL STOLE OUR IDEA AND THEN NOW BEST LA, WE DUNNO WAT TO BUY!!!! so you bloody asshole, go home and CHINooK yourself!!! understand??? HAHAHAHA.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Commendable effort! Pls support!

I've always looked up to people having their own interest and really spend a lot of time, effort, heart and wateva they have in their life just for that particular interest!!! Here i dun mean the low-class form of things that most of us like ie. computer games, soccer and so on so on.... I mean like pple collecting stamp, then they really have a few very nice albums and going all out when there's a chance to get some limited edition of stamp and bla bla... Other examples include those pple spending their whole weekend doing gardening work or cutting/decorating their bonsai and so on....

I would say that most of us dun have a particular interest, we just waste our time talking cock and staying in front of the computer, not doing anything constructive, myself included!!! Out of our group, i only can think of xiaozhuang having a real passion for drawing and making up his own aquarium!!! Seow occasionally draws, Osk and weiting hiked once in a while in some funny part of S'pore. And i think tt's about it, so i think we're quite scum!!!!(myself included)

Ok enough of that!!! Just wanna let you all know about this website :


This is a website set up by my sis friend!!! I think not bad la... As in she does all these accessories in her free time, then decorated a site to sell it and make some money!!! Like not bad hor. Just take a look maybe u like anything can buy there!!

Ya, that's about it!!! For those who watched American Idol 4, just wondering why that ANthony guy is still around!!! Hopefully he'll be voted out tmr!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Findings Result

After 2 weeks+ of searching, I've found Ms Tay Kim Noi's house address. All thanks to her phone number from someone, the "cao ji ren wu" issn't that "cao ji" after all. A short chat with her reveals that she's currently doing some part time tuition.

I did mentioned that some of her ex-students would like to visit her soon. She was sort of glad to hear that and promptly provided me with the following details of her schedule:

Saturdays--- working, so cannot
Sundays--- with family, also cannot
Tuesdays & Wednesdays--- working at night, so if want go in morning

That means she's basically more free on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. However, I believe special arrangments can always be made. She also ask me if we could meet outside instead.

For now I think we can organise a class outing soon, to visit her and then maybe chill out. Those who would like to go pls inform me of any restrictions of yours (like working on certain days etc) so I can try to find a day that suits all if not most. Anyone with suggestions or violent objections can sound out to me too. Currently most guys have ORD-ed while the gals will be done with the exams soon. Thus I hope to find a day within this month or even within the next 2 weeks so as to facilitate all. I hope that the msg can get across to everyone in 4E. For guys, I can handle with ease. As for the gals, I dun have contacts of all so its best that someone help me/ pass msg around. Thanks.

By the way, the following is Ms Tay's address:

Tampinese St 41
Blk 411 #09-247

To get there: take MRT to Tampinese and take Bus 293, alight at 2nd stop.

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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