Friday, December 31, 2004

What an ending to the year.

The wind caressed my face softly. A sweet and chocolatey scent trickled my nose hair, waking me up from sleep. I took time to orientate myself and much to my disappointment, I am sitting in a Land Rover in the middle of Tuas having my outfield training. I began to feel hungry and so I took out a pack of combat ration (spicy chicken pasta) and started eating. It tasted cold and gooey. It was just like any other ordinary ride, until we reached the range in pasir laba. For some reason, the driver slammed on the brakes and sends everything in the vehicle flying. As I was thrown/flying to the front of the rover, I lost grip of that pack of ration and it flew even further upfront. The food splattered across the windscreen like blood on a butcher's knife and onto His Majesty's throne(the officer's seat). Nobody felt like eating after this incident...
Anyway, Starhub is allowing cash donation to the tsunami victims through redemption of their rewards point. I saw tv reports on this tragedy in the region and what struck me was our proximity to them. It is difficult knowing how we are indulging in the comforts of our lives yet our neighbouring countries are struggling in their rescue efforts and coping with their losses. Indeed, what a sombre end to an eventful year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

MC King Speaking!!!

I went for my medical appointment today, hoping the doctor will extend my MC so that i would not need to report back to camp ever again!!! The other mission of going for medical appointment today is to let the doctor help me fill in the insurance claim form.

Ok, so my appointment is at 1605, i reached the hospital at 1600, but then due to the inefficiency of either the doctor or the hospital staff, i only got into the consultation room at around 1650.

After doing some simple testing on my right knee, he said that I'm improving fast and when i go back to camp, he'll excuse me form physical training for 6 mths.

OH MAN, 印度朋友( my doctor is an indian), what you mean by going back camp??? YOU NOT EXTENDING MY MC?????? Oh, man, you know that is like how sad??? I am so used to civilian life, after 2 1/2 month of MC, that i woke up at around 1330-1430 everyday!!! Now u want me to book in everyday, tt means i would need to wake up at 0530 in the morning, resulting in at least 8 hours of sleep less per day!!! OH MAN, I CANNOT TAKE IT!!!!!

But I'm not the type who ask for MC, since he not extending, then suan le!!! Just be it. Then I asked him how about my left ankle which was badly sprained shortly before my operation in October. He told me that the ATFL is torn. Ah bish!!! Another ligament torn. How many ligaments must I tear man??? I've never known that ligaments can be torn so easily!!! Or am I lacking in some sort of vitamins???? I am damn devastated, he arranged another scan for the left ankle on 22nd feb 2005. Then subesquently he will decide on the treatment, maybe another operation before I ORD on 200305.

Haiz.... That is like how sad??? I thought that by the time my right knee recovers, i would be able to play soccer again and train for the full-marathon nxt december. But it seems like all these are no longer possible to me since my right knee and left ankle are both gone!!! I am really a crippled man!!! So whoever sees me taking public transport, pls give up your seat to me!!! If not I will take your pic using my phone and blast you on the blog!!!

Then i ask the doctor to help me fill in the insurance claim form, then he re-directed me to another office which will settle all these problems. But then due to his inefficiency in seeing earlier patients, causing my consultation time to start late at 1650, by the time i stepped out of his consultation room, it's already past 1700 and that office was closed, so my insurance claim form could not be filled by anyone!!! SGH so efficient!!!! Anyway NUH is much worse la!!!

Conclusion of today's medical review!!! I've learnt that my right knee still very weak and i have another torn ligament in my left ankle yet the docotr not willing to extend my mc so i had to book in everyday again, reverting back to military life from 030105 onwards!!!! TRAGIC!!!! Somemore my insurance claim form is not filled. What a fruitful trip!!!!

As if my everything-is-going-wrong-day is to end here, I took 174 from SGH to JP, wanting to catch the movie Kungfu hustle with my kim, horse, eric n linlin!!! Cos of the peak hour, the bus journey lasted 1 1/2 hour. That is crazy man!!! Felt so bad that almost vomitted on the bus!!!!

Ya, when i reached JP, horse told me that tickets for Kungfu were sold out!!! IT's the second time I've missed this show cos it's sold-out!!!

Ta Ma De!!!!

Stephen Chow really so famous meh???

老子 wanna watch your movie still need to make appointment with you??? ah huh!!!!


Yup, Stephen Chow, 老子 is pissed off with you now, you think you are my childhood idol then can anyhow 撒野????? HAHA!!!! 拖出去斩了,凌迟喂狗.

But 朕 still wanna watch your movie!!! 贱骨头 right??? Whateva!!! So whoever haven't watched Kungfu Hustle and wanna watch it, JIO ME ALONG!!!!

So in the end, went to Eric's house to watch Tiger Cup semi, Myanmmar vs Singapore. Luckily Singapore didn't disappoint and won 4-3.

haiz... time to sleep, tmr needa wake up early to book in. So sad, can't even remember what bus to take to camp man!!! haiz.......

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

horrors of all horror

yday i was toking to lhh on msn then he was asking y ple just read the blog and dun contribute.... i was telling him that cos my life is too boring... who noes... 24 hours later i suddenly have smt to say... and it's so super horrible.

lijun just told me that we have an assignment dued soon. soon meaning second day of sch(4th) and the beep beep beep tutor is only going to release the details on mon (3rd) . although i would have done the assignment on the 3rd anyway but it still piss me off that she ( i have decided that its a she cos a he wouldnt be so free and bo liao to think of an assignment so soon) wants to keep us in suspense and anticipation abt our debut assignment.

if u think the assignment is the only thing to prepare for this stupid 4Au module for the FIRST week of sch... HAHAHA... that is so WRONG. there is still a presentation to prepare for the first tut on the second week of sch... now i am even more convinced that the coordinator is a she...

this is the most horrible of all things... last sem... i had this module bf218.... and i ended up in the 830am slot ( due to some other irritating reason that is too long to type) with an indian tutor... i went to class on the first day and i was super disgusted... he is fat and square with sweaty armpits. he is totally a 一头身 ah pek. i stopped going for tut after the first class cos i couldnt wake up in time. For the first 6 weeks of sch.. i was a bit relieved cos at least the lecturer seems like a nice guy... mr indian is my tutor... oh btw his name is Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti.... try pronouncing it... if u think it sounds like a curse, i share the same sentiments. i tried memorising it once to use it to curse ah dong and mainly to irritate her. ok.. back to the lecturer... he is actually quite nice and he toks like yan can cook... lecture ends at 630pm and u always feel hungry after his lect. but... after yan can cook comes mr indian... as if making me skip tut isnt enough... he made me skip lect. thank goodness for my determination and late night suppers that gave me lots of energy to perserve... i managed to get a B for that module.

oh... i haven gotten down to the horrible part yet...

anyway i was looking thru edventure to read abt my upcoming assignment then might as well check out the course outline for the other modules... then i saw it... BF219 - equity securities instructor Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti.


我的心声 (续集)

Yup, I was damn shocked when Jiamin told me that his sister was involved in a car accident on Christmas Day. I sort of know his sis cos i always go to jiamin's house since sec 1. It's sad to hear people you know being involved in something bad!!! Luckily she is alright now and hope she recovers well both physically and mentally after experiencing such trauma.

Ok, this incident spur me to think about this topic. It's about treasuring the people around you, be it your family, friends and whoever!!! Really, treat them well when you can. If not, you will regret when you do not have the chance. You will miss every moment you spent with them.

Speaking from personnal experience. I've always been very scared of my father since I'm young, cos he had the fierce look!!! However, he had never been really fierce to me, he had only beaten me up 2 times in my life. But due to my fear of him, there's always a gap between me and him. I seldom talk to him at home. Sometimes only 1 or 2 lines per day.

During my early teens, cos of the rebellious period, i always quarelled with my father. At that time, I always think that i was right and he was too autocratic. And i will always say some very harsh and mean words to him as you all know i am a very asshole and don't give face person.

I've never bought him any birthday gift, never told him that I love him cos seriously at that time i don't, never wish him a happy father's day before and so on!!! Now he's no longer around.......

Only memories will stay. Now i will only remember those moments : my father hugging me tightly in NUH A&E when i have a 41.3 degree fever, locking himself in the toilet crying after beating me up, sweating in the kitchen everyday just to prepare sumptuos dinner for us and giving up his career in Hongkong and migrate to s'pore just for the better for my sis and I and many many more.........

Anyway i damn sad liao la. Dunno why i am writing this to make myself so sad. Cannot bring myself to write anymore though still had lots to write.

Anyway my message to all of you out there is spend more time with your family, treat them better. Especially the 4E guys cos i know a lot of you didn't really treat ur parents nicely and take them for granted. Talk to them more and it really means a lot to them!!!

You all really wont understand how bad it is to lose a family member. Though I've never cried in front of any of you before and i sort of always stayed happy in front of you all, but during that period b4 n after my father passed away, I really cried every night. It is just how bad it is.

So, do whatever you shld now, as in be filial to your parents. Therefore you would not have any regret unlike me. To me, using the wallet that my father left behind is the least i can do now. So guys, don't ever ask me to change my wallet again.

Anyway i would not be writing such things to make myself sad again in the future la.

Monday, December 27, 2004

The Return of Kim

Ok guys, I’m back again…it has been a long time since I blog liao and it seems that quite a lot has happened…good things and bad things…but before I go on any further let me explain my long time absence from the class blog, or in soccer lingo, from first team players to reserve team…haha...well for those of you guys who had a persistent cough before and I mean really really persistent one, lasting for about 2 months, you will know how it feel rite? Well, do not despair because you just got one more poor guy who know exactly how you are feeling…. Haiz..this stupid cough had me coughing for so long that I now got this stupid headache to go along with it….sian man…..and so with my brain impaired by this aliment, I realized that I’m not in any condition to blog for the past few weeks, but because of my love for the class and its people (eh give face lah, dun vomit leh), I’ve decided to make a comeback and fight for my place in the 4e bloggers first team…haha… ok talking about soccer, I got something to announce….i’ve just led my favorite team, ARSENAL FC to an amazing treble( FA Cup, EPL, Champions League) in my first season in you who are reading this rite now at this very moment, what are you waiting for? Kowtow to me now (hh favourite sentence)….haha….by the way for the uninformed who think that I’m Arsene Wenger posting his dream on this blog…dun be stupid ok….I’m talking about the game football manager 2005….haha….oh for Milan supporters out there, Milan just got relegated into football obscurity in the 08/09 season….haha…ok enough about soccer…

Recently I’ve noticed that the guys of 4e are slowly picking up books to read…hmmm….for those who think there is no big deal about it, let me inform you this, if you tell me 2 years back that some of the guys will spend a few hundred bucks on books or go desperate for kino book vouchers, I will tell you straight in your face, dun be kidding lah…sure anot… this will be the kind of more polite response I will give….for more crude one…it will be…(hmmm….better dun get started or else the rest of the post will be laced with them)….so you see how confident I am? But for some strange reason(s), 4e guys including me are picking up the books again. I dunno why but there are a number of reasons I can think of like, a gradual mutation of the genes and becoming THE SENSITIVE NEW AGE GUY or us finding solace from the books due to the lack of another half to share our feelings or maybe it is because we have matured and view books in another perspective…hmmm…some food for thought rite? Anyway I’ve just finished the book titled the five people you meet in heaven by mitch albom…this book is simply amazing…I strongly recommend it to all readers who are reading this right now…ok here is a taste of what you have missed out if you haven read the book yet:

“Why people gather when others die? Why people feel they should?”
“It is because the human spirit knows deep down, that all lives intersect. That death doesn’t just take someone, it misses someone else and in the small distance between being taken and being missed, lives are changed” “There is a balance to it all. One withers, another grows. Birth and death are part of a whole. It is why we are drawn to babies….and to funerals.”

Hmmm…interesting rite? So still sitting down there for wat? Go and get the book lah or alternatively, I could loan it to you at a surcharge of $1 per day…hahaha….

Ok that is all from me now…actually still got a lot to blog but I think I will save them up for next time…haha…so c ya at the bbq… :)

Quote for today: Strangers are just family you have yet to know


The following is a serious entry by me, no boliao and stupid stuff!!!

Yup, recently I've been offending my friends unintentionally. Sometimes because I'm tactless, sometimes due to my selfishness and childishness. So whoever is pissed, angry or sad cos of my words, actions or wateva, pls calm down and don't be pissed ok??? But for those who i ask you to reflect in a dark room, GO N REFLECT!!!!

Incident no. 1

To Ajax(fake name), my sec sch friend,

Ajax, you are one of my best buddy!!! Till now, i still treasure you very much!!! But there is certain misunderstanding between us now. I think what you said is correct, we shld call and contact each other if there's minsunderstanding btw us and resolve it directly instead of communicating through a third person.

But i relay my msg to you through a 3rd person, it truely shows my insincerity, humji-ness and disrespect for friend. For this I am very sorry to you!!! Please don't be hurt over this incident. I still think that you are a very great friend of mine. I've saved ur very sad entry up instead of letting you post it up because I do not want you to feel that way.

If you are reading, let's meet up soon and i think the misunderstanding can be resolved easily. It's really a pity you can't join us at the yr-end BBQ. But we can still meet up when we're free!!!


Incident no. 2

This is caused by my stupidity, selfishness n childishness

To Soul(Fake Name), my Jc friend,

Soul, I arranged to meet you at Plaza Singapura at 1500. Yet due to my childishness and like-to-be-late habit, I've decided to set off from Boon Lay Mrt at 1445, which means i would be 20 min late approx.

However, you found out my intention through a friend, and i think you're pretty pissed off.

Anyway digress abit, horse, today i was 1 hour late in the morning cos i really overslept, it's not on purpose!!!! And to the rest of my friends, I really very seldom late on purpose, K?? And I will stop doing that.

I think you were so pissed that you don't even bother to murder me. haiz..... I think my action further proved your points that I am childish and mean.

But, pls really don't take it to heart and don't hate and ignore me as i really enjoy your company and talking to you VERY MUCH!!!! Though most of the times i said stupid things and maybe mean things to you, but, i would rate u as one of my better friends in my JC time.

As you said, "impressions created will stay and last forever", but I still hold the 一线希望 that this bad impression of me wont stay with you forever!!! Yes, I do not need to prove to you anything, but i will prove to myself that I, Lo Hok Him, can be punctual to anyone, no matter the other party is punctual or late. Cos it's damn 狼心狗肺 to let pple who're punctual to wait. And to fellow late-comers, "If we practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless.".

So, Soul, if you are reading this, I really hope you can forgive my wrong-doings and if you wanna eat xiaolong bao, get me along. Yup, that's it!!!


Incident no. 3

To Est(fake name), my very long time friend,

Ok, I think you've committed a mistake, be it accidental or on purpose, quite sometime back!!! At that time I was very angry and pissed with you but i kept myself very calm in order not to scold and splurt vulgarities at you. I think you knew it!!!

I've told myself I will never see you, talk to you or wateva again!!! But then after sometime, i think what had happened had happened. I shld not dwell on the past too much!!! So when you request to join back the blog, I've sent you an invitation. I consider that as a sign of forgetting and forgiving.

I think you shld admit that even though it's an accident, yet it occured solely due to your negligence n you being inconsiderate. Yet we feel that u had no repentace at all, not admitting your mistake.

As a friend, I offer you this line : "Never ruined an apology with an excuse."

I sincerely hoped that you can calm down, take time to reflect a bit and yes, we are still friends.


YEAP!!! So I actually sort of wrapped up yr 2004 with a bad way sia. Just like how I started the year. For those who dunno, I started the year by getting involved in an investigation by 1 BG, 3 Colonels, 3 Lt Colonels, 2 Majors and then received a punishment of marching 21 days of RP. It's the worst punishment you can think of, not going home since 020104 till 280104, not even on CNY.

So let's hope for a better 2005.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

The State of the Blog, and the Class

For those who were not involved in the blog since its inception, you will be unaware that this blog was "accidentally" deleted about one month into its first birth. It was subsequently reconstituted at the same address, with deep feeling from all the founders. The circumstances surrounding the deletion are as yet ambiguous, and out of digust and disinterest the founding fathers declined to further investigate.

The first entries of the new blog were penned in anguish, lamenting the insultingly careless way that the blog was murdered. It was at least implied, if not explicitly stated, that out of respect of the irreplaceable value of the creative effort that went into the first entries, that they would not be replicated in the new blog.

We beseech all contributors to respect it.

Also, on a more happy note, we are pleased to introduce the Guest Writer scheme. If you think that your friend, who is not from this class, can write amusingly, or participated in some event of note, or otherwise has access to interesting gossip, we are more than happy to host his, or better, her, work, under our accounts. The writer, of course, would be duly credited.

Coming up next is 4E Person of the Year Award, to be annouced on New Year's Eve, with attached wildly-exaggerated commentary of course. And, at this juncture, we would like to publicly announce that our Annual BBQ will be hosted at Mr (soon to be Dr) Tham's place on 311204. Why you should attend this BBQ:

1. It has been one year since some of us met, and you can bask in the glory of being referred to as having become slimmer/richer/prettier/handsomer/smarter in the past year. If you haven't achieved any of these, it's entirely your fault.

2. This BBQ promises to offer unprecedented variety and quality and value for money. It also marks the coming out of the organisers as New Age Men, can go work can cook also. Can also get good deal from Giants.

3. It is going to be so awesome, in conclusion, that it's probably going to get press coverage. If you are the press, you are certainly welcome, but no food for you, sorry. Everyone's going to talk about it, you are going to be so sad you were not there.

4. Other halfs, especially girlfriends, are super welcome.

But, reminder, its $10 pax. But in line with the government's childbirth policies, we are offering a couple's deal-couples dine for $16. A word of caution ah, dun fake fake, we will make you do horrible things. Think open toilet doors.

Food for thoughT

Merry Christmas, and an early Happy New Year. May the lady of luck shines for the coming new year, and the best of wishes to all.

Guys... ORD is jus around the corner for the majority of us. I believe we'll continue our 6 yrs long tradition of buffet feasting at some fancy restaurants on special occasions. I have little idea about the plans most of you have in mind for ORD dinner, but here I do have a rather different place to introduce... a place which may not be so well know of but in my opinions a rather good place for functions.

Anyone here a regular customer of Fullerton Hotel? If so, you must have noticed this bar/cafeteria like restaurant named TOWN at the hotel lobby, facing Cavenagh Bridge across S'pore River. Well, I've just been there this evening for what I believe to be one of the most sumptous western dinner in my life. In this grand restaurant, I got to enjoy a main course from a choice of 4 not so common dishes. The dishes were well done, very unique and taste great... something that must have came out of the skills of renowned chefs. To top that up, dinners gets to enjoy a buffet of western salads, cookies & cakes, delicacies & minor dishes from all over the world as well as a variety of tropical fruits. The buffet table alone holds around 30 different trays of food and 10+ toppings, dressings. All this for a price of $48, a price comparable to other grand buffets like Gengis Khan, Parise ete.

From my observations, its a rather classy restaurant... visted largely by ang mohs and other Westerners. Social ettiquette is somewhat practiced but dinners are allowed to party, esp. if they are seated at the balcony. The environment is also heart soothing and romantic for it stands on some historic ground, within a grand hotel and its balcony overlooking S'pore River. I dunno what you guys think of my suggestion, but I do think it is something worth trying.


Saturday, December 25, 2004

Bachelors Night!!!

24th Dec 2004. On a Christmas Eve, where would you go??? Of course to some chruch service to commemorate the birth of Holy Infant Jesus. Earlier in Dec, Doreen asked us to attend her church on Christmas Eve as she's involved in the Youth Fellowship performance on that day!!!

So on the 23rd Dec 2004 around 2230 at Shaw Tower, seow, horse and I started to call every guys in 4E to arrange for this outing!!! The reponse was fantastic man!!! All the guys, except the 4 with gf (bangzhi, yuankai, jiamin n junwei) + wenjia (no reason), were ok for gathering on the eve!!! SEE how outstanding and efficient we are man, always able to arrange gathering spontaneously!!! HAHAHA!!!! So guys!!! KOWTOW TO THE 3 OF US MAN!!!!!

Anyway we're meeting at 1900 at KAP. So when I stepped into KAP punctually at 1900, there's a dunno what feeling man!!! The 似曾相识 feeling, cos KAP was once our favourite hang-out but I've never been to it again since i left hwachong. Anyway, sweekim didn't turn up in the end due to some family dinner. haiz......

The service at doreen's church started at 1930 but we reached there at 1945, therefore we were seated at the side hall instead of the main one, didn't have a good and clear view of the stage!!! The whole service was relatively not bad, though certain technical fault occured half-way but the overall standard was not affected.

So after the whole thing ended, we met up with doreen at the refreshment area, think she's quite surprised to see so many of us around. HAHA. Group photos!!!!

(left to right: Zen, Zhonghong, yongsheng, jianyang, doreen, horse, me, weiting,
seow, weiming, eric)

Ok, so as the church session ended, we decided to head to town to get a feel of the festive mood. Anyway Orchard was damn crowded. For those who were there yesterday will know!!! Then we went to Cineleisure, planning to watch KungFu Hustle, but the next available timeslot was at 0400, so forget it.

ANyway i side-track a bit!!! In Cineleisure, I received sms from my man!!! He wished me Merry Christmas!!! I was damn very touched. I've not been camp for 2+ months due to my injured knee yet they still remembered me and sent me such sms. Damn touched, nearly drop tears!!

We decided not to watch any movie anymore, so we went to a 24-hour restaurant near sommerset mrt to have our very late dinner!!!

(left to right : Eric, seow n horse!!!) See how hippy horse is, the hand sign!!! haha

(left to right : weiming, zeng, weiting, emperor chee yaohui, TYS's arm)

Me and ZHonghong. Normally i dun post photo of myself, but since Zhonghong was left out in the previous 2 photos, so i just took 1 with him to post la!!!!!

Ok, so that restaurant is a great place to be man!!! Cos at $4.50, u can get the soup of the day and it is FREE-FLOW!!!! For those who are stupid and don't understand what is Free-Flow, it means u can keep refilling and refilling till u shiok!!! And the restaurant is opened 24-hour, so u can literally stay there and drink soup for the rest of your life at $4.50. How great right???

So we stayed at the restaurant and keep talking cock for the rest of the night!!! I was damn happy about this gathering cos i got to see quite a few guys whom i've not met for almost a year!!! Looking forward to the year-end BBQ at JY's house man, the attendance will even be better than this. SO HAPPY!!!!!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Eve de la Eve (updated version, photos added)

I think that means eve of the eve, but don't take my word for it, I said it just to be cool. And what do unholy bastards (save Mr Lo) do to commemorate the eve of the eve of the anniversary of the birth of Christ? What else but to indulge in some crass festive season commercialism.

Me (I've never really gotten the hang of putting myself last, where's the sense in that?), HF, HH, and YH converged on Orchard Road to blow our wads (of cash) on some spectacular books, taking advantage of the really hot offers that Kino and Borders were dishing out. To our extreme displeasure, Borders the home of ravished books had retracted its 35% discount for 5 books deal. Nonetheless we managed to shortlist some titles, to be bought later at Kino.

To those not in the loop, Kino is offering a 20% book discount in the form of vouchers, found in Dec 11 ST Life, as well as this Monday's Zaobao Now. This constitutes the entirety of our festive goodwill, so don't even think of asking us for leftovers. Unless of course you are a hot babe.

How can a book trip blog entry be complete without some of our hot picks? Presenting to you, dear readers, the sensational life story of the New Age Prophet Al-Mehhanfan! Including exclusive interviews with Da Man on his clairvoyant dreams and his famous Latrine Sermon. The Prophet promises to herald a shining new age for all equine creatures, black or white, thoroughbred or mongerel, where horses can hold their heads aloft and race across the plains. Get it today!

Look clearly at the photo on the book of Dark Horse!! It's our own horsy, author of the book.

And with veteran bloggers' unerring instinct for sensation we spotted *Drum roll*, TAH DAH:

Heil Hitler! Nope, this is not the Nazi Women League. This, in fact, is the City Harvest Xmas Eve Eve thingy.

It was so incredibly moronic, it's beyond words. You had to have a ticket to get into the pen.

I composed a song for them, sung to the tune of You are My Sunshine.

You are the Harvest

You are the Harvest,we're coming for;
You open your purse, and fill ours.
You never know dear, how stupid you are,
Paying cash for your salvation.

Good right? Applause, ladies and gents!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Inside Esplanade!!!

Hey guys, I am no longer Low-Class scum who've only attended pop or rock concerts in places like Singapore Indoor Stadium, Padang, Harbour Pavilion n so on!!! Though I've been to performances in Victoria Concert Hall and Raffles Hotel theatre before, but i've never been inside any of the performance hall in Esplande until today!!!

2 of my JC friends asked me to watch this certain T'ang quartet's, a string quartet, performance. I actually not keen to go to the concert at all, but I sort of desperately wanted the kino vouchers, which the 2 of them had 5 between them, so to make them happy, I agreed to go. Another reason that I went is that I felt it's time to knock some artistic and musical sense into my brain again!!!

I was quite excited as it was my 1st time entering any theathre in Esplande. Wanting to take a pic to let u all see how the theatre looks like but my friends told me no photos allowed. Now i think she's bluffing me man!!!! The concert started on time, unlike those linkin park conert which I had to stand for 2hours+ before they appeared on stage!!!

Anyway cos I left all my shoes in camp, so i wore my sandals there. I think I'm the only guy wearing sandals to attend the concerts. Dunno why I always so xia suay!!! ARGH!!!!!!!

A string quartet consists of 2 violins, a viola and a cello!!! I am quite disappointed with myself after not been able to differentiate the 2 violins, what's even worst is that I ACTUALLY MISTAKEN VIOLIN 2 AS THE VIOLA!!!!! Oh man, what is my grade 8 music theory for??? Can't even recognise violin and viola. Needing a guy without even grade 5 theory to tell me. Suan le, I am a loser!!!!

Anyway I think the concert is nothing spectacular, though not boring, but then it's also not the type I will wanna go very much!!! Though I dun mind going once in a while if there's pple ask me to go!!!

After the concert, I've come to a conclusion that I am still as low-class as before because deep in my heart, I still preferred moshing around in the pit of Linkin Park's concert, shouting out loud lyrics of songs such as Papercut, Crawling, In the End, Somewhere I Belong, Numb, Faint, so many to name!!!!!

Horse!!! U agree with me right?? The Linkin Park conert is just damn great!!!

Monday, December 20, 2004

My Stupid Dream Last Night!!!!

I've not dreamt for quite long, but yesterday night i did. And it's a very stupid dream. This is the second time I have this dream, the first time was slightly more than 1 year back when I was suffering from extreme hunger in Brunei. Anyway, the dream is very stupid so I want to post it up!!!!

Ok, the dream take place here!!!!

For those who dunno what this place is. It is the homeland of this 4 idiots!!!!

Actually i was quite crazy over these 4 idiots when i was in sec 2. Stupid right??? I always got home punctually at 1825 everyday to watch TeleTubbies at 1830. Why 5 min earlier?? It's to watch Banana in Pajamas.

Anyway I have specially chosen this colourless pic of Banana in Pajamas so all the Banana fans out there can print the picture out and colour your own favourite Bananas!!!!

Getting home on time to watch these 2 stupid shows wasn't the most stupid thing that I had done. I actually bought the Yellow Idiot's, whose name is Laa-Laa, soft toy at $49.90. Maybe I am the idiot instead. But then that soft toy quite cute la, press the tummy, that Laa-Laa will sing and talk one. HAHA!!

Ok, back to my dream. I dunno how i got to the teletubbies' land. Must be i've committed too much sins. Then I started playing and hugging with that 4 idiots, saying "eh-oh" and "agian, again" with them. The worst part is I dun understand why everytime for the hugging part, I was positioned in between the Big Purple Gay and the Green Negro instead of the other 2 cuter ones.

Anyway after playing with the 4 idiots for some time, i was quite tired and rested at the slope besides the shower-head in the 1st picture. As i was lying on the slope, facing the sky, i saw the sun and started talking to it!!

As we were talking, I saw Bak-Gua with wings of angels flying in the sky in flocks. As I was quite hungry after playing with the 4 idiots, I tried to jump and catch the Bak-Gua to eat. However, all the BAk-Guas were flying at a great height which i cannot reach. So I have to watch the Bak-GUas flying in the sky happily while i was suffering from extreme hunger.

Then I woke up, end of the dream!!! Damn stupid right?? Sorry for wasting your time to read this stupid dream. HAHA.

When i woke up, i really wanted to eat Bak-Gua a lot due to the stupid dream. So i went to Jurong Point's Bee Cheng Hiang to buy 100g of Bak-Gua for lunch. Hopefully i wont have such stupid dream again. Sianzzz......

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Hanfeng's Birthday party and walking Chou Tofu!!!

18th Dec 2004. It's the day horsy bid farewell to his teenage life!!! Seow, eric and me took it as a reason to get the horse out to whack buffet together. But as you all know, horse very fussy, don't wanna eat anything special or too expensive, so we settled for kushin-bo lunch, estimated cost is <$25 per head. But then when we reached the place, we're quite shock to realise that as it was a weekend, the cost jumped to $32.80++, wah biang, this time bankrupt man!!! Heck la, we still went in and once we saw the food, we were all damn happy and forgot about the price and forgot about taking photo as well!!! We only remember to take photo when we were already maxed out!!! So here is one for you.
Zhixiang is holding candy floss

I am always very amazed by this certain dish in kushin-bo which is called Kami-nabe, sound like some hokkien vulgarity right??? Anyway this Kami-nabe is a Paper Steamboat, that means the solid fuel will burn and the flame will touch the paper which is folded into some container, yet the paper wont burn. And the soup and stuff will be contained in the paper LA!!!! bla bla bla!!!!

Top view of Kami-nabe Side-view of Kami-nabe, see the flame and the paper

Ok, amazing right??? Seow said that Japanese always liked to show off their engineering very skilled like that. But I really think it's quite amazing!!

"Ring!!! Ring!!! The bell had just rung"<------- does that sound familiar to you 4E guys!!!

Anyway, when the bell rang, accompanied by the kushin-bo theme song, it means special limited dish are available in random counter!!! So the pple in the restaurant need to locate the random counter as fast as possible and queue for the dish, which is normal 15-20 plates only!! haha, proud to tell you, a bai kah here manage to get in the queue fast enough and get the lobster!!!

The lobster is cheesey and fat, SUPER SHIOK!!!

We eat the Lobster half way then remember to take photo, so actually the above 2 photos are basically empty shells with little fat meat!!! Look a bit like rubbish right?? That's why i shrink the picture so cant be seen so clearly!!!

Basically I am very satisfied with this horsy's birthday party in disguise!!! Only regret is that some Miso was spilled on me then as you all know Miso is some tofu soup. Biang eh, then the whole day i smell like a walking Chou Tofu, got the sour sour smell for the whole day as i had a JC class outing after that. Haiz.... but then the food made up for everything la!!! Who cares about smelling like a Chuo Tofu man. Seriously, i think yesterday my smell can compare to our Mr You-know-who man.

Guys, look forward to our next buffet man!!!! I really hope to go to the Brazilian Restaurant at Sixth Avenue again. The meat buffet there is Marvellous. Price 2 times of breeks which is around $47++++ but the quality of food is 10 times better, so don't be detered by the price. Hopefully the nxt buffet-whacking session the attendance will be much better.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Shall we cook?

In line with ahem, you know, our new makeover project (I still feel slighty embarassed by it lol), I have been contemplating-should we learn to cook? It is certainly a New Age Man *goosebumps* skill, and certainly the hardest, least replaceable and one of the more useful domestic skills. And unlike dear Mr. Bangzhi, welcome to the our online madhouse, who is guaranteed a lifetime of warm dinners, I can foresee the occasional nights on the sofa for most of the rest of us. Cooking should provide us with elementary ammunition in the unequal battle of the sexes. It's a thought, comments welcome. But remember I'm a moderator, so pls self-moderate before I moderate you. Be warned, I'm not a moderate moderator.

On another note, super KNN and CCB! I went to the Dental Centre today, and the damn thoughtless and inconsiderate dentist dug out all the accumulated filth in my mouth for two years in one go!!! It was so excrutiatingly painful I teared. Yes. Many tears of great pain. Argh.

And yes, gentlemen, the festive season is here again, and on this particular turn of the year we have many things to celebrate. So, in the name of joy and all thing joyous, I hereby decree that all readers of and contributors to this blog will be granted an additonal quota of 2 kg on top of their current body weight this festive season. Bon appetit!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Strangers, shut up and don't talk to ME!!!!!

Ok, I just realised strangers like to talk to me. I know I look cute, adorable, friendly, lovely, and the list goes on. But then hey, I am not related to you so you don't come and talk to me, mind your own business and F*** OFF!!!

I will just list the recent 3 encounters where strangers came and talk cock with me, all happened in this month. So guys, if u had ways to deal with psychotic pple, PLEASE TELL ME!!!!

crazy stranger 1--- chinese aunty with thick spec, located at Lido, walking around w/o purpose.

That day I was talking cock with horse and seow at Lido. I put my wallet, coins and handphone on the table, right in front of me. Then my instinct let me know there's a pair of eyes staring at me. Turning my head anti-clockwise 90 degrees in slow-motion, i saw this ugly chinese aunty with thick spec that magnified her eyes 1.5 times. She looked damn disgusting man for your info!!!

Then she told me, HEY xiao di, keep your valuables in case stolen by bad people.

Wah aunty, my hands were on top of my stuff right in front of me, how can tt be stolen, but thinking that she reminded me out of kind heart, i didn't give her my murderous stare. But then 10min later she finished walking 1 round, she came back to me then start asking why I was crippled and so on. Apparently she was just freaking 八卦. I cant stand this type of people not staying at home to serve her husband and kids on a sunday night and came out to town starting to talk cock to stranger, unfortunately me. 他妈的.

Crazy Stranger 2--- Fat Malay/male/20+, located on bus 969 heading towards Tampines.

That day I was taking bus 969 to Tampines for dunno wat reason. I was listening to my CD ( i support original ) during the bus ride. Then on there's this Fat Malay from dunno where board the bus and sat nxt to me. He was fat and smelly k? with a very big belly somemore!! He wore a very tight blue t-shirt which is under-size for him. Therefore when he sat down, half his belly was exposed. I am grossed out by the sight of him so I decided to turn my head anti-clockwise 90 degrees and look at the scenery outside.

Then that fat ass suddenly tapped my shoulder. I was stunned and quite pissed also as i think he was quite dirty. Then he started the following conversation with me.

Fat Ass (in heavy malay accent) : oh, what music you listening ar?? x2

me : ......

me : Maksim

Fat Ass : Maxim?? Isn't that a megazine?? they released cd arrrr????

me : Maksim, name of a pianist.

Fat Ass : What type of song he sing arrr???

me : (他妈的, are you stupid or stupid??? 老子 already said he's a pianist) he plays piano.........

Fat Ass : OH, BEE-ANG-NO. Where he from arrr??

me : Croatia

Fat Ass : Where Cloasia arrr??

me : ( arr arr arr, arr lampar la arr. #%@*%&$ k?<=`+ ) Last time part of Yugoslavia.

Fat Ass : YO-yO- la-BIA?? What that arr???

me : In europe ARRR!!!!!!!

Then i decided to switch off my ear and ignore the Fat Ass, but then he continued telling me how much he likes Usher and how he downloaded the songs and burnt into CD. He even offered me his earphone to listen to his favourite Usher. Please lor, I can see the dirty green, slimy ear wax on his earphone lor. I rejected his offer and thought the story ends here!!!

Fat Ass : Can u lend me 1 of your earpiece, i wanna listen to Maksim too!!!

Hey, Fat Ass, piano pieces are not for Malay and it's time for you to pray to ALLAH already la!!!

No matter how i reject him, he kept on pestering me, BIANG!!! So i decided to alight and wait for the nxt bus instead. Before I alight a took another look at the seat, making sure i didn't leave anything behind. Then my eyes were so 贱, captured one last scene of his half-exposed belly. eeeeee...... total freak out.

Crazy Stranger 3--- Chinese uncle, decent lookin, located at my house bus-stop

Hey guys, i am sleepy, so i'll keep the story of this uncle short!!!

Anyway both of us waiting for bus at the bus-stop. I accidentally turned my head anti-clockwise 90 degrees and caught him digging his nose, about 1/3 of his index finger was inside his nostril. hmm..... his nostril quite deep. I can see from his expression that he was enjoying himself while digging his nose. 死变态. Dig till 翻白眼 somemore. yucks!

Then he also suddenly realised that i noticed him digging his nose. Ok, he felt a bit embarassed gave me some " i'm sorry, don't tell anyone pls" look. Then he approached me and out of nowhere started talking to me, asking me whether i am serving NS now. And what will i be doing after NS.

Oh man, OR BI SAI uncle, i did not need a nose-digger to come and ask me what I doing after NS, anyway does it concern and affect your nose-digging act??? Don't try to hide your embarassment by talking to me. I've seen through nose-diggers like you.

Anyway the above 3 are strangers that came and talk to me in this month. One of my JC friends said that she had never seen me smile and I have a black face!! Since I didn't look approachable, why i still attract all these disgusting strangers???

Strangers, here is a message to you. If you happened to see me, please shut up and don't come and talk to me. Today i will follow sweekim's trend to put a song for today as it is quite related with the topic.

song for today : Shut up!!! by Black Eyed Peas

Monday, December 13, 2004

Christmas Speech

I tuned to Channel 8 to watch the Red Star Big Prize (as translated by seow in his blog ) at 2000 yesterday. I didn't catch how Jacelyn Tay fell, what a miss man. I think she is the most chio actress in singapore. Slim, good figure and a very good look. HAHA. I know hanfeng would almost definitely say that Fiona Xie is better, but who cares about his view???

I think the highlight of the show is when Li Nanxing, Chew Chor Meng and Zoe Tay came out to receive the Super Red Star Prize, saying they would not receive anymore most popular award in the future. It's really quite 心酸 to see both Li and Chew turned from young and handsome looking lads to flabby and 憔悴 middle-aged man.

So now prelude to my christmas speech. When Li Nanxing giving out his thank-you speech, he said a lot of cliche stuff as usual, but take note of how he ended the speech. He asked, what gave him the motivation and driving force to continue acting for more than a decade. After his so norm thank you speech, i anticipated that he would say it's his love for acting or the professionalism or the support from his wife.


For those who watch the show last night would have known what his answer was. He said it's Jesus Christ. I was quite stunned. I didn't know that Li Nanxing is a Christian.

Today is 131204. 12 more days and it would be Christmas. Almost everybody celebrate Christmas in Singapore. People go for Christmas Shopping and partying or Christmas Buffet. But I would like to know how many people actually care about it's the day to celebrate the birth of Christ?? People would spend more time to decorate the Christmas Tree and children waiting for Santa Claus than to thank our Lord for sending his son to us.

In Vesak Day, people will go temple and non-buddhist won't celebrate it. Same goes for Deepavali and Hari Raya n other festivals as well. I don't understand why majority of the people will celebrate Christamas at places like restaurant, pub/club, some beaches or any places except church. People just tends to forget the origin of this festival.

December is a season of festive mood and atmosphere. But i really do not want to see people celebrating Christmas for the wrong reason. A new-year party without countdown, a 端午节without remembering 屈原 jumping into 汨罗江, a vesak day without celebrating how buddha became buddha and 中秋节without telling the story of 嫦娥奔月. All these festivals will lose it meaning. Christmas is supposed to be joyous festival but please commemorate the birth of Jesus.

So on Christmas day, i urged all of you to go to some christmas service. Putting your MSN nick as " MeRRy Chr/$tm@$ & H@PPY New Ye@R " is NOT the way to celebrate christmas.

OK, i know i've been long-winded and boring, didn't express myself well enough also, but it's something i really feel about. So thank you for reading.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

AWOL Officer

ok guys basically this post is mostly about my complaints so if you feel that you dun wanna read it, its ok...
here goes..well yesterday i did my monthly duty and everything went rather smoothly... 3 guys got back from db and i was suppose to interview them but then i din lah becos they dun haf their booklet with them so i just allow them to go home after returning their llB to them...then come this morning when i was suppose to change duty liao...woke up at 0730 to wash up and prepare myself to hand over but little did i expect this to happen...i waited and waited and waited, waiting for the new duty officer to take over, but he never show up so here i am, doing another shift of duty again...what the hell is happening to the officers man? wat is happening to the responsibility and basic discipline of becoming an officer? of course i'm sure that are many garang officers out there also but i knew this is not an isolated case because the same thing happen to my fren camp just last week... so a word to those officer wannabe... earn the respect and behave as what an officer should be...

song for today... nothing, too angry to listen to any :(

Friday, December 10, 2004

I Puked!!!

Wah, wat a good time for sweekim to post up his entry saying i am his potential zhi char cook in mind!!! Becos I'm going to relate to you my experience today of puking after eating things that I cook. Before that, side-track a bit.

( Those who dun like soccer skipped the following paragragh in blue. )

I've watched the 1st half of the Tiger Cup Malaysia vs Philippines match. The only goal in the half is scored by Malaysia in 16th min, it's an headed-in goal from 18 yards, which means just outside the penalty box (amazing sia!!). It's scored by their no. 10 player Liew Kit Kong. Yes, Liew Kit Kong, a Chinese player is wearing the no. 10 shirt for Malaysia national soccer team, wondering when will it happen in Singapore.

Ok, back to the main topic today. As usual, my mum went straight to church after work on friday night and my sis was not around at home tonight, so my dinner was not settled!!! Planning to skipped it, but then dunno why my mouth itchy and took an apple to eat!! SO THAT'S IT!!!!

The apple didn't cure my hunger, worse still, the marlic acid from it made me wanna eat even more!!! Therefore I decided to cook!!! It's the start of the nightmare! Not that it's my first time cooking, and I've always been confident of my own cooking, yet it turned out disastrous today!!!

I've decided to challenge half-boiled egg. Not knowing boiling how long will make the egg half-boiled, i set the stopwatch to 3min. Result: 1 egg cracked in the pot ( I threw it away ), the other 2 looked delicious from outside, giving me a smile and telling me, hey sir, We're half-boiled and ready to be eaten!!!

Getting the pepper and soya sauce, I'm ready for for my self-prepared dinner. Breaking the eggs, to my disgust, the humpty-dumpty were not half-bolied. They were, i would say, at most 10% boiled. Biang!!! The yolks were completely raw, the eggwhite was mostly still in their transparent fluid form, only traces of white colour can be found. However, I had already dumped the pot into the basin, lazy to wash it and cook again, i just added soya sauce and pepper, stirred it with the 90% raw humpty-dumpty and drank it.

BLEAH!!!! It really tasted like shit so i used this shit colour!!! Dun believe?? Follow the way i cook and eat the humpty-dumpty and you will know for yourself!!$*@)%!#?>{~@#&@#*!!!!!

Immediately i went to drink 500ml of water thinking it'll help to get rid of the erxin taste. After drinking the water, I puked instantly. Actually i wanted to take a pic of my vomit and post it up, but after thinking thrice, decided not to gross you all out!!! Never thought that egg can be so disgusting, hopefully i wont kena some bird-flu from it.

I've once heard people saying that bird-nest is disgusting and gross cos it's being dig out from swallow's mouth. If people think that digging bird-nest from swallow's mouth is disgusting, spend a second to think where is egg being dug out from???? eeee.........

To end this, my sis just now asked me in chinese: 什么是生活? I told her isn't that everyday's life??? Then she said 生活是, 无奈地被下来, 就要坚强地下去。 Not a bad explanation right???

Venture forward....Inspired Capitialists!!

ok guys, it's me posting some more stuff on this blog... i can see that the regulars are fervently building up the blog with some nice contributions and i'm touched by now i will do the same also and hopefully we will be able to make this blog the most highly rated blog... and inspire the whole 4e class and our teacher tay kim noi(hope this name sounds familiar to all 4e-ians) proud of the blog...hahaha...talking about inspiration, european champion greece just won team of the year beating arsenal to the award while ronaldinho has won footballer of the year beating henry of arsenal and mourinho has won manager of the year beating arsene wenger of arsenal.... see the link here? wat is the problem with arsenal...surly they deserved something after dishing out some of the best football that the world has ever seen for the past one year and still is....don't the fans appreciate that? For those arsenal fans out there, do not despair, there will always be next year...

Now for something related to the title of this post...i was eating dinner at this zhi char(say it with a tinge of hokkien accent) stall when i thought of something interesting...before i revealed waht it is let me ask u readers out there...what r the most important thing to a singaporean? ok..i know its a tough question...there r so many things from money, houses, bills, good sex,babies etc etc...but i feel that its food and exam results....huh?? u may ask....good food is something singaporean can't live without while students strive to excel in their exams every this leads me thinking... perhaps the two most profitable business to do in singapore is to open a food stall and a tuition center....with this great idea in mind, i promptly set about deploying my agents to head-hunt for talents in these field of business...below is the list compiled by my scouts...

Position: Big Boss of this conglemerate
Name: Still Searching
Reason: Loads of money and the ability to spot a good business venture

Postion: Head cook in the zhi char stall
Reason: He came from a country which is well known for the delicacies and so are born with good genes...Coupled with his ability to mix around with the customers and talk cock with them, he will make an excellent accquisition and be able to earn huge profits for the zhi char stall.

Position: English Teacher / Public Speaking
Reason: With a potential to become a lawyer and make it big in either the finicial circle or law sector, he possess the paper qualifications to impress most parents who will not hesitate to send their kids to the tuition center. A word of caution though....he will demand huge fees for his service...

Position: Maths Teacher / Science
Reason(s): These future engineer, accountant and doctor will make good accquisitions for the tuition center as they have the necessary paper qualifications...they do not command astronomical fees as they are all fairly new and lack experience hence there is a need to groom them and moniter their development...recommend signing them on a short term contract.

Position: Geography / History
Reason: Although his goofy looks and bad reputation will not good down well with the image of the tuition center, he is still considered a class above the rest when it comes to geography and history...most importantly, he has a knack of making students pay attention to his lessons and reaping maximum results from a minimum effort... recommend to sign on a performance related contract...

Above is the list of people recommended by by scouts and i must say that the list above is not yet if u belive that you are the one i am looking for, contact me, Kim, Manager of Human Resorce Department... at this no: (find out yourself)...

Music for today: hybrid theory by linkin park

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

what a nice gesture frm lhh to invite me

hi all. This would be my virgin post on this site. Being an amateur blogger, i am unsure of what to write so i think i should follow hardcore blogger lhh's advice and just crap. I am glad someone sets up something like this and keeps everyone in contact with everyone else. If not for this blog, I would not have realised lhh is still MCing at home. it also explains why he never replies my sms whenever I excitedly tell him I'm in his camp. I am now pes c2l2 so i've ruled myself out of future street soccer sessions but rest assure that at no stage have i considered quitting 4E united for good. NS is truly boring so next time you ppl meet up besides for street soccer remember to ask me along!


This entry is a special request by my sister!!! My sister insisted me to write something on this topic, so here it is!!!

But before starting, I've changed the background song to MayDay's Le Se Che (Hokkien version). I think it is a very nice song and I dunno why I am suddenly crazy for MAYDAY!!!! Think they're the best from Taiwan, even better than Jackie Wu Zhong Xian.

Proceed to the main topic for today. Back on Monday, I woke up exceptionally early in the morning at 1145 cos my house was damn noisy that day!!! Then i discovered it was my sis and her friend making cookies in the kitchen. Watching them make cookies was actually quite interesting!!! I will not elaborate on the making process, so take a look at the finished product.

How do they look??? Not bad right?? If you think it's some cheapskate stuff, you are very wrong!!! Don't believe??? Simple Calculation Time For Certain People Who Claimed His Maths Very Good Cos He Scored 800 In SAT:

We'll make comparison with Famous Amos k?

1 packet of normal Famous Amos cost $6.50

To make these cookies, my sis and her friend required 1kg of flour--$1.50, 1/3 packet of Hershey (did I spell correctly?) choc powder--$5+ x 1/3, 1kg baking powder--$1.50, sugar--$1.00, cinnamon--$0.50 and vanilla--$0.50, 2 x butter at $1.00 each.

Cost of home-made cookies = $1.50 + $5/3 + $1.50 + $1.00 + $0.50 x 2 + $1.00 x 2
= $8.66 (approx)

Of course the electricity fee for the oven and time and effort for making it which is priceless are not taken into account here. Therefore home-made cookies are not Cheapskate stuff (proven).

Hopefully the working up there can be understood by our dear Ma Hanfeng!!! Oops, I said out his name. OOps.... Who cares!!!

After the cookies were all out, my sis and her friend started the packageing process. Packing the cookies into meal bag 1st then putting the meal bag of cookies into decorated paper bag. My sis told me to give some to Jy n seow since i meeting them on tues.

She told me to take photo of them eating as well as she super likes to see the way seow eats!!! So here is the photo of Jy n Seow posing with their respective paper bag!!!

See the drawing on the bag?? All about law stuff for our future lawyer.

For Dr Tham, we got the blabla-scope and the red-cross.

Both of them happily eating!!

After the cookies-eating session in JY's house, we slacked a while more at his place before going cineleisure to watch Monsieur N with WT. It was shown in the same theatre as the one we watched the famous Japanese Story!! Monsieur N is a not bad movie, so it had redeemed that particular theatre for showing lousy movie like Japanese Story.

Something to announce before ending. Jy sort of agree to hold the BBQ at his place liao. YEAH!!!! Remeber to book the place leh jy. That's all for today!!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Marathon Rankings out!!!

This is zxseow posting on LHH's account. Just to inform everyone the results are out at The two champions from our class (Mr Ong being too cheapskate to pay and register) who are ranked are me and wt. The rankings are 796 and 1541, for everyone's info. CLUE: I'm not the 1541 ranking. Everyone check it out! Marathon photos at, go find the chiobus! Lin Weiting, get a cable account to suan me back la!!

Monday, December 06, 2004

I Completed another 21km today

hi guys, this is my first post after the rebirth of our class blog. Actually i haven been reading the class blog 4 close to one wk liao... so imagine the shock when i saw all our previous posts deleted and banished into the wildwerness of cyberspace. This is so painful esp for all the people who have been supporting the blog, updating it and reading sad man...but i'm glad that hh has plucked up enough courage and try to "give birth" to a new class blog...its not easy esp after losing one so soon... so tell me hh, who is the mother of the class blog? HAHA!!!
kk, enough of all the crap liao...its time for me to reflect on my actions for the past week, actually to put it more straight-forward, its more on yesterday... below is wat happens....
On the 5th of DEC, 3 BRAVE souls woke up at an unearthly hour and meet up at the HQ of AI FO HUI. The mission is to represent this great society at the Standard Chartered Marathon... After going through months of training and in-doctrination of the teachings of Buddhism, 3 elites are chosen from the society and they are namely seow, weiting and me...Remember the names of these 3 great modern day heroes and the amazing journey they are going to embark...Here is the story of two of them...
At 0630, with adrenalin rushing through the body, i started my journey with wt. Together we pounded the ashpalt ...Along the way, we saw many amusing things like the guy with a cake over his body and the one wearing a wedding gown to run the marathon....Tireness sank in but we pushed on, determined to chase all the chio bu in front of us...As we slowly make our way back, wt begin to develop leg cramps near the 19km mark...nonetheless, with the teaching of the great AI FO HUI in mind, he pushed on and we managed to cross the finish line in an amazing time of 2hr and 40 min...which is very fast,rite? At last, months of training had not gone to waste...we had done AI FO HUI proud... OMITOFO...SO this marks the end of an amazing journey of two men and add an amazing chapter to the colourful history of AI FO HUI.
Now for next year, AI FO HUI will be holding a WU LIN DA SAI to chose devoted people to represent the society...registration has already started and all WU LIN ZHONG REN are welcomed...a word of warning though, this soceity is for the strong and not the weak,so join us if you want to prove something....once again OMITOFO...

Song for tonite: Somewhere i belong by LINKIN PARK

Singapore Marathon

The first major event after the 'divine' deletion of the first blog was the Singapore Marathon. In fact, on the face of the information, the flag off for the full 42 klick, at six hundred hours, happened barely four hours after the crime.

Unfortunately 4e'00 was not represented at the full marathon. Our champion steed Mr. Horsey became a lamer some two months before Race Day. As in physically crippled, not 'talking cock'. (He started talking cock probably ten years ago.) In any case, other potential runners, like LHH, Chongzhen/Jianwen aka YH, among others, withdrew because of injury or sheer laziness. In the event, three chaps bore the flag on Race Day--me, WT and OSK. Mr Ong was a free rider, for everyone's info.

Some interesting stuff (or some stuff anyway) to share with everybody:

1. Flagoff music was Final Countdown. Thought it was very appropriate.

2. The blackies were super fast. They were like this cloud of darkness swallowing the distance. $25, 000 for a morning run is pretty damn neat. No wonder the leader was so cheeky in waving to everybody.

3. There were super a lot of chio bus on the course. Track babes is my choice for the week. To all future marathon runners: REMEMBER THEIR BIB NUMBERS! So that you can order the photos later!

4. Drums really give you a kick even at the end. Chiobus cease to impress after 14 klick. Sorry, chiobus.

5. Only sprint when u can see 'Finish'. Because I started sprinting at the Esplanade end of the Esplanade bridge, and discovered at the Fullerton end that is was at the Padang. The distance from Fullerton to Padang is really not funny after you've run 20 klicks.

Enough said. Pictures speak a thousand words, so let me just put one now, or else you'all read too many words then concuss.

(L-R). Mr Ong, who cannot do sit-ups, Mr Lin, who proves that you can get two 'S' Paper Distinctons and yet be stupid enough to wear a tee-shirt to a marathon, and Mr Seow, yours truly, who is so cheapskate until don't want to buy running gear wear formation singlet.

PS. Kudos to Mr Ma, who got the integrity to not trade in Champion Chip to get the Finisher's paraphernalia. (I give him the benefit of the doubt that he did know of this loophole.)

PPS. Kudos to yours truly, who can spell paraphernalia without spellcheck.

Return of the Blog

We have struck it rich liao, gentlemen. Now we can make a trilogy of the history of our blog, namely-A New Blog (Ep. 1), The Zeng Strikes Back (Ep. 2) and The Return of the Blog (Ep 3). Coming to all temples near everyone. Check it out guys.

Really ah, not I want to say, technology nowadays really very advanced. Yours truly linpae clean his marble ass also need at least five, six swipes of the toilet paper lor. For big business need like six, seven swipes. But hor, three months of creative energy can wipe out with just one mouse click. So according to the Conservation of Energy-Mass, should return me some radioactive shit mah. How come don't have? Maybe too infinitesimally small, because need to divided by the speed of light squared. Speaking of the speed of light, that was how fast our blog disappeared. Last time ah, Henrich Himmler also say he accidentally kill six out of eight million European Jews.

Well, ladies, gentlemen, and other species! Happy times are back again! The resurrected blog promises to be even more deliciously scandalous, so stay tuned!

My Feeling on the blog Being DeSTroYeD!!!

The idea of setting up the blog actually originated from seow, me and horse. As you know, we are one bunch of IT-idiots. Besides installing/playing games, surfing net, downloading stuff and talking cock on icq/msn, we knew nothing about computer functions almost 1month+ ago. I don't even know how to use Microsoft Excel man!

However we still managed to start up this blog. We gotta deal with cheem cheem HTML stuff which we would never dream of touching. But the decoration of the page came up slowly. We got ourselves a visitor counters, a tagboard, links to seow's blog and PAP websites and lastly audio for readers to enjoy while reading. Computer experts, don't laugh at us!!!!

So when the news of the blog being destroyed, I was devastated!!! Never so full of negative feelings before!!! IT's just like your own daughter being brutally raped and murdered and the rapist cum murderer came right in front of your door and showed off to you. 气死我!!!!!

For people who didn't visit this page for a while or totally new, the following posts are lost forever:

Meaning of Words ----- zxseow

ShiBi ----- Bjiamin

24km Route March ----- DOCTORCHEE

Bush takes over as PLO leaders
Save The World
Attending Cultural Nights
Kranji Horse-Racing
Don't ever join the civil Service ----- Jo-hor-se

Cold-Blooded People
Balancing Stunts 1 & 2
Crazy Taxi Driver
Removing Stitch
LoHokHim Considers Retirement ----- LoHokHim

Taufik won S'pore Idol
After Watching Incredibles
Idol Injustice
Metrosexual poems
Different between man and woman ----- Reflection-of-Kim

Though the destroyer managed to salvage some of the entries here and there, but after serious consideration, we decide to start afresh since the originality and completeness of the old blog wouldn't be there anymore.

I am really quite depressed, so if any kind soul out there want to make me feel better, feel free to give me a call and treat me eat XiaoLongBao in either Crystal Jade or Din Tai Fung man, HAHA!!! Thanks in advance.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Infant Mortality and its re-birth

Member of rv4e2000, by now you all should have received an email + explanation from Liren saying that our 1 month old blog had been cruelly murdered!!!

Though it was a short journey, yet it's a beautiful 1 month for our blog. Through this blog, 4E people managed to re-connect with one and other. We have another way of expressing ourselves besides the weekly soccer session.

Since its birth in early November, there had been no less than 7 contributors, at least 400 visitors (though mainly ourselves) and numerous comments. It might not be impressive as compared to other famous blogs in Singapore, but it's definitely an achievement for a few guys who are IT-idiots and take it this far.

I hoped you all fellow 4E people had enjoyed your time reading the blog. Hereby I would like to thank Zhixiang, Sweekim, Hanfeng, Yaohui and HokHim. Without you, the blog would not even be up in the first place. Your effort of maintaining the blog will always be appreciated.

Now, let us have a minute of silence, in the memory of the old rv4e2000 blog. Rest in Peace.


However, we'll not be beaten by the evil forces so easily!!! You all just witnessed the rebirth of the blog!!!

我要代替月亮惩罚你. To hell you go, blog murderer.

Ok, so we will start afresh!!! Our old Blog might have suffered a premature death, but the spirit remains. Hope you guys will support the blog even more. For 4E people who wish to become member of this blog, please leave behind your email address in order for me to send an invitation to you.

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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